(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Welcome back to the Vinny Eastwood Show on AmericanFreedomRadio.com and incidentally theVinnyEastwoodShow.com, the lighter side of genocide and incidentally the CIA's newest informant. Now my very special guest Chris Maple joins us from the former USSA, welcome back from Craig. Thank you Vinny. The medical industry puts the hell in healthcare you know, it's basically just this big satanic torture cult you know. I'm not afraid to say that because let's look at the facts on this one. Have a look at the history of psychiatry. What did they do to all those mental patients in Bedlam in Old England? Oh yeah that's right, they dunked them into baths of freezing cold water, they locked them in coffins and buried them and then uncovered them, they ripped them apart with the rack and stuff like that okay. These are torturous monster lunatics who are playing God okay. Now I'm not bagging the whole medical profession or the whole of the psychiatric industry with this but those are the people who created the industry and invariably a large amount of the people that wind up getting through this type of training process wind up with a particular mindset which is what produces these type of stereotypical powerful sociopaths who will do anything for a trip to Fiji. What we hope to expose in this film is just that there you know that and one thing we're finding in this film too Vinny which is kind of alarming is you know typically these physicians who we approach not too many are willing to discuss these topics only once they're retired they'll tell you everything you want to know and that's just even you know sickens me a little bit more is that a lot of them just may be aware of what it is they're doing but they don't want to rock the boat they you know they have to look out for themselves their family their finances whatever you want to call it it's not until they're in their retirement stage that you know they'll come forward with these with these truth. By then it is already too late this is why people need to have a sense of responsibility this is why people need to be held accountable this is why people need to raise their kids properly to have discipline moral ethic not to lie not to sell out not to cheat people okay not to hurt people there is a very good reason why parents taught their children those kind of principles because otherwise you get criminal psychopaths who don't give a flying F about any form of life running the whole place and having inordinate amounts of power and the ability to take life and liberty away from people without any freaking oversight okay founding fathers knew that democracy would be a very very dangerous thing which is why they stipulated very specifically that they they didn't want a democracy they wanted a republic because in a democracy hey whoever has the biggest media campaign to convince a 51 percent of the population wins so that means the wealthiest scumbags wind up getting elected in a democracy full of poor people who get made incredibly destitute every election progressively you look at these these politicians and unfortunately that you're right there they're not and they're not looking out for you or I or the people it's not about the people anymore it's about these entities that are created these these corporations that hold no liability well we're getting steps towards police being being immune I mean you know how it's all one step two steps three with these people though they'll pass a little a little law to erode your liberties or to or to give less accountability to a particular force you know one step at a time well we've just had a law passed that means that any police officer even if they're off duty not in uniform if they get hit or smacked or or anything like that it counts as assaulting a police officer so it means that that person has the power of a police officer even when they're off duty great right it means that basically they're they're above being a normal citizen basically when you're a police officer basically the Lord no longer applies to you because you have discretion and police use description on each other all the time but you get one little 16 year old or 18 year old kid who's smoking a joint in the park oh boy we need to slam him to the ground put the boot down on his neck spray him in the face look he's waving that joint at us spray him in the face with the mace tease him tease him he's wriggling he's trying to get away I just saw a video right of these two thug cops grab a guy out of a wheelchair and slam him viciously on the pavements okay and there was blood from his face all over the pavement and the and the people around these police officers just stood there wow yeah it was so horrifying man and it reminds me though of what I actually wanted to see happen was there was a soccer game out and I think it might have been South America Portugal somewhere where these where a guy ran onto the field you know one of the crowd members and he got down on the ground you know the security got him and then the security started hitting him while he was down on the ground and then one of the soccer players came over and did a flying kick at him and then all of a sudden all the other soccer players came in all of a sudden all these cops were like oh oh we've got we got a real problem on our hands as all the crowd started surging in on them and it was like yeah boy that's what could have happened but instead you saw a man taken out of his wheelchair slammed to the ground and bleed from the face while everybody looks on and the speechless right that's the difference in America and other countries is that Americans have been so well brainwashed so well contaminated are they water supplies air supplies food supplies etc etc etc everything is sick and contaminated in America in this day and age and information I think is the cure what we're finding is deceit running through all of it cover-ups and I mean you name it just to keep things going the way they're going basically if you were to apply a Hollywood intrigue movie that involves high levels of government and some description of grand conspiracy to throw the United States and to take over the world etc and you apply it to the real world it's basically a match where do you think Hollywood gets these ideas from listening to the Vinny Eastwood show my very special guests Chris maple and Paul Whittenberger from the great culling and you can check that out on Facebook there because when we talk about the new world order when we talk about filmmaking when we talk about the spreading of information know that it is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal