(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Manila providing another video on the topic of unconditional election and one thing that Calvinists like to sneakily try to do is try to make big distinctions from things that are not distinct and what I mean by that is the Bible talks about being saved or receiving everlasting life or being born again or receiving the gift of eternal life and these things are synonymous things but the Calvinists like to make distinctions in them and what they'll say is this that yes if you believe you have everlasting life but here's the thing you receive everlasting life or get regenerated before you believe and then you get saved after you believe and that's really weird how they say that and I'm not sure that it's every single Calvinist who says that but I know it's most it was in in one of the leading Calvinist documenters where they talked about this where they said that you know what you get regenerated before you believe and then you get saved after you believe now that's very confusing this is what the Bible says in John chapter 3 which disproves them John chapter 3 verse 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life so what the Calvinists will say is well yes if you believe anyone who believes has everlasting life but it's not that you believe to receive the everlasting life but you actually received the everlasting life or got regenerated before you believed well here's why that's disproved in the next verse because in John 3 verse 17 it says for God sent not a son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved and so in verse 17 it uses the term being saved or receiving everlasting life interchangeably so when you look at John chapter 3 it starts off by being talked about being born again and then later on the chapter goes on and on and on and then verse 15 in verse 16 he's stressing that if you believe you receive eternal or everlasting life and then verse 17 the reason why is because he sent not the son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved and so being saved or receiving everlasting life are synonymous so they're they're strange bizarre argument that there's this magical regeneration that occurs and they'll say curse throughout the Bible even though the Bible never mentions it never shows it it's just simply not the case because of the fact we see very clearly that being saved or receiving everlasting life are synonymous there and so they try to use this to to clear up scores of discrepancies they would have but right there it disproves them being saved or receiving everlasting life those things are synonymous thank you and God bless