(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A new CDC report shows that New York City's abortion rate is 60% of its birth rate. New York City has the highest abortion rate in the country, where the abortion rate is 60% of its birth rate. While black Americans comprise of 13.3% of the United States population, they make up 36% of the total abortions reported in 2013, according to the CDC's latest report. And as I've said before, and I'll say it again, if black lives matter, why are they not out protesting and doing everything they can to make abortion illegal? And the facts don't lie. Black Americans are 13% of the United States population, yet they make up 36% of the total abortions. Absolutely ridiculous. This whole black lives matter movement is an absolute joke when you take this into consideration. Here's a chart showing the babies aborted and the babies born. 69,000 aborted, almost 70,000 aborted, 116,000 born in New York City in 2013. It's insane. Only about, what, 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001, but in just one year, in New York City, 70,000 babies are murdered, and these are just the ones that are reported. 37% aborted, 63% born. New York City also had 1,752 late-term abortions. That's 21 weeks or later gestation in 2013. That's more than the states of New Jersey and Georgia combined. And where is all this in the news, anyway? The media's not talking about this. Media silence. New York City abortion rate is 60% of birth rate. But where is it in the news? Nobody cares. And let me tell you, God absolutely hates this. The Bible says, these six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto him. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. The shedding of innocent blood clearly describes abortion. And God hates this. And one day, God is going to bring judgment on our country because of this. So we need to pray that abortion becomes illegal in the United States of America. And that we will quit shedding innocent blood in our nation. Let me know what you think about this in the comments below. And if you're new, be sure to subscribe to the channel, and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching. You