(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Honestly at the end of the day when they say when they say never forget they're saying never forget the victims Yeah of 9-11. That makes sense. That's what it killed by our government. Yeah Which is pretty crazy How crazy how far governments will obviously we don't adhere to the mainstream The story the official the official story of 9-11 Obviously a major no plane no plane hit building seven, you know I learned about 9-11 being an inside job in in high school by my teacher He would have worksheets like showing us like no plane hit building seven Yeah old demolition He was showing us and I'm like I mean, we're seeing the ramifications of it even to this day because like when I travel TSA is just Ridiculous all up in your business, isn't it crazy? Cuz I I mean I was born into it But there was like a time before like you didn't have to take off your shoes at the airport Oh Adam there is more than just that there's a time when your family could actually walk with you all the way up to the gate the gate where you go inside the Air that's so crazy to me. I mean you could do that. I mean in the 50s when people used to fly I'm not saying people Pastor actually people could not fly when when when people would 50s and 60s when people would fly it was actually considered like Like a luxury like people would dress up in a shirt and tie and they would um They would like they had waiters Like the flight attendants were like waiters that would come and bring you lobster and all these things It was considered like it was like a luxury basically. Yeah, I posted a meme it's so it's very true though and You know, you can get a flight in the morning or in morning or whatever. You just go there. Just purchase it You didn't really need like an ID or anything like that like a cuz back in even I think in the 50s 40s and 50s IDs. Yeah. Yeah 40s 50s 60s 70s not until the 80s maybe IDs didn't even have your face on it. Yeah, it was just like your name That's why a lot of people were able to get away with a lot of crimes and stuff like that You know you think of like Ted Bundy he committed a lot of his crimes and Washington and Utah I think some in California and So in order to avoid a lot of the authorities what he did is he changed his appearance a little bit and then he went to Florida and he had committed I mean he was like he was on the run for a long time and they already knew who he was and When they had pulled him over or something like that in Florida He just pulled out a driver's license and it was just a different person's name It didn't even have like his picture on there or something like that But what I'm saying is like, you know back in those days it was a lot different and I remember flying when I was 10 maybe 9 or 10 going to Central America and You know, it's a lot different like you can just literally walk up to the gate Your family would walk with you and stuff and they see you at the window where the plane is and all that. It's different now TSA is horrible, you know, they know yeah, but like you mentioned people wear like suits and stuff now People go in there flip-flops, but there's a reason why they do that though It's a lot more uncomfortable now, right? Well, not just that but just it they're just trying to be comfortable going through TSA Because if you go in dress shoes and everything, it's just a hassle Untying your shoes and as you're taking off your clothes You're taking off your clothes to put it on the on the whatever the thing You know the thing the conveyor belt They're rushing you. Yeah, come on. Let's go. Are you feel like you're in prison or some camp? Let's go put it on the bow Yelling at you the whole time