(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I am a catholic and I believe that the way that other small christians dominate the bible is bullshit. So what's this what's this book okay so do you believe every word of it yes do you believe every word is true every word is true if you translate the correct way that bible was written about two thousand years ago and then it kept you know being edited for about 500 years so it's at least 1500 years ago and it's just up to so they've changed it a bunch of times you believe they changed it no they have never changed it as far as i know they have just interpreted it in different ways interpreted so which is the correct bible name i have no idea so if the bible says one thing and your priest tells you another thing which one do you believe i believe in the one that i think makes more sense for me okay so what do you believe i believe this there's this bible right here it's called the king james ajv holy bible the holy scriptures that's what i believe i don't believe in a church you believe in every single word in that bible correct even though nothing is that typically proved none of that is uh you know that's not proven yeah okay so that's like so you don't believe it then i'm not saying i don't but i can guarantee you that more than 50 percent of that shit is bullshit okay there you go is jesus god or not is not god the holy spirit who are they um the holy spirit jesus christ are they gods there's only one god and if you believe there's three gods and they are one you are so stupid all right there's only one god there's no way you got three gods but there's only one all right do you mind if i do you mind if i show you a couple of verses from the bible and can we read it together first john five seven which is the clearest it says for there are three that bear record in heaven and the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one who wrote that john direct disciple of jesus christ um actually not okay so i was born about a hundred years after john was born a hundred years after jesus christ so where where did where did the catholic church start historically okay the origins of uh the catholic church or in israel oh really but he went to uh rome paul i thought it was peter okay well you know okay i thought it was peter he said peter paul peter was the first pope right that's what they say right but he was married and he never told anybody to bow down okay anyway so you know more about it than i do but you know the catholic church is the one that invented the christian church so all you guys jesus encrypted the christian church so continue so how do we know how do we know if you read the bible you would know it and i don't believe in what i'm gonna tell you so here's the thing it says there are three that bear record in heaven and in the name of the book is first john three or first john five okay verse seven tells us for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one let me ask you something did you believe everything president barack obama said absolutely i don't believe in anything he said okay do you believe in everything uh i don't believe anything a politician says okay so why the hell would you not believe in that and believe in that okay so that shows us right there what you believe thank you very much sir have a good one