(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . It is going to be an awesome live stream today. Today we're talking with Arizona Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy. So it should be a pretty interesting live stream. I haven't interviewed a politician. Or, you know, he's running to be one. In a while. It hasn't been since like 2008. So Dustin's going to be doing the interview, but we should, should be very good. And so I hope you share this video and support us at Framing the World. You know, these shows are 100% funded by you the listeners. So if you believe in these kind of shows, you want to see more of these shows, if you want to see more of these shows done, please consider donating guys. Or supporting us on Patreon. If you just support us for $5 a week, you'll be a big blessing to this show. If we could get 100 people to do that, you know, obviously, the show can pay for itself. Right now, we're kind of spending more than is coming in for the show, so I really would appreciate any support that you guys can give. If you like this show, if you're finding good information coming through on the show, make sure you support us guys. Go to the link in the description of this video and donate to the show. But it's going to be a great, great stream today. Again, we're talking with Arizona Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy. And so he'll be on the show here in about 20 minutes or so. And so, until then, we're just going to be hanging out. Dustin and I are going to be just jabbering back and forth and we'll try to entertain you here while we're waiting to get him on the line. But if you haven't yet checked out our website recently, head over to framingtheworld.com guys. I got a lot of new products in the store. I have the Camel Waterproof New Testament and Full Bibles back in the store. And so you can go to the shop and get one of these. They're great plastic pages. You can jump in the water with them. Swim around with them. So they're great to use when you're hiking or going on a camping trip. These Bibles are awesome. I know I bring the New Testament one pretty much everywhere I go with me. It's just a great Bible to slip in your pocket and to just take with you. Also we have a couple of Gerson Media products. We have The Beautiful Truth, which is an amazing, amazing documentary. And if you haven't seen this, you'll definitely want to check out this video. It is a must see. It says it's vital, provocative and enlightening. Illuminating, touching, funny, sad, rage inducing, provocative, entertaining and hopeful. So I hope you go out. Support us at framingtheworld.com. Get this DVD. Support us. Donate to the show. Buy one of these Bibles. There's a lot of other products on our store that you can help purchase and just make this show last. And so also we have Healing the Gerson Way. This is just an amazing book. I've read it twice personally myself. And I plan on reading it again. I've been off the Gerson therapy for quite some time. I never really, I didn't follow it strict. I didn't do the strict protocol or anything. I just did, just for maintenance, I did a loose version of the Gerson therapy. I do want to do a strict version sometime in the future. But it takes a lot of dedication. But you know, I was feeling just miserable. I was feeling tired. I'd wake up in the morning just feeling gloomy and tired and sad and just like no energy and everything. And then, you know, I did the Gerson for like probably three months. Two, three months. Every day I did, stayed up with it. You know, the best of my ability. And you know, I felt like a champ. I felt so good I stopped doing it. And now I haven't done it in what was that? So it's been like two, three months. I haven't done it in like two, three months now. And so I'm starting to feel a little sluggish again. But I plan on getting back on it. Definitely makes you feel great. Definitely detoxifies your body. And it's definitely a great book. If you have cancer now, I mean, I would recommend getting this book, getting this movie. Do the Gerson therapy. If you have cancer or if you are prone to have cancer, if it runs in your family or stuff like that, I would definitely read this book and just decide in your heart right now, you know, before you have cancer whether you're going to do the natural method or if you're going to go the chemo route. Because you know, the doctors will scare you half to death. And they will try to force you into doing chemo and all these horrible methods. And so you want to make the decision now. You want to educate yourself now before you get cancer, before you get these illnesses and just know what you're going to do if you get sick. And so make sure you check out this book, Healing the Gerson Way. Definitely recommend it. It's a very, very good read. So you can check that out at framingtheworld.com. You can also check it out. My other products as well, the Gerson or the Beautiful Truth. So yeah guys, so again, this is going to be an awesome live stream today. We are going to be talking with Arizona Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy. So if you don't know who he is, I'm trying to pull up some videos of him. I should have had this ready. Sorry about that guys. But here's his website right here. He is running for the Senate. And he wants to stop the shutdown guys. So I want to support candidates that believe in these kind of things. And so he's a businessman. He's a father. And he just seems like a nice guy. And so can't wait to hear his opinions on different issues today. We're going to mainly talk about the