(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So how did you end up getting ordained? I don't think you've ever really publicly stated these things but what what you know you went back to that church seriously I I went to I grew up in an independent fundamental Baptist Church and if I had let's say that I liken that church under under a sports team they're a bunch of stinking losers that's what they are you know it's the church that I grew up in my entire life so for people to say one thing people have been like oh it's just like a drive-through ordination it's like that couldn't be you know more from the truth this is literally the church that I was born in like I was why were they happy to ordain you after they're a bunch of stinking losers that's what they are and why were they happy to ordain you when they were so against you know I guess is it replacement theology people call it or dispensationalism I mean most independent Baptist churches wouldn't touch somebody who's post-trip with a ten-foot pole well I mean because I've been in the church my entire life I'm sure my I grew up my dad's a Sunday school teacher there I mean it's seriously I I went to I grew up in an independent fundamental Baptist Church and if I had to let's say that I liken that church under under a sports team they're a bunch of stinking losers that's what they are I grew up in that church mine but they didn't have a problem ordaining you even with your end times positions yeah no no my pastor was well aware of our disagreements and he's he's like a hyper dispensationalist they're a bunch of stinking losers that's what they are so he was the pastor his name is Dave Turner you know now publicly had I could you just threw that guy under the bus man yeah so they're a bunch of stinking losers that's what they are so did I mean did it ever cross your mind you know if you got ordained by your dad then people are gonna say drive-by daddy ordination kind of thing seriously an independent fundamental Baptist Church and if I had to let's say that I liken that church under under a sports team they're a bunch of stinking losers that's what they are