(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hallelujah! Praise God! Well, next Monday is Chinese New Year Day. And as a Chinese, every year, Chinese New Year is always a special time. The Chinese race is the largest ethnic group with one-fifth of the world's population. There are more people that speak Chinese than any other language in the world. It is also the most commonly used language already on the Internet today. Together with the Jews, Chinese is one of the earliest and the oldest enduring civilizations. It has 4,500 years of unbroken history. But I wonder how many of you have experienced this when we become Christians? You see, to most of us Chinese, when we become Christians, somehow we are made to feel like we have forsaken our Chinese roots. That we have abandoned our Chinese heritage and culture. That we have embraced a foreign Western religion, a religion of the white people. And so we kind of feel a little embarrassed. Especially during Chinese New Year season. You meet your family and relatives and say, oh, we hear that now you are a Christian. You no longer love your family? You no longer love your parents anymore, huh? Oh, they will say, well, you know, now you are a potato. Because if you are Chinese, you should either be a Taoist, a Confucianist or a Buddhist. Now I want to say this, that those are great religions. The many, many millions of believers and followers of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. But today I want to give you a little bit of education. Turn to your neighbor and say you are going to enjoy the word. The Chinese history has a 4,500 year unbroken record. Let's take this to be zero B.C. So now we are here, we are at 2009. Year of the Ox. If this is a youth service, I will say turn to your neighbor and moo. All right, anyway. But you know what? You know what? The Chinese history stretches until 2,500 B.C. Now Taoism came about 6 B.C. About the 5th B.C. you have Confucianism and you have, I spelled wrongly, Buddhism. So the big question is, what about those 2,000 years? Before Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, what did the Chinese people believe in? What is interesting is this, we have very clear historical records. For the first 2,000 years of their history, the Chinese people worshiped a singular supreme god and not many dozens or millions of deities. They worship a god by the name of Shang Ti. Today I'm going to write in my broken Chinese. When you read the historical records, Shang Ti has exactly the same character, nature and power as the god of the Old Testament. But while the Hebrew people call him Yahweh or Jehovah, the Chinese people from the beginning call him Shang Ti, the king that lives above the most high god. Some of them call him as Tian or as Shang Tian. Now you notice how you write the word Tian? Everything that is big, that is dark, is bigger than them. He is the most high. So the Old Testament calls him the most high god. Let's give the most high god a big clap. China's greatest historian was a man by the name of Sima Qian. In his classic historical records, he recorded of a king called Huang Di or the Yellow Emperor. Now Huang Di is supposed to be the originator of all Han people, Han Chinese. He lived around 2400 B.C. to 2500 B.C., that means right from the beginning. And Sima Qian recorded that Huang Di actually built an altar in Taishan, which is the mountain in Shantong province, to worship Shang Ti god, the one supreme god. Sima Qian also recorded in his historical records a comment by a Han dynasty scholar. Well, the Chinese, I'm going to ask Lu to read what was written. In other words, Shang Ti is another name for Tian. And he says this, the spirits do not have two lords, in other words, the lord your god is one. Again, it confirms exactly what the Old Testament says. Now, there is also a song found in the collected statues of the Ming dynasty. I am not even going to attempt to try to read the Wen Yan Wen. But Lu Lu is able to do it, so let's listen to it. Now, let me translate it for you. Of the old in the beginning, there was a great chaos without form and dark. The five planets have not begun to revolve, nor the two lights to shine. In the midst of it, there existed neither form nor sound. You, O spiritual sovereign, came forth in your sovereignty and first did separate the impure from the pure. Now notice the order, you make heaven, you make earth, you make man. All things became a life reproducing power. Turn your Bible with me to Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1. Doesn't this commentary sound exactly like the book of Genesis? It says in verse 1, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And then it says God separated light from darkness and the land from the waters. And he created trees and plants, fish and birds and beasts of the field, and then he created man. And Genesis 1 says all were given reproducing power to produce after their own kind. Can you see long before all this worship came in, long before Daoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, before there were temples that were full of idols for you to worship, for