(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I've got some bad news. Tyler Baker has been fired from his job here at Faithful Word Baptist Church and there are several reasons why and I'm gonna explain all the reasons but the biggest reason why is that he is believing and spreading a serious heresy in our church. I found out that he believed this only yesterday around noontime and I found out he's been spreading it only to certain people he was very careful who he approached with this false doctrine but he has an inner circle he has a faction of people that he's been infecting with this and to mine I know of five people five men in the church that have families that he's infected with this and it's very serious and so here I am making this video less than 24 hours later because I feel like people have the right to know and especially because I know there are a lot of people who are planning on moving out to Jacksonville some might have already put in notice at their job or they're already making plans to move and so I didn't want to wait even a few days because of the fact that you know people could be making serious plans and then you know they make these plans to move down there and then they find out that you know Tyler Baker's been fired from his job here and that he's not going to be ordained by our church he's not going to be sent out as a pastor because of this heresy and a few other reasons but here's the thing I don't know whether this church valiant Baptist Church in Jacksonville is going to be founded or not but I certainly know that I will not be laying hands on him I will not be participating in any way and I will have zero fellowship with him ever until he repents of this heresy now the biggest heresy that he's been teaching is he is basically denying the Trinity he's saying that the Trinity is quote borderline polytheism and he's bought into this oneness Pentecostal doctrine or whatever you want to call it modalism whatever where they say that there is no Trinity the Trinity is a false doctrine and basically they're saying that there is no distinction between the Father and the Son they're saying that Jesus is God the Father and there's no distinction between the two well you know I'm not even gonna waste too much time explaining it in this video because I've done whole sermons on the Trinity and I'm certainly gonna be doing a full sermon on the Trinity within the next week at faith forward Baptist Church just to make sure that everybody understands this doctrine I've already preached on it repeatedly even in the last two years I found three sermons where I hammered on this doctrine and there's so much evidence where the Bible gives us clear distinction between the Father and the Son you know one great example is in in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 where the Bible says in verse number 27 for he has put all things under his feet but when he sayeth all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all so if you read that passage in 1st Corinthians 15 it's it's pretty clear that after the millennium after the the thousand year reign of Christ he's gonna deliver up the kingdom to the Father and he's gonna be subject unto the Father well that doesn't make any sense with this oneness doctrine or what about when Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane and he says not as I will but as thou wilt or what about let us make man in our image or what about my God my God why is thou forsaken me well you know the Bible is clear these three are one now obviously we believe in the deity of Jesus Christ obviously we believe that Jesus Christ is God Jesus is the Creator of course we don't doubt that for one second but the the God head the single God that we worship the one God is made up of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so they don't believe in a three-in-one they don't believe in a Trinity they're basically just believing that God sort of just you know shape-shifts into the Son and then he's the Father and it's a weird doctrine it's bizarre even a baby Christian just opening the book of John for the first time would open John 1 1 and see that the word was in the beginning with God and was God okay and again I'm not gonna spend this whole video proving the Trinity to you if you're Baptist you already believe in the tree I've never even met in my life a Baptist that didn't believe in the Trinity because to my knowledge every Baptist Church in America believes in the Trinity so I'm kind of just shocked and horrified that Tyler Baker would believe this oneness heresy and not only that but that he was able to subvert several of our church members into believing this oneness heresy and don't get me wrong there's there's like 350 people in our church so it we're talking about a very small minority in our church that that has fallen into this heresy but you know what it's not gonna be tolerated I'm not gonna pastor a church where the Trinity is an optional doctrine you know the Trinity is one of the cores of what we believe it's foundational to our faith this is not a oneness Pentecostal Church this isn't TD Jakes or whatever and you know even TD Jakes I googled it even TD Jakes has recanted this because Christian bookstores were starting to pull talk about pulling his books off the shelf because of his oneness heresy and and the Southern Baptist Convention you know was was talking about you know banning his books from their their bookstores because of his oneness heresy so then he came out in 2012 with kind of a watered-down statement yeah