(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) That's all he was asking I think we did on the broadcast I don't think he did you actually passed it on to Grady and he just kind of looked at you And then you just kind of jump in yeah, maybe there'll be more than yeah Be more than glad to answer it now spiritual Jew versus a physical Jew. We are grafted in with Israel We have not replaced Israel. It's very clear. We've taught that for a very Israel can get in by works No Israel cannot get in by works not right now But before a Jew who is saved in this dispensation is no longer a Jew he is in Christ There's neither general Gentile in Christ the Jew who dies without Jesus Christ in this dispensation or any dispensation goes to hell So so so how much work they have to do before they need to receive I don't know Keeping love or assuming keeping mercy for thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Exodus 20 verses Today the commandment is to believe on Lord Jesus Christ We are saved The world know this the sins of the world are not imputed of anybody in the world That's second Corinthians 5 19 to it there might be verse 18 verse 18 and 19 to it that God was in Christ Reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses into them So you're saying that how were they safe than the other the first dispensation of this the first dispensation Dispensation of innocence of innocence. They were saved by they were saved by abstaining abstaining from the tree of life So there's only one commandment given there's only one commandment can be broken. Okay, so that's how they were saved Let me ask you a question. When were the disciples? So the big hell, you know, what were the disciples say? So yeah, I just got up that dispensation Just the answer to your questions answer mine when were the disciples say Okay, when did they believe believe in one believe in one believe in Jesus believe in Jesus what just believe in Jesus So as soon as they were so they were saved as soon as they believe them and when did that happen When did when did that happen because you find because you find in the gospel of Luke that when Jesus every time Jesus talked about That they never understood that so in Genesis So when did they when did they understand the death-blown resurrection Jesus Christ put all their faith and trust in that get saved Well, I think it was after the resurrection Which you said you haven't watched all of it you'll find my apologies I should we read we read several verses where the disciples clearly say the the Bible quizzes. They don't understand it They question among themselves what the raising the dead should mean. They did not understand the death-blown resurrection of Jesus Christ But they were going door-to-door two by two preaching the gospel preaching what? Oh, can you show me that in the scripture? Can you show me one place where that says that where the disciples were preaching that were they preaching? Matthew chapter 10 are you referring to Matthew 10 are you referring to acts 20 because that's where they went Well, I'm asking you what you're referring to acts 20 where they actually went door-to-door or in Matthew chapter 10 Where the sins the 70 out to about to which one let's go ahead and go to bites okay in Matthew 10, okay? They're preaching the gospel of the kingdom in Matthew chapter 10 Can you please show me the death-grown resurrection in Matthew 10 anywhere you have a Bible with you, okay? I'll eat every page of the Bible if you can show me where they're preaching the gospel in Matthew chapter 10 the death-grown resurrection is the finish of Calvary No, you show me You show me in Matthew 10 the death-grown resurrection of Jesus Christ So can you do it? Oh, it's not a Matthew 10. So what gospel they preaching them what they had another gospel They're preaching the gospel of the kingdom, that's what it says the gospel of the kingdom gospel of the kingdom the gospel that read Matthew 10 Yeah Even if heaven is at hand so what is still the same today? John chapter 3 so the gospel the grace of God's the same as the gospel you still got to repent now Hey, wait a sec wait a sec So where's that where where did John preach? The death-grown resurrection of Jesus Christ as the finished work as the only thing you got me to put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ That was the only thing you had to do Repent means to change your mind see you need to watch my video. That's good. Okay, so it's change your mind sure I'm a Jew and I believe in something else in Judaism You believe yes if you're repenting from your unbelief in Christ Okay, but you said another dispensation they had to repent for what They had to repent of whatever it is see in the Old Testament I mean if you will go to you mind if I show you one verse actually now that we brought that up just You might you can show me whatever I'm glad so you were mentioning and John the Baptist Well X 19 actually tells us what that was They should believe on him which should come after Absolutely the problem is is nobody's in the gating in the Gospels that Jesus Christ But pretty was already preaching that you that was John the Baptist before Christ even believing on Christ Has nothing to do with the fact that there was not a works-based or whatever you want to call it Involved in that nobody's denying the fact that they weren't preaching Jesus The fact of the matter is is you're gonna have a super hard time showing me where Jesus the disciples Excuse me, Matthew 10 are going