(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Just a quick video today and I just want to ask what kind of church are you going to? The Bible says in Mark 16 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Is the church you're going to, are they going into all the world and preaching the gospel to every preacher? Do they have a soul winning program? Do they actually try to reach the lost in your own city? If they don't have a soul winning program, going out knocking doors giving the gospel to people, then they're not obeying this command of God. Instead what we have today is a bunch of Baptist churches that could be named Fishbowl Baptist because instead of going out and trying to convert people, you know, bring new converts to church and growing the church, they just want to take care of the people inside. It's like a fishbowl. You just, it's the same fish every Sunday. Nothing's, nothing new. They're not trying to go out and win souls, they're just trying to take care of the fish in the tank. That's it. So just a quick thought. Are you going to Fishbowl Baptist or are you going to a soul winning church? A church that's actually trying to fulfill the Great Commission. So let me know what you think about this in the comments below and if you're new, be sure to hit the subscribe button and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching.