(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's interesting because you know often you'll talk about when you talk to vegans um, i'll bring up You know, why don't you go protest the lion who's eating the zebra? You know and say well they can't you know handle not eating that, you know, we can and all these things but there's herbivores in the animal kingdom that will Uh eat other animals. Yeah, like look up deer eating bird on youtube and you'll find like thousands of it Yeah, because they're lacking certain nutrients And they're deficient in certain areas and they'll actually so i've seen giraffes do it deers do it A lot of herbivores that wouldn't typically eat meat they'll eat it because they're lacking certain nutrients Well, here's the thing meat is the most like bio available if you go if you go on this on this instagram page, it's called um Nature is metal Yeah, nature is metal. It has a lot of good footage on there, but they they have a lot of those highlights on there It's pretty interesting. What are you gonna say? No. Yeah, I was just gonna say like even even when animals Sometimes are presented with a choice like herbivore animals like squirrels or deers or giraffes and they have like just some meat And like some green stuff they're gonna get the meat because they know it's way easier to like extract nutrients from it If there's way more energy in it, there's way more nutrients in it. They're gonna pick the meat not the vegetables