(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Two thousand years ago, God became a man. No one would be good or worthy, so He had to make a plan. Mary a virgin would bear Him, though she needed a Savior as well, for the wages of sin is death, so all deserve a burning hell. We needed a perfect Savior so only Jesus Christ could die and be that perfect sacrifice for the sins of you and I. Though He was that perfect Lamb, it's as if He committed every sin, for He paid for our transgressions, yes the sins of all men. Yet few do understand of what He did for you and I, of why He had to suffer and why He had to die. If you understand the Gospel and how His gift is fully free, then you should spend your life devoted preaching how He died upon that tree. Oftentimes we take for granted that all have often heard, but many do not know for few go preaching God's dear Word. If you know that you are saved, I hope you'll take this to your heart, for all saved are truly necessary and we all must do our part. For the lost are there in multitudes across all of God's green earth, so remember the meaning of Christmas, God's miraculous virgin birth.