(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Reading the Bible cover to cover can be a pretty daunting task, especially if you've never read a book in your life but the solution to this is actually found in the development of your Habits and a great book in the Bible that can actually help with that is actually the book of Proverbs now Why is that? Well, the book of Proverbs is filled with 31 very short but content filled chapters And so if you can simply commit to reading a chapter a day of the book of Proverbs for 30 days for 60 days For 90 days you would have succeeded in reading the Bible consistently every single day for that amount of time and there's a principle there called the aggregation of marginal gains and the idea behind that is that if you can simply Improve your habits by 1% each day That 1% habit will have compounded to greater numbers and in our case if you can simply commit to reading one chapter A day of the book of Proverbs you will have built a consistency and diligence to read the entire Bible