(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I wanted to make a video on three things that Alexander the Great learned in India. Three things that Alexander the Great learned in India and after Alexander the Great and the Grecian Empire conquered the Persian Empire and then they burned Persepolis to the ground then they ended up continuing to conquer and a lot of Alexander the Great's men just wanted to kind of relax but Alexander the Great just wanted to you know conquer and conquer and conquer until basically his dying day and they went to India and you know there's three different things I want to point out that he learned in India and number one is this that dragons are real. That dragons are real. Here's a report of what Alexander the Great saw in India. In 330 BC after Alexander the Great invaded India he brought back reports of seeing a great hissing dragon living in a cave which people were worshipping as gods. One of Alexander the Great's lieutenants named Onesercretus stated that the Indian king of baserus kept serpents that were 120 and 210 feet long. Subsequent Greek rulers are said to have brought back dragon brought dragons back alive from Ethiopia and so when Alexander the Great actually went to India he reported actually seeing a dragon. Now some of you might be hearing this and think that this sounds like science fiction and I want you to realize we hear lots of different people that talk about seeing things like UFOs and all these crazy different things and you don't even know who those people are but I want you to realize that Alexander the Great was a pretty famous person. He's someone who's very well respected in history and he's someone who you wouldn't expect to just be making information up. But the thing is it's not just Alexander the Great you know Herodotus the Greek historian wrote about dragons it's reported on in the epic of Gilgamesh so this is not isolated with just Alexander the Great and one mistake we do is we look at the world today and if something doesn't exist today in a certain way then it must have never existed. But in reality you know animals become extinct all the time so should not be shocking that dragons actually existed at one time. As a Bible believing Christian we certainly should believe that dragons at least existed at one time. The word dragon appears 34 times in 34 different verses in your King James Bible. Now some of those were some of those times when the word dragon appears it's referencing the devil but not most of those times. Most of those times it's referencing some sort of animal that perhaps we don't see in it in that form here today but at one time did exist. In fact Job chapters 40 and 41 talk about these creatures that are just so magnificent and so powerful and it's actually referencing dragons or dinosaurs and a dragon could be a type of dinosaur but it's referencing these giant creatures in Job chapters 40 and 41. It says in Job 41 verse 18 by his kneesings a light doth shine referring to his sneezings a light doth shine and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out out of his nostrils go with smoke as out of a seething pot or cauldron his breath kindleth coals and a flame goeth out of his mouth. So it's referencing a creature that is breathing fire. Now when people first hear that they say wow that's a myth we don't see that here today but yet all throughout history all throughout the world not only do we see drawings of dinosaur type creatures we hear reports of different dragons so look there's definitely validity to this and what's interesting is people used to mock Job chapters 40 and 41 for talking about these creatures that they don't see today that don't really fit an elephant don't really fit a crocodile and they're like what is this creature and now they try to pretend like Job chapters 40 and 41 are not in the Bible because the Bible referenced dinosaurs far before science was actually aware of it but see the Bible is actually referring to these dinosaur type creatures and in Job 41 we're looking at what we would call a dragon as it's a fire-breathing very powerful animal and here's another report of Alexander the Great in India in reference to the dragon when Alexander threw some parts of India into a commotion and took possession of others he encountered among many other animals a serpent which lived in a cavern and was regarded as sacred by the Indians who paid a great and superstitious reverence and so he's referring to a dragon type of creature so look number one we realize this Alexander the Great in India one thing he learned is that dragons are real dragons are real number two he also learned about the Sati practice the Sati practice you say what is the Sati practice well the Sati practice comes from you know the Hindu scriptures where basically Shiva's wife ends up burning herself to death as in based on her love for Shiva and you know it morphed into this thing in Hindu cultures where basically the if the husband died at a young age then the wives would basically burn themselves to death as an offering or atonement for the entire family and so all throughout history many women would burn themselves to death and they would do it on behalf of their family and oftentimes when the women refuse to do it the family members would force those wives to actually burn themselves to death and so when it comes to the Hindu cultures they have always been prejudiced against women and you know it's the exact opposite of the Bible as the Bible uplifts women and yet in Hindu scriptures they actually are just very prejudiced against women and so here's what it says about Alexander the Great in India in reference to the Sati practice few reliable records exist of the practice before the time of the Gupta Empire among those that do reference the practice the lost works of the Greek historian Aristobulus of Cassandria who traveled to India with the expedition of Alexander the Great are preserved in the fragments of Strabo and so you know one of Alexander the Great's men he was with him and he accounted about this about women that would just be burning themselves to death and the reason why they