coronavirus, but we're also going to promote his campaign a little bit. And so I really appreciate him coming on the show and doing that. But I've been blabbering on and on and on. We probably want to talk to... You probably don't want to just hear me. You probably want to hear the man, Dustin. So we're going to go over to him in a second. But I just you know, I just want to encourage people to support Framing the World. You know, it's... The store has definitely been affected by this whole coronavirus thing. And you know, it's mostly because the products that I have are not essential products. So most people are kind of limiting their expenses right now. They're trying not to you know, buy things that aren't important. But you know what? These kind of things are important. And if you have some extra time right now, I mean getting the beautiful truth, getting Healing the Gerson Way, getting these kind of products, you know, reading this this kind of stuff right now while you have some extra time is so important to learn you know, how to heal yourself the natural way. And how to prevent yourself from disease and defeating cancer and other chronic illnesses. And so I appreciate everyone's support. I appreciate everyone that has bought products from me recently. If you haven't purchased anything from me recently check out the store. Help support me. We also have a tenth film that we have started to work on and I'm in the pre-production phase of that project right now. I just purchased tickets to go overseas. But I need to pay for a lot of other things. So I don't need to just pay for the airfare. I need to pay for the lodging, the rental car, the travel expenses. So we're definitely trying to raise more money. And so if you want to come on this journey with me, not physically take the trip with me, but if you want to be part of this new film and I'm not saying what it is right now because I really want to get some good interviews and I don't want to kind of tip people off to what I'm doing before I do it. But if you want to be a part of this film go to the link in the description. Go to framingtheworld.com donate to this project guys. If you donate a thousand or more, you will basically become a partner with us. And what does that entail? Well I made a video about it a few months back where I detail exactly what that entails. But if you donate a thousand or more we do monthly live streams where we talk about all the behind the scenes stuff. What we're doing we'll show you everything that we have planned. We'll show you the scripts. We'll work with you. We'll talk with you. Get your insight. And we work together in making this film. So it's something I've never done before. Something I'm excited about. And so if you want to come on this ride with us and support the new tenth film, the secret project film guys, please consider donating. Please consider being part of this. Now this new film is going to, I'm partnering with Pastor Tommy McMurtry to do this film. And so don't go and ask him either what the film is because he's not going to tell you. But you know we're going to be partnering together and we're going to try to make the best film I've ever made. And I know I definitely have a lot of new gear that I've purchased. I've purchased all new sound. So now I have the boom pole and everything where I can actually get quality sound. That is something that I've been lacking in my last two films. It's something I've struggled with because I'm deaf in one ear. But you know, it's something that's very important. So we've updated our sound. We've updated our cameras. So I have a new 4K camera. The new film will be in 4K. We're going to release the film in 4K. And you know, we want to make it just this really beautiful and stunning visual display. So please guys, please, please, please support us. Go to framingtheworld.com Click on the donate tab and it will take you to a few different products that we're trying to raise money on. And you can donate to this 10th film and become part of this new project. I'm telling you guys it's going to be awesome. You're not going to be disappointed. If you watch my 9 previous films and you say, oh I don't want to support you because I don't know what the film's about. Look guys, if you watch my last 9 films and you like my last 9 films why can't you support my 10th film? So you know step out on a limb here guys. Help support me. If you can only do $200 that's fine. Become a funding partner. What we're doing for funding partners is something very interesting also. We are releasing all the raw footage that we get. And we're going to release it to a private channel and all the funders will be able to watch all the private footage before the film is released as well. And so that's another perk of becoming a part of this new film. So you know that's the idea with this new film. We want to partner with you guys. So guys support this film. I can't even say it enough. I need to raise a bunch of money to make a good film. I'm not just throwing together something guys. I'm not just going on YouTube, downloading a bunch of video clips, putting them together and then throwing them out there. I'm going to spend a year on this film. I'm going to make the best possible film I can make. And I'm going to try to you know influence people about this topic. And so again guys go to frametheworld.com support us there. If you can't say oh I don't have $200 to support the project well you can donate $50. Just become a special thanks funder. Or just purchase some from the store. All those sayings help us keep going at frametheworld.com