(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, here's the connection that I see, and this is so fascinating when you think about the fact that the first alphabet in the history of mankind is the Hebrew alphabet. Now, it's also known as the Phoenician alphabet, because they use the same thing, but the Paleo-Hebrew or Phoenician alphabet is the original alphabet. And if you look at historical sources, they'll tell you it came out around 1500 BC, which just happens to be around the time that Moses is receiving the law from God. And so I believe that God basically waited to deliver his word in writing until there was an alphabet to deliver it in, because he wanted his word to be precise, because I don't think that's why he didn't give us his word as pictographs, because in languages like Japanese, they use pictographs, and Japanese also uses a lot of phonetic alphabet as well, the hiragana and katakana. But basically, if it's in hieroglyphics or Chinese characters, it could be too open for interpretation, the Bibles and pictographs, whereas God's saying, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word. And so it's more precise using an alphabet. So yeah, I think God's word should be delivered in an alphabet. And then, so the first alphabet in the history of mankind is the Hebrew alphabet, but the Hebrew alphabet has no vowels. It's 22 consonants, no vowels. It's like a texting language, no vowels. And then the first alphabet with vowels is the Greek alphabet for the New Testament. So we can get even more precise, actually have the vowels there to tell us. And so I don't think that's a coincidence, that God gave us the better testament. There we go. But he gave us the Old Testament in Hebrew, and then the New Testament's delivered in Greek. And the precision's important. That's why typically when you see a Japanese Bible where they use the Chinese characters, right next to it, basically you'll have next to it in hiragana or katakana spelled out how you should pronounce that character. Because to make sure, because some characters in Japanese could be, you know, 10 different words. It could be pronounced, there's 10 different readings. Basically it gives you the reading, it's called furigana, they put on the side to tell you how to pronounce it. So I do think that God's word should not be delivered in a pictographic form. I think it should be delivered in an alphabet or syllabic, you know, either way, you know, something phonetic. When you were learning Greek, I think you said that you were talking on some kind of an online platform with somebody. So it's called italki. So it's the letter I talk, and then another I.com, italki.com, and you can either make deals with people, other students where you'll be like, hey, I'll help you with English for a half hour, and then you'll help me with Greek for a half hour, and then it's like a trade for free, or you can hire people for $5 an hour, $10 an hour, $15 an hour. Some of them are cheap. A lot of them you can get the first lesson for a buck, $1, and get a half hour or something. And you're talking to somebody, and I've talked to people in Israel practicing Hebrew with people in Israel, talked to people in Greek, Spanish. It's great, because the best way to learn a foreign language is by talking, for sure. And you have to, like he said, you have to be like a toddler, except you can be converted and become as little children, you cannot enter into the kingdom of knowing another language. Like when you're a teenager, you care what everybody thinks about you, because I went to Germany when I was 18, and I was embarrassed, because I sound like an idiot when I'm speaking German because I'm learning. And every once in a while, you're going to say something embarrassing, you're going to say something stupid, you're going to say something crazy, you know what I mean? And so I remember I used to really like talking to children, because I felt like they're not judging me, you know what I mean? But I hated talking to other teenagers, because I cared what they thought about me. So you really have to be humble and be willing to sound like an idiot, because you're going to sound like an idiot. I could tell you embarrassing things that I've said in other languages. Like basically, sometimes in a language you want to say that it's hot outside, and then you end up saying like, hey, I'm pretty hot, you know what I mean? That's what it sounds like to them, you know, right? And just pronunciation, I mean, my Spanish pronunciation, I'll say words and they're like, what, what are you saying? And sometimes one little difference can make you say something like really embarrassing. Like I've said some really weird stuff. And it's like, yeah, it's just the price that you pay, though. But you know, isn't that what toddlers literally do? Oh yeah. They put their foot in their mouth, and they say weird things, and their words don't make sense and you're constantly correct. That's how you learn, though. The best way to learn is forget about being perfect. Just say stuff. Because you can't really skip the process, you just have to decide to go through it. Yeah, you got to work. And I remember all these missionaries would come to our church and they're like, oh, I'm not going to learn it until I get there, because if I learn it on my own, I'll learn it wrong. Learning it wrong is step one. You learn it wrong and then you, no seriously, you learn it wrong and then you fix it. That's how you learn a foreign language. You don't just go straight to doing it perfect. You learn it wrong and then you fix it. Learn it wrong, fix it. That's how you do it. That's how toddlers, do toddlers just learn it right? No. They learn it wrong. They say everything 100% wrong and then they get it right. And some of the stuff they say is hilarious, what they think words mean. You know, like- What did I say? Truck. What? I mean, I'm trying to think of some of the funny examples that my kids have done where they mixed up what, oh yeah, you know how things are like pitch, you say pitch black. Oh, it's pitch black outside because pitch is black. Pitch is like tar, right? But they just thought pitch is just like a superlative. So they said, hey, he was pitch naked, you know? Like it's just like, it's not gonna make no sense, but they'll do stuff like that, you know?