(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) That's good stuff. Well, let me ask you a hardball question. Oh Something that I didn't tell you I was gonna ask you prior to this right? So what do you what's your take on the black lives matter movement the blacks? Because I'm at it because I'm because I'm asking obviously I'm asking cuz you're black gonna bring that up Yeah, because you know what that's highly Controversial now and like a guy just told me in my building He said well, you don't strike me as a black guy with your opinions on this stuff. I says dude. I'm very black It's just that it's a farce It's you know, total political scam. Yeah, and they bit hard That Apple and it's it's phony. It's um, listen I'm not a young young guy. You know, I'm 57. I'll be 58 and I'm a child of the 60s and 70s. Yeah, if you want to see racism in some aspects We've seen it at those times, right? It wasn't that racist as they're saying it is now. Yeah, then it's just not yeah and So, what do you think what do you think the agenda is behind it the agenda is political to the degree that if you cause enough derision in division amongst Your your your constituents people they think it's it's a divide and conquer Yeah, they can and it's that right-left paradigm. Mm-hmm You know, they're all there's the same like you said in the sermon. I thought that was so good He says look either right-wing or left-wing. Hey, man, I'm neither one of them mad about different bird all together Yeah, okay, and that's where I am. Yeah, right on the money. I love that and I'm thinking you know How do I explain that to people when they they're like? I don't want to hear it. I don't bother anymore. Yeah, I don't bother and And don't get me started about the brothers say yeah, man. I had a Hillary for prison shirt Hmm. It looked like was Hillary for president. Yeah, but it's a Hillary for prison and he says oh Good, man, you you know this when Hillary's running in 2016. You read man think Democratic get dude. Take a closer look That's messed up That's messed up. I said dude, do you realize that? The Democrats started slavery. Do you realize that? The Democrats are the reason that you're having a problem. Let me say something Obama's a president for eight years. I told him But take that out the equation in the last eight years At that time it was less seven years I said have you done better as the world or the nation has done better for blacks or for anyone? How good does it become is it doesn't become worse or come better worse and that was under a black president? I? I Say so you're gonna tell me that all of a sudden we're gonna get a white woman in there and you love her Because what because the Clintons were even worse because they I said, did you know Hillary Clinton said that we were? Animals, so to speak. She straight out said that we got it. We got it. We got a Idol is what's her name? Yeah, I Said I don't you don't know who you like. Jesus said to the yeah, and she her agenda Was to kill black people. Yeah through abortion. She's the one introduced. Yes, and it was like Dude, you are not even thought of until election time comes along Oh, and that's it out and that's it. And do you know that the last 40 50 years and the worst? the worst cities For blacks are all democratic always have been democratic run. I says no, I'm not democratic. Also you Republican neither Neither like I said, I wish I had that saying you say that I'm a different bird. I'm a different bird I'm a Christian. That's what I believe. Amen. And then when I got more the Christian I said by the way Let me ask you this now This is good and I said this is the most heaviest question of all if you were to die today. He's all I'm a pterodactyl I'm a hawk. All right. Look our ego. I said listen, let me ask you do worth it died today Do you know a hundred percent sure we're gonna go