But you know I've been blabbering on and on and on. Remember guys today we're going to be talking with Arizona Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy. He's going to be on the air with us here in a few minutes. I'm going to go to Dustin here soon. I think he's just showing up right now. And so we're going to go to him in a second. And we're going to be talking about the coronavirus tonight. We're going to be talking with Daniel McCarthy. If you want to check out his website go to demanddaniel.com And also don't forget guys make sure you hit that thumbs up button. Make sure to hit that like button. Share this video on your Facebook page. Share this video out there so people can watch this interview tonight. And also make sure that you support our sponsors. And our sponsor is Our House. And Our House has been great. They have been Karen Rodriguez is Our House and she has been um she has been oh boy how do I shut that off? I'll just do that. She has been a big support of ours on this channel. And so go over to Our House. I'll put the link in the chat. Go over to Our House and subscribe to our YouTube channel. But I'm going to go over to Dustin right now. And Dustin what's your thoughts about tonight man? Are you excited for the show? Yeah I'm looking forward to it. Happy County Sheriff Doug Schuster. There you go. Yeah I'm looking forward to it. I've been looking in a little bit to this. You know just to clarify this guy is running for the United States Senate. At first I thought he was going to represent um Arizonans in Arizona. But he's actually going for the big house. He's going for... Are you sure about that? Yeah. No it says Arizona Senate. No Arizona Okay. Let's make let's get this figured out. I already had it figured out. You threw in a curve ball here. United States Senate Arizona. Yeah in Arizona though. No. That's not United States. He's a senator from Arizona. No he's not. Okay so US Senate to represent Arizona. So get this right man. You don't want to like we're not talking about the state house. We're talking about the United States Capitol building. He's going to be one of the two senators serving the um the state of Arizona in Washington. Yeah. Well that's where they are. No but then you have these other guys. Don't you remember what in the world man when we went in that movie we went and interviewed all the senators in Washington D.C. from all over Yeah but there's also you also have state senators which are just nobodies. They're just people. Like there's a million of them. But you know we're talking about the at the in Washington D.C. These are like you know you're because you know Barack Obama was like a state senator and then he went to be a United States senator for Illinois and then he became the you know the president. So you know these guys are in Washington making some big national decisions. So I just want to clarify this is United States Senate. This isn't State Senate. So there's a yeah. So we'll talk to him about that. And so I want to find out a little bit more about you know who he's up against and stuff like that. Who's in there now. What kind of people are we talking about him being able to replace if he wins the election. So I'm looking forward to it. It looks like if we get into it he got a little bit of a hit piece there at AZ Central newspaper. So I'm kind of interested to know like it's good news when they're coming after you. Yeah they do. Yeah exactly. Well when you run on a small government platform you know that they usually don't like that. Yeah. So I don't know exactly. We do have his page here where it does talk about his bullet points of what he's he's advocating. So too many things you know limited government the wall states rights transparency accountability the best health care unity. I mean these are demands I suppose. Common sense of these are catchphrases. So again yeah we got to find out what he's about. I'm not I haven't voted since 19. Yeah don't tell him that. But I could I don't think I haven't even. Yeah I'm not registered to vote. Yeah I'm not neither. You know I don't want to be on. But you know if people do. You should vote for this guy. This guy seems pretty pretty good. Might as well. I mean I why not. If you're going to show up you've got to do it. I personally believe otherwise as far as voting. But I'm not tell anybody else what to do. I'm not a big fan of the political I mentioned this before. Let me make sure I'm right in the frame here. So yeah. So his name is Daniel McCarthy and he I suppose he was today at the rally that Brian Mache was talking about yesterday. So I want to find out a little bit more if how that went because there was a vote and I didn't get any news. Yeah he went live on his page a little bit ago. So yeah he was at that and I guess they did vote. I guess there's going to be out for the rest of the year. So I ask him about it and have him explain it. Yeah. I don't really fully understand that. Yeah it's like asking everybody if they want to just stay home and do whatever they want to do and still get a paycheck and not be accountable for what happens. That's what they voted for. They're all going home. So I don't know what kind of if it has to go through the the house by a certain percentage and then a certain majority in the Senate and obviously the governor is going to sign off on that because it basically gives him full power to it's it's just like a blank check. It seems like like people just go like the representatives and senators of the state are are pretty much signing over like you just go ahead and do what you're going to do. Just