(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everybody we're talking with the info warrior Jason Bermas. We talked to him about a month ago when maybe a little bit longer when this whole coronavirus was ramping up but now it seems to leveled off a bit and it seems like we're smack dab in the new normal. What's been going on with you Jason what are you working on these days? I'm working on getting out of New York State that's that's gonna be my number one priority hopefully hopefully leaving in the first week of June I don't know it might be a little bit of a challenge because the DMV's here are closed and my local one has now been closed forever. In fact my local town held an emergency board meeting where they laid off 59 people that's just gonna be the start of it. Once the college doesn't come back here my community is gonna be completely eviscerated so it's time to jump state I'm going to states that were the least locked down and areas around them and I plan on streaming like three to seven times a day talking to people and hopefully showing people the other America one that's not based in fear and medical martial law and being dictated to by billionaires. You know Arizona is pretty good on the laws where are you thinking about going? Right now my shortlist is possibly around Dayton Ohio then maybe somewhere around Kansas City Missouri or the Ozarks in Missouri Madison Wisconsin they flipped the script pretty quickly then you got South and North Dakota South Dakota didn't really even shut down at all right yeah for me a lot of people are like oh the winners are bitter there you're not gonna know anybody I'm like I don't really care at least they didn't shut down so if I find like a nice little place there I think that's probably where I'm gonna go but we'll see that's why I'm going on this trip and I'm gonna like you know spend a few days in each place I'm gonna film there and I'm gonna try to make a decision and basically be gone by what you might call it by September so you think there's gonna be a big exodus from the cities you think people are city man there's gonna be a huge exodus from the state you can't just print out of nowhere and then on top of that say you're gonna reimagine education reimagining education in my area takes six to eight thousand residents away every single year on top of that you canceled basically all baseball tourism which was the other smaller economy here so a town like this that's based in booze coffee pizza and Chinese food shops by local businesses it's never going to survive on top of that you know they are furloughing nurses in this area Otsego County hasn't been massively hit by this thing so when they're done furloughing them they're going to fire them and I just don't see much of a way out of this there's so many people now that have been comfortable that were in non-essential jobs that were making more on unemployment than they were working and they don't want to go back to work they've sold a large section of the populace on this idea of a universal basic income I'm sure you're gonna see a mass exodus from the city I would say a lot of those people may remain in state and buy up upstate but I see a lot of people in upstate New York which is the vast majority of New York leaving the state and maybe the coast altogether Wow yeah I definitely think that there's like you mentioned the jobs people going on and on unemployment and I watched the video the other day and people are making more money on unemployment than they would if they went back to work you know so what do you think that's gonna look like with the with the job sector where with with the minimum wage this is something I was looking at like do you think that's gonna make it but what do you think's gonna happen like when they pull that plug on the unemployment bonuses again it's so hard what's it gonna look like when people have to pay their back rent because their lamp had to pay their mortgages what's it gonna look like when New York doesn't get the sixty one point eight billion dollars that Cuomo is saying is going to be needed to even sustain what we have now or cut twenty percent of the workforce in law enforcement in health and in education it's going to look at catastrophic and they've already printed a ton of money out of nowhere basically signing over more notes the Federal Reserve which isn't federal at all it's it's basically a pseudo government agency that's more like a private institution and I continue their track trace database control grid they're gonna let they're already telling you what they're gonna do I mean this is one of the reasons I'm leaving the state they're gonna have Bill and Melinda Gates reimagine education here they're gonna have Eric Schmidt come in and reimagine the city and this is the guy that wrote with Jared Cohen the new digital age reshaping the future of people nations and businesses very dystopic book my friend I don't want to be a part of that and on top of all of that you have Michael Bloomberg heading up the track trace force I never thought that me talking about a track trace database society would now be become like a slogan of the government minus the database and instead you put core on the end of it the track trace core if you're out of a job come on over we'll give you benefits you'll get things you won't um this state is a disaster right now and it's about to get catastrophic the income of New York and California for the rest of the country also is huge um I think you know you're gonna have to see a lot of pushback for this not to be just catastrophic not just for the states I talked about but for the country in general so Jason when I'm sorry Paul just talked in my ear just distracted me a little bit but I had a couple questions on on standby here one of the questions was with New York like having such a high number of cases right it's like totally like per person it was outside of like the scope compared to almost every other state and the numbers are off the charts so I see what they're doing is they're rolling out these agendas I now we never thought really so much about the contact tracing we've been