(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening. This is now with Costco Billboards. I'm in the state of Pennsylvania. May I ask which state you're calling from? Hello, how are you doing? I'm doing fine and yourself? I'm very good today. I'm wanting to know what you need to do to go to heaven one day. I come from India. They have Muslims and all kinds of religions over there. I'm wanting to know in America what you need to do to go to heaven. I'm wanting to know, do you need to be a good person to go to heaven or do you only need to believe? A person needs to believe that salvation is through Christ and when we receive forgiveness of sins, when we ask to have our sins forgiven by Jesus in true repentance, he gives us his Holy Spirit that then lives within us. What do you mean repentant? I don't know English very good. Okay, that's fine. To repent is to be sorry for one's wrongdoings and to turn and go the other direction. But how sorry do I have to be? To realize that sin separates me from God. Do I need to stop sinning? That power comes after I realize my sinfulness. Let me tell you a quick story. I'm working in a call center and in call center we scam people every day. I get two, three, four hundred dollars a day from you American. I tell you that I'm calling social security, you give me all your banking information, I take your banking accounting number and I put it in my bank account. And I'm going on cruise and all kind of vacation from the money that I got from scamming people every day. Do I have to stop scamming people to go to heaven or if I believe but then I continue scamming? Do I lose the saved? The law of God tells us one of the laws of God is that we don't feel, that we don't covet, that we don't take from other people what is not ours. It also tells us that adultery, living with and lusting after another woman other than our wife is wrong. It tells us that having idols is wrong. So this is the holiness of God portrayed in the laws of God. And in order to be right with God we need to become aware of our sinfulness and that our enemy, Satan, wants to convince us that we can disregard the laws of God. So according to the Bible there will be a change of heart. The desire will change. To no longer scam people? Where you no longer feel comfortable and free to take things that are not yours. Okay. But I want to know. This is what I do for job. In New Delhi that's what we do for job. If I believe but then I do not stop doing the scamming, will I go to hell after believing? Will I lose, what do you call it, salvation? Do I lose, can somebody lose the salvation that you are talking about? According to the scripture I believe a person can because we need to continue following him. I have one more question but before we go. Gupta, I have a phone. Gupta, I'm talking to you. I have big word on the phone. We scamming for million dollar. Million dollar Gupta. Do you have any gift card next to you? Who are you on the phone with? No. Do you have a gift card? Okay, if you go to Wal-Mart, if you go to Wal-Mart right now, you can get gift card. Are you talking to Christian again? Gupta. What do you want? Gupta, we had to call a 7-11. My cousin, he worked there. He got a big word for million dollar scam. Okay. Who are you talking to? I don't know from American, American boy. Are you talking to another heretic, one who believe he can lose his salvation? What an idiot. The bible is clear. It's a free gift by faith. What is wrong with these people? They can't even read around scripture. I don't know. They are so stupid. They don't believe in Jesus. They believe in themselves. Gupta, talk to him. Get his social security number. Do you have, do you have social security number sir? Yes. Okay, I just want you to know, I'm also working for the US government. And we are collecting social security number because you have outstanding balance of $50,000. If you are willing to give me your social today, I can go ahead and take that. We can get there right now. I'm interested in talking about the salvation that we can get through Jesus Christ. Okay, but I'm telling you, I am telling, listen to me, I am telling you, if you give me social, we can continue talking about how you can lose your salvation. But before we continue talking about that, I need social. You all are ridiculous. I can't even, I can't even talk anymore. You know, again, for people watching that are like going to be naysayers, these are very bad people, all right? They're teaching people work, they're worse than scammers. They're worse than scammers than Indian guy. You know, the reality is people call that are sincere, trying to get to heaven, they tell them they can lose their salvation, they tell them it's by works, and then a lot of them die and go to hell, right? They make people twofold more the child of hell than themselves. You read Matthew chapter 23, the way Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees, well, it was vehement and it's because of the fact that eternity is at stake here and God hates false prophets. Amen. And Elijah mocked the false prophets. Elijah mocked the false prophets as well. Peradventure, he sleepeth, he said, about their fake satanic god, so, you know. Well, and again, let's make it clear, these people aren't saved. Like the one that was nice at the beginning, we tried to be kind of nice to her. We were nice to her. And, you know, again, I even think us rebuking some of those people is the best thing we can do for them, because they need to hear the gospel, they need to know that they're not saved. Yeah, that chick who hung up on me, you know, I think needed to hear that.