two thousand over years the Chinese people worshiped a singular supreme sovereign God who is the creator of heaven and earth and his name is Shanti. Who has the same nature, character and power of Jehovah Yahweh God of the Old Testament. Now, nobody knows when Chinese writing was originated. But most of us agree, Chinese writing came about probably in 2500 BC. So centuries before the Egyptians built the pyramids, you have the Chinese writing. And with Chinese writing, with the ability to write, that means you can document history. Now, this is very interesting because from the time they were able to document history, there were several global events that everybody could remember. During the same time as 2500 BC, you have the flood. You have the Tower of Babel. Now, what other events were there that people possibly, if they were alive, and if those events were true, they could remember. I mean, wouldn't you agree, if there's a flood that covers the whole earth, then you definitely will remember. If there is a Tower of Babel that causes people to be scattered everywhere and languages to come from, surely you'll remember. Now, if those events were true, and that the Bible is not a fable, then the people that are alive around 2500 BC, they must remember the creation story. Because Adam was alive 1600 years before. You see, when the flood came, you know, Matusola just died. And when Matusola was alive, Adam was also alive. In those days, the people lived a long time. Adam lived 900 years. Matusola, 969 years. In fact, it was only 8 generations from creation to the flood. So if these things were true, then people alive must surely remember them. And surely they want to document down in their historical records. Now, Chinese writings are unique because somehow they have this ability to capture Chinese history. Because they don't use letters, they use characters in picture form. So every Chinese word not only expresses a meaning, it captures a history. Every character tells a story. So if all these things had happened, and that the Chinese people were the descendants of the Tower of Babel, they were the descendants of Noah, surely they want to record all these global cataclysmic events. And for the next 20 minutes or so, I'm going to show you that all these global events were documented in Chinese history. Come on, let's give the Lord a big hand. Hallelujah. Alright, go with me to Genesis 1 and verse 26. Let's start there. It says, Genesis 1.26. Then God said, let us make man in our image. The word make also means to create. Create in Chinese is the word zao. Now notice how you write this word. Alright, this word is written this way. There was speaking words. As words were spoken, movement happens. So zou zi pang over words. And isn't it true, when God spoke the word, living thing began to move. So right from the word create, you know that the creation story was spoken. It's recorded there. And look at verse 22. And God blessed them in saying, be fruitful and multiply. Now, we all Chinese, we love this word bless. Chinese New Year, we see this everywhere. You know, and sometimes we have this word pasted on our doors and our businesses because this word means good fortune. Yeah, and we want good fortune to come to our families and come to our workplace. And sometimes we write it, we turn it upside down. That means the blessings to flow. But what is prosperity in its original meaning to the Chinese? How do you write fu? Now watch, it is zen zi pang, it is God. Together at one with a mouth. So God together with a soul, one mouth. In a garden. So that is prosperity. Prosperity to ancient Chinese is not just material wealth and money. But it's for God and man to have a one relationship in a fruitful garden, in your fruitful family or in your workplace. Hallelujah. Oh come on, you want to clap, give the Lord a big clap. Turn to your neighbor and say God wants to have a good relationship with you. He wants to prosper you. Amen. Now look at Genesis 2 and verse 15. It says in verse 15, then the Lord took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and to keep it. Now how do you write the word garden in Chinese? Look at the screen, is this what, yuan, everybody say yuan. Now notice, watch everybody. God took clay to, he breathed with his mouth on two people. One is a man, out of his sight came forth a woman and put them in a garden. That's how you get a word garden. The word garden. Derek is getting excited although he's not Chinese. Genesis 2 verse 16. And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but the tree of knowledge shall good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. So God stopped them, prohibited them. Now to forbid in Chinese is this word, jing. Now how do you write the word jing, now look. God gave them, God put them in a garden, you have trees. He gave them a revelation. God gave the revelation about the tree. Don't you eat it. If you eat it you will die. Why were there two trees? Because there was a tree of life and a tree of knowledge of good and evil. Alright, now, well, Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 now. Here came the problem. