(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jeff here. I want to make a quick how-to video in this video I want to show how you the Christian can get out of mandatory vaccines Whether that would be your place of employment like a hospital or school or even immigration Now I had this happen to me in my personal life, and it's very simple because every place With all these institutions whether it be school immigration or a place of employment have a religious exemption Now most of them don't even are not even aware that they might even have it I've had us have my personal life where I Had to they wanted me to pay extra money for vaccines And I explained to the doctor or the office of the doctor that that wouldn't be necessary And they said well just go ahead and bring your vaccine records I said well that wouldn't be necessary either and he said and the secretary said why? Asked why and I said because I'm gonna do a religious exemption And she was never it was like no one has ever brought that up or asked her so she talked to her supervisor and then went up to the doctor and the team went to the back and you know Blew the dust off the file that had the language in their policies that allowed a religious exemption and So they brought this so I got on the phone with a doctor and talked to him about it Now what goes into a religious exemption is an explanation of your convictions as to why you don't want the vaccine Now this is important because some people and obviously there are some Conspiratorial reasons why we don't want them. They're unhealthy They've been known to cause health problems, but you cannot use this as a religious exemption You have to keep it purely on the Bible Now so that means you cannot reference agenda 21 and the population control or the lowering of the human population the possibility of sterilization and cancer from the vaccines and You cannot go down that road in your explanation. You have to keep it on point and that's the Bible Now I'm gonna read read this letter to you. Now. This letter has been Very successful for myself and friends and family who were in this predicament where they needed to justify religious exemption And it's very simple. I'm gonna read it for you But I'm also an include I'm also going to include a link to a PDF file in the description of this video Or maybe I'll just put the text itself in the description You just copy and paste that that Text if you are in this situation, you might have to personalize it a little bit now before I read this letter to you Let me just kind of summarize it first basically What the components that go into these vaccines is like animal DNA and like like monkey monkey kidney cells It's in the the description or the ingredient list of these vaccines and this would conflict with many passages of the Bible which teach that our body is Isn't as bought with a price bought with Jesus and we're not our own and our body is a temple the Holy Ghost and the Bible teaches that you know, you can't even touch and a dead animal and not be clean. So why would you inject? Dead animal parts into your body. I mean that would make you very unclean and the other part aspect of it Is that part of the production process of these vaccines is? They use the boarded fetuses and this is abortion and because you as a Christian believe that life begins at conception So a vaccine that was produced at the price of a child is very sinful and partaking in murder We're not going to get that radical in the letter, but that's basically a summation of what it is now I'm going to read this letter to you And again, you might have to personalize it for your own situation, but the general gist is there it reads to whom it may concern I'm writing to request a religious exemption from vaccines My conscience as a Christian is conflicted as I have learned more about the components that are in or were used to produce many of these vaccines Upon studying the components of vaccines. I learned that DNA and protein from aborted babies have been used Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 states before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctify thee and ordain thee a prophet unto the nations the Bible teaches that life begins at conception and so to receive a vaccine that was produced from aborted fetuses would conflict with my beliefs as a Christian I Have also become more aware of the production of these vaccines which contains animal parts and this conflicts with Leviticus and first Corinthians in the Bible Leviticus chapter 11 verse 25 states and whosoever beareth ought of the carcass is That's a dead body or animal of them shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening even Leviticus chapter 11 verse 27 states and whosoever goeth upon his paws Among all manner of beasts that go on all four those are unclean unto you who so toucheth Their carcass shall be unclean until the even first Corinthians 6 19 states What know you not that your body is a temple the Holy Ghost which is in you? Which she have of God and you're not your own Now based upon the teachings of the Bible injecting these animal components that are found in these Vaccines into my body would conflict with my conscience as a Christian and the teachings of the Bible Now this last paragraph is used if basically you've had vaccines in the past It's on record and they want to know why you switch it basically reads I understand that I have received vaccines in the past But I have become more aware of the components that are in these vaccines I find that receiving the vaccine would conflict against my conscience as a Christian The teachings of the Bible therefore, I would like to have a religious exemption Thank you for your time and consideration Your Bible believe in Christian now as time goes on. It seems like the powers that be are just really forcing employers and schools to make their their people get these vaccines and You know used to be you just you can just opt out just because you didn't want them But now it seems like we have to resort to the religious exemption So if you or someone you know whose back is against the wall They do have a religious out a religious exemption And so I hope that this video in this letter could be of help to you or someone, you know