(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everyone, I'm Jodi O'Malley, the federal government whistleblower that worked with Project Veritas. I was the one that exposed the coronavirus adverse reactions, the lack of transparency and reporting of these events to VAERS, as well as the refusal to administer safe and effective off-label medications prescribed by physicians at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center, a federal HHS government facility. As of yesterday, I was informed that I am placed on administrative leave while an investigation is being conducted. I am not really sure what will happen from here, but it seems as if the federal government is retaliating against me, even though the facility I work for has publicly acknowledged they were investigating what I uncovered last week. While the government investigates, I will be spending my time and energy on promoting and advocating for informed consent, medical freedom, and exposing corruption from within. Since Project Veritas has released my story, the amount of love, generosity, and messages has been overwhelming and highly unexpected. I knew that sharing these patients' stories would speak louder than I ever could, and that is why they needed to be shared. Doing the right thing should never be motivated by personal attention, monetary gain, or building your own platform. You simply do it because it's the right thing to do. As James says, be brave, do something. If you wish to connect with me, follow me on IG and Telegram at Nurse for Natives. If you would like to donate to furthering these causes, please go to Give Send Go vaccine forward slash vaccine whistleblower. Have a blessed day.