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. So the devil came to tempt the woman. Now, what is the word temptor in Chinese, the person who gives temptation? Is this word, look. Is this word, look. Everybody said mo. Now how do you write the word mo. Alright, there was a garden. And then there was a movement. One guy came to man, er. Secretly. This is the word, si means secret. So this word, gui means devil. Also it means suspicious. He came in. Slow movement. Where did he come? He came to the, among the trees. Undercover. He came as a temptor. So, he tried to seduce Eve. Eve, eat the fruit. Eve, the Bible says, lusted after the fruit, got greedy for it. How do you write the word to last or to tan lan de lan? Notice, it's again those three over a woman. Because the woman failed to see it first. Alright, now temptation is always tough. So what is the Chinese word for difficulty or worry, your stress? Isn't it this word, mu over a boundary? You don't touch this tree. Oh, very difficult. Well, Eve fell into sin and then Adam too. And the result of the temptation was sin or cui. Now, the ancient form of cui, I'm going to write for you, the ancient form. Alright, now I'm an expert in ancient Chinese. Okay. Now, this one sin, this cui, the ancient form, is actually a man run with his nose. It's the nose of a man. And he feels very bitter, very sinful. So this was the original meaning of the word cui. But when Qin Shi Wan came along, he united China in 221 BC. This is the man that built the Great Wall of China. And he changed this word. From this word, he changed it to this, for, against. You see, this is the word for and this is the word against. Now, Qin Shi Wan was not a Christian. By the way, not every emperor was a non-believer. There were many emperors who were believers of God. I'm going to talk about it more. But why is, but although Qin Shi Wan was not a Christian, he was very, he was moved by God. Why was the cui written as for, against? For opposition. Or for contradictions. Because do you know there were four contradictions here in Genesis chapter 3? Look at verse 1. The devil says, Has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Now this is not true. It was against the word of God. Because God says you cannot eat of only one tree. You can eat every tree except one. First contradiction. Second contradiction, verse 2. Now Eve got sucked in. She said, God has said you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die. Again, not true. God allowed them to touch it, just don't eat it. Second contradiction. Third contradiction, verse 4. The serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die. That's not true. God said you eat it, you will die. That's the third contradiction. Fourth contradiction, verse 5. For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God. So the devil was trying to tell Eve, well God is not wanting you to be so powerful like him, so he's stopping you from eating. That's the fourth contradiction. So the first time this word came out, it was depicting Genesis chapter 3 of the four contradictions that led to the first sin. Oh come on, let's give the Lord a big hand. Hallelujah. Amen. Look at verse 7 right now. And the eyes of all of them were opened and they knew they were naked. Now how do you write the word naked? Look at the screen now. Notice it got to do with, now watch, it got to do with your clothing. Your covering is gone when you eat of the guo zi, the fruit. So the first time naked came in, it got to do with covering gone because of a fruit, Genesis. Now look at verse 8. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God from the trees of the garden. Now Adam went into hiding. How do you write this word hide? Now his body is superimposed to the tree. So his body is the tree. In other words you can't see him, he's hiding behind the tree. Man wasn't hiding, why? He felt the guilt and shame of sin. How do you write guilt? Well look at the screen. Look it is, it got to do with heart, xin zi pang, your heart. And the devil got into your heart. Now what happened? The devil got in the foothold of man's life. Well, with the fall of man, sin becomes a part of human nature. So by the time we come to Genesis chapter 4, the first crime ever committed was recorded. It has to do with two brothers. Who are the two brothers? Who are the two brothers? Cain and Abel. So what happened? Well, Cain killed Abel. Alright, so the brother becomes murderer. How do you write murder? Notice it looks almost the same. And look at Genesis 4 verse 15. Cain pled for mercy. God please, you know, please, if you banish me right now, everybody is going to attack me. God said alright, I'm going to have a special protection over you. But you'll be mark for life. So look at Genesis 4 and verse 15. And the Lord set a mark on Cain lest anyone find him should kill him. How do you write the word shung or murder? It is a man's head or face and it was mark. You see, that is murder. Mark on Cain's head. Right, in ancient times. All the story of creation was recorded in their writings. Now we come to the flood in Genesis chapter 7. Look at Genesis chapter 7 and