I'm kind of kind of leaning more toward the Trinity now and and growing in that you know because he just wants to keep making money on the book sales why because Christianity believes in the Trinity okay and and that's a foundational core doctrine of what we believe that that's a milk of the word right there the doctrine of the Trinity it's it's pretty basic and so that heresy alone is enough for him to be dismissed from his job dismissed as deacon and not to be sent out to start a church and a lot of people might be really disappointed about that but it's better that this is happening now then if we sent him out and then he started teaching this heresy of oneness doctrine and denying the Trinity then we would have had to have declared him a heretic at that point that would be even more damaging so it's better that we found out before the church has been started before we got everybody's hopes all up and everything like that even further than they already have been let down so and again you know I didn't find out about this and yet till yesterday and I'm getting it to out to everybody as quickly as I can here that's why I'm making this video so anyway a couple other issues that we've had with him and again that's that's the big thing right there okay a couple other issues are that his work performance has been very poor okay from day one when I hired him you know and I thought he was doctrinally sound I thought that he loved our church that he's loyal to the church that he loves the Word of God that he believes straight but his work ethic has left something to be desired when he started the church he was about a c-minus as a worker okay and I you know I I tried to to work on him and tried to motivate him and get him to work harder and tried to fix it chewed him out a few times you know trying to get him to work harder but you know his work performance was at about a c-minus and ever since we hired some other people on staff you know brother brother Chris Agora brother Garrett Kirsch way his work performance has gone from a c-minus to an F I mean he's basically just hardly doing any work it's frustrating to me it's frustrating to Garrett it's frustrating to brother say Gora you know because it's like you give him work to do he doesn't get it done and and basically we've all just been saying well let's just do it ourselves because if we give it to him it doesn't get done so he's unfaithful with his work now you say well why didn't you just fire him over that well honestly because of the fact that you know people were so excited about him starting the church in Jacksonville I thought that he was doctrinally sound to my knowledge everything he said was was doctrinally sound everything was correct I didn't know he believed in this weird stuff and you know his is it seemed like his heart's in the right place he's a good guy he just maybe doesn't have the work ethic that we have but we're kind of workaholics down here so you know maybe we're just asking too much you know and honestly I just knew that if I were to fire him over being a lazy worker or an ineffective worker people would have freaked out and got mad at me and and all this stuff and and so I just thought to myself you know I probably shouldn't do that because I thought about firing him many times just for his work performance but you know I kept him on because I thought you know he's he's gonna grow he's gonna learn more and you know he's gonna be gone in a few months let's send him out on good terms and and I'm sure he'll do fine he's kind of a steady Eddie you know yeah at least he preaches well and he's doctrinally sound so anyway I mean that's that's that's why I was kind of just tolerating it even though I did like I said cloud up and rain on him multiple times about his work performance I didn't feel that that was grounds to fire him over looking back maybe I should have but you know it's water under the bridge now but when I find out that he's teaching this heresy and everything obviously that you know that's just an instant termination right there so number one is the the main issue is about the the Pentecostal oneness doctrine the denying of the Trinity and teaching that to other people in the church number two just a very poor work ethic just just very lazy at work number three when I hired him I knew because he told me that he disagreed with us on Babylon he bought into this you know Babylon is Jerusalem doctrine and I told him I said well that's okay because honestly that's not really a key article of the faith or anything I mean that's that's a secondary issue that's just a matter of Bible prophecy interpretation that's not a key doctrine and I said it's okay that you believe that but I said because you're on staff because you're working for the church and because our church is in the midst of producing this film Babylon USA and this is kind of a big project for us right now you know I don't want you to go around teaching that doctrine to people or telling people that that's what you believe or trying to you know turn people away from the church's teaching on Babylon so even though it's not a big key doctrine or anything it's not something you'd put in the statement of faith or something but but because we're making this movie it's important for us so I don't want you to talk to okay oh yeah no problem no way even if people ask me about it I won't talk to them about I'll just tell them hey I'm not comfortable talking about that because you know my position is different than the church's position and I'll just you know blow them off