(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everyone, this is Brother Mejia here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Omani, California. I just want to make a quick video to give you an overview of some of the things that took place at the Chandler Soul Winning Marathon. Of course, as you've already heard, it was a successful event with 294 soul winners and 121 people saved, and so that was a huge blessing, great success, and we were able to take about 30 people out there from Faithful Word Baptist Church of Omani, and so they had a great time of fellowship and soul winning. It's just all in all was a great day, but I want to share something with you of something that took place while we're out there. My group and I were at this apartment complex preaching the gospel, and my soul winning partner and I, we got to talk to this young boy about 12 years old who was very interested in listening, and we were giving him the gospel, and then the assistant apartment manager came up and she stormed up to us and said, hey you guys need to leave, no soliciting, to which I replied, well we're not selling anything, we're not soliciting, and so, you know, we're just preaching the gospel, we're just soul winning, and she said, well you need to leave anyways, and I said, well you know, we're not doing anything wrong, we're just preaching the gospel, inviting people to church, going door-to-door, and so if you don't mind, to which she replied, well you need to leave now, and I said, well we're not gonna leave, so go call your apart, you know, your your manager, your supervisor, or whatever if you need to, but we're not going anywhere. So she went, stormed off, and went to go call her apartment manager, and I just proceeded to give this kid the gospel, who was very open, kind little boy, and just wanted to listen to what we had to say, and then lo and behold, her supervisor, apartment manager, whoever she is, came storming up, which was, you know, this reprobate dyke, and who actually began to yell at us, and scream, and say, you guys need to leave the property, no soliciting, we said, we're not soliciting, we're not selling anything, we're just preaching the gospel, we're inviting people to church, she says, well this is private property, you can't be here, he's a minor, and I'm thinking to myself, what does that have to do with anything, if he's a minor, and she says, you need to leave now, or I'm gonna call the cops, and I said, well go call the cops, go call the police, and she says, shame on you, this is a minor, and and to which she turned to him, and said, where do you live, and he told her the apartment complex that he lived in, or the apartment that he lived in, and she said, go home, and and, you know, the little kid, he's kind of scared, he didn't, kind of caught off guard, he was listening to us, and he got on his bike, and he just took off, and she said, you know, shame on you for talking to this minor, and and I said, you know, we're not doing anything wrong, we're just preaching the gospel, and I was trying to give this kid the gospel, so he can get saved, and she said, well we're gonna call the police, and I said, well go call the police, I was like, go do what you got to do, we're not leaving, so she stormed off, and my soul winning partner and I, we walked away, and there are some soul winners on our team who were there, and we just warned them, said, hey they're calling the police, so if they come get us, just keep going, keep preaching the gospel, I'm not gonna round you guys up, you know, they need, let them come fetch us out, okay, so then my partner and I, we went, we're knocking on doors, we're, you know, preaching the gospel, and then the police come, the two police officers came, and they basically escorted us out, and they said the same exact thing that the apartment manager said, no soliciting, no soliciting, I said, we're not selling anything, and to which he replied, well this is private property, you can't be here, and I said, all right, well we'll go, I said, but I'll see you at the next one, and I began to walk away, and he says, if you come back, we're gonna arrest you, and I said, well I live in LA, so I'm sure someone's gonna come back, but I'm not gonna be back here, because I live in LA, so two officers began to escort us out of the apartment complex, and there was already, you know, squad cars there, and there's other police officers there with the apartment manager who called the police on us, and she's just staring at us as we're walking by, and my blood is boiling at this point, you know, because this, you know, reprobate dyke is the reason why this 12 year old boy couldn't hear the gospel and get saved, and so as I'm walking by, I pointed at her, and I said, you're wicked, and she looked at me, I said, yeah, you heard me, and she goes, I'm wicked? I said, yeah, you're wicked, and you know, and I said, you're wicked, because you stopped me from preaching the gospel to this kid, he wanted to get saved, to which a police officer came up to me and said, just leave the property, you got to go now, or whatever, and I said, I'm leaving, I said, but I just want to let you know she's wicked, and as I'm walking away, you know, I, you know, yelled out some things, and you know, shame on you, or whatever, and so I wanted to make that video, and I'm gonna show that little clip there that we recorded on our phones at this moment, yeah, you heard right, yeah, you're wicked, you stopped me from preaching the gospel, give him someone safe, so you can go to heaven, sir, you've been asked to leave the property, we're leaving, do so, just want to let you know, she's wicked, shame on you, my vehicle's over here, smarty, and don't let these people scare you, okay, and don't let these, you know, sissified Christians who are too afraid to stand up for truth and obey God, you know, try to peer pressure you into saying, oh, you know, you should obey the, you know, the laws of the land, well, you know what, the Bible says to obey the higher powers in Romans chapter 13, and guess what's a higher power than the police, and even our Constitution, God, so if God tells us in his word in Matthew 28, go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you, you know, if he's telling us to preach the gospel to every creature, if he's saying that it's our responsibility to preach the gospel to every single person, guess what, that's a higher power, that's a higher authority than even the police, than even that stupid reprobate, you know, person who kicked us out, called the police on us, so I ought to obey God rather than man, and so this is just a reminder to all of us to, you know, obviously I'm not going out there looking for trouble, we're not going out there to try to pick a fight with anybody, I'm not trying to dispute with anybody, but at the same time, you know, the Bible tells us to rebuke with all authority and let no man despise thee, and so, you know, if someone is gonna come up and tell us that we can't preach the gospel, we're gonna turn around back and say, yes we can, you know, go fetch us out if that's what you need to do, go call the police if that's what you need to do, because we need today and age, today, this day and age, we need Christians who are willing to stand up for the truth and have a backbone and not stand down when people tell you, hey you can't preach the gospel, you say well they didn't tell you not to preach the gospel, the mere fact that they're kicking us out, they're telling us that we can't preach the gospel, and so watch the video, hope you enjoy, and hope you have a great Sunday, alright, God bless and have a great one.