looking at these types of things you know how they want to crash the economy and how they want to it seems like they're that some of this stuff obviously you didn't think about what they would do but it all fits into their game plan do you think because I've been a big commenter on how the numbers have been blown out of proportion and they've reported cases that weren't necessarily true kovat cases do you think so that's part of their plan is to use New York as a way to roll out this new normal in a much more like you said dystopian type of way where they're coming in hard there and they're prototyping the agenda there in New York because it had such a high number it's just part of their plan well I think they're definitely exploiting the numbers if that's what you mean to do this I mean the emergency acts that Cuomo was putting out there that essentially made natural disasters or even cyber attacks on the scale of this right yeah of course they are and I think the very real fear because of the vast amount of breakouts there and I think that the numbers I mean we'll see at the end of the day I don't think that they exploit the numbers as much in New York as people think they do you got to understand most of them were in the city which is a very very small geographical area compared to the rest of the state that in Long Island are tiny compared to the massive state that is New York and you know they didn't test everybody and there's so many problems with the tests anyway I mean I've got these my own personal stories about my cousin and my ex-girlfriend down there and you know one basically goes in for testing in the beginning after she begs for three times to get a test in the beginning of March she's never been this sick finally they give her a test he says they say she's negative they say she had pneumonia she's never had pneumonia in her life she's not obese she doesn't have any pre-existing she got through it then she gets a call two weeks later they have her come to the Bear Mountain testing facility all the internet is jammed all the radios are jammed she doesn't feel sick at all they test her there she she comes back positive for the virus they quarantine her for 14 days then a week later they test her at Vassar for the antibodies she doesn't have any antibodies okay then you go to my ex they never test her she's showing all the symptoms she lost her taste her smell for over a week she had the slight fever the headaches they end up testing her for antibodies and she's got them so you know and now they're saying the antibodies don't even protect you I think more and more when you look at this thing it looks like a bio weapon like I've said from the very beginning when you saw the Lancet study the studies out of India the Nobel Prize winner from 2008 who discovered HIV saying the HIV sequence had to be inserted and you know I think when you do something like this everybody's like oh if this is a bio weapon it's it's the worst bio weapon ever why it had the grand effect globally it got a large populace to be induced in fear and accept controls that they never would have otherwise except being locked down in their homes and shutting down their businesses and the biggest losers in this are going to be the middle class the cash based businesses you know they've already demonized cash in most cases think about the bar businesses after this that's the last stage in New York then they're gonna say you can only be at such a capacity and I wouldn't be surprised if they outlawed cash transactions in a bar because cash is filthy and too many people will touch it and no matter how many masks you wear everybody's gonna touch the recirculated fives and ones from the register so that way they can tack a hundred percent all right that's what this is this is gutting the average businessman that's been able to work around the system and have his own cash based businesses and stay kind of off-grid for the most part they've never wanted a strong middle class and these are the final death blows of that middle class so contact tracing what do you know about that what what do you think is gonna happen with like you mentioned before that they're gonna be hiring these people to do this contact tracing can you and just if you're just joining us we're talking with Jason Burmas and and we're talking about the COVID crisis here he's in New York and the contact tracing Jason what do you think where do you think that's gonna develop into what's your thoughts on that I mean it's already it's already going yeah not like it it's they're talking about it they're hiring 17,000 people they've started the program Cuomo put on TV I think three days ago on one of his press conferences that you if you it I covered it if you get a call from NY as contact tracing answer that call and if I get a call from them I'm gonna bitch them out and be like you're the new snitch squad don't come near you have no rights I don't want to hear who you think is infected and why you think you need to contact me because I've been in contact with somebody who has been infected it's the new Stasi squad you know they can just say anybody was infected and then all of a sudden you have to be quarantined they can't do something for two weeks this is gonna be out of control all right so you know they they have social distancing squads you see what they've done in Thailand they've hired spot the DARPA Boston Dynamics robot that will come up to you and tell you to socially distance but again it's all arbitrary see in the United States you have to stay six feet away in Thailand it's only three feet away you know so the goalpost continues to move it really is about control but even more so it's about medical martial law not allowing you to decide how you want to be treated if you have this thing and by the way your husband your wife your brother your sister your mother or father they don't get to come into the hospital with you and if it gets bad they don't get to speak for you so if you want hydroxychloroquine you might not get that choice if you want intravenous vitamin C treatment and store steroids you might not get that choice that's