(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Tyler Baker has been fired from his job here at Faithful Word Baptist Church. Biggest reason why is that he is believing and spreading a serious heresy in our church. Now the biggest heresy that he's been teaching is he is basically denying the Trinity. He's saying that the Trinity is quote borderline polytheism and he's bought into this oneness Pentecostal doctrine. Oneness of God. What exactly does the Bible say about Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Ghost? And what is this trinity? Let's break it down. I as an apostolic Christian believer affirm and hold true to the doctrine that there is only one God. There is no three persons in a Trinity. In Isaiah 9 and 6 it shows that Jesus is the Father. It says, for unto us a child is born. And we know that child, that little baby child, was Jesus. And he's called wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father. Why would the child be called the everlasting Father if he wasn't the everlasting Father? So here in Isaiah chapter 9 verse number 6 we have the prophecy of Jesus Christ being born and the Bible says, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. It says that Jesus is the everlasting Father. And his name shall be called wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9 6 plainly states that Jesus is the everlasting Father. Wiggle, try to wiggle out of that all you want. That's what it says. Now I believe that Jesus is the Father because that's what John 1 1 says. I believe that Jesus is the Father because that's what Isaiah 9 6 says. I believe that Jesus is the Father because there were a whole bunch of verses you could use to prove that. Now how do we know that Jesus is the Father? John 10 and 30 says, I and my Father are one. And he says, I and my Father are one. Jesus is saying that he and his Father are one. He's not saying, oh we're both God, you know, God the Son and and you know God the Father. He says, I and my Father are one. That Jesus is the Father is another way to put that. And so for the oneness truth, it says forth the fact that God Almighty had an expression of himself. Oh, that's just, that's just crazy. You can't have multiple modalities in the God. No, no, no, no, no, don't trip. Okay, that's what the word says, that he was the expressed image of his person. And so God Almighty had an expressed image of his personage, singular personage, not multiple personality personages or multiple person personages. Speaking of God, not one third of his person or two thirds of his person or another person coming down doing a whole person, Bill. No, the expressed image of his person, who's his, God's, God's expressed image of his person was Jesus Christ. It is not the case that there is three persons within the Godhead because then that nullifies the teachings of Paul. As Paul already said, the Godhead dwelt in Jesus. That means that all the Godhead was in Jesus Christ. And by definition of the Trinity saying that there is three persons within the Godhead, in Hebrews one thing we find out there is only one person that is God. Okay, one person, not three persons. But I want to call your attention to the first phrase there in verse number three where he says who referring to Jesus being the brightness of his God, his glory and the express image of his person. So it uses person singular as in one person and who it's talking about when it says his person that's speaking about, that's a pronoun that's being used, a masculine possessive pronoun that's being used for God. And it says here plainly, you know, God. It doesn't even use the father here. It just says God. That's what it says. It says God. And it says his person. So this passage, there's nothing you can do with it. You know, it clearly teaches that God is made up of one person. We saw earlier, like I showed you, that Jesus Christ is the everlasting father. This passage clearly teaches that God is made up of one person, his person. But that that one God was made flesh and expressed himself became the express image of his person as we see in the Holy Writ. And all this culminates into the understanding of the oneness of God. The father is not the son and the son is not the father. And, you know, the father is not the Holy Ghost. And that's the distinction that the Trinity makes. And I'm going to go through here and I'm going to show why I no longer believe that particular distinction. It makes the statement, you know, not my will, but thine. Now, I don't believe that that, you know, some people say, well, you have within the Godhead, you know, that they have different wills, that the, you know, the son of God and the father, you know, they both have different wills. But I don't believe that. So what what the difference in his will there is a perfect example of what distinction that I believe that's made is the distinction between Christ's humanity and Christ's deity. We see this very obviously in scripture that Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, not a part of God, not a third of God, not equal to God, not powerful coexistence, none of them. It is very simply that Jesus is the expressed image, the human bodily form of God almighty. Pastor Anderson says, quote, what the Bible teaches is that Jesus is God, but that Jesus is not God the Father. Now, look, man, that's confusing, because you've got two different gods at that point. Now, I know you're gonna say that I'm just arguing semantics and all that stuff. But that wording it that way is confusing. And wording it that way sounds like polytheism. When you say that Jesus is God, but he's not he's not God, the Father, that sounds that those words are polytheistic. Okay, but anyway, so I'm going to talk about the distinction for a minute, because it's, here's the thing. There is a distinction, and that's perfectly clear, but there's also not a distinction. Okay. And people are gonna say, well, that doesn't make any sense that contradicts itself. But the question is not whether there's a distinction. The question is, what is that distinction? Okay, is the distinction between the man and God. It's between the flesh and the spirit. It's between the humanity of Jesus Christ and the deity of Jesus Christ. Okay. So that's the distinction. It's between the man and between it's between the humanity of Jesus Christ and the deity of Jesus Christ. Oh, by the way, too, that's why Jesus said, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Because it's the man, Christ Jesus, who is forsaken. That's who is forsaken. God was manifest in the flesh. So with that understanding, we see very clearly that never was there a split or bifurcation between God Almighty and the Word. It was that there was the word there, there was God Almighty, and he manifests himself in the for in Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, the Trinity could not possibly be right, because Trinity says that God, the God head is made up of three separate persons, the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, when Paul says, and I would much rather side with Paul, the Word of God than any other