(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I wanted to make a video on three myths of Gandhi. Three myths of Gandhi. Gandhi is a man that is almost universally praised worldwide for being just this very moral person, very humble person, this big pacifist and you know even Christians will say you know wow you know he wasn't a Christian but he was such a godly and great example for us and everything. There's actually a lot of myths of Gandhi and the reality is from a Bible perspective the Bible says woe unto you and all men shall speak well of you for so did they to the false prophets and so when the world lifts somebody up it actually can be assigned to us that they might not be what they're said to be. They might be a bit of a phony so I want to give you just three myths here to you know explain you the truth about Gandhi and one myth about Gandhi is that he rejected Christianity because Christians were just too mean and so oftentimes you know you'll even hear pastors talk about this about how we need to be godly people because Gandhi would have been a Christian but the reason why he wasn't is because we didn't have the right attitude. Here's a quote from Gandhi he says I like your Christ I do not like your Christians your Christians are so unlike your Christ. I would say to Gandhi that I don't think you actually know who Jesus Christ actually was. I don't think you really paid attention to what he actually said in the scriptures because he claims that Jesus Christ was great and he loves Jesus Christ but he hates Christians. Now of course there are Christians that are hypocrites because all men to some degree are hypocrites. We are sinners we're not perfect but the idea that Christians are just so bad and he chose Hinduism because Hindus are so great is just ridiculous. I mean there's always been bloodshed with the Hindus and the Muslims over in India and the Hindus during his time were massacring people and you know the Hindu scriptures talk about you know the the gods of the Hindu scriptures very evil gods and they committed a lot of terrible atrocities and Gandhi was very much a hypocrite because as we're going to see in the second point he was not a moral person at all he was actual sexual deviant a racist a terrible human being but yet he claims he would have been Christian if Christians were nicer. Well here's here's from an article this I believe from Wikipedia and here's just a quote about Gandhi as he spent a lot of time in South Africa when he was just a young man. It says during his stay in South Africa along with scriptures and philosophical texts of Hinduism and other Indian religions Gandhi read translated texts of Christianity such as the Bible and Islam such as the Quran. A Quaker mission in South Africa attempted to convert him to Christianity. Gandhi joined them in their prayers and debated Christian theology with them but refused conversion saying he did not accept the theology therein or that Christ was the only Son of God. Now here's the thing I'm not a Quaker I disagree with their religion however according to this Gandhi read the Bible he was around other Christians or at least so-called Christians people that would claim Christ as their Savior and then Gandhi said he refused to believe he did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God. So the reason why he didn't convert to Christianity is because he didn't believe. The Bible says he that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life but it says if you don't believe the Son God's wrath abides on you and so you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. What must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. So I do believe as Christians we should set a good example the reality was Gandhi was not a moral man and out of his own mouth you know he did not believe Jesus was the Son of God so it's not that you know he believed or he claimed to believe but it's like man it's just Christians are too mean so I don't know if that's true no he just didn't believe that Jesus was the Son of God. It also says this about Gandhi his comparative studies of religions and interaction with scholars led him to respect all religions as well as become concerned about imperfections in all of them and frequent misinterpretations. Gandhi grew fond of Hinduism and referred to the Bhagavad Gita as his spiritual dictionary and greatest single influence on his life. Later Gandhi translated the Gita into Kujaarti in 1930 so into another language. So here's the thing Gandhi respected all religions now wait a minute you said he liked Jesus Christ and Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me. So Gandhi said he was the only way to heaven so here's the thing pretty sure you don't know who the true Jesus Christ was Gandhi and so it's very hypocritical for a man who was very immoral person to claim Christians are just so mean when in reality he just didn't believe in the Jesus and the God of the Bible. So point number one the myth is that he rejected Christianity because Christians were mean no he just didn't believe. Point number two the myth is that Gandhi was a moral person. Gandhi was not a moral person he was very immoral and so one thing that's very famous about Gandhi and this is something that when people hear this they think this must be a lie it must be a conspiracy it must be fake and then when they study it out they're like oh wow this is this is just a fact you know people can't deny it about his sexual perversion. So he made a vow of celibacy as a married man saying he would not sleep with his wife or anyone he just took a vow of celibacy for spiritual reasons. Well that's unbiblical and ungodly because you know what if you're you're married you owe that to your spouse but he took a vow of celibacy and he and the reason why it says is he felt guilty about having you know sex while his father was on his deathbed. So his father was dying and he took a break to sleep with his wife and then all of a sudden his dad died and he felt guilty about it supposedly his whole life. Well that is pretty bad if your dad's about to die but you're such a sexual deviant that