(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hi, Pastor Steven Anderson. I just have a question on Genesis 1 27, uh, talking about being created in the image of God. Right. Uh, I just want to know, how do you define being created in the image of God? I believe that that means in His likeness, because that, you know, the Bible uses those terms both in His image and in His likeness, which means that basically we look the way that God looks, in the sense that we have eyes and a nose and a mouth and ears, hands, feet. Basically, God doesn't look like an animal. He looks like a man. But, uh, is this going towards men or women or both? Well, it specifically is only referring to men, because in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, it clearly says that the man should not cover his head. This is 1 Corinthians 11 7, for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. So basically, the Bible's saying that the man should specifically not cover his head because he's in the image of God, whereas the woman is supposed to cover her head. So therefore, if she were also in the image of God, 1 Corinthians 11 7 would make absolutely no sense. So God is not female. God does not look female. God looks male. God is man, not woman. So then you would say that women are created in the image of what? Of man? Well, no, because women do not look exactly like men. They look somewhat different. So what are they created in the image of then? Well, I guess they're just a unique model. You know, they're just a spin-off from mankind. So then what does Galatians 3 28 mean when it says that we are all one in Christ Jesus? Yeah, the Bible says there's neither Jew nor Greek, there's neither bond nor free, there's neither male nor female, for you're all one in Christ Jesus is simply saying that we have the same value, we have the same purpose, we have the same importance. Spiritually, we're not the one better than the other, because if you think about it, Jew versus Gentile, the Jews thought that they were better, and he's saying no, in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, and then maybe people who are free thought that they were better than slaves. So he says there is neither bond nor free, and then people might think that men are better than women. He's saying no, there is no male or female. You're all one in Christ Jesus. If you're Christ, you're Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. So women are are heirs just as much as men are heirs. We both have the same inheritance. It doesn't mean that we look the same, I mean, look in the mirror, you know, you don't look like a man, right? So there you go. It's a different likeness. So that verse has no correlation in being created in the image of God? No, yeah, it doesn't mention anything about the image of God in that verse. All right, thank you. Yep, God bless, thank you.