because it's not my place to indoctrinate people against the teaching of the church okay agreed you know cuz you're your staff you're an employee right your deacon in the church you know you don't want to be seen as undermining the church's projects but lo and behold I find out yesterday that he's also been indoctrinating multiple people on why Jerusalem's Babylon and why our film is incorrect and he's he's going through the Bible showing him that half-baked doctrine that I've already debunked in many other videos so you know that's a third thing of just breaking his word and being disloyal as an employee not not doing what he said he was gonna do you know he could if he could have just said well no I need to teach everybody about this Babylon is Jerusalem doctor I always said okay fine well then you know you can't work here obviously and let me just say this you know I used to be a church member I haven't been a pastor my whole life I've been a pastor for 11 and a half years but I was a church member before that for 24 years and as a church member I never fought against the doctrine of the church I never spoke against the doctrine of the church in fact when I went to Regency Baptist Church in Orangeville California for five years I never one time spoke out about the pre-trib rapture it wasn't my place because you know the church was pre-trib I rejected the pre-trib rapture back when I was 12 years old but you know it wasn't my place to straighten out the pastor or to straighten people out in the church or to sit there and and you know undermine his authority in the church I didn't say a word about in fact my best friend Roger Jimenez who I went soul-winning with for four hours per week for a long time and he and I were really close buddies at Regency he didn't even know that I didn't believe in the preacher of rapture until I preached about it from the pulpit of faithful word and he's like wow how come you never told me that I said well because you know it's not my place to take aside people in the church and tell them where the church is wrong you know let them figure that out on their own from the Bible or let them research that on their own but you know I shouldn't just be undermining the pastor and and trying to you know sow discord or sow division or or whatever so basically you know he made the agreement on the Babylon thing even though it's fine if he believes that I don't care if he believes that that if he's staff he's not gonna go around teaching that he broke his word on that so that's the third thing and then the fourth thing is I found out that he's basically been actively recruiting people to leave faithful word Baptist Church and go to Jacksonville Florida with him because of the fact that he's gonna be teaching these doctrines that we don't teach he's gonna be doing things differently over there like he's not gonna baptize the way we baptize because when you believe in this oneness Pentecostal garbage you don't baptize in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost you know you baptize in the name of Jesus because they don't believe in the Trinity so they believe in a Jesus only for the baptism as well so I thought and look I mentioned it a sermon a few weeks ago and if you listen to my sermons regularly you you remember me saying this I said in a sermon how yeah there's about four families in our church that are moving to Jacksonville and it's great and it's awesome because he's gonna have all these helpers and and I'm all for it we're all on the same team because I thought it was all very innocent and and you know I I meant that from the bottom of my heart because honestly who cares if they go to my church if they go to to pastor Jimenez his church they go to pastor Romero's Church I mean I mean if they go to any like-minded if they go up to pastor Burson's Church because they they love the weather in Prescott Valley they don't want to get you know 120 degrees like it is today here in Phoenix you know they want to be in a different climate they they or they just maybe they just love pastor Burson's preaching more or pastor Jimenez preaching more that's great I don't I think that's great because we're all on the same team we're all soul winning we all love the Lord we all have the same doctrines you know on the important things obviously we disagree on little things and so I was all for that I had a great attitude about that because it's it was totally fine with me if if if as many families would move out there it was it was fine and our church is growing so fast I mean we'll have four more families in our church in no time but turns out that no he's telling them hey his church is gonna be closer to the truth and and he's basically got these people indoctrinated on this oneness thing and and he's basically telling them yeah that's why you need to come to Jacksonville and I found out he went to some other people and lied to them and and told them you bad things about me and said that's why you you know you should come to Jacksonville and be with me so you know that's very nefarious for him to be on our payroll not doing his job you know I I you can and look if you don't believe me about his work performance ask Garrett Kershway ask Chris Agora they work with him every day or rather they see his lack of work every day they don't know what he's been doing you know the time sheet gets turned in and it's like what did you do what did you produce in this time and but apparently he spends his time recruiting people away from instead of you know doing it the right way building a church