an even scarier aspect of this but then they want you to believe that some magical vaccine is going to save us all when even something like the flu vaccine admittedly doesn't work on a bunch of people I mean give me a break it's it's as subversive and dystopian as it gets and it's not being pushed by people that we've elected it's being pushed by globalist organizations like the World Health Organization the United Nations the supposed philanthropic organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation things like the rocker rock feller foundation before them and people need to wake up you know there is a predator class that exists outside of our government system and it's here to oppress all of us do you think that's the same predator class that that executed 9-eleven 100% I mean this is the same people yeah look you look at 9-eleven and you have yourself an international intelligence operation with players in the United States players in Pakistan players in Saudi Arabia players in Israel and then you know those in power throughout European nations that helped you cover up the whole thing and we're on board with the war on terror there's no doubt that's a predator class operation right and whether it's the same exact players who knows but it is is it that same power structure that dictates that we have to use these crises for globalization and a new world order yes it is those people in my belief right so we're in it like 9-eleven was it took like an hour right is that is like the first plane struck it like 847 in the morning and then the last plane crashed maybe like before 10 o'clock so yeah and then then we have you know years of of just the follow-through it seems like the one thing was executed in no time but in this case of of this COVID crisis which I liken to a 9-eleven except for it doesn't seem to be it doesn't seem to be one event it seems to be just an ongoing like series of events so do you think that this is our 9-eleven like it's totally the same game plan to get to that end game of globalization and taking over of the people's rights well I've said that this is really more like 1929 meets 9-eleven is COVID 1984 right so you have this slow roll out economic collapse and then you have this forever boogeyman that's invisible that can come back at any time and you're not you're not only gutting a little bit of the economy you're gutting a large swath of the entire world or global economy the system surrounding that and you're instituting open surveillance through applications on phones through the predominant operating systems without the consent of anyone or and the knowledge of most people you know if you updated your iOS device or your or your Apple device this week yeah that has the COVID tracer on it it's built into the operating system so this is very real you know whether you think that COVID 19 was real or not its effects are going to be everlasting and we need to be screaming and shouting and pushing back now and demanding that really people go to prison and not you know Trump for not acting but those that are being propped up by the media with these solutions that nobody wants like biometric IDs for travel everywhere for having our stadiums listen the bottom line is even if this thing were five to ten times as deadly as they're now saying it is it's still not worth the solutions that they're providing which really aren't any because they haven't proved that the infection rate has gone down because of this social distancing nonsense right yeah that's one of the things that's frustrating is that these like the mask what do you think about these masks these people everywhere you go you're shamed if you're not wearing a mask you have people wearing masks everybody like to talk about how there's mask on people by themselves in their car you know there's or they're out there and they're just you know practically just walking through the park by themselves with their dog with a mask on what do you think's going on with that why do you think they're compelling people to wear a mask what's behind it well you know again if you were in New York City and you thought you were sick and you want to wear a mask voluntarily whatever I get it you know they could suggest it but here in New York City it's mandatory to go into the big box stores I can't go into Walmart without I can't go into Walgreens without I can't go into right without it so I have to carry it around constantly small businesses have now been shamed online even if they weren't enforcing it via Yelp and Facebook and Instagram etc so that they have to enforce it my local police chief refuses to wear one good for him or enforce any of this nonsense but there are those that will so you know among everything else when you say that maybe we shouldn't be shaking hands at all anymore and you're saying we should wear a mask and we need to be six feet apart what you're really doing is you're pushing a transhumanist agenda where human beings are no no longer supposed to cohabitate with one another you're no you're no longer supposed to be able to hug your neighbor or shake someone's hand when you meet them and that's crazy to me it's like a demolition man type comedy action thriller only there's nothing funny or awesome about it there's no Sylvester Stallone here to save the day okay so we've got to do it ourselves and say that this idea that you're going to reimagine all of society over a virus no matter how deadly is not only ludicrous but those that are promoting those ideas via say an event 201 exercise just before Johns Hopkins University Davos the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation the CDC out of China and out of the United States NBC Universal Johnson & Johnson none of those institutions the World Bank none of them World Health Organization should be trusted instead they should be distrusted and disbanded after they're investigated for corruption and cronyism and then put behind bars because these people are never concerned about you and I and our livelihoods they're concerned about consolidating power and manipulating the market in their favor right absolutely that's