(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How deception propaganda a new book by James O'Keefe free over now at americanmuckraker.com inside the actual virus so your antibodies are probably better than the vaccination Nick Carl is an experienced biochemist at Pfizer with a history of working in the pharmaceutical industry Nick admits to our undercover journalist that those who've had covid have stronger immunity than those who've received the Pfizer covid vaccine. When somebody is naturally amused like they got covid they probably have better like not better but more antibodies against the virus because what the vaccine is is like I said that protein that's just on the outside so it's just one antibody against one specific part of the virus when you actually get the virus you're going to start producing antibodies against like multiple pieces of virus and not only just like the outside portion like the inside portion of the actual virus so your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination but don't take his word for it two other Pfizer scientists echo the same sentiment so are you well protected like as much as the vaccine probably more how so like how much more you're protected most likely for laundry since it was a natural response we're like bread and talk to be like like vaccine is safer than than actually getting covid you cannot like talk about this in public if you have antibodies built up like you should be able to prove that you have those built up I mean I still feel like I work for like an evil corporation we're trying to keep track of everyone that's been vaccinated versus the census of how many people are actually reported basically our organization is run on covid money now you don't talk about anything that can possibly implicate you or like big pharma um like even if you shut the door through the office it's kind of like who's listening I specifically have like oh god I signed the NDAs against this government doesn't want to show that the darn vaccine is full of shit it needs to be a registry of the people who aren't vaccinated that's sounding very very mean I'm gonna go door to door instead of everyone oh it's just your piece of shop she didn't want to take it because of her religious beliefs she was coerced into taking they are not important because they want to show it on the map oh god I signed the NDAs so your antibodies are probably better at that rate than the vaccination you're not wearing a wire right our next installment in the series exposing big pharma will feature multiple releases inside one of the nation's largest covid vaccine manufacturers Pfizer the series features not one not two but three scientists within Pfizer talking to one of our undercover journalists making stunning admissions about the covid vaccine and the culture inside of Pfizer like we're like bred and taught to be like like vaccine is safer than than actually getting covid that's like like honestly we have to we have to do so many seminars on this like you have no idea like we have to like sit there for hours and hours and listen to like be like you cannot like talk about this in public no logically though like if you have antibodies built up like you should be able to prove that you have those built up like and just be like I don't know maybe potentially that's doesn't seem that crazy I had covid and I have monster immunity after eight months so I just got checked last month for antibodies I mean that's no worries same thing with my brother so should I get the vaccine wait till when if your immunity starts to wane then get vaccinated so I mean well protected like as much as the vaccine probably more how so like how much more I mean so when we came out with so right now we're seeing an increase in the delta variant mostly not because of the variant because of immune they're basically their antibodies are waning so they're they're still protected but not at that 95% efficacy it's more like 70% so you're being you're protected most likely for laundry since it was a natural response so basically they're trying to keep track of everyone that's been vaccinated versus the census of how many people are actually reported so I mean they're trying to get their numbers but still you shouldn't have to show anything which is basically in my opinion a violation of HIPAA they no one has the right to ask you if you've been vaccinated or so it's an invasion of privacy I don't agree with it Nick's take on these social mandates would seem to run contrary to a sentiment on antibody immunity this isn't the first time we've heard this sentiment from a scientist with one of these companies how do we get the unvaccinated vaccinated I feel like what they're doing like for instance like the city needs like fax cards and everything it's just like about making it so inconvenient for like unvaccinated people to the point where they're just like you know what do you mean like if you are restricting people that are unvaccinated from doing anything and then like vaccinated people are allowed to do anything they want eventually they're just going to be like let me just get vaccinated I mean you have multiple companies that were basically given a crap ton of money to produce vaccines and they're pushing them so what happens to the monoclonal in the body trainers push to the side why it's disgusting you're not wearing a wire right no I mean I still feel like I work for like an evil corporation because it comes down to profits in the end and I mean I'm there to help people not to make yeah millions and millions of dollars so I mean that's the moral I would say billions and billions I'm trying to be nice no I hear you I do I mean I'll still give you a hard time but basically our organization is run on covid money now how so by it netted like over 15 billion last year chris croce is a senior associate scientist with Pfizer he goes on to explain a test that is currently taking place at Pfizer not to determine the effectiveness but to see if it is leading to heart attacks I'm glad you didn't get any myocarditis because that's a concern right no more so for younger people why that's what we're looking into right now so yeah we're doing we just sent like 3,000 patient samples to get tested for like elevated troponin levels yeah to see if it's vaccine-based or so I don't know we just sent that over this past week and the last batch will be sent over next week all external testing we'll see hopefully it's good well I mean if not then my opinion that might pull something from the market if the scientists believe that the antibody works more effectively than the vaccines it begs the question what's with all the federal mandates regardless of what the data says there's ears and eyes everywhere what do you mean that Pfizer like in the building so it's kind of just like you don't talk about anything that can possibly implicate you or like big pharma um like even if you shut the door to the office it's kind of like who's listening these expressed views run contrary to the current public policy affecting millions of people if you're on the inside of the pharmaceutical company contact us at veritas tips at protonmail.com and stay tuned we have a hidden camera footage of executives at Pfizer code yellow I don't know what that means