through preaching the death brought only Matthew 10 Well, where else are they going to be preaching the gospel? You you specifically asked so when it says if ever hand were justified by works He after work the glory but not before God and in Romans chapter 4. Mm-hmm Abraham believed God and was believe God believed What believe what believed God believe? Okay. What about what about God? Where's that from? I will say you tell me where that phrase is found in the Old Testament So the Bible says that the more that phrase was preached upon you don't believe the New Testament you can you show me where the phrase? What did that things in certain places? Yeah, and you can't I'm asking you what the Genesis what that means Genesis chapter 15 is where God says Genesis 15 or 12 I think it's Genesis chapter 15 the New Testament match legal 10 and and what does Abraham believe? In Genesis 50 when you show me that in Genesis 15, I can't show you it in Genesis 15 I can show you that in New Testament. It says the Gospels preached on to Abraham I'm not perfect. You are well, this was perfect for me If you'd say a little bit you might find out go to Galatians chapter 3 and you'll find out what? So you're saying sir? You're Was what Abraham believe This way. No, I'd like to show you but you don't allow me to show you in Genesis 3 Genesis 3 15 the promise of the Messiah Where does it talk about the death thrown resurrection Genesis? Wait a sec. Wait a sec. So you're telling me that Genesis 3 15 doesn't have to mention the death thrown resurrection Shows it where how does it show it? Sacrifice of an animal sacrifice of an animal in Genesis 3 15. I don't know if it's You're afraid to go there. Why are you afraid to go there? I'm not afraid to go there. Come on buddy What's your name? My name is Jason Jason. I'm sure it is So anyway, this is chapter 3 you're gonna be looking at verse 21, okay So they already had figs and were naked right so it fixed together and made themselves people Mm-hmm. Okay, but God still ended up after they saw themselves naked. Sure. What did he do? I mean codes of skin sure and where's the resurrection there? So if the gospel is the death thrown resurrection of Jesus Christ That's the gospel. Can you show me the resurrection in Genesis 3 an animal? Sure, okay the animal come back to life. Here's the question. Here's the question He did when he came to the Lamb of God slain from the foundation the ways that way So the gospel is the death be on resurrection. Can you show me the death ground resurrection in Genesis 3? I'm showing you the death. I'm showing you a problem. Okay, I asked you for the resurrection Where's the problem question? Where's the promise of the resurrection? Over I mean speaking over me is that you're not answering my questions Where's the promise of the resurrection in Genesis 3? Let me in the promise of the resurrection where you said the problem wasn't that me a picture not a good enough Where's the picture of the resurrection in Genesis 3? What do you mean? Where are the coats of skins and where's the resurrection of man? You need to show the rest of are you saying that's when Jesus are you I'm asking so long. Yeah, I'm asking you the death be on resurrection is the gospel I'm asking you to show me the resurrection. So you're saying you don't need the resurrection to be saved I'm absolutely saying you need the resurrection to be saved So I'm asking you if the gospel is found in Genesis 3 to show me the resurrection enable Brought the one brought the fruits of the work of his hand and the other one brought the fat thereof Can you show me the resurrection in Genesis 3? Of course not. I mean, okay within that then there's no gospel there Now go to like gospel and not in Genesis 3 there is not the gospel the grace of God now go to Genesis Go to Galatians chapter 4. So my question to you is but one thing before I leave Genesis when when Abel brought There of I know the scripture Okay, so so the point is what is he showing you what's the difference between two Sure, I have no problems with types in the Old Testament no problems with like the problem is you can have no type without an Anti type. Okay, so that just because they have work. I'm just asking questions. I'm not trying to get mad I understand but but this is gonna go all over the internet, which is fine. I'm more than glad I don't know where it's going. It's not my camera. Okay. Well, I'm I'm just asking but I'm sure your boy here I'll probably put on the end boy. Actually, he's not my dad. I'm not his boy. Okay, well, all right Galatians chapter Galatians chapter 3 and verse number now you misquoted the verse earlier maybe and the scripture for seeing that Preach through what you skip through through faith would just find a turn through faith Preached the gospel before the gospel you're messing it up yourself. Okay? Preach before the gospel and Abraham in these all nations of the earth be blessed So what was preached over? So what was preached Abraham the gospel? No, no, is that what the verse says? Preached before the gospel Okay, so why was that word effective because he preached before the gospel God preached to Abraham in these all nations of the earth Be blessed. Oh, they're gonna be blessed through Jesus Christ But Abraham does not know that Abraham does not know the death and burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the payment for our sin If you can show me that I'll be more than glad to see that Well, do you remember when he put his son on the of course