the right way he's actually going to people in our church and and and talking down certain doctrines or aspects of our church as a selling point for going to Jacksonville I mean that's just ridiculous it's crazy okay so that's it's four separate issues here that I brought up you know the the laziness on the job the Pentecostal oneness doctrine which is enough for termination right there that's enough to break fellowship right there I will not have any fellowship with any pastor who believes that and if people in our church or if there are people in our church that are going over to this oneness doctrine I just wanted to be real clear they will never preach in any ministry of our church they will never be ordained in any position whatsoever and they they should probably go somewhere else if they believe that because I don't want our church to be filled with with oneness Pentecostals I want our church to be a Baptist Church where we have unity on at least the key doctrines of the faith and this isn't just somebody disagreeing with Pastor Anderson I mean you're disagreeing with the whole Christian world on the Trinity I mean that's it there's a key doctrine that's something that you know we have to have in common and so that's what's going on he's been fired he's not gonna be sent I don't know you know you're gonna have to talk to him to figure out what he's gonna do now I don't know if someone else is gonna be willing to send him out or if he's just gonna self ordain you know like an afshin yagtan or something I don't know what he's gonna do but all I know is that I'm not gonna have any fellowship with them until he repents of this doctrine of denying the Trinity and you know now that this happened like I said there there are several people that have come under his influence and have bought into this false doctrine you know they all already know that he's been fired and in not not one of them not one of them has come to me and tried to make things right with me or said that they're sorry for badmouthing me or for being a part of this wickedness this rebellion this heresy not one of them has come to me even get my side of the story and even ask me you know what I have to say no instead they're just talking smack about me behind my back and they're they're just getting together and bashing me and because the fact that they're in the wrong and instead of talking talking Trinity and talking doctrine instead they've just resorted to personal attacks and and you know the personal attack that that has been levied against me from what I've heard is that that I don't I don't care enough about my church members because of the fact that there were a few people sick and in the hospital recently and I didn't pray for them that's what's being brought out because brother Segura's daughter was in the hospital recently and brother Garrett's wife Nao is in the hospital right now and they said pastor Anderson didn't pray for them he didn't you know bring it before the church as a prayer request and we could all pray and this and that and and so I'm wondering what does that have to do with the Trinity what does that have to do with the price of tea in China you know but this is a common tactic when people get called out on bad doctrine they just want to resort to a personal attack that I'm not doing my job as a pastor I'm a bad guy or I don't care or whatever well here's the facts on both of those situations you know when it comes to the Segura baby that was in the hospital recently what these people don't know is that my wife and I went down there last Sunday afternoon and we took three hours of our afternoon literally three hours to go and pick up a an edible arrangement like a fruit basket you know where it's like flower its fruit in the shape of flowers we went and picked up an elaborate fruit basket we brought it to the hospital we spent time with mrs. Segura and the baby in the hospital we prayed for the baby and you know we spent as much time as she wanted us to be there and in all it took about three hours of our afternoon and and we didn't do it because we had to we did it because we wanted to you know we that was something that we wanted to do we wanted to be a blessing we had the time we were available and that's what we did and when it comes to Garrett's wife Neo well here's the situation there you know brother Garrett's wife Neo is pregnant with twins and there have been some serious complications and Garrett himself will testify to the fact that I gave him advice he didn't understand the situation because he's a first-time father here his wife is a first-time mother they didn't understand the situation they were going about it all you know but just like a normal pregnancy they didn't really know the seriousness of it but because I've had experience with this my wife has had nine kids and we've also had twins and one of the twins passed away and we know what it's like to have complications with a twin pregnancy that I actually took Garrett aside and said hey you need to do X Y & Z this is who you need to call this is what you need to do you got to cancel this you got to cancel that you got to go down and do this and you know Garrett later came to me and said thank you so much because if it wasn't for your intervention and your advice they'd both be dead by now because they had they needed extreme medical intervention and and now they're both doing okay and you know god willing we hope that they're gonna be born healthy and safe but you know I intervened there and and God obviously allowed me to have the