tell us what you did in the morning. You know so it's kind of it seems kind of kind of anti-American but I mean let's find out what he says. I don't know. So what else? Yeah so we're going to get him on at five thirty. He was originally going to be on at five but he called and I guess he's on like this telephone conference call for I don't know a little extra so we weren't able to do a test but we're going to do a test live. It's going to be awesome. Orangeblood wants to break up the donation. Remember how you know you have different tiers? Yeah that's we just add it at the end here. Yeah so he wants to break it up but he wants to make sure like you know how if you donate a certain. Yeah we'll just add up your total. Okay so make sure you pay attention to that and is there a comment section when you make a donation to the film? Yeah I don't know. Yeah. Send an email but. Guys there's a real problem going on with our video. We have seventy three people watching which is great but we only have twenty three twenty eight thumbs ups. What's going on? Thumbs up the video guys. Brother Ray Hester's in the chat. He says he's that he's running against McSally. So that's I think who is currently in office. I've got a million tabs open here because I'm trying to learn. Who he is. You're trying to learn who he is. What he's doing. What he's about in the next five minutes before we. Well I'm opening these things because I want to be able to go to him a little bit to kind of remember. So I did want to know who he's running against and what that person's track record's been. And what happened. What happened yesterday. What did we do yesterday. We talked to Brian McShea. And so he went to that thing today. We'll find out a little bit more about that. I'm just trying to debrief. How was your day today Paul. It was good. Yeah I feel I feel like I just don't ever stop working. Like I get here in the morning at you know I wake up at five o'clock. I get here around five thirty and I work till right after the show I pretty much leave and then I go home and I feel like it's just just a never ending cycle of just no sleep. You'll get through it. Your wife is about to have a baby. Yeah yeah so guys my wife is due at any moment so it could be tonight. It could be. We might get a call halfway through this live stream. Hey I'm giving birth and you know what we're more than likely going to continue the live stream. It's going to be a while. Then I'll go over there. Yeah well she's in the chat so just go ahead. Just go ahead and say the baby's coming. Yeah just go ahead and put it in the chat Theresa. Okay so there's got to be an emoji for it. So just go ahead and pound that emoji. Let's see if we can find that pregnant emoji. Yeah so watch out for that emoji guys in the chat. Yeah so when you see that everybody if we're not paying attention let us know cause you know. And that will be baby number five for me. So it seems like a big leap. Like. I mean you're pretty much. Four seemed normal and fine. Just five just seems like a big step. Well you have to buy a different type of car usually. Well yeah my van is good for one more kid. So this kid will fill up my van and then what do I do after that is I don't know. Yeah but you can't even bring anything in the van. I know well I just got my van fixed today so. You're going to be riding around with one of those luggage racks. My alternator went out in my van so but it's fixed now. It's working great. It's running like a dream. I can you know drive back and forth now. Yeah I want to tell you guys this is the t-shirt. What do they win Paul? What do you mean? If they buy a t-shirt. We're not doing any giveaways like that. We're not doing any giveaways. OK so let's turn this around in the back. Yeah. Secret Rapture. Yep there it is. So I'm going to put a link in this. Get one of these shirts. I like because they're not black. Yeah. You can get them in different colors. You get them in pink right and blue and white and black right. I'm looking at the emojis my wife's given. She has to be able to give get some better emojis. Come on guys help her out. We got to get some better emojis. The pregnant emojis emojis. Just the birth emojis. Yeah so I get get one of these t-shirts. If you buy one of these t-shirts you'll be entered into a raffle drawing. No. Come out and you won't. OK. You're the one that's saying I do too many raffles and then so I'm done. We're done doing raffles. That's because you're doing it every single day and you're giving away everything. Yeah. So you kind of you have to reel it in a little bit. Yeah we reeled it in. Sheila Jackson has all the shirts. So Sheila is a big supporter. I appreciate her. That's good. So I'm gonna go ahead and put this in here. So what's new with this coronavirus. You know people are wearing their masks. Everything's just moving along. Tim Dilello is sitting there. He's got a building. A baby. I don't know what that means. So yeah I'm kind of tired about this whole thing already. You know it just seems so lame. I haven't seen any buddy dead or dying. All the bums on the street seem to be well they're in good health. I mean I don't pay attention to them so maybe they're different bums than usual. So. Well on the plus side I mean we have two senators or sheriffs in Arizona here that are not gonna arrest people for not doing the social distancing stuff. Yeah but that's not in. We're gonna be talking about that on the broadcast. It's not Maricopa? No. No the Maricopa guy's a sellout I think. Oh really? Yeah. The guy that replaced Apayo. Yeah. Well these guys seem pretty great. We're gonna play a clip from that later on in the show. Alright so where are we at here? We still got like 20 minutes before. If you guys want to call in 480-519 I was getting some phone calls earlier. Just call back right now and I'll answer. 