(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So what was your name? My name is Lisa. And you're the pastor here? I am the pastor. And how long have you been pastoring here at the church? I've been a pastor for over 12 years. 12 years. Okay and what made you want to be a pastor? I actually lived through hurricanes Katrina and Rita in Louisiana and as a young adult I was 25 and just maybe frustrated a lot of things. Worked at the hospital, Trauma One Hospital in Louisiana and saw a lot of things that I didn't have the answers for. I've always grown up in faith but it kind of drove me back to faith. So again I'm a young adult and just began exploring what is this life all about and I ended up being a pastor. And so this is a Presbyterian church, correct? That's correct. Okay and why Presbyterian? That's what I had grown up and so my great-grandmother was a Presbyterian and my parents come from the Baptist tradition. Okay. My dad's from Chile and so faith over there is a little bit different than it is here in the west. And so we were not raised in faith until we decided, me and my brothers, we wouldn't go to church because our friends were. So okay we settled on a Presbyterian church and that's it. I've been here ever since. Okay cool and what do you believe here that a person needs to do in order to go to heaven? We believe that heaven is here now so it's not where you're just going to have to shore up you know the afterlife. You can experience heaven on earth. Why else would God send Jesus Christ to walk on the earth if heaven couldn't be right here too? So do you believe in an afterlife? We do yeah. We believe eternal life is open for all but we don't believe you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior into your heart to shore that up. We believe that God's grace and your response to that grace is what God will judge you upon. And how would you respond to the grace? Well we respond to the grace by making sure people know that grace is unearned, undeserved, that God is merciful in the stone that graces to us. And so we ask folks to live their life in response to the grace that they have received. And so really that's where we kind of stand on that. Okay and what would you say like these Bible verses like John 3 36, he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him. And he like John 3 18 says, he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. Well I can tell you what we believe about God but I'm also going to question you. What would you do with an infant? An infant? Well they don't know according to the Bible that an infant wouldn't know to have the knowledge of good and evil at that point. But when somebody has knowledge of good and evil it's up to them to choose Jesus. Question, when do we gather that knowledge of good? It depends on the person. But at some point in your life you're going to understand and have the knowledge this is good, this is evil. So what do you do then with someone who is mentally challenged? Well that's on them. God knows their heart. God understands them. I don't personally know. So question for me in response to your question about what do I say, what do we believe about that scripture. So if it's on a person who is mentally challenged and then you say it's on them. Between them and God that's what I mean. Okay between them and God. So what would make it different between them God and us? Because we understand good and evil. But you just said it's between them and God. Why wouldn't it be between us and God? Because I don't know if they understand the knowledge of good and evil. Like obviously somebody like you or me we understand good and evil. Well how do you know I understand good and evil? Well because you're clear as day right here explaining this to me and you're a wicked false prophet and you're damning people to hell that's what you're doing. Carolyn please call the police. You are the devil that's what you are. You're a heretic. Sure that's fair. This church is going to hell in the end basket. It's possible but I'd rather be on this side than that side sir. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. And it says homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven so it's in the bible. It is 1st Corinthians 6 9 Leviticus 18 22 Romans chapter 1. Yeah it is. What does Leviticus 2013 say? It's a man also alive with mankind. It is an abomination to God. Yes it does. How do you interpret it? I actually can read all of it in Hebrew. Yes. Oh the King James Bible because it's the true word of God. That is not the true word of God. So you're telling me Jesus was walking when the King James Version was written? No sir. Guess what God preserved his word. It's right here. What does 1st Corinthians 6 9 say when it says no homosexual inherit the kingdom of God? You don't read do you not do you just pick and choose do you pick and choose what you want to hear in the bible? No I read. She said you don't need to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. Yes you do. You just said you don't. You just said you don't. No I said you don't. You can reject Jesus and go to heaven. That's not what I said sir. Put your video back. Didn't she say that? She did. You did not ask me to. She's a reprobate. She's a reprobate. She's a hater of God. You are infringing upon my rights. Well guess what the church it's public. It's not public sir. When you record someone you have to disclose your recording. Well you gave me permission. I did not sir. Didn't she give me permission? You could have told us to not film. Well you could have asked to not film. You could have told us not to film. So I've seen themselves but wise they themselves became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things where for God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts. Congratulations. Read the King James Bible. King James Version is the most accurate version of the Bible. Yes it is. For this pause God gave them up to vile affection. It's vile. For even their women do change the natural. Hold on. Because you need sir. Then why does it change for women. Hold on. It says for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another with men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their air which was these and even as they did not like your reading from God in their knowledge this is the perfect preserved word of God. Unfortunately the King James Version. Well you know you said you don't even need to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. So you're you're a heretic. You're a heretic. You're in Matthew. Eternal life is open for all but we don't believe you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior into your heart to shore that up. Matthew 24 tells us too it says what Jesus says there tells her now listen say that ye shall die in your sins for if you believe not denying me ye shall die in your sins yeah we can you know what it tells us in math yeah we can i'm still talking in matthew 24 no in matthew 24 it says what are the signs at the end of the days it says that people will call on the messiah's name and they're wicked false prophets you're a false prophet you're deceiving are a wicked false prophet let's go it's false