experiences and my wife to have the experiences and knowledge that we were able to step in and and help out brother Garrett in his time of need and he was really grateful he didn't complain and say why didn't you go visit her in the hospital and he was just glad that I saved his children's life okay and I didn't think that an ordained minister of the gospel like Garrett Kirschway you know really needed me to come and offer spiritual support and guidance in the hospital when he's more than capable of doing that himself being himself a man of God and not only that but specifically at our church we have four employees that are full-time we had now we only have three because we just fired Tyler Baker but myself Baker Garrett Kirschway and Chris Segura okay well you know I have in writing here where I wrote down all the duties I just made a list of all the things that need to be done on a regular basis in the church and I put different people's initials next to that of whose responsibility where the buck stops there and I made it clear I said look we can help each other out with these things but at the end of the day the responsibility lies with the person's name who's on this list next to that item and in writing right here it was laid out that things like hospital visits and taking care of members that are in need and people that are in a jam people that need help people that are sick people that need a ride people that need a meal whatever that guess whose name is next to that as their responsibility the deacon Tyler Baker that's whose name and then on each item of responsibility there's a primary person and there's a backup person so the primary person for hospital visits member care helping people is Tyler Baker and the backup person is Garrett Kershway and I you know and I I've known of Garrett Kershway to make hospital visits I've talked to him hey I'm heading over to the hospital you know and doing things like that but honestly I don't know that Tyler Baker did a lot of that because he I did I don't know that he did a lot of much of anything while he worked here toward the end because it's like he knew he was on his way out and he just worked less and less and less he just kept doing less work okay so for these people that are in his faction to turn around and try to say that I'm not caring for people enough well the bottom line is there's 350 people in the church I'm one person and I'm also trying to win all the Indians in Arizona to Christ I'm taking trips constantly to the Apache Reservation I'm doing a lot of soul winning I'm running a lot of things about this ministry I'm working hard but you know there's only so much one person to do I'm the pastor of the church I got to preach three times a week I'm running major soul winning campaigns I'm producing these films that are reaching millions of people with the help of Paul Wittenberger who's the main director and producer but I still have a lot of work to do on all of these fronts I have just piles and piles and piles of work that I can't even get to okay that's all point of having a deacon that's the whole point of hiring workers that's the whole point of having an evangelist and a deacon and a and a and a worker and a servant of the church the purpose is so that we can share the burden so if people in our church want to get a bad attitude because I didn't personally visit them I didn't care enough you know people need to stop asking what church can do for them and ask maybe what they can do for the church and instead of getting bitter well pastor Anderson didn't visit me well you know what I try to visit people I I do the best I can and there are other people on the staff that are there for you and if for some reason I'm out of town preaching and in this state or preaching in that state or or I'm on this Indian reservation or that any reservation you know there's other people to call on for that reason and let me just make it real clear I've not been delinquent in my duties as pastor you know but but that's just something that now am I perfect of course not have I overlooked things I'm sure I have but I'm not some delinquent pastor here what it comes down to is people have been teaching a heresy where they deny the Trinity so then instead of talking about that it's like oh well what about that time you were sick and pastor Anderson didn't visit you what about all the people I did visit okay for crying out loud anyway I'm putting this all out there I always like for things to be out in the open I don't believe in hiding things or sweeping things under the rug and you say well what what about Tyler Baker what do you think about Tyler Baker you know I'm not saying that he's not saved I'm not saying that he's a false prophet I am saying that he's lazy stupid and arrogant now he may be an unsaved false prophet I don't know he may be a Judas Iscariot because this is some pretty weird doctrine when you're denying the Trinity but I'm not saying that about him and when I fired him I ripped his face and I and I told him all the reasons and he admitted to everything and I told him I said well you know I believe you're a brother in Christ I shook his hand I gave him a hug and said God bless you but I said I don't ever want to see you again and I'm not gonna have any fellowship with you because he was he was given a chance to repent on the oneness thing and he didn't and so you know I can't I can't have fellowship with that doctrine that's it that's a deal-breaking doctrine and so if you're sitting out there at home and saying well I don't think the Trinity really