Genesis chapter 22? Okay, so you not see that as a picture as well I mean I can go through all the books of the horse. I'll show you a picture of course I see that as a picture. The problem is is when those two disciples are walking down the Emmaus road and Jesus appears to them. I think it's the Emmaus room Luke 24 and Jesus appears them He begins to expound all the way through the Old Testament all these passages that deal with him The Jews did not understand that there would be a coming Messiah that would suffer and die for their sins. They had these they saw these pics in the Old Testament That's why the scriptures clearly says they could not distinguish between the sufferings of Christ and the glory What should be there saying there were three gospels? Yes three you can go on my facebook and find there Can you show me three gospels in the Bible? I absolutely can. All right He was like to hold this I Can even show you their individual names go. All right, so you have Matthew chapter 10 See of the gospel of the kingdom Matthew chapter 10, let's see here Just a second Let me do a quick search on my phone Haven't memorized all the scriptures. That's most of them. That was a joke. I appreciate your sense of humor All right, there we go Matthew chapter 4. Oh, that's my Matthew chapter 4 in verse 23 All right and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and Healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among among the people that praise is found four or five times throughout the gospels So you have the gospel of the kingdom then you have the gospel of the grace of God She might tell them what the gospel of the kingdom is what was the message? The message of the gospel of the kingdom was found in Matthew chapter 10 heal the sick You read it Matthew chapter 10 you have to heal the sick to be saved. No the gospel of the kingdom So what did I have to do to be saved them? In the gospel under the gospel of the kingdom. Well, they're still under the dispensation of the law See, this is a continuation. How much of the law would I have to keep before? I know I'm saved Question Old Testament believers are not promised eternal security. That's why David said cast not away that Holy Spirit from me So you don't believe that the eternal security is the gospel not in the Old Testament. It's not so there's a different Sure, I'm just trying to know I understand listen, but if you know if you'd watch some of my stuff All right, then you have the guy I know you put I notice you point a lot of people to stuff and You know books mainly, you know read this person's book and you'll understand the tribulation thing is what you said yesterday Actually, I'm one of them all in my videos actually yesterday when Brady was when that happened You said point, you know, you said you have to read this book to understand something in the tribulation I'd have to watch the video. I don't know if I said that it was it was basically the same one I believe with I Told you about that first Give me just a second. Absolutely All right, then we have an axe chapter 20 I Appreciate your time. Oh sure Act chapter 20 in verse 24 But none of these things move me neither can I my my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course With the joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God There's a gospel the grace of God the gospel of the kingdom and then you have Revelation chapter, but aren't we saved by grace? You know, I don't believe that grace all the way through No, so what are we saved by today if that says the gospel of grace even now today Ephesians 2 that's that's something different That's the same thing. That's the possible preaching in Acts 20 because he's given the gospel the grace of God That's why he calls it my gospel several times, you know, Pauline epistles. All right, his gospel. Look he calls it my gospel I mean, so yes Sure, all right, and then you have Revelation chapter 14 And Verse number six and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel Preaching to them. There's an everlasting gospel. So there's an everlasting gospel There's a gospel of grace the gospel the grace of God and there's one of the kingdom. There's three different guys. Yes So if there's three different gospels, you know, let's look at this though Having the ever say that there's a first gospel that where we have to keep one commandment wouldn't that before? There's three gospels there's the gospel the grace of God King the gospel of the kingdom and the everlasting gospel So let me ask what was the one from Adam and Eve? Yeah, I want to show you this here That's preached before the gospel. All that is before the gospel Okay Galatians chapter 3 says someone I want you to notice here Saying with the loud voice who's preaching the everlasting gospel saying with the loud voice fear God and give glory to him For the hour of his judgment has come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of Waters, so we're saved by grace through faith. Can you show me turn away here? Can you show me the death known resurrection in the everlasting gospel? Yeah, can you take those verses where the angels preaching the everlasting I'm just trying to understand so, okay Well, I'm what I'm asking you is can you take these verses where the angels preaching the everlasting gospel to find it exactly right? See that's that's that's the problem you guys have when an angel comes preaching the everlasting gospel It tells you exactly what he says and then you say oh, obviously there's