(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In 2003 is the final time in America where there wasn't any laws against sodomy. That is not that long ago. So this weakened and deteriorated and got smaller and smaller until eventually in Houston, Texas. In Houston, Texas, a guy was arrested for being a sodomite, but in 2003 the Supreme Court basically ruled the Constitution, you know, that it was unconstitutional to have laws against sodomy. So what happened from 2003 to 2019? Do we have a great spiritual awakening? Oh, we just realized the Bible never taught that, you know. Oh, we just finally got more godly. I see our country getting more wicked by the second. I'm afraid of the bobsled to hell we're on. I feel like we were on that rollercoaster and it was like... I mean it's just going straight down. The Lawrence v. Texas case prevented state governments from enacting new sodomy laws and effectively rendered such laws that were already on the books as unenforceable. The court claimed that banning sodomy furthered no legitimate state interest and represented a quote, intrusion into the personal and private life of the individual.