(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Another belief that Christians have today that is an incorrect belief that is not founded in scripture is the belief that we should bless Israel, you know, they they go back to the what they refer to as the Abrahamic covenant They go back to Genesis chapter 12 and they say oh we got to bless Israel if we want God's blessing we have to bless them Genesis 12 verses 1 through 3 is the key scripture where God calls and blesses Abraham It reads Now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed Now according to this scripture. God is making a covenant with Abraham and he tells Abraham I will bless thee the word thee is singular. He's speaking to Abraham Well in Scofield's notes on Genesis 12. He applies this blessing unto the future nation of Israel That is not what the scripture teaches and many evangelical Christians today Do not get their doctrine on Israel from anything that's written in the New Testament They're getting it from the notes of the Scofield reference Bible when you're reading these promises made to Abraham in the Old Testament You have to realize what the Bible teaches in Galatians 3 16 When it says now to Abraham and his seed where the promise is made now we stopped right there You know all the Christians of today or Zionists or whoever they could say see it was to Abraham and his seed But the verse goes on it says he sayeth not and two seeds with an s at the end making it plural He says he sayeth not and two seeds as of many but as at one and to thy seed Which is Christ so according to the Bible the promises made to Abraham were made unto Abraham and unto Christ and the Bible says in verse 29 and if he be Christ's then are you Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise according to the Bible we as Christians whether we be Jew or Gentile are the heirs of the promises made to Abraham those today who are in the Middle East and the nation of Israel They're not in Christ 99% of them do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Therefore they are not the seed of Abraham therefore Genesis 12 1 through 3 does not apply unto them You