(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Suggi here from Verity Baptist Church Manila providing you with another video on the topic of Calvinism and limited atonement. And what I want to talk about in this video was the argument from Calvinists that the Bible teaches Jesus only died for many or he died for the elect or he died for the church. And so they'll point to various verses that specify exactly who Jesus is talking about. We'll talk about how he died for the church or he died for many and I'll say well see he didn't die for everybody. And so they'll say well all those verses where it says Jesus died for all, the all there is in reference just to the sheep or just to the church or just to the elect or just to many but not unto all. But you know that's a foolish argument and here's the reason why. You know if I told you that you know I preached a sermon on Sunday morning and I was preaching to single men at our church okay. Now there are single men at Verity Baptist Church Manila and you know it is true that on Sunday morning I was preaching to single men at our church. But you know I was also preaching to married men. I was also preaching to single women. I was also preaching to single or to married women as well as single women, married men, single men. I was preaching to kids. I was preaching to everybody. And so just because there's a verse that you point to in the Bible where it talks about how Jesus died for the elect it doesn't mean that he didn't die for the others that didn't get saved. And there's verses that make it very clear that he died for everybody. Now if you were to just look at that verse you'd say okay he died for everybody. Then you see another verse where it says well he just died for many or died for the elect. Look it doesn't mean that he didn't die for everyone. It just means that in those verses he's specifying a certain group of people. Just like if I said you know I preached my Sunday morning sermon and I was preaching to single men at our church. Look there was a church full of people. I wasn't just preaching to single men. I was preaching to a lot of different people. And so when you look at verses like that you know don't get shaken by Calvinist showing you one verse that says he died for the elect. That doesn't mean he didn't die for the un-elect. It just means that he's specifying a certain group of people that he did die for there. But there's also other people that he died for as well. Thank you and God bless.