(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Church Manila providing you another video on the topic of Calvinism. And I want to talk to you about this idea of babies dying and what I believe is that when babies die they go to heaven and Calvinists, well some of them believe that but a lot don't. And so when it comes to Calvinists, what some Calvinists believe is this, that if a baby dies then it was obviously not God's will for them to believe on Jesus Christ and get saved. And so every baby that dies ends up going to hell. Some Calvinists believe that. Why? Because they believe you're a child of the devil from the womb. You're this wicked evil reprobate from the womb and you have no hope of salvation unless God regenerates you. And if you die before you reach an age where you can have that comprehension, God will send you straight to hell. That's what some Calvinists believe. Now not all Calvinists believe that but quite honestly a lot more Calvinists believe that than you realize. They just don't talk about it because of the fact many people have lost babies before. Many people. Many people have miscarriages. They lose babies. They lose children. Children that they loved. They lost a child. And you want to honestly teaching them that, that their child that when they had a miscarriage died and went to hell was a pretty evil teaching and no one's really going to accept that. And it is an evil teaching. It's wicked. It's ridiculous. It's disgusting. Now what the Bible teaches is synonymous with Adam and Eve. Now Adam and Eve were not babies when they were born. They were full grown man and woman. But remember they didn't understand the concept of right and wrong until they ate from the tree. They thought it was normal walking around naked. And this is a good analogy when it comes to kids because kids at a young age, they think it's perfectly normal to just run around naked. They don't see anything wrong with it. They don't feel guilty about it. And as they start to feel guilty about it, it kind of shows you they're starting to understand the difference between right and wrong. And they're at an age now where they can probably comprehend the gospel. And so that is something though that Calvinists, they don't really believe. Now some Calvinists do believe babies go to heaven as we know in the Bible that David's child, David's baby went to heaven. The Bible teaches that. He says he should not come to me but I will go to him, you know, one day. And so we know that. That's what the Bible teaches even though Calvinists don't all believe that. A lot of them do believe that babies die and go to hell because it kind of makes more sense with their theology. And so honestly, if I was a Calvinist, I would probably believe that. Because if you're going to be honest and have integrity with what you believe, saying that you know what, you're a child of the devil and you've got to believe on Jesus Christ, and they're too young to believe on Jesus Christ to be saved, it would make sense that they would go to hell. But look, I'm not a Calvinist. I believe babies go to heaven. And quite honestly, I think it's pretty sick and evil and perverted just like the God the Calvinists believe in. Thank you and God bless.