(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, there's a lot of things that bother me about Dr. James White. First of all, the guy isn't even saved, he promotes a false works-based gospel, he's a Calvinist, believes in a ton of heresy, but one of the top things that angers me about this guy. Of course, his war against the King James Bible. But beyond that, when you really look at what this guy is and what he thinks and what he says, Dr. White is someone, you know, I shouldn't even call him Dr. White. I don't even know why he's running around calling himself a doctor. See, that's just proof of the point I'm about to make. White believes he's God, okay? He's on record saying that he could do a better job translating the Bible than the King James translators. The guy thinks that he is God, he has a God complex. He thinks he's so smart, he reads the King James and he goes, oh, well, according to the Greek, you know, that shouldn't be translated that way. You see, because I'm a pseudo-intellectual, I know that it should be translated someplace else. And this word here in the Greek means this. And so, in reality, this word should really mean that word. And then, shut up! The King James is the perfect word of God. It has no errors. And this guy's war on the KJV, his war on KJV only-ism, it's frustrating for me because I've seen people who used to be King James only turn and accept the modern perversions as a result of White's propaganda. And that's exactly what it is. It's propaganda. So this is someone who believes he's God, basically. Someone who believes he's a better translator than the KJV translators. And he's puffed up with pride. He's the most arrogant, egomaniacal weirdo I've ever seen. I've never met him, but another thing is he's very effeminate. You watch this guy talk. He always crosses legs when he talks, and he's got this little I'm so smart and amazing look on his face and the way he speaks as well. So, you say, oh, you're being a little too harsh. Look, if you're going to make an entire career out of attacking and trying to delegitimize God's word, yeah, I'm not going to like you very much. Anyway, that's all I've got. That's my little rant here on my way to work. But, yeah, Dr. James White, stay away from them, folks.