you can't even be with your dad on his his deathbed. So that shows the character of Gandhi but here's the thing he didn't even take this vow of celibacy till over a decade later so it seems like it's just some stupid excuse like I don't know if he's lying about it I mean what a stupid lie to make but he said this it is the duty of every thoughtful Indian not to marry in case he is helpless in regard to marriage he should abstain from sexual intercourse with his wife. So basically do not get married if you're a godly person and if you do get married don't sleep with your spouse. I mean what kind of a warped mind would say this but it doesn't stop there. This is weird except he performed a lot of sexual experiments where basically he would test his vow of celibacy and so he's a married man but he was sleeping with a bunch of naked young little girls and he was watching strip teases and all this pornographic sort of stuff to test himself. He was getting massages done while he was wearing no clothes naked massages to test himself if he could control himself and he claimed this was a spiritual thing. Now it sounds like you have a reprobate mind and you're a sick weirdo. He says this for me Manu sleeping with me is a matter of Dharma which is moral duty so he said to be moral he needed to sleep naked and this is his grand-niece okay who's a teenager and he's an old man at this time and there's he says iconic images of Gandhi show him walking with two young men on either side his hands resting on their shoulders. So he became an old man and you see images of him with two ladies that are helping helping him. Those two women who replaced his walking sticks were Abba who was 17 and Manu who was 18 his grand-nieces. By day they would walk with him by night they would sleep with him naked. They were among the many women subjects with whom Gandhi conducted his experiments. He considered this an important thing in regards to morality and spirituality. We have to understand that in Hinduism sex is something that's glorified it's not considered wrong this is why at many of the temples there are images of even bestiality because any form of sex is not really considered wrong and so Gandhi saying well this is for moral reasons was a Hindu it pretty much seems like you're admitting you're just sleeping with all these young little girls but you're trying to make an excuse and he was literally sleeping in bed naked no clothes with women all around him naked and supposedly he didn't do anything I mean you're insane if you think nothing actually happened and this is what he said you know he said to try to get this woman to sleep with him sleep naked with him we both may be killed by the Muslims and must put our purity to the ultimate test so that we know that we are offering the pierce of sacrifices and we should now both start sleeping naked this is a direct quote and so I want you to realize Gandhi was a perfect example of a spiritual person who would use his position of authority to prey on people and take advantage of them and you know what there when you read the writings of what took place of biographies and eyewitness accounts these women were often crying depressed having psychotic episodes and he had some sort of you know hypnotism power over them where they were doing things that they felt terrible about but they thought they needed to for spiritual and moral reasons and this is what a lot of religious leaders whether it's in Hinduism or other religions they use that position to actually prey on young little women sometimes young little boys and just do disgusting things and it says that you know one thing also Gandhi by all eyewitness accounts by everyone around him he always talked about sex well the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh it's like why are you always just thinking of sex all the time unless you're a sexual deviant unless you're a pervert because a normal person doesn't always think about this and so you know he even talks about this with another situation with a couple other young women he talked about how there's these two women who wanted to sleep with him naked and they admitted we have no desire to try to test ourselves we just want to sleep with you and we want to actually have you know physical contact with you and he said he deliberately put them in the experiment because this is gonna be a good test for him whether or not he could control himself and then all of a sudden he he basically writes you know kind of afterwards maybe I should not have she often used to sleep with me to keep me warm even before I was conscious conscious that I was making an experiment now wait a minute how is she keeping you warm if supposedly you're not actually having contact and basically what he's admitting is well he did actually sleep with her he's like yeah maybe I made the wrong choice I was trying to test myself and I screwed up and look you know what you can read various reports and you know what they tried to hide the information it's obvious that he was sleeping with these young women and doing disgusting stuff and claiming it was for spiritual reasons well what's the defense of this well there's two different defenses people make one defense is that if you're really great person you're gonna have major flaws to balance out the greatness kind of like the yin and the yang and Taoism you know you have if you're really great you're gonna have these major flaws well that's ridiculous what Bible verse do you have to support that and what do you have that would say that Gandhi was a great person I mean he was a racist and I don't even have time to go into that it's it's just a lot a bunch of lies and just completely false all the stuff the good stuff they supposedly say about him he was a sexual pervert what good thing is there to say about Gandhi and I would say there is nothing good another thing people say is well you know you just have to understand it was part of the culture and it's just different when you grow up in the Western world you don't really know what it's like growing up in a different look that's offensive to everybody from India and it's also