(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) These people are in the business of protecting their job. They are greedy, money-grubbing idiots who could not make a living in the private sector. And I can tell you, I've debated them. They don't have the sense God gave a goose. Those people who failed in every aspect of their life get a job in government promoting fluoridation. We really are a bunch of fools and evil people who allow their own ignorance to poison their entire country. And they know their line. How can you know they know their line? It's because of how they choose to cite the research. We've even got testimony under oath in depositions from advocates for fluoridation that that's what they do. That's not a scientist, that's an advocate. So let's not have the advocates go in and give money to our politicians to have them do the wrong thing. Make them do the right thing. The only way we can do that is for your film to be a success and then we can get the citizens riled up enough that we can stand in the city hall and say, we're tired of you guys taking money and doing the other guy's business. You protect our children first. If you can't pass this Safe Drinking Water Ordinance, we'll pass it ourselves.