(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So go if you would to Luke chapter 17. Luke chapter 17. So we talked about how the Islamic influence, it corrupts a nation and it corrupts its education and it corrupts its its marriage practices but it also corrupts the children as well. And I want to talk about this. So whenever we were there I saw a guy and he had a t-shirt on and I pointed out to Albert and I thought it was a bad t-shirt at first. It said stop early marriage is what it said. And you know in our country and in the West basically you know we have a strong agenda pushing for men and women to wait until their 30s to get married and you know commit a lot of fornication, wait till they're married in their 30s and then maybe have a kid or two if they want to but and so I point at that shirt and I said man that's a bad shirt you know I like early marriage like 18, 19, 20, 21 that's great. And then Albert explained to me he said that's not what that means. No that's talking about like 11, 12, 13 year old kids getting getting married and I was just blown away by that. I had no idea that that was so prevalent but in fact it is. You know pedophilia is rampant in Sierra Leone today. I'll give you some statistics it says Sierra Leone is one of the most high-risk countries for child marriage and you know I'm very thankful for this that the government is actually really trying to fight against you know early marriage, child marriage, pedophilia you know it's trying to fight against that. If they're going to turn a blind eye to polygamy might as well just you know fight against this pedophilia you know and so I'm glad for that but I'll give you another statistic because it says in Sierra Leone the rate of marriage under 18 had dropped from 56 percent in 2006 to 39 percent in 2017, a major achievement in the eyes of child protection activists. Then COVID-19 hit, schools closed in March and child marriages accelerated as many village girls who had been attending classes in nearby towns returned home to their parents. So basically how this works in the rest of this article it says that basically if a family hits on hard times then they basically sell their daughter off to some rich Muslim guy who wants to add her to his harem of other women or whatever and so it's very wicked you know and and it's horrible it's disgusting and this next statistic makes me the the most mad but it says as stated by UNICEF's the state of the world's children 2013 report, 18 percent of Sierra Leonean women are married by the age of 15. 18 percent that that's a lot that's one out of every five girls are married by the age of 15 and Sierra Leonean but it gets worse it gets worse while 44 percent of them are married by the age of 18 as of 2017 Sierra Leone was ranked by UNICEF as the 19th nation for the highest rates of child marriage so get that one out of five women are married by the age of 15 and that and there they barely even make it to the top 20 lists of the worst nations for pedophilia I mean that's that's incredible I mean to 18 other countries are even worse than Sierra Leone pedophilia is rampant today and you know I didn't look at the other 18 nations or anything like that but I guarantee a lot of them are Muslim the nations you know I guarantee that it has to do with that influence coming in you know and and look pedophilia is vile it's disgusting it's sick it's abominable it's reprobate that's what it is and you're there in Luke 17 and look look at what Jesus said about it says in verse 1 then said he unto the disciples it is impossible but that offenses will come it is impossible with that pedophile would come it is impossible but that these wicked people will come but woe unto him through whom they come it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea than that he should offend one of these little ones it would have been better for Muhammad to have a millstone wrapped around his neck than for him to have married Aisha and it's better for these pedophile Muslims to die than to marry the children you know and the Sierra Leone government that you know they're trying to fight against it and everything but they just need to put the death penalty on it every single pedophile just needs to die and go straight to hell