(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I just wanted to record a quick video about some of the harassment we've been receiving lately. There are a couple of people who've just made it their full-time job seemingly to harass us and persecute us and mess with us any way possible. It's really just stupid. I mean what kind of a pathetic loser spends their life just trolling a church and just messing with us. And honestly, it doesn't even harm us. It actually ends up just harming a bunch of innocent people. You know, for example, a couple of days ago, they listed a free 100-gallon fish tank on Craigslist. So we just have all these people coming by to pick up the fish tank. Just person after person after person coming by to pick up 100-gallon fish tank. Well, here's the thing. That wasn't really as much of an inconvenience to us as it was to a bunch of people who are just trying to get an aquarium set up. Or they'll order pizzas and have them sent to us that they don't pay for. Well, again, it's just the pizza restaurant and the pizza delivery driver that are getting screwed. And so it doesn't really end up harming us as much as it just harms random innocent people. And it's funny how these people claim to be so loving. But honestly, these self-centered jerks have no empathy for other people. You know, I felt bad for the people showing up for the free furniture or, you know, somebody listed free tickets to South Africa and then all these people are, you know, calling and emailing, trying to get the free tickets to South Africa. Here's the thing. You know, I felt bad for these people that drive over. I felt bad for the pizza delivery driver. I tried to offer him money and I said, you know, here, let me give you a tip at least, you know, but we didn't order these pizzas. He wouldn't even take the tip. He said, oh, no, don't worry about it. It's not your fault. He was really cool about it. But I felt bad for the guy. Why? Because I'm a normal human being who has empathy for other people. I don't just spend my life trolling and just screwing innocent people and wasting their time and making them drive across town for no reason, just because I'm in a, you know, a junior high or trapped in an adult's body or something, doing all this kind of stuff. It's really stupid and ridiculous. Another thing that they like to do is to sign me up for just random magazines. You know, I'll get like literally 30 magazines sent to me at the church building here. And then I just keep getting the bill. They keep sending me the bill. You know, you, you ordered this magazine, you need to pay the bill. Obviously, since I didn't order it, I tear up the bills and throw them in the trash. I throw the magazines in the trash. So again, it's not really that hard for me to throw a magazine in the trash. It's not really that hard for me to tear up a bill and throw it away. It's the magazine company that's getting ripped off because they're spending the money to send this magazine that never gets paid for. I mean, it's just, those are just a few examples of the kind of dumb stuff that people are just constantly doing to try to harass us and persecute us and we're going to shut you down and all this stuff. Well, guess what? You're never going to shut me down because I'm never going to stop. And you know, the more people attack me, harass me, persecute me, all it does is just makes me want to fight harder, push harder, preach harder, do more, work harder. You know, it doesn't stop me. The fact that we have all this opposition, it actually just, you know, motivates me and I thrive on it. Okay. So it's just what kind of a pathetic loser, if you're an atheist, if you don't believe in God, why don't you just eat, drink and be married because tomorrow you die. You know, at least we over here at Faithful Word Baptist Church are working for something of eternal value. I mean, good night. If I thought that all we have is what's in this life, I'd be doing something better with my life than just trolling Christians and doing these kind of stupid things. But it's just funny how loving these people supposedly are when they end up just hurting a bunch of innocent people. They don't care about those people. They're just, all they care about is their own stupid agenda, their own pro-homo agenda or anti-God agenda or whatever. They don't care who gets harmed in the process. It's really just stupid and ridiculous. But anyway, another thing I wanted to bring up is that we did just get in these new USBs, also the Preaching on Bible Prophecy. It's a purple USB that contains 63 sermons on Bible prophecy, including the entire Revelation series, First and Second Thessalonians series, Zechariah series. And these are, you can pick these up for free. We gave out a ton of them at church yesterday, but you can pick these up for free at Faith Forward Baptist Search in Tempe, Arizona. 63 MP3s on one USB flash drive, 63 hours of preaching. Imagine if you had 60 preaching CDs, how much room that you'd have to have a whole book of preaching CDs and so forth. So this is a lot easier, more convenient. And this is the wave of the future. All the new cars have this. Anyway, if you don't live around here, if you can't come by and pick one up, you can also order these. Paul Wittenberger sells them on framingtheworld.com. So you can go to framingtheworld.com and purchase one of these as well. All this junk, all the persecution, I heard that they put a big pile of feces outside of Verity Baptist Church yesterday. And they're constantly over there with a megaphone just harassing random people. I mean, just random people are walking into the church and they just are calling out obscene things to them and just harassing them. But they're not going to stop, Brother Jimenez, they're not going to stop me. All this stuff does is just motivate me. I mean, look, I don't know if people have noticed, but we have just ramped up everything we're doing at Faith Forward Baptist Search over the last month, month and a half. Why? Because we're fired up, man. You want to fight? Well, we're ready to fight the good fight anytime. Bring it on. And so we're just expanding everything. We're starting three churches, literally three churches in the next couple of months. And Tennessee, Botswana, one here in Arizona. We are cranking out all these USB flash drives of preaching and just distributing them by the thousands, cranking out audio CDs, DVDs. I mean, I'm just cranking up everything, going full speed ahead while these pathetic junior high mentality losers are doing another fake Craigslist ad or ordering us another pizza. Well, you know what? You guys are going to be burning in hell. We're going to be rewarded in heaven for the good works that we're doing. Jesus Christ is returning and he's got his reward with him and he's ready to take vengeance and flaming fire on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. So anyway, that's just an update of what's been going on lately. Just a lot of dumb harassment and then a new preaching USB that's out there. God bless you. Have a great day.