offensive to Hindus even though you know me making a video against Gandhi is kind of criticizing Hinduism and I'm talking about the problems in Hinduism here's the thing the average person in India is a normal person the average person in Hinduism does not have their conscience seared with the hot iron so to suggest this is normal to the average person in India or even the average person in Hinduism that's offensive them Gandhi was just a sexual deviant and terrible person even some of his closest men though condemn this and this disproves the idea that it was culturally accepted on March 16 1947 Nirmal Kumar Bose one of Gandhi's closest associates wrote a letter to Kishorel G Mashruwala another of Gandhi's close colleagues saying when I first learned about Gandhi's experiment in which a girl took off her clothes and lay under the same cover with him and he tried to find out if any sexual feeling was evoked in him or his companion I felt genuinely surprised personally I would not tempt myself like that and more than that my respect for women would prevent me from treating her as an instrument in my experiment that's a great quote because if you respect women at all and if you have any sort of wisdom you realize you know what I'm a sinner I don't even want to put myself in that situation you wouldn't do something so perverted so look he was not a moral person he was a sexual deviant he was a racist which I don't even have time to get into in this video point number one the myth is that he rejected Christianity because Christians were mean no he just didn't believe Jesus was the Son of God point number two he was a moral person he was actually not a moral person and point number three myth number three is that he was universally praised in India he was actually not universally praised in India and so he certainly isn't universally praised in India today one thing you have to realize is that Gandhi was killed by an extremist Hindu I think a lot of people might not be aware of that but he was actually killed by an extremist Hindu and the reason why he was killed not through nothing wrong with God say killed him who's part of the RSS political party roughly 70 plus years ago it's because the fact he wasn't Hindu enough he was capitulating to the Muslims it's not really that he was capitulating to the Muslims though the real problem was Hindi that Gandhi only cared about himself and then you reap what you sow but he was killed for basically not being Hindu enough and so here's a quote from Gandhi should we not remember that many Hindus and Muhammadans own the same ancestors and the same blood runs through their veins do people become enemies because they change their religion is the god of Muhammadan different from the god of the Hindu religions are different roads converging to the same point what what does it matter that we take different roads so long as we reach the same goal wherein is the cause for quarreling now truly Hinduism does teach that we're all worshipping the same God but you know what in practice in India there are many Hindu extremists that say you must be Hindu you must follow our rules and so here's the thing a lot of people in India we're not happy about that and he was killed by an extremist Hindu and the RSS political party is rising in India and if you pay attention at all of the news happening in India you know what you're gonna see is that there has been so much bloodshed between the Hindus and the Muslims many reports will have that a Muslim girl that was six or seven years old got just violently raped and murdered by a bunch of Hindus and the defense they have is this that well when when the Muslims stop eating our cow meat when they stop eating cows when they stop eating hamburgers we're gonna stop murdering and raping their women and it's a big source of divide in India because many people want it to turn India into a nationalist state where you must be Hindu roughly 80% of the population is Hindu but there are a lot of different denominations specific or religions specifically the Muslims where they have a lot of violence and disagreements at the moment they've even put a statue up recently of this person who killed Gandhi and so it's a big source of divide and it's interesting because when you look at their Prime Minister Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India he doesn't publicly say he supports the RSS but based on his actions you can tell that he is for a Hindu nationalist state from my perspective and a lot of people believe that as well and so Gandhi is not universally praised especially in India today because many Hindus don't like Gandhi he was murdered by it by a Hindu he's considered you know too nice to the Muslims and especially in today as the violence between the Hindus and the Muslims is growing quite a big bit it's become a big source of divide for people and so even in India Gandhi is not universally praised a lot of people do not like Gandhi and so point number one was the myth is that he rejected Christianity because Christians were mean no he rejected because he didn't believe point number two the myth is that he was a moral person he was not moral at all and myth number three is that he's universally praised in India he's actually not universally praised in India today many people don't like him and it's interesting when you watch interviews with people about this issue of you know should burgers be allowed to be eaten and it's honestly a dangerous situation if someone's caught eating a hamburger in India they could be brutally murdered by extremist Hindus and this is something that is happening a lot and the news in the Western world is only talking about Muslim violence worldwide but there is a lot of Hindu violence that is taking place because they are worshipping cows as gods whether they want to admit that or not so those are the three myths of Gandhi and look the bottom line is this Gandhi was a wicked person he was a sexual pervert he's a sexual deviant he was a bad guy he was a reprobate and by his own actions you can see that he had no conscience he was a terrible human being anyways thank you and God bless