did it is because their husbands had already died and this is a practice that was going on you know very commonly even up to a hundred years ago and it was going on in India and Nepal which are the two countries that are primarily Hindu that are 80% Hindu what it's morphed into today is not necessarily women burning themselves to death but what is very common is the women will be kicked out of the home and forced to live on the streets if their husbands died so it can be actually a very dangerous thing for Hindu wives if their husbands tragically died at a young age and they are oftentimes forced to live on the streets and you know unfortunately oftentimes you know sexual perverts will take advantage of these women that will be living on the streets and oftentimes people have have had various kind of shelters for them and then the perverts will actually go to those areas and realize that no one cares about these women they're kind of left to their own and so this comes from the practice of sadhi so we see that Hinduism is a very wicked religion it's always been a very evil religion and that's one thing Alexander the Great learned when he was actually in India so one thing he learned is that dragons are real another thing he learned of is Hindu practice of sadhi of wives burning themselves to death and another thing he learned about are war elephants and so in India they oftentimes use elephants to fight in battles and of course an elephant is very strong and powerful animal and it was a very effective method to use during war during that time period and you know in the Hindu cultures they worship a lot of animals I think everybody is aware of that but they don't just randomly worship animals they worship animals that actually have provide something for example they worship cows because the cow milk was a very useful delicacy it provided a lot of value and so in turn they end up worshipping the creature rather than the creator of the cow elephants they worshipped because elephants were very powerful animals they were very useful in war and so they end up worshipping that elephant like a god in fact one of the most famous gods is Ganesh or Ganesha that has an elephant head and so in terms of of the where they get this you know history about this Ganesh wearing an elephant head this is where they get it in their Hindu scriptures basically you know Shiva and his wife you know Shiva's gone and Shiva comes home and his wife basically creates his son so this is their son of Shiva and his wife Shiva and Parvati and you know Shiva comes home and he doesn't realize this is his son and his wife is you know inside doing something you know I've read reports where she's taking a shower or whatever and she has her son watching the house and no one can enter and Shiva wants to enter his house because it's his house and his son says no you cannot enter and they kind of go back and forth arguing about this and Shiva warns hey if you don't let me in I'm going to kill you and then his son will Ganesh will not let him in and then Shiva ends up cutting off the head of Ganesh then all of a sudden his wife comes outside and she's like oh what have you done to our son and then all of a sudden she was like this is our son and then all of a sudden she was like I'm sorry and then Shiva runs and tries to find a replacement head for his son who he just killed and all he can find is an elephant so he takes the head of the elephant and puts it on their son and that's how they get the elephant god of Ganesh or Ganesh I mean obviously this is just mythology but it's just a ridiculous story but Shiva is very quick to anger which is opposite of God in the Bible who's actually very long-suffering and so here's a verse that kind of applies to this in the Bible where it says in Romans 1 verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen this is very common in in Hinduism where they worship the creature rather than then the creator of that creature and look God has created some pretty magnificent animals that benefit us in a lot of different ways and you look at the elephant that's so powerful and so strong and it's amazing what God has created but unfortunately in these cultures they end up worshipping the creature rather than the creator of that creature now in Romans 1 we often apply that to atheists which is a good application as they profess to be themselves be wise but in reality that they're fools but it's not just an application to atheists it's an application to any of these cultures or religions that hear the Word of God and they reject the Word of God and they reject the God of the Bible they might still believe in God but what they're doing is they're actually rejecting the God of the Bible and in Romans 1 we can see that that leads to eventual perversion and disgusting you know people becoming reprobates and people being filled with all wickedness and it leads to this spiral road and this is why it's not shocking in in in India it is a place of sexual perversion because you know what guess what they're worshipping the creature rather than the creator so this does fit with the Bible so the three things that Alexander the Great learned in India number one he learned that dragons are real and you know what that fits with a Bible where did dragons go well I mean that's a discussion for another video in another time but there's so many writings you know there's so many people that have done drawings of dinosaurs and dragons it's been written in so many different records and everything this lines up with the Bible number two is he learned about the Saudi practice where women would burn themselves to death and look obviously this is this is wicked and the Bible says learn not the way of the heathen and they were doing burnt offerings of humans which is a very wicked practice and number three he learned about the value of war elephants and unfortunately you know in India they learned the value of using elephants for war but then in turn they end up worshipping those elephants as a god which is a wicked practice they worship the creature rather than the creator who's blessed forever anyways thank you and God bless