what I've been saying it's not I mean people like to say it's about money but it's not about money it's about being in the position of power now money serves to get you there but once you're there it's just a matter of it's just a matter of keeping the other guy down at that point and and it seems like they're there and now they're just trying to keep the people down now a lot of this is totally voluntary everything that because I believe there's ways around the mass for example if you have a medical condition and you could probably stand up and say hey I'm not gonna wear the mask and but nobody seems to be doing that and because they're not their staff is an overrun at this door with people saying I'm not wearing a mask I'm not wearing a mask and that people do choose to wear a mask and they go in you know that it perpetuates it and so a lot of people will look at this like they're testing us they're seeing what how far they can push before people push back but then there it seems like people really aren't pushing back maybe some churches push back because of you know claiming that churches weren't essential and there's been some victory in the last week with churches being allowed to reopen and then governors saying hey no you can't and that back and forth but what is it gonna take you think there's let me just rephrase the question looking at the people and looking at society as a whole are you surprised by how many people are oblivious to this power play that's happening and how many people don't see what you and I see that this is an agenda and that they're pushing forward to move forward with their agenda not really I mean people are so damn brainwashed they've they've already been like you know worshipping a celebratory culture for some time believing in left-right politics you know even those that are somewhat awoken to how corrupt this is they identify as a conservative or a Republican or MAGA this or MAGA that and they won't criticize Trump on what he's done in the Middle East they won't mention Yemen they won't talk about what's going on with Assange they seem to still have these blind spots so it's not that surprising to me that on the other side of the spectrum those are bought into the hardcore left and the Democratic Party and progressivism that they aren't just cowling down to their leaders and then you have you know the factor that they've scared enough people especially elderly people that they're the ones that are enforcing a lot of the times oh you're going down the wrong aisle hey this is a this is a one-way hey it's not the people that work there it's the six-year-old man that's scared scared that he's going to lose his life you know I mean like put that much fear in there so you know I've said before you know the psychological warfare aspect of this is just as great as the technological warfare aspect well they go hand in hand you can't do the technological warfare you can't they can't do what they've been doing if they haven't psychologically prepared the people and it does I I'll admit that that this is a pretty I didn't this came from left field I knew of all the all the things that they want to do for years and but it just it just seemed to kind of come out like the degree that they've pushed this agenda with this one thing and it seems like they're doing it shamefacedly they're just moving right along you know they could they could drop their plans out on a you know in front of everybody in the you know like oh you know this is our takeover the world plan you know and then they stick it right back in their pocket and everybody acts like they didn't see it you know so I wanted to ask you a couple questions about the the 9-11 truth movement because you won't get any of that anymore you know it's like you're there's nothing rolling out everybody on the news if you ask the news the news media if you ask the main politicians today like what happened on 9-11 they're gonna say 19 hijackers with box cutters you know stormed the cockpit of these airlines and and they took down these two buildings and and we got Osama bin Laden but you know it seems like it's been almost well 19 years now and nobody's really pushing that talk anymore it seems like they they won by just people kind of talking the thin air like like like everybody shouted it from the rooftops there's a lot of of you know in the in the the second part or maybe the mid part of the 2000s right where people were really getting out there and all like loose change and all that stuff was coming out when did that come out 2006-2005 so you know what that's pretty much where was the peak of it where everybody was like waking up to it but it seems like the movement really nobody's everybody's complacent about that what happened to that movement well I think that you know they co-opted it when I say they I mean the media in a lot of ways and you know for instance you look at the original Tea Party right like the Tea Party Republicans the Ron Paul Republicans even the Tea Party started out as 9-11 truth 2006 anybody can look it out I attended event in 2007 that was the real Tea Party and then they made it into like a right-wing Republican thing even when we are changes blowing up the next presidential candidate what was he about hope and change and everybody was like well we can almost I mean we got to trust this guy right I mean he's coming at it he's a young guy he seems like he's anti-war he says he's gonna shut down Guantanamo Bay and then on top of that they took you know the 9-11 truth movement and they took the word truth and they made truther as the new quote-unquote conspiracy theorist term the new hip one where they went after you and now you know they associated the term truther with what flat earth crisis actors just about anything wacky you can imagine so now truther gets discredited they're not interested in real journalism if you look at for instance Omar Saeed Sheikh he was recently supposed to be killed because he was involved in the murder of Daniel Pearl the original beheading fear video well he was also the guy that facilitated the wire payment between General Mahmoud Ahmed the Pakistani ISI chief of a hundred thousand dollars to Muhammad Atta and General Mahmoud Ahmed was meeting with Porter Goss and Bob Graham on the morning of 9-11 had met with Condoleezza Rice and George Tenet before that and even met with Joe Biden who's running for president Joe Biden got on TV and bragged about his meeting this guy as he was the first or second most powerful man in Pakistan now Omar Saeed Sheikh now a man that facilitated money for 9-11 via Pakistan and it was covered up and the guy that supposedly again facilitated the murder of Daniel Pearl he was released because he's an intelligence asset and no one will even touch that on by just like they won't touch the multitude of videos where he's inappropriately touching children or they won't touch the fact that he's visibly senile that's how much disrespect the predator class has for us that they will put out an establishment hack that is literally manhandling children on video and can barely speak gibberish yeah it's that psychological operation like something's maybe it's just goes all the way back to public education or maybe it's just maybe it's just coming through the TV screen where people are just their ability to think rationally and to see these types of thing or it just it's right in front of them and they just can't see it's like their eyes are blinded when they see or if somebody presents to them hey did you know about this third building on 9-11 that there's another building that fell and you know that would be enough but I suppose there's just this thing that somehow they've gotten into people's minds in such a way where they like there's like a carnal like almost a visceral they don't touch it it's like there's a part of their mind like don't go there at all that's like there's a big wall there and you can't like the truth is on the other side of it and if something's calling from the other side of that wall they don't want to go anywhere near it it seems like there's some kind of programming that just happens it's a human thing that they've totally capitalized on so is there a 9-11 truth movement now well I'll tell you what Dylan Avery is about to release 7 the documentary film not only on the collapse of building 7 but the Fairbanks Alaska study that is showing that it could not have fallen due to damage and fire so we'll see what happens with that film I really hope that it makes its way around the internet unfortunately we live in a time that anything that goes against the status quo that begins to go viral it's it's instant cancel culture we've seen that with plandemic but I'm certainly not shutting up about 9-11 that is the quintessential event that all of our foreign and domestic policy is based still based on and one that they invoke time and time again in order to spy on American citizens and use authoritarian means overseas without any restrictions whatsoever including unaccounted for drone bombings of innocent women and children yeah and we're having Richard Gage on the program on Saturday so I can't wait for that interview but have you seen the film yet Jason I've seen the film yet although I imagine before its release Dylan will get at me and give me a copy we we did an interview on it I think a couple weeks back where we were talking about the release and he was hoping it was going to be out before June 1st but he here we are yeah yeah well that always kind of happens when you make a film it takes a little longer than you think is it but is it done or is it he's still kind of ticking tinkering away understand it was pretty much done I think there was a couple audio mixes that he was hoping to get permission for but as far as the the film being edited it was pretty solid and done from what he told me last time awesome yeah and you guys if you're wondering we're talking with Jason Burmas he is the director that brought us loose change and he brought us also fabled enemies invisible Empire shade the motion picture and so if you haven't yet seen those films make sure to check out his YouTube channel he has a lot of great things over there with Jason the the website is it's Jason justice 9-eleven or what is the no no no if you want to follow me on YouTube it's youtube.com slash info warrior if you want to check me out over at rock Finn it's our ok fin dot-com slash Jason Burmas or over on Twitter at Jason Burmas it's be our mas all my stuff is free so if you do check me out over on YouTube where I've been fully demonetized hopefully they don't kick me off all together but if you go in the documentaries playlist section all those films are available for free yeah which is a little frustrating for me because you know I want to sell your films but it's like just to find them is impossible on DVD yeah I know it's crazy right yeah well I love invisible Empire it's one of my favorite films on the topic of New World Order and all that I know all those clips that you found are just their clips I never even heard of when I watched that film how much research did you put into that making that film hundreds of hours yeah yeah that film was the culmination of something that I had been talking about from loose change and even before fabled enemies that I wanted to do my big picture NWO film and I wanted to show people that well this is a term that you know the predator class and their minions use and this is a term that's rooted in history even you know pre Hitler and you know Hitler had his own vision of this but you know there's a guy named Samuel Zane Batten in the late 1800s early 1900s that had his own vision of this but the the common theme through this vision is one of collectivism and authoritarianism and globalism no matter what flavor it comes and you know I just thought that I would use the tools that were available to me at the time I scoured the internet I used the Vanderbilt library and the C span library to find you know as many times as I could where the terminology was being talked about and I think that I you know wove together a pretty you know I would say enlightening piece where you you look at this and you're like all right well okay so this isn't just crazy people talking about the New World Order this is true people that make policy and you know are standing by this terminology no matter what you think it believes so you know I love that film it was kind of like my my coup de gras at the time but now I look at shade the motion picture with everybody looking at Bill Gates and I'm like you know I had large sections on Bill Gates yeah picture seven years ago people need to go check that out as well yeah well you you made that film with Alex Jones what was that process like working with him well Jones you know he also produced Fabled Enemy so it was me doing Fabled Enemies with him and then Invisible Empire you know I say on Invisible Empire you know there were long nights where we stayed up and we watched cuts and we went through the script for sure but for the most part you know other than a few you know edits that he wouldn't let me put in there he wouldn't let me put Donald Duck and his New World Order song in there because he was scared of being sued by Disney there are a couple moments like that yeah well he's probably right about that actually yeah in retrospect put it in there I thought you know we could get away with it and I was like Jones even if they sue us it would be great publicity but yeah but at the time you know I it was a good time you know I I look back at those times mostly fondly back in the day when we were you know grinding through these documentaries on top of being on the air yeah so did you have your did you work on that film in the studio or were you just working out of your house during making that no no actually both of them so so when I did Fabled Enemies I was out in Austin for three months and this is before he had the big studio that is even bigger today but when I came back to do Invisible Empire that's when he got the old AMD studios and started expanding and he gave me the info warrior show and I was the first person that he had ever given a show to on the info Wars Network so I was doing that at the same time I was his stand-in host and I was making this film so you know they were exciting times awesome well I'm gonna give you back to dust and I just had a few of those questions that I kind of was curious about you know because I make films as well and so yeah I just appreciate what you're doing man here's Dustin I Jason I got a question from our chat is asking if you're ever if you can get in touch with dr. Judy wood I don't know how relevant that is to you oh it's it's just the biggest troll stuff when I hear the Judy wood name it comes up every single time you know I don't know what it means cuz I'm not I don't know is the one that comes up with the directed energy weapons hypothesis that the no planes she's also a no planer okay that's one of my other questions that that are kind of coming up so yeah and that's the thing there you know there's there are people in my chat who you know are fans of the show and I always say listen dr. Judy wood you know went with the no plane thing with Nico hopped I'm not saying that I know exactly how those towers went down I don't believe they came down due to fire but I do know that the no plane stuff is garbage and discredited and you know everybody wants you to talk about stuff that can easily be disproven let's say she was right about the directed energy weapons would be easy to disprove her on the no planes theory and you know if you say no planes were used on 9-eleven you're still gonna get a vast majority of people saying you're crazy and just discrediting every single thing you said and not talking about the Pakistani role and the Biden cover-up and some of the more important issues out there so you know these people that want to bring up Judy wood or they want to say that I got the Pentagon wrong and we never repented or I've never reported on the Israeli involvement in 9-eleven and somehow cover that up they're the same exact things people have now been saying for literally almost 15 years so you're an expert on the day 9-eleven September 11th 2001 so do you what do you think hit the Pentagon that day it's a good question I highly doubt it was flight 77 same time you know was was it a missile was it a drone with a missile was it possibly 77 being remotely controlled in there I you know I suspect that it was due to the cover of these drills going that morning I think there's a good possibility that the planes that were used to hit the towers and whatever was blown apart over shanksville Pennsylvania were also not the commercial airliners that were supposedly hijacked I think basically everybody involved is dead one way or another and other than that I really don't want to speculate I'd say that if you look at those drills that morning and you see that they had a multitude of hijackings going from different places if you see the fact they were running drills at a Cheyenne Mount that didn't stop until 20 minutes after flight 93 went down if you see the Delta 1989 was reported with a bomb on board that they had hijackings out of Alaska there's so much that's been covered up if you see that they were prepared for this prior to 9-11 via the drill amalgam Virgo where they had Osama bin Laden on the cover and they were going to have a hijacking come in and hit the Capitol building you know all of their arguments fall apart under scrutiny so the argument for because I've never looked into this no plane theory right so I know we've seen the video of some guys and they're down on the ground and and I I don't know I forget man it's been so long since I really got into it I once I determined it was an inside job you know I saw I kind of scoured through so much of it but then you know you kind of get on with it and I think I'm one of those people guilty of not following up or you know perpetuating the the story of the truth of what happened on 9-11 because there's so much chaos around it but so this idea that no planes hit the the buildings does that mean that they weren't weren't there eyewitnesses that saw plane so wouldn't that video from many angles outside of the media you had videos from handy cams across the way there's no doubt that planes hit those buildings