(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Is he batty, or is he... And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave All of us here, and if you haven't given your oath, you can in your heart. Good friend of mine, and this gentleman has had a strong track record of doing good business. He is the CEO of Electability. I'd like to introduce to you a gentleman who is currently running for U.S. Senate. If you could tell me where he is. We are taking back our government now. There's things you can do. Right across the street, that building right there is the capitol building. Many of you may have not been inside that building. Constitution respected by our politicians. However, it hasn't hurt very well, has it? Alright, so here's what I need all of you to do. We have two weeks where all of you, every single person in this crowd, can become a Republican increasing committee member. Now listen, I know that sounds, I know that's not the kind of bureaucratic it is. But it's easy. Right now, you don't have to vote it in. All you have to do is sign it. I am every one of you. A great 48. You guys have to become PC's. We have to take back the Republican Party. We only have two weeks to do it. So please, if you have a homework assignment, you have to do it, okay? Great 48, great job to Jeremy, all the team here. You guys did an awesome job. Governor Ducey, you're up in our stand right now. Let's go. I see the future. I'm going to tell you what I need. Oh, you're going to tell me what you need next time. Josiah, I think you're taking advantage of the situation here. We're going to break the back of our country right now. This is it. They're trying to bury us right now. They're going to skip socialism and they're going to go right to comedy. That's what they're trying to do. We're standing together here, you guys. What I need you guys to do is we're collaborating with a handful of other groups that believe the same way. The other way. Your beard is pretty intense. Next, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to ask everybody here to humbly and respectfully, you tell your pastor that it's time to open up our places. What's going on there, buddy? You're just chillin. How are you here? I'll show you. All the cancer deaths are going down. It doesn't make sense, and it doesn't add up. We see that the case fatality rate, which means that people that get infected, that then wind up getting hospitalized and then wind up dying from COVID-19, is anywhere between zero point zero one percent and zero point zero three percent. We're talking hundreds of thousands of a percent to the right of the decimal. Do we shut down an entire economy? So I just happen to be fortunate enough this week I was at the Capitol with several other members of this community. OK. And we once again tried to go and meet the tyrant up on the ninth floor. He refused to see us again. We have prayed and prayed and asked for some sort of intervention. God help us. And as I'm walking out of the building, Daniel McCarthy and I walked down the sidewalk. And all of a sudden, who's coming in our direction with the same medical director care? Chris, that's right. You have not seen this video. There are twenty thousand views on social media now. We pulled her off to the side. We questioned her over and over again, fired every possible medical related question to her. And all she did was the five D's of dodgeball, duck, dive, dive, dip and dodge again. She was shaking. She was scared. All she wanted was out of there instantaneously because she knew these guys know the jig is up. This doesn't make sense. All right. People understand that from a medical standpoint, these statistics don't add up. Every one of the surgeons that I work with, I would say probably 90 percent of all the people that I work with in the hospital are saying the same thing. They are saying this isn't really happening. Our hospitals are empty. They're on the verge of bankruptcy. The hospital in the Verde Valley is about to shut down. OK. And the hospitals in Santa Cruz, we've seen Army field hospitals that were set up all over the United States that have now been taken down in Seattle, in Houston, in Virginia, that have been taken down without ever seeing a single patient. How many millions and millions of dollars are being wasted on something that we know isn't really legitimate? Yes, the virus is real. However, if there's a survivability of above 99 percent of the people, you don't lock down an entire population over that. Furthermore, everyone needs to start questioning Governor Doocy as to what his relationship is to T-Gen. The T-Gen that he sits on the board of directors for is rolling out all of the antibody and serology testing across the state. How does this make sense that the man that is the one that is prolonging the lockdown is the one that is actually benefiting from these tests? How do we pay for that? Lock him up! In fact, follow the money. Every single time. Lock him up! Follow the money. Always. That's always what it is. Listen, guys, this is what I'm saying, all right? We need to have all of our legislators back here. The fact that they are gone back to their districts right now in the middle of a plandemic is absolutely unbelievable. It's unfathomable. It's unconscionable. Whoever your representative is, get them back here now. Get them to take a vote to end this executive order. If that doesn't happen, all right? The second vote that we have is we have a recall petition that has officially been filed in the old order. It's at McCallum State in the state of Arizona by Arizonans for Liberty, okay? Find us on Facebook. Governor Doug Ducey, recall 2020. We are taking people in now. I want you to know, I took an oath to do no harm, and this lockdown is harming you. Free people do not have masters. We are already open. We are already free. And everything that this man says is true, and I don't care if they fire me because I'm going to do what's right. God bless you. Get out. You're already open. You're open. You have no masters. We know one of the major side effects they're claiming is respiratory, right?