more there because of whatever else You know in Galatians when it says that if any man preach any other gospel on to you Let him be a curse which means let him go to hell you agree, right? Sure. Okay, so You really think that your way of reading the Bible? Isn't say that there's another gospel or anything like that. It's not it's not that Doesn't have to do with that verse the the problem with that is is Paul's talking about the gospel any other gospel And we believe because of the change in dispensation. It's all you know, all of my Facebook You know, what is dispensation mean? It's a length of time the length of time where God deals with different men in different Ages or excuse me in different ways with different men. Can you show me that? Yeah, well they run along they run along with these the word dispensation they run along living Something that Dispensed on to you. Yes, you can use that terminology if you like it is runs along with the covenants So with each different covenant that God gave there's a different dispensation where God deals with men Different so you don't fear the fact that you're kind of like preaching other gospels. Oh, yeah, please go around all these people I've won the Lord and ask them what I've told them because I've definitely told them that they need to do a work based system Get out of here with that gentleman. Here's your Bible So, yeah go around all the people I've won the Lord to come to my church Oh, yeah, cuz when I knock on their door, I definitely say hey, let me give you a Bible Let me give you a break down of three Gospels So when you get to the door, do you just sell your book as I've heard things that? People were selling books. I have a book I've never written it. I know that Grady does okay He goes out and he he goes to the door and basically you see you've heard what now I Heard what people uh-huh with Grady that actually goes so winning with him Okay, explain that he actually tries to talk about his book at the door. I've never went so winning with Brady I've know how do you know Grady aside? I've never heard him say that, you know, it's I've never heard Video, did you see that video? I've said something about repentance being works Excuse me No, I've never seen the video. Well, he teaches we preach against revenge on Grady's what Brady has told me personally I believe the man is safe man does not hit your workspace salvation But to clarify what I do at the door what I've done with so many in this Individual neighborhood here like we've done all over Asheville I hand them a track and buy them to church ask me if they're a hundred percent sure they're going to heaven if they say No, or not. Sure. I take a gospel track Show them the plan of salvation. Sure. You may have this one. Oh perfect. Okay And that you're a sinner cannot save himself as written. There's no righteous No, not one from off sinner come short of glory God Romans 3 23 a man is justified by faith without the leaves of the law That's very good. Well God commanded his love towards us and that were yet sinners Christ died for us Confess claim, where's the eternal security? Is there a person claim Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Oh, so because I don't have eternal security on this track It's a false track Well, I mean isn't isn't that what saves you is knowing that it's isn't that the difference between me and a Catholic me in a Yeah, so so when somebody gets saved we follow up with them with these charges asking I don't know We know we don't have the internal security on our track. So anyway, thank you so much. Yeah I appreciate yeah In acts 28 said he preached the kingdom of God the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is the is joy peace and Joy, peace and love. I think it is in the Holy Ghost Romans chapter 14. So anyway guys have a great day. What'd you say about Ruckman? I'm sorry, please explain again to me Oh Ruckman and Ruckman teaches another gospel. Yeah. Yeah, whatever. That's fine. All right, you guys keep doing what you're doing and ask you one thing now Do you guys believe that a man has to be led to the Lord out of a King James version? In order to be saved if the verse is the same and the other versions I personally think that he would have to So if I went around I wouldn't obviously but if I went around with an NIV and went through Romans Road Somebody and they you know, excepted it believed on the Lord. What is it saying the Romans are saved or not? Well, it's the same Romans Road, right? Where does it say? So let me ask you a question So if a man puts his faith and trust in Jesus Christ, that's the only thing he's trusting them Regardless if that was from an NIV, which I think is a terrible I would never in a million years using it Of course, why is that because you know, it's false. I mean, we all know it's false. I understand We understand it's false course, but if a man is putting his faith and trust in the gospel Mm-hmm. Is that what he has to do to be saved? Right, right. So you bunch of heretics adding something to salvation. No. No, I didn't say I believe that I've seen people do it without the Bible. Okay, I'm done talking You're got you guys do the same thing you accuse as long as you quote the verses right quote the verses properly Hey, I have so if I misquote a verse when I'm leading somebody Lord, are they saved? Well, if they don't believe have a good day my friend, thank you It's so hateful brother What's that getting people baptized and telling them they're saved by three Gospels