(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It almost seems as though like veganism is going to be the the diet of the new world order and When you look at the ramifications of veganism, you can kind of you you can see why it would be, you know It makes people docile It does I think it was you that said on sunday. Does it shrink the frontal lobe cortex? It shrinks your entire brain including the frontal lobe frontal lobe cortex Which is why like you when you run into a lot of vegans who've been vegans for like 20 or 30 years They're like psychotic because like what happens is when like your frontal lobe cortex like shrinks or smaller It that's like found in like psychopaths like uh, like ted bundy and or people like that. So literally over time This diet is literally making them crazier stupider more easily controlled and it's making them physically weaker And like they also can't reproduce because they lose that like fertility There's a bunch of stuff that veganism isn't just like a doctrine of devil as in it's like, you know um Like it's it's saying what foods you can and can't eat or whatever But it really is a religion where it's like trying to make people as like weak and docile as possible I think it really is like the new world order diet