4999 call us up. We'll answer the phone. How about beyond Jordan or imported t-shirts? I'll answer that. T-shirts are very unlucrative. Yeah t-shirts are rough. I'm not doing t-shirts anymore. See this is the thing. You have to buy like a million t-shirts so you have to sell like a hundred of them before you even start making money and then some of them don't even sell. So it's like you get hit with a ton of. Yeah there's gotta be a made to order situation. Yeah. And then you don't get any money. You can do like those, they have those t-shirt companies that sell you just make one at a time. But they take such a large percentage it doesn't even make sense to do it. I got Psalm 139 22 again in the chat. And so did you win a fluoride poison on tap just to, just tell me if you won that. It looks like we got a call coming in so maybe we'll have something interesting happen. We'll get that going. So what was I talking about? Okay so Paul Atkins says when the vaccines come out then it will be real. Because what we're looking at right now we got these people just totally complacent with their gloves and their mask. And it's like they just believe they're part of the one world. Like they're all holding hands. We got a caller? Yeah we got a caller. You want to take them right now? Is it Pillar? Alright you are live with Framing the World. Hey what's up guys this is Joe Olen. I'm calling from north of Seattle in Washington State. Hey man. Joe how's it going? It's going good. I'm just marveling at the fact that people have just given into fear and you know when I drive on I-5 every day to work and I see people in their cars alone wearing the masks and it's just you know mind boggling. Especially since we don't see anybody personally sick. I mean I don't know if you guys have seen anybody coughing. I know no one. I guess we know Matt but he okay so there's this guy at our church named Matt but I guess he didn't have any symptoms so I mean it's like. Well they couldn't very well say that his wife who had a little bit of a fever when she was going into labor that they tested her and it's curious to know how that conversation went down but you know it's a hospital situation you're already on guard you're looking after your it's a hospital birth so depending upon where you are and who. I would we should get him on the show and have him just talk about his experience if he's willing to do that. Okay Matt I'll text him call into the show. Okay so Joe tell us about how ridiculous it is. Well let's talk about these tests can we even trust that they're really going to be give us an honest answer what if they're what if they're saying we're positive just to keep the popular narrative going right what if right yeah I'm like I would be terrified to go get a test and they're actually in Island County right here they're telling they're trying to get everybody to voluntarily go through these drive through tests. What if you test positive for the antibodies and then all of a sudden they're going to try to force you to quarantine for some 14 days or 21 days some ridiculous like that yeah I just bought a ticket overseas right and they I was looking up some travel restrictions and they're as of now like if I show up to this country they would you know they would detain me for 21 days and put me in quarantine that's so ridiculous even if I have no symptoms no problems they're going to just quarantine you for 21 days and like some weird I mean where do they even quarantine you it's weird but if you have a connecting flight so you have to fly to London to get to Belarus you have to quarantine in London for 15 days fly to Belarus quarantine for another 15 days you come back you quarantine for another 15 days we have to do it in both ways oh man yeah a woman that I work with is going to go visit her family in Belarus and she's going to be required to do 45 days of quarantine for a week visit and she can't do it now yeah that's ridiculous so yes man yeah it's stepping up I think I want to hear about everybody who seems to be like kind of like really for like all this stuff it seems like they they're just shutting up now you know people that were talking about the numbers let's see let's just go to the world the numbers have become irrelevant at this point notice how no one's bringing up the numbers anymore because they're so low well because it's already been debunked yeah that's why they're not bringing up the numbers exactly because it's all it's all a joke man yeah so they are they're pushing forward with this and then it becomes quarantine which is and then like Joel was saying then you've got these tests so um okay so we got these countries you know and they're still showing this thing where it just goes up the hill yeah it's just stupid I remember the very first thing you ever see that first graph that was on like social media and it looked like like if we do nothing it's like this right can you see that yeah we can see it it's like if we do nothing then it's going to spike and um and a lot of people are going to die but if we if we stay at home and you know practice social distancing then not as many people will die but it'll take forever you know and I just always just imagine that it's just like you know if you do what we say you got a happy face if you don't do what we say it's a frowny face and it's just like simple we should work