it wasn't a holographic media projection it wasn't West calm I hear that sometimes it wasn't green screen it wasn't blue you know blue screen a lot of people you know point to the nose out videos and things like that again I don't know exactly what planes hit those buildings but it's pretty evident to me that planes hit those buildings well yeah and here's the other thing it's the same thing with the virus it doesn't even really matter if they have the technology to create a bioweapon or whether they had the technology to do some sort of thing where everybody believes this is something that happened everything that follows is the is the event you know it's like it wasn't as much the buildings coming down which is what they were they they could care less about that whether those buildings were standing the next day it was all about the operation to follow so they don't really care what kind of virus they're dealing with I don't think I think it's more about their operation now I just had a thought come into my mind and I just want to kind of turn the wheel a little bit have you heard of operation blue beam yeah you know a lot of people talk about blue beam but there's not a lot of evidence behind it so I'm not saying that blue beam doesn't exist for those that don't know what it is part of it is to fake an alien invasion but another is to not only project the voice but the beings of deities around the world different regions would see different deities through holographic projection but if you really look into that the information comes from a professor who was giving a speech up in Canada I forget what university it was and I've been unable to find any hard documentation on that program doesn't mean it doesn't exist but it does mean that in order to really talk about it in any intellectual manner you have to go off of more than just one researchers word on it right so I personally would not be surprised if you know if there was an alien invasion I wouldn't believe it was an alien invasion you know I believe that they they would use that type of thing but I don't know how they could create that kind of perspective but at the same time I didn't I'm just surprised because I feel like we're dealing with these intelligence agencies are next to sorcerers you know they're they want to present pictures and to people where people you know it's like Disney magic if you look at Mary Poppins you know she's you know somehow on the stage and she's you know descending down and it's just an umbrella and she pulls out the the coat rack out of her book and nobody knows how it's done so I see a lot of the intelligence agencies they present a certain picture in there and their objective is to to spin a narrative to be able to move forward with their operations so I don't know what kind of technology they use they're clearly what do you think about them in Hollywood and do you think it's the CIA behind the news stories bringing all these things together do you have any opinion about intelligence in the news? Intelligence agency and the intelligence agencies in general have manipulated the media for a very very long time Operation Mockingbird you look at the Central Intelligence Agency just using front companies to buy up land for Disney and now Disney is literally the most powerful and largest company out there globally it's in control of Fox it's in control of Marvel it's in control of not only the wide array of Disney characters but Star Wars as well I mean you couldn't get a larger monolith out there that's the thing people want to talk about some of these entities as like private organizations or private companies and they can do what they want but they're anything but they're they're pseudo government fascistic agencies that are guys as companies just like Disney is there for entertainment and you know Hollyweird is there and being influenced by by the Central Intelligence Agency but it's also being influenced in NGOs non government organizations you know that's why you had films like outbreak and contagion you know that basically predictably programmed people for an event like this because these narratives are put out by establishment scientists establishment media personalities that are doing so at the behest of an agenda set by a predator class so you know I don't even see it as the CIA anymore I mean you look now and the CIA usually keeps its hands pretty clean by using third-party organizations whether it's Stratford the Kissinger Institute Black Cube right or Booz Allen Hamilton that Edward Snowden was working for so you know we've we've built what's really a national security state in America wrapped in the guise of freedom because we don't have checks and balances in this country anymore and when populism rises up the predator class does everything to calm it down squash it and eviscerate it whether it be in Hong Kong protesting against China or it be the yellow vests in France protesting against the European Union and the oligarchs there I mean you know it's going to take a global movement of people coming out in the streets and saying enough is enough and holding billionaires accountable and not jail accountable you know like like if they're going to prison they're not going to prison on their terms to some country club no we're talking about real Rikers Island style no frills no benefits doesn't matter what your money has prison and and you know what they're so big on surveillance that should be you know the pay-per-view channel or the public access channel for everybody so I can tune in at 3 in the morning and watch Jamie Dimon and Dick Cheney crying in their little small jail cells for the crimes against command crimes against humanity that they've committed so do you think because that's what it's going to take it's going to take some sort of public outcry to say hey enough and enough is enough you mentioned that movie those movies outbreak and contagion I think maybe that's to answer our question before I think that's why people are wearing the mask because they've seen it played out on these movies and and it seems so it seems like they the the role was laid out for