verse 7. So no man with his son's wife and his son's wife swam into the ark because of the waters of the flood. What is the Chinese word for a big boat? How many of you have written this as a Chinese in primary school? You see, you're writing this, but you're writing Genesis story and you don't even know. How do you write? A tow, a boat. With eight people. You say, why eight people in the boat? Because chapter 7 and verse 7 says Noah and his wife, two people. Three sons, that makes it five. And three daughter-in-laws, that's eight. The first time boat was used, eight people were inside. Recorded in Chinese history. Oh come on, let's give the Lord another big clap. Hallelujah. Now we come to the tower of Babel. Alright, this is the third big major global event. Like 9-11 has to do with a tower. But not because the plane hit the tower. So we come to Genesis 11. And here the world got wicked again. Look at Genesis 11 and verse 1. Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. Alright, and verse 4, they say, come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens. Let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth. Now how do you write the word tower in Chinese? The word ta, everybody say ta. Right, now notice how you write it. All the people, ren. Speaking one. Mouth or one language. People have one speech. This is the Chinese word. So when we have one vision, one language, we speak one word, we are united together. But here they were united for something evil. They were taking grass. And clay. And they formed the word ta. So the first time tower is used in Chinese history, it got to do with people in unity together building something. Now look at verse 9. Therefore its name is called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. Now what did you say in Chinese? Confusion or luan, how do you write it? It got to do with your tongue. This is the word shi or tongue. And because of tongue, now this word, this character, it is the right leg. It speaks of the right leg scattering in one direction. Confusion. Because of the words, the people were scattering. Because the language was being mixed up. Now the Chinese word for scattering is the word feng shang. The pronunciation is not so good. I got a love from Lulu. How do you write the word feng shang? Can you see here? Can you see here? Every time your neighbor says, look at pastor, come on. Alright, it is the word ba and the word tao, a knife. Why is there eight? Because there were eight generations leading to the tower of Babel. And they were all divided by the knife, so there was division. My honey ping is not so good. Now look, feng shang is all the people, this way you get the word kong. And this is rau zi pien, flesh. And this word, Lulu, help me. Pu zi pang, that means followed. So look, put them all together. Generations were divided by the knife. And all the flesh followed. So because of the tower of Babel, all the people were scattered. And one major group went towards the east and settled in the land of China. So they migrated. Okay, the word migrated or scattered is this word, look. Now, very interesting. Okay, this is the last space I have. Okay, so everybody look at this last space. Alright, now how do you write this word, tian? It was a big migration, da. And this word, sì, which means division. So there was a big division. Where did it happen from? From the west. So Babel, to the Chinese race, is known as the west. Remember, we all have the, you know, the Chinese mythological story of the monkey god. He went to the west. Alright, where is the west? To them, it's not America, it's not England, it's Tibet. It's towards the area. So Babel, to them, at that time is the west. Big division at the west. Yes, and as a result, people were scattered against zou zi pang. So they all scattered and settled in the land of China. Wang Di was one of the descendants. And in his time, the Chinese character was invented. And all these things were recorded. But they didn't just record history. Remember, Wang Di worshiped Shang Di. So there was this concept, that God did not want to forsake relationship with men, although we have fallen into sin. How many of you know God doesn't want to give up his relationship with us, amen? So what did God do? Well, the Old Testament tells you, he instituted a system of blood sacrifice. Alright, now how do you write the word sacrifice? Just a few more, okay, then I'm done. Alright, yeah, how do you write sacrifice? Look, sacrifice. You say, ah, pastor very hard. Okay, let me see. Well, what did God do? The book of Hebrews tells us. Leviticus tells us. God says, take the cow. Take the lamb. But it got to be without blemish. Perfect. Kill them with a spear. Offer as a sacrifice. Can you see the whole concept of the blood sacrifice is already in this one word? Especially use the sacrifice of a baby lamb. So how do you write a young cow or cow young? You take a lamb, put it through fire. So the concept is take a lamb, sacrifice it, burn it. Then what do you do? Take the blood. Do you know the original Chinese word for blood is this picture of a vessel with a drop of blood inside? This is the