philosopher or any other theologian out there that the Godhead was in Christ bodily, not a one third, not two thirds or three or whatever, it says the fullness of the Godhead dwell in Jesus Christ bodily. Now the Trinitarians will set forth that the eternal Son of God manifests himself in flesh and came to earth, but that leaves two thirds of the Godhead in heaven and one third on earth. When Paul says the Apostle Paul says that all of the Godhead, the totality of the Godhead was within Jesus Christ. Colossians chapter number two verse number six, the Bible says this, as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him, rooted and build up in him and established in the faith, as you have been taught abounding therein with thanksgiving, talking about Christ Jesus, beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and he says this, and not after Christ, and then it makes this statement, for in him Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Now if you friend believe that the Godhead is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the Bible says that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, that the Godhead, all of it, the fullness, for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily in his body. Here's the thing, if you want to say, if you want to say you draw this this line right here and just say well there's the Son is totally completely and separate, distinct, and separate from the Father, well then what makes them one? I mean if you want to draw these lines and you say you know the Holy Ghost is not the Father, the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, the Father and the Holy Ghost and everything, then what makes them one? If there's only one God, then these three are going to have something in common, okay? This is a Trinitarian view and if you look at this picture and you don't already agree, if you disagree with this picture, you disagree with the Trinity. I'm just saying that right now. I've studied the Trinity, I've studied what it teaches, and this is an accurate representation of what it teaches. So the distinction here is that these three are not each other. So what we have is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we can see that the Holy Spirit is not the Son, the Father is not the Son, and the Father is not the Spirit. These three are not each other. You say, well how are they all one? The Trinity teaches that they are not one as in a person, but they're one in essence. A Trinitarian would say, well these three are one in the sense that they all share the same God essence. They're not each other, but they all share a God essence. But what we're saying is that these three people are one person. The same person that's the Father is the same person that's the Holy Spirit is the same person that is the Son. That is what we believe, and that's what we're teaching, and I'm going to demonstrate how you can prove this wrong. And when you say God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, you're painting a picture in their mind that there's three separate people, and that's exactly what the Trinity teaches. That there's three separate persons, but one essence. Three separate persons, but one essence. But when you say that Jesus is God, but he's not God the Father, those words are polytheistic, okay? And obviously we can see a distinction in the Bible where we can see all three, but what I would divide over is that it's the same person doing all those. They would say it's a different person doing all this. But, so we can easily prove this wrong, and so this is an accurate representation of the Trinity. And by definition of the Trinity saying that there is three persons within the Godhead, in Hebrews 1-3 we find out there is only one person that is God, okay? One person, not three persons. But everything I believed was exactly how Pastor Aniston believed. And then once I, it was introduced to me that Jesus is the Father as a man, you know, I started to study that out, and you know I found out that that's what the Bible teaches, and so once I understood that, and once I studied that and found it settled in my heart that that was the truth, and from what I'm understanding, if I believe right that the Father is, that Jesus Christ is the Father, you know, in the flesh as a man, that goes against the Trinity. That disproves the Trinity. And so once I started realizing that, you know, now that I accepted this doctrine, and I started studying what the Trinity is, I was like, whoa, what I believe is not exactly a hundred percent, you know, Trinity. Give it unto me, he says, in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and baptize them in the name of the Father, he says, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. It's what it says in First John chapter number five, verse number seven, these three are one. The Father's name is clearly Jesus. Jesus is clearly the Father. There's no way around it. It's what the Bible teaches. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I believe that that's telling you to baptize you in the name that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost have, because they have one name, just like they had Jehovah, just like they had God Almighty, and his new name, now that he's glorified, you're supposed to go and baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I believe that what settles that totally is the fact that every time you see the apostles baptizing, they baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus, every single time. We're talking about baptism in Jesus name, which just so happens to be the only formula ever used when anyone in the New Testament was baptized, and since this video is about baptism in Jesus name, we're going to jump straight to the verses of scripture that demonstrate a particular formula of baptism, or as I use the word demonstrate, which means actually use. The only scriptures in the Bible that actually use a formula for baptism. Now when Jesus was commanding to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, he was telling his disciples to baptize in the name of Jesus, but then to those who ask, but what about Matthew 28 19, is that Jesus is commanding the disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, which Father is not a name, and the name of the Son, which Son is not a name, and the name of the Holy Ghost, which Holy Ghost is not a name. A name is an identity, a father is a title, a son is a title, and the Holy Ghost is a title. Jesus is the name of the Son, and the name of the Father is Jesus, as we see even Jesus himself saying. So us again with the understanding that Father is a title, Son is a title, and Holy Ghost is a title, that Jesus operates within. So when Jesus says to be baptized in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and the name of the Holy Ghost, the apostles that were hearing him, they baptized in the name of the Father, which is Jesus, the name of the Son, which is Jesus, and the name of the Holy Ghost, which is Jesus. Hey, I reject modalism, I reject oneness, Pentecostalism. I believe that they are heresies.