them and they just kind of it's like their their school clothes were laid out the night before they just wake up and then bang they put it's already prepared for them and they know their part they're not the hero looking for the vaccine they're the one waiting for the vaccine wearing the mask being locked down and in quarantine they know their role in the movie they're not the hero and so people will naturally play into that and that's something that I that that I think they've they've laid out for us and I believe that it's like you said the internationalist the international intelligence community and and they work together you know we like to think that you know the Great Britain in America and the Soviet Union and China that there's so many differences between these nations but their intelligence communities are sharing information and plans and game plans you know all along but talking about like people pushing back like it do any of these movies have people pushing back you like cuz like is there are they gonna co-op the resistance you know is that something that you expect them to do because they you imagine like even with the that that event 201 they had they had talked about people resisting and people on the internet and people coming out the truthers showing you who's who's behind the vaccine and all of this it's like they've expected certain elements to arise as a result of their their actions so you know do you think they're trying to push people it's like they're they're in 50 inflicting pain backing off bringing in some pain backing off because it's they're moving forward the inch by inch they're stretching people out and so if people push back do you think it could be like a co-opted push push back where they can now come forth with what they really want to do you know they've done it for decades you know they put their agent provocateurs into the situation and then they they create the response so they can stop it what do you think what do you think of the likelihood or do you see that as part of their game plan again you know they've executed very well over the past several decades no one's pushed back on 9-11 hard enough no one pushed back on weapons of mass destruction hard enough no one pushed back on even no chemical attack in Syria in 2018 no one's pushing back right now with Julian Assange and now as people's pensions have been gutted as their 401ks have been eviscerated as their rights no longer exist as their businesses have been taken away from them as their pay has been basically cut for the most part right now again people that were not essential and they're making more money they're loving it they're like wow this is the greatest thing ever you know people that ran a business for 25 years and went from making anywhere from two to ten thousand dollars a week maybe even more that are now making nothing and they can't pay their mortgages they're the ones hurting the real entrepreneurs the real people that make this economy run so well the heart of this country and again I think this is about letting human beings know that they're worthless that transhumanism is inevitable we will have to merge with machines and AI automation nation is coming and that you can you know don't worry you'll be able to upload your consciousness I mean the whole idea of overpopulation that have been pushed for decades is disturbing to me even in my region of upstate New York you know I drive around here and it's not overpopulated at all not even close and that's most of the country that's most of the world and yet the predator class wants to make you think there aren't enough resources for everybody because the more people there are the harder it is to control them and they know at some point the dam will break and the people will come for them like they did for Mussolini during World War two and good things did not happen to Mussolini and I can promise you that so Jason we're gonna have to let you go but before you go automation automation nation is that the name of your next film not yet but I've definitely been talking about the automation nation because it's something that this is preparing you for you know again that's what distance learning is telehealth all that Johnny nonsense it's to get you ready to not really be at a workplace and be subservient to a universal basic income that is going to come with all sorts of strings attached I promise you right I feel like the end game is for people to sell themselves into slavery and to get some benefits for for their just for their basic allowances you know they're gonna they're gonna sign a deal and it's gonna cost them way more than they'll ever get back Jason do you have anything in the works what's what's any projects coming up for you I'm about to hit the road hopefully you know I'm gonna visit all these different areas I'm gonna film there and I'm gonna find a new place to live so that's basically what I'm in the works on now and we'll see what happens after all this you know I'm continuing to do it three to seven times a day until they kick me off the YouTube and even then you know I triple stream I stream to twitch at the same time now even though twitch hasn't been the best platform for me but I'm also on Periscope Periscope I'm sorry I upload to rock fin I'm on mines no matter what I'm not going anywhere and I'm gonna continue to put real news out there real documents and try to give a take that is beyond this kind of left-right paradigm that I really believe in traps people that's awesome it's good to see you just branching out and just putting that information out there for people to find if there is a the best place for people to reach you or to find you is it just dropping Jason Burmas into Google or where would you where would we find you Twitter dot-com slash Jason Burmas youtube.com slash info warrior all right well thanks for joining us again it was a pleasure talking with you we really appreciate your your point of view and your experience and knowledge on on these matters and we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day Jason all right thanks again thanks Jason appreciate it thank you