(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, so years ago, before I got saved, I was really into Brazilian culture because of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. And I really liked the language, and I really liked the history of the Gracies and how jiu-jitsu came about. But obviously, a lot of Brazilian culture is very wicked, right? And I have a couple of friends in the new IFB who are Brazilian. We have some Brazilians in our church. And from what I hear, it's very receptive, but it's also a very dark place, right? And I'm sure you experienced a lot of that firsthand, right? What are some things you can tell me about Brazil? Man, they're mostly Catholic. It's like, I'm not sure about the numbers, but it's a big number. It has a really strong influence in Brazil because the Portuguese, they came and they colonized Brazil. They started catechizing the native population and doing all that. And then they brought the African slaves, and they also tried to convert them. But you know what happens when you're trying to force people into Christianity, Catholicism? They mix the religion, right? So especially the city I'm from is one of the city outside Africa with the most black people. Over 80% of the population is black. So they have a strong cultural identity. They value that very much. You're saying they're nationalist in a sense or what? They're very proud to be Brazilian? They're very proud to have the black history. Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay. So they value the religion. There's a religion they call two religions. It's kind of the same branch. So it's Ubanda and Candomble. It's like this African tribal religion that gives like a deity for everything from nature. So they got mountains, they got water or whatever. And to this day, what's weird is to this day, they have festivals. They have all these holy days for these deities. A tribal African religion has influenced in the 21st century. That's crazy. You see, that's how backwards they are. Didn't you say that that's actually where Capoeira also originated, right? Yes, the black slaves. The history goes that they used to pretend they were dancing, but they were actually training their martial art to protect themselves how to fight. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of stories about it like that. The way they pray for these deities, it's like mixing the Catholic idols with their idols. So they put it like behind or close or inside the other idols. So they will worship their own idols. But when their masters will come and see them, oh, they're worshiping Mary or they're worshiping the saints. So there's a lot.