(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) i had a video done on me today oh yeah yeah wow and that's great not a problem i stick my neck out on uh youtube i know and that's the chance you take the heretic situation now that will come after i read the chapters uh matt powell decided to make a three minute i think in 23 second video on me and i'm going to make a uh i'm going to make a response frankly bill matthew is not on my most important list right now he's a 22 year young punk kid evidently he's been through some bad things and uh he's taking it out on us heber herders and he's ignorant that's what the seal is truly about not some individual who thinks that he or she is eternally saved they can do whatever the hell they want and don't look he was stuck with them whether he likes it or not it doesn't mean that because the father had no choice but to go by his own instructions according to deuteronomy 24 verses 124 and divorce them and since the animal sacrifices were only a sin covering and not adequate to make the remarriage possible does that sound like eternal salvation to anyone let's get real here i hope there are people like matt some of them listening i doubt it but he may not even know this channel but uh marlo does well folks i'm getting distracted already with with a bunch of people bogus i need my coffee so um all right i don't know i'm just now on hell bent for leather on against this old safe eternal security crap um i just want to make you know i have a lot of issues going on at once here folks this is the guy it's a young kid 22 years old his name is matt powell he did it he took a he cut out a clip of my um video entitled his ose's biblical and that's fine i have no problem with that but i did type in the comments i said okay child comma the battle was on and it is and i think he's a baptist pastor of some sort he's a young kid you know it's just ridiculous but um i'm a wicked evil heretic i'm damn to hell evidently uh i have nothing to do with me you know you know i don't know what to think about matt he came the first time i met him he came up onto a panel i think i'd seen him around before but i didn't really pay attention he came up onto a panel ladies and gentlemen and tried to tell me and i was using the direct king james then not an offshoot like what i just read the restoration study bible and i had read about how if you forsake god he will forsake you and he came up there because he said he's an ignorant little kid kj the only and said i don't think it reads that in my bible that god will forsake you and i'm like really i won't even will forsake people well just type in matt powell you'll you'll find it make you all it's pretty easy to find uh he's actually got more summers right now than i do and that's fine and he's trying to make himself look like a martyr like he's something great um i you know i tend to believe him and there was an atheist who attacked him made a video on him saying that he he lost his basketball dream that he couldn't do it so now he's going around preaching hellfire and um i you know i believe that when he showed you know he did it doing his video response showing his uh letters of scholarships that he could have hit and he actually did play a year of college ball i believe that he did you know he probably was a very good basketball player and uh and whatever for whatever reason he decided to give that up and uh go and preach hellfire to everybody i don't know i don't think it's the grok akudesh isn't the holy spirit leading him um he is i i don't know what got that little that kid into that of this king james onlyism which is doing a disservice you know not to mention and i think i did say this in front of matt powell but despite my great memory i just i i can't with with the panels i go on and with all the new videos i do go into channels um so you know these guys you know just the english don't mess with the greek or the hebrew what kind of ignorant nonsense is this and we've got these kgb onlyists numskulls saying oh don't worry about the greek or the hebrew why why wouldn't we do it i mean it just you know it's just amazing how ignorant a lot of these kgb onlyists really are and he's young he's 22 i mean i don't know if it's a good thing that he gave up his college and his basketball career or not and college is not pro trust me you know he probably you know to sit there and even speculate he would make the pros like nba is just you know i'm not even gonna try um i doubt he would have so i i really don't know nor do i care that he about why he truly gave up his basketball career uh maybe he did you know where people have their own agenda i don't care how well intentioned it is when you're going around at that young age trying to talk ignorantly like that and he's disrespectful he'll you know we'll be discussing a subject on marco's panel as in belief faith that subject you know and he'll come up there and change the subject to try and expose me to everybody of what a wicked evil heretic i am so him thinking he's doing this wonderful great thing tell him you know warning and defending uh really rolling uh of me in front of me is just ludicrous i mean this kid is really something else uh he just he gets so bent on what he wants to talk about he doesn't care what you know whatever what the rest of the group is doing and then he quick runs away he asked me do i believe in internal security obviously i do not folks i am not scared of a punk kid like him i mean i've been around for 27 more years than him i'm not scared of anything folks but i just didn't feel i didn't answer them because i was tired of it and marvel puts up with it these are his friends that's what's making me wonder about marvel as in belief faith marvel i don't know if you're watching this or not but you're approximately from what i hear 38 years old and you're trying to get approval not only from other people as in other men but people that are what 16 years old like um timmy timothy matt who's 22 dude it is time to grow up it is time to man up it is time to put away childish things i have lost someone on both channels over certain issues i am going to have to do a video on this kid you know i mean if i want to interpret it like talking doctrine does oh god just took it home no he didn't don't think for one second please just please don't now i don't know where matt stands on that nor do i care but don't think like talking doctrine does all the largest of them home that's not how we that's not how it goes it's offensive it's and it's insulting the way these people misinterpret and twist my ancestors scriptures i hate it i can't stand it i would not even have a problem with a moderated debate where he has to keep his mouth shut while i talk and vice versa and that's what the subject would be about but you with the way he comes into panels it disrupts the whole doggone thing and then to have the host of the show put up with that crap you know maybe it's time to quit hanging with those people just shake the dust off our feet