on this on graphics here we need an overhead camera yeah we just thought an overhead projector like in like in math in high school if they'd still do that you can draw on the screen we can get an ipad for you and you can draw on the screen with this is the extent I'll just reuse this so Joel like the testing that's the thing is that these numbers first of all I don't even know if they can isolate this virus right because I've heard talks and everybody's going to be like those are not the scientists those are the nocta doctors that we're going to listen to we got to listen to these ones over here that are pushing the narrative the ones that are um yeah there's totally bonafide doctors but these ones over here you don't want to listen to the ones that are like debating germ theory and the ones that are saying hey you know it's terrain this is your body creating the response and if you're unhealthy you're going to have that response but if you're healthy you don't have anything to worry about because you can't catch a virus right and so you hear this kind of talk and you're like whoa man hold on a second and so why has everybody forgotten that we need to keep our immune system strong and by wearing these masks it's setting us up to be super sick in compromising our immune system right so what's going to happen in October when the flu season comes flying back around especially when everyone's been locked inside their houses for all this time and their immune system's down and weakened and then they come out then they're going to be like oh see it's coming back yeah they're going to call it covid 20 right it's not going to be even covid it's going to be the next flu and it's going to be they're going to continue this it's so clear that they're using this to take away our rights and it's never going away it's never going to go away and people are just bowing down to this it's ridiculous and I wish people would wake up and you know what most people are because there's very few people I talk to and maybe just because I only hang out with people that that agree with you like your echo chamber maybe I'm just an echo chamber but it seems like most people are starting to wake up on this issue yeah so going back to the test so these tests like can they even verify it's not like a pregnancy test you know because a pregnancy test you pee on the strip it's like a drug test you know like they make it sounds everybody everybody thinks it's like a pregnancy test or a drug test where they just put these things in and it just comes right back and you get a little plus sign and they're like you've got covid 19 no like it's not how it works and even so you're going to volunteer for this test you're probably going to sign something to take to take a test I don't know if it's just going to be verbal consent but then when you take this test you've automatically submitted yourself and this is the this is the spiritual issue that that's coming down everybody's talking about like this is a physical issue but this is where the spiritual battle ground is because we wrestle not against flesh and blood we wrestle against you know powers and principalities and rulers of darkness of this world right and spiritual wickedness in high places so what we're talking about here is those things we're not fighting a virus the virus isn't a I believe that's just in everybody's mind I believe that that the virus that everybody's afraid of is their own is they branded this covid 19 into a brand and now when you think of covid 19 everybody's got their own like imaginary thing of all the media that's been thrown in your mind about it and so but what what's happening is is they're getting people to slowly and slowly and slowly consent consent consent and to to not stand on their square and to step off of their square and so we act like this isn't a Christian battle but you know Christians are getting in the habit you know because it's it's said many times in many sermons listen if you're not soul winning now when the tribulation comes are you going to be so winning probably not if you're not reading your Bible now when it gets hard are you going to be reading your Bible then you know it's a common thing so Christians are stepping off into spiritual consent because it is a spiritual consent you're giving authority over here and I don't fear the government I fear God right and I don't obey my boss because he's my boss but as to Christ you know so I can see so it's a spiritual consent that I'm giving so if my boss is telling me to do something I'm not doing it because he's my boss but in my mind I'm saying as unto the Lord you know so when I'm doing these things I'm choosing to do it as unto the Lord now so I think we need to need to consciously think about that and when we take these tests we're going to be giving consent into the hands of people who I believe are spiritually wicked they're spiritually wicked people and it might not be the guy administering the test who's spiritually wicked but he has already given his power over to the person that has that spiritual wickedness you know so well any final comments caller? yeah so I like that we're talking about you know Jesus and Christianity right now I'm a Baptist and I want to know what you guys think is this a this whole plandemic is this divine chastisement from God to try to bring America and the world back to him or is it more likely you know birth pains for the anti-Christ beast system to take an effect and then you know we suffer the tribulation well it seems more like judgment on Christians because Christians aren't going to church