(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Just when you thought that the Steven Anderson camp couldn't get any more childish and pathetic. Yes, uh, uh, uh, uh, um, yeah, yes, my brain is totally clean and now only has... Hey everyone, this is Brother Mejia here. Just want to put out a response to Brian Dunglinger's video that he made about me regarding a video that I made earlier this week announcing the dispensation of heresy. Now, if you don't know anything about Brian Dunglinger, I don't blame you. You know, he's a nobody, but he's this hyper-dip-sexationalist rock-tard who is obsessed with Pastor Anderson. He's obsessed with the new IFB, but he's this major dispensational, just heretic, false teacher, false prophet who contradicts himself all the time. He makes these weird videos with his wife. But I do want to say, the reason I'm making this video is I want to say thank you, Brian, for promoting my documentary there on your channel. And I appreciate you promoting that and publicizing that to your followers so they can watch it. But he starts off the video by saying, Just when you thought that the Steven Anderson camp couldn't get any more childish and pathetic. But the ironic thing about that is this. Just when you think it can't get more childish and pathetic, then I run into something like this. They are militantly anti-catholic! Oh, yes, of course, Dr. Sportypants. Just when you thought that the Steven Anderson camp couldn't get any more childish and pathetic. You have done that yourself! Or even something like this. Like, oh, things are going well! We need to transfer you to the hospital immediately! It's an emergency! Yeah, and again, you know, look back. This little man right here is exactly why we militantly rebuked that satanic witch's coven across the street from here in Austin. Who's wearing the pants in that family? Opium. A derivative of the opium from the poppy plant. You are dealing with street drug dealers in a lab white coat. Yeah. Can the man get a word in? Can the man get a word in? Just when you thought that the Steven Anderson camp couldn't get any more childish and pathetic. Oh, when the bayou han na don't buy a heartache to bite them. Giv' us our deco kazuki. Oh, yoh, yoh, yoh, yosh, yosh, son, pie and pie, oh, yoh, yoh, yoh, Lord my God, and then I hope for the better son, yah, yah, yah, yah. Church. To report those hair ticks! We love you, Paul. Now seriously, all jokes aside, I just want to thank you for publicizing my film to your crowd there, to your followers, and so they can watch my video. I really appreciate that. But I do want to correct you on one thing that you were wrong on. This is an area that I would like to correct you on. Yes, an Easter egg hunt in a video debunking dispensationalism. Now if you quoted me, then I apologize for that because I was wrong about that. That's not what we're trying to do. That's not my agenda. I don't have that attitude. I just want to debunk it and do all that. Actually what I'm trying to do is destroy dispensationalism. And my agenda, my goal, is to abolish it, is to destroy it, and to make people like you look stupid. And to really reveal to the people, to the masses, how foolish, how devilish, and heretical dispensationalism really is. And so, I just want to correct you on that one thing. So, that's pretty much it. Make sure you tune in on Monday, 9 o'clock AM, Brian, for the Dispensation of Heresy. You have a cameo appearance in that film. I apologize. I wasn't able to put you as much as maybe you would want. But I did put you in there because you are stupid enough to believe that stuff. I didn't want to leave you out. And so, make sure you watch it, Monday, 9 o'clock AM Pacific time, by the way. So, it's Monday, 9 AM Pacific time. And there's a couple questions in the comments regarding the t-shirts that we're going to be giving out. And they said, are you going to be able to ship them across seas? I apologize. It's only going to be for the United States. And so, just keep that in mind, alright? God bless and have a great one.