(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Mark of the beast is found in revelation 13 verses 16 through 18 and it's probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in the bible i'm going to give you a couple things in this video to help you to understand it number one is that the false prophet is the one responsible for instituting the mark during the great tribulation prior to its implementation the world would have just experienced warfare famines pestilences death on a massive scale and even a great global economic crash that will be used as a springboard to introduce the one world currency via the mark the second thing is that the mark is placed into the right hand or in the forehead eliminating the possibility that it's referring to a vaccine since vaccines don't go into the right hand or in the forehead the more possible explanation is that it's referring to a new neurological technology something that goes into the frontal lobe cortex searing it lastly is that the mark of the beast isn't instituted to make life easier for the world but rather to make war with the saints you see in order to receive the mark you have to worship the image and the beast something that safe people can't do the antichrist will use this to his advantage institute the mark identify christians and kill them