I don't know like what is it's judgment I don't think they're exclusive no one's getting sick no one's I mean very few people have died of this I look at everything the same so so so anything can happen it's judgment it's all a very bad judgment yeah it's all based on people are getting free sorry to keep interrupting you Dustin but people are just staying home getting paid I mean a lot of people are just having a vacation right now yeah and that's part of the reason why they're wanting to continue this because some of these people are getting $690 a week added to the unemployment yeah this is the most money they've ever made in their life I know the government knows what they're doing they're getting people it's like putting a fishing pole with a dollar in front of people to lead them yep it's uh ridiculous guys awesome well thank you hold on a second don't hang up on them why we got we got to get uh the the we got seven minutes we can hang up on them real fast okay all right okay so yeah you're doing you're doing good man like okay so we talk about how these people are just kind of getting their checks and they're staying home and everything and it's all just not judgment well in Proverbs 23 the Bible says when thou sittest to eat with a ruler consider diligently what is before thee and put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite be not desirous of his dainties for they are deceitful meat so when I see this kind of stuff happening and I see like everybody like the governments is totally like hey we'll take care of it that's deceitful meat and people like that and there's and it's gonna so to answer Joel's question like I listen if something bad happens to me I'm automatically thinking this is the judgment of God because because I'm thinking God allowed this to come to pass God if God judged otherwise then it wouldn't come to pass so when things come to pass I attribute it to the Lord if things could come to pass I fear the Lord that he doesn't allow those things to come to pass but in any case it's all his judgment so it's your inner experience that determines whether God is testing you or tempting you or whether you're being judged or it's his anger or his wrath because bad things can happen to good people like Job and you can have the right attitude and just know the Lord's testing you and you're gonna come out tried and pure and the end of the matter is gonna be better than the beginning of it and you can live the rest of your life with that attitude as the whole world is burning around you and you can say the Lord giveth the Lord taketh away and that's the judgment of God and God can just be blessing you all day long and you can just be skipping through the tribulation and just say blessed be the name of the Lord because you trust his judgment and you're right with him so what I think it is anybody whether you're Christian or not you have to make a decision whether you're gonna accept God's decision in the matter whether you're gonna accept his judgment or whether you're gonna fight him and blame him and believe that he's forsaken you it all depends on your attitude so I think two people can be in the same boat and the boat could be sinking and one person can be really excited about what's happening and see it as an opportunity to really get to living and the other person could be just cursing God in despair so you know it doesn't even matter so whatever happens going forth you know you just have to treat it like the Lord has allowed this to happen he's decided this is what I need to have happen in my life and if you make that decision today and just decide it's gonna be your decision for the rest of your days you just wake up in the morning knowing that the Lord's gonna be with you and that you know he loves you and he's never gonna leave you or forsake you and you've got a home in heaven if you're saved then from there you just get on with your day and you don't have to fear anything you just if you're not right with him then you should probably you should you know consider what you're doing you know consider where you are so wouldn't you say though the body of Christ currently that most people believe in the pre-tribulation rapture but if you read Matthew 24 it's clear that we will be here for the tribulation right a lot of people you know they're thinking oh well we're just gonna be raptured and this isn't really gonna affect us and they are kind of setting themselves up for I don't know wouldn't you say like a nasty surprise yeah but they God's setting them up too so we're gonna cut you loose because we got a quick video clip and then we're gonna get Daniel McCarthy on the line with us Joel so thanks for calling in I really appreciate your interest in the show and you're willing to participate and we're really glad that you called yeah great caller thank you so much man call back for sure see ya bye alright well we're gonna let Dustin get a hold of this guy right now I guess I'm gonna be talking to you guys I wanna queue up this clip here of the two sheriffs in Arizona that said basically that they're not gonna arrest people for these I don't know just we're gonna just play the clip and hopefully everything goes smooth heavy County Sheriff Doug Schuster I am not going to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens and Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb I'm not going to cite people or arrest people or fine people both say they aren't going to hand out citations or fines if you break Governor Doug Ducey's stay at home order in a press conference he laid out the consequences this is