(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I Was gonna take my mom's last name, you know, her last name is written written house Got about that, would you have brought you're related to Michael Johnson would have been all He got to where he's at now because of his uncle I Trolled like make a family tree To change my last name to that and then I'm just not doing it was Pablo Escobar already like prolific at that time or no I Mean like when I was in a change Dead, I thought he's still alive what Pablo Escobar has been dead for a long time I know Escobar. I don't think of somebody else. There's kind of a conspiracy Escobar is Mexican Columbia tomato tomato. He's one of the biggest Colombian drug lords of all time had his own prison. What's the name of the man hippos? What's it? it's like Solomon with an eight look all like the The The cocaine craze of what the 80s or whatever. Yeah, he's actually one responsible He would fund everyone in Compton and different parts of the No Yeah Escobar owned the CIA he basically like he had submarines Transporting drugs when they arrested him. He said that's fine. You can arrest me. I'll just stay in my mansion He Would burn piles of money would lay the terms you'd burn house of money to keep his daughter warm if she was cold dang They would spend I think like over a thousand dollars in rubber bands weekly for money The guy was like a major drug kingpin. Did I mention he had hippos? He died a horrible death cuz you know letting deceitful mention How do you guys a state actually escaped and now they're like reaping havoc on like Columbia He's the one who coined the phrase Money or lead like you would go to the authorities and say okay, you can take my money or you take the lead So everyone would just comply with him. Mmm the Medellin cartel