(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, this is Pastor Jonathan Shelley from Steadfast Baptist Church, and I just wanted to give you a couple updates. Number one, we just got back from our Waco soul winning marathon where we had about 60 soul winners go out, and we had 58 salvations for the day. So praise the Lord that we had a lot of soul winners that are going out in the cold and in the rain, yet wanting to preach the gospel, and we're going to have great services tomorrow. Now it's anticipated that there's probably going to be a lot of protestors or people that are against our church showing up, so it would be great if we could have a lot of Baptists show up in support of a church that is being evicted for free speech. Now if you have any questions about that, I actually just recently posted a little expose video that kind of details what's actually been happening and how people are literally joining up and partnering with Satanists to try to get our church evicted. So go ahead and watch that documentary, a lot of great information in there, share it with people, because we want to make it clear what's really been going on behind scenes and to expose the hidden works of darkness and reprove them. So God bless you guys, I hope to see you tomorrow, have a great day.