an order that is enforceable by law a violation is a $2,500 fine and up to six months in jail but these two say they won't do it Sheriff I cannot in good conscience issue citations or arrest people for social distancing a recommendation violation or businesses that elect to serve food we've had complaints of businesses serving food and the people are eating in the parking lot in a statement Governor Doug Ducey's office said we recognize the sacrifices people have made throughout this health emergency we know many Arizonans are feeling economic pain and we're doing everything we can to alleviate that while ensuring health and safety when asked about the violations they said to be clear these instances have been few we're communicating with local law enforcement we're grateful for the cooperation we've seen and expect continued cooperation going forward this is not meant to be personal this is just a disagreement the two men are not encouraging you to break the Governor's order but instead feel compelled they say to uphold the Constitution it's unfortunate we're here but I feel like I need to make a stand for the people and for their rights and for freedom In Phoenix, David Caltabiano for Arizona's family alright well Dustin is getting him set up right now we're going to be talking with Arizona Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy and so I'm super excited about this interview I met him at the Capitol building for a protest earlier this week and it was a really nice it was really nice to meet him and see everyone there and so we're going to cut to Dustin here in a second and get him going but yeah he's figuring that out alright so let's go to here so let's show you what he looks like here so this is this is his website if you want to go to it demanddaniel.com and you can check more information about him over there he's a family man a businessman and everything alright so anyways we're going to be we're going to be heading over to Dustin right now alright I'm plugging you in we're going to go live ok do you like to be called Dan or Daniel yeah let me plug you in and just confirm ok Paul I've got him on the Skype here we ready to go yeah we're all set ok everybody we've got Daniel McCarthy he's running for US Senate representing Arizona here this year and we're talking with him on Skype he has recently made appearances at the state capitol and has been one of the speakers there in the demonstrations to reopen Arizona so I'm not going to waste any time we're going to let Mr. McCarthy tell us about himself Mr. McCarthy thank you for joining us my name is Dustin I don't know if I took the time to introduce myself but I'll be conducting the interview here with you nice to meet you thank you for having me very much well it's an honor and a privilege I've never spoken with anybody who's going for the high office here of US Senate so thank you very much for joining us tell us a little bit about you how did you end up deciding to go into politics is this your first run well yeah obviously for a major seed I've been involved with different things in terms of boards and non-profit boards and for-profit stuff I've been involved with some community boards my background in terms of politics I've been an activist from the standpoint that if I find a politician as a donor I try to work with him if I find good people I've been involved with the broken party I call it the broken Republican party for a while but I've been living the American dream my family is literally living the American dream I have multiple businesses I've been involved with a lot of different things from a business perspective as a CEO I've ran multiple companies for the last 10 years from anywhere from cosmetics to real estate I have a brand that a lot of women may be familiar with with Makeup Eraser that's a global cosmetics brand and my family I have four kids age ranges of 16 down to 10 and I have a wife that I am privileged to have and kids that I'm privileged to raise and I just got to the point where with this race in particular I was looking for someone to run this race as a donor and it kind of backfired because all those people said hey man we think you should do it and the next thing you know it kind of compounded and compounded and you know this country has given me everything this country has given my family everything and this is the least I can do to give back but we cannot lose this senate seat in Arizona it's too important to lose. Right so who's currently so we have two senators currently who are they? Well this is where it's interesting. In 2018 Kristin Sinema beat Martha McSally. Martha then was appointed after John McCain died okay so where it's really interesting is that Martha was appointed temporarily after John Kyle was appointed temporarily because there was this little bit of a grace period where the governor appointed John Kyle and then John Kyle said no I'm not going to do it anymore it's like a banana republic okay I said okay I can't stand to watch this it's almost like they're trying to lose the senate seat okay so Martha is currently in the seat by appointment so this is a special election the election is in the primary the republican primary is August 4th whoever wins August 4th between Martha and myself it's just her and I on the ballot whoever wins in August then advances onto the general election in November against the Marxist the Marxist on the left I'm excited to beat him up very much. Oh the astronaut guy? Yes yes yeah I call him Marxist Kelly yeah Marxist Kelly yeah I remember seeing that the astronaut guy so um so he's running so