vessel of a cup, a Chinese cup with blood inside. But then it was changed. It was changed to this word, sie. Now how do you write sie? Sie is actually, now watch. It is blood, a dash of blood. Sie is actually, now watch. It is blood, a dash of blood in a vessel, min. This is the word. This is vessel. Now you say this is too hard. No, you're singing this all the time in the Chinese church. Well remember the song Above All Else? The song Above All Else? You know, Ellie comes every week. So imagine I'm Ellie right now, long hair. Tall. Always sing like this. Here I stand, xiang fu yu ni. Here I stand, ke mu yu ni. Yan chen wei, ni qi min. Every week I sing it. The whole concept of blood in a vessel. Bring before the presence of God. For the forgiveness of our sin. Alright, ultimately Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, sent by the Lord, sent by God Himself to be the Savior of the world. Hallelujah. Come on, give the Lord a big clap. And you know, He came to give us righteousness. And righteousness is this word, Lamb over me. Lamb over me. So notice, sacrifice obviously has to do with lamb. Now remember many people say, and you heard it before, what about, you know you guys are Christians, you know you say God loves the world, but what about ancient China? What about all this ancient China? I got so fed up of people talking to me like this. Next time somebody talk to you, especially during this Chinese New Year, you tell them this, what I'm going to tell you right now. This word, thousands of years old. Longer before Jesus even came. How do you write this word? Originally you take a lamb, and you use your hand. You use your hand. You take a spear and pierce him. A spear. So the Chinese already prophesied. God will bring his lamb, and people will take a spear with their hands, pierce him. And you know that happened on Calvary. Can you imagine thousands of years before Jesus came? Even his death was already prophesied in Chinese writing. Now today, my boy, Dan is called Kang Yi. But in Singapore we write in this simplified format. Notice, even this word is fantastic. It means the blood on the cross. The blood on the cross. It could mean the blood of the vessel before God. But it also means the blood, ultimately, there'll be splattered on the cross of Calvary. So the Chinese unknowingly were expecting this. Long time ago, long before Daoism and Confucianism and Buddhism came, invaded in their history, with this concept that God will one day send an ultimate lamb of God that will die on the cross, pierce into the side, and his blood will be a sacrifice for our sin. So can you imagine, you grew up writing all these words, and unknowingly you're writing the history of God into your heart. Subconsciously, you are rehearsing the story of the Bible. So John 3.16 say, whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life or eternal life. The word eternal life or yong in the ancient writing is this. It means when the lamb comes, he will wash you like water, all your sins away. Today we use this word yong, which also means the same thing. When the blood comes, he will wash you like water, and all your sins will be washed as white as snow. Hallelujah. You want to clap, give the Lord a big clap. How are you saved today? You are saved through faith. So Romans 10 verse 8 says, With the mouth confession is made unto salvation. So what is faith? Faith is when a man uses his mouth to confess and the confession will bring to faith that will lead to grace, that lead to salvation. Oh come on, give the Lord a big clap right now. Isn't this amazing? So you say, wow, never realized this. So the next time somebody tells you, hey you are Chinese, shouldn't you be this, this, this? You say no. Long before this, this, this, we have all this. They say oh, you embrace an American faith. You embrace the faith of George W Bush or Obama. You say no. You say it's not true. You say it a long time ago. Even as a little boy, a little girl. As I learned to write all these words, the story of God from Genesis to the flood to Babel to the sacrificial system to the coming of Christ dying on the cross to the way I can be blessed and what faith is all about. God is the God of the Chinese people. I'm going back to my roots. I'm going back to my culture. You want to clap, give the Lord a big clap. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. How many of you want to learn even more amazing thing about God in ancient China? You got to come back next week. I want to close tonight by going to Act 17. Act 17. I know this Chinese New Year many of you have many stories to tell now. Hallelujah. In Acts 17 and verse 22. Acts 17 and verse 22. Next week when you come, I'm going to tell you an amazing story. You know, my dad named me after a Chinese emperor. His name is Kangxi. So I asked my dad one day when we were in Taiwan and we were in the Chinese museum. And there was a lot of stuff about Kangxi. And one of the things that was on display was that Kangxi was a convert. He was a Christian. And how he was praising God. So next week I'll tell you more about him. The greatest emperor in China, a believer of