(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is why the unconverted heart hates God, and this is why the unconverted heart would kill God if that were possible. The unconverted heart would murder God if that were possible. After all, on the day of judgment, it's either him or you, right? On the day of judgment, it's either him or you, and if you had the power, would you murder him? But the sinner finds this to be a standing insult. If there were a blow that he could strike that would kill God, he would do so. If there were a blow that he could strike that would kill God, he would do so. And the only deliverance from this state of affairs, the only deliverance from this settled disposition is when God in his mercy strikes us. When God in his mercy strikes the blow that slays the dragon in every human heart. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said the line between good and evil is a line that runs through every human heart. All of us have to deal with this, and when God in his mercy strikes the blow that slays the dragon in every human heart, God has killed that in us which would kill him if it could. That's what we call being crucified with Christ. When that happens, that's what we call being born again. The unconverted heart has not gone through that, the regenerate heart has, and it's entirely and completely the mercy and goodness and grace of God. There's room at the cross for you. There's room at the cross for you. Though millions have come, there's still room for one. Yes, there's room at the cross for you.