(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Yesterday, I uploaded a video about Dr. Bob Gray Sr. continuing to support Born That Way Ministries even after being reproved, after being corrected, and told how wicked this ministry is and what they're teaching is false doctrine. He's just digging in and continuing to promote and post stuff from this website BornThatWay.org Now he's trying to create this smokescreen so that he can change the subject and try to say, oh well I'm just under attack right now because I just love people and I just want homos to be saved But that actually is not the issue that he's being attacked for. He's being attacked for teaching that homos are born that way. Okay, that's the name of the ministry that Bob Gray is promoting And he can sugarcoat it and and try to say whatever he wants to change the subject But it's called Born That Way Ministries. Okay, it's teaching that homos were born that way after all. That's the name of the book, Born That Way After All because they're just confused eunuchs and when the Bible talks about eunuchs, it really means sodomites. So instead of Bob Gray explaining to us biblically how in the world a eunuch is equivalent to a sodomite Which is actually the issue at hand. He just wants to go off on something of oh, well You guys aren't loving and I just want to get people saved and blah blah blah. So he's trying to change the subject Don't let him change the subject. He needs to be taken to task on why he's supporting Born That Way Ministries It's interesting if you go to their website, they have an article Seven things you didn't know about eunuchs. Now brother Roger Jimenez Who's a great man of God who actually takes the right stand Against the sodomites. He just preached a sermon on Sunday night Where at Verity Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington Where he actually pointed this out to me and I was blown away by this. On their website Seven things you didn't know about eunuchs. Point number one is they can be trusted. Now remember, We're not actually talking about biblical eunuchs. According to these people These homos or people who are ex homos or lust after other men or have homo tendencies Okay, they're really just eunuchs, which is weird and bizarre of a doctrine, but that's what they're teaching So when they say eunuchs, they're actually talking about sodomites. What we would call sodomites. Okay, number one they can be trusted and Then if you go to point four it says Typically, they love working with other people and can be trusted to care for them They are usually excellent working with children So there you have it folks. That is the real endgame here of the sodomites creeping into churches Why are they infiltrating? Why are they creeping in? Well to gain access to children Isn't it interesting that Born That Way Ministries just brings up number one Oh, you can trust these people and then right after that follows it up with oh, they're great working with children So basically they want to just enable pedophiles to have access to children That's how wicked this is. That's how Satan don't tell me I'm overreacting these people have truly known the depths of Satan and Look, I don't care what Bob Gray has done in the past. He doesn't get a free pass for enabling Pedophiles, okay He needs to be taken to task for this and you know for him to just try to hide behind Oh, I'm just wanting to win souls and and you guys just don't love people. Listen, Bob. Great. We all win souls Okay, everybody who's attacking you right now is a soul winner Okay, we love winning souls But we also love our children and we also love our country and don't want it to turn into a modern Sodom and Gomorrah Okay, and this attitude that says well, you know We should stop talking about this kind of stuff and just focus on winning souls. That's garbage. Okay We're supposed to preach the whole Bible not just the soul winning part of the Bible But Bob Gray is kind of this one-trick pony Where he just preaches on soul winning and soul winning soul winning soul winning and I only have two sermons on the road that I preach and it's hard you ain't right with God if you don't go soul And and so I preached that on Monday night and gave invitations people came to the front Tuesday night I got up and preach you ain't right with God You don't go so what in part two and he has the shallow ministry where you try to take him to task on this horrible Horrific false doctrine that's enabling pedophiles and then he just thought oh, let's just talk about soul winning Well, there's more to life than soul winning Bob Gray and this is coming from pastor Stephen Anderson whose Church faithful word Baptist Church has Eleven official soul winning times every single week We have official soul winning times seven days a week eleven different soul winning opportunities Plus all kinds of unofficial soul winning We have soul winning going on on other continents right now of our full-time paid workers in other countries Soul winning every single day. So don't hide behind soul winning. Okay, that's a different issue We we all love soul winning here Okay But that doesn't mean that we're just gonna ignore the fact that the sodomites are creeping into our churches and taking over America and so this should show you right here this article that brother Jimenez pointed out Just how evil these people are that this is what's on their mind Gaining our trust gaining access to our children and look homos are not born that way Okay, Romans chapter 1 is clear how they got that way read it yourself and it's pretty obvious Okay, and to sit there and say they're eunuchs you can study up on the Bible in eunuchs There's not even a hint of evidence and because Bob Gray can't defend it That's why he wants to change the subject on whether or not homos could be saved, which is another subject altogether