Jesus Christ. And I asked my dad, I said, why didn't you name my, why didn't you write my Chinese name exactly like him? You see, if I do that, all your friends will laugh at you. But anyway, next week I'll tell you more about Kangxi and it's an amazing story. So next week, no more writing lessons, okay? But I'll tell you a very exciting story. But in Acts 17 and verse 22, Paul came to Athens and Paul did not score the people for their idolatry. He says men of Athens are perceived in all things, they are very religious. And then he says in verse 22, I was passing through and considering the object of your worship and I even found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God. Therefore the one whom you worship without knowing him, I proclaim to you. I tell you, this is our job. This is our job in China, in Taiwan, here in Singapore, and all throughout the Chinese speaking world. Chinese people are like the men of Athens. We are very religious. We are very superstitious. We are scared of ghosts all the time. You know, everything is ghost here and ghost there. We are very religious people. And what we need to do is point them, because Chinese people are searching for God. And we got to tell them the God that you've been searching for. It's the same God, the first emperor of China worship is the God Shangdi. You don't know his name. But to the Hebrew, he is called Yahweh or Jehovah. To the Christian, he is called Jesus Christ. And to the Chinese people from the beginning, he is called Shangdi. And look at verse 26. And he has made from one blood every nation of man to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the pre-appointed times and the boundaries of habitation. So even while you may not know God, God has already included you into His plan to save you. He wants to reveal Himself to you and reveal Himself to you. He wants to tell you His story and tell your roots and your cultural heritage and tell you that He wants to bless you and hear a good plan for you to make you the head and not the tail. To prosper you. Oh, give the Lord a big hand. Give the Lord a big hand. Look at verse 27 now. So that they should seek the Lord in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him though He is not far from each one of us. So God is not far. He is just a breath away. Do you know the moment you were born for many of you? How many of you here are Chinese? Live off your hands. How many of you learned to write Chinese as a young boy or girl? As a young child. Even when you write the word tian, a simple word, God was trying to reveal Himself to you. I'm the one bigger than all the big on the earth. When you write all these words, God is near you trying to show you. Come to me, all those that are heavy laden. You see, He's orchestrating all the human events. Even the bad times. Even the economic recession. So that every one of us have the greatest chance to know Him and to experience Him and to encounter Him as the true Savior and God of all the earth. Hallelujah. Come on, you want to clap? Give the Lord a big clap tonight. Hallelujah. Give the Lord a big hand. Musicians come up right now. How many of you tonight suddenly realize, hey, God really has been trying to show Himself to me since I was born. Put up your hands right now. Can we trust Him then? Can we trust Him who is so interested in us? Can we trust this God, this Heavenly Father to take care of us when we go through difficult times? Of course you can. Even this economic recession. Can we trust in Him? This God who wants to reveal Himself. Let me tell you, what does He want to show you? He wants to show you that His Jehovah Jireh, the God your provider. He wants to show you that His El Shaddai, He's the God of more than enough. He wants to show you that when the whole world is going down, you can keep on going up. Then you say, oh, but how, how? You know, I've been retrenched. Every problem is a new opportunity for God to explode His blessings into your life. For you to discover new talents that will take you into the next realm. Tonight I want you to begin to pray. God, I want to trust you to take care of me. Well, how many of you also second lead tonight? You can resoundingly believe and you have faith. Man, if God is the God of the Chinese people, then my family can get saved. My grandparents, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister. Long before these things came in, He is the God of China. Now you realize why the greatest revival is happening in China right now. Because it's built in the Chinese culture. Is this hunger for this one true God? So that is why when you talk to Chinese people, you don't need to get into deep theology. You don't need to explain if you're going to talk to other parts of the world. Simply tell the Chinese He's your God. He loves you. He wants to bless you. And everywhere you go in the Chinese world, they open their hearts and say I want to be a believer. Because this is like going back to our roots. This is going back to our real culture. Tonight let's all stand out on our feet right now. Hallelujah. Let's just lift our hands and just begin to worship this great God.