is that big of a deal well you know that's up to you but I'm putting all the cards on the table and you do what you want to do those of you down in Florida those of you that are thinking about moving there I'm just giving you all the facts and I wish I could have warned you sooner I wish I could have told you sooner but I'm telling you as soon as I know anyway God bless you have a great day you know shape-shifts into the Sun and then he's the father and it's a weird doctrine it's bizarre even a baby Christian just opening the book of John for the first time would open John 1 1 and see that the Word was in the beginning with God and was God okay and again I'm not gonna spend this whole video proving the Trinity to you if you're Baptist you already believe in the Trinity I've never even met in my life a Baptist that didn't believe in the Trinity because to my knowledge every Baptist Church in America believes in the Trinity so I'm kind of just shocked and horrified that Tyler Baker would believe this oneness heresy and not only that but that he was able to subvert several of our church members into believing this oneness heresy and don't get me wrong there's there's like 350 people in our church so we're talking about a very small minority in our church that that has fallen into this heresy but you know what it's not gonna be tolerated I'm not gonna pastor a church where the Trinity is an optional doctrine you know the Trinity is one of the cores hey everybody pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe Arizona I've got some bad news Tyler Baker has been fired from his job here at Faithful Word Baptist Church and there are several reasons why and I'm gonna explain all the reasons but the biggest reason why is that he is believing and spreading a serious heresy in our church I found out that he believed this only yesterday around noontime and I found out he's been spreading it only to certain people he was very careful who he approached with this false doctrine but he has an inner circle he has a faction of people that he's been infecting with this and to mine I know of five people five men in the church that have families that he's infected with this and it's very serious and so here I am making this video less than 24 hours later because I feel like people have the right to know and especially because I know there are a lot of people who are planning on moving out to Jacksonville some might have already put in notice at their job or they're already making plans to move and so I didn't want to wait even a few days because of the fact that you know people could be making serious plans and then you know they make these plans to move down there and then they find out that you know Tyler Baker's been fired from his job here and that he's not going to be ordained by our church he's not going to be sent out as a pastor because of this heresy and a few other reasons but here's the thing I don't know whether this church valiant Baptist Church in Jacksonville is going to be founded or not but I certainly know that I will not be laying hands on him I will not be participating in any way and I will have zero fellowship with him ever until he repents of this heresy now the biggest heresy that he's been teaching is he is basically denying the Trinity he's saying that the Trinity is quote borderline polytheism and he's bought into this oneness Pentecostal doctrine or whatever you want to call it modalism whatever where they say that there is no Trinity the Trinity is a false doctrine and basically they're saying that there is no distinction between the Father and the Son they're saying that Jesus is God the Father and there's no distinction between the two well you know I'm not even gonna waste too much time explaining it in this video because I've done whole sermons on the Trinity and I'm certainly gonna be doing a full sermon on the Trinity within the next week at faith forward Baptist Church just to make sure that everybody understands this doctrine I've already preached on it repeatedly even in the last two years I found three sermons where I hammered on this doctrine and there's so much evidence where the Bible gives us clear distinction between the Father and the Son you know one great example is in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 where the Bible says in verse number 27 for he hath put all things under his feet but when he sayeth all things are put under him it is manifest that he is accepted which did put all things under him and when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be on all so if you read that passage in 1st Corinthians 15 it's pretty clear that after the millennium after the the thousand year reign of Christ he's gonna deliver up the kingdom to the Father and he's gonna be subject unto the Father well that doesn't make any sense with this oneness doctrine or what about when Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane and he says not as I will but as thou wilt or what about let us make man in our image or what about my God my God why hast thou forsaken me well you know the Bible is clear these three are one now obviously we believe in the deity of Jesus Christ obviously we believe that Jesus Christ is God Jesus is the Creator of course we don't doubt that for one second but the the Godhead the single God that we worship the one God is made up of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and these three are one so they don't believe in a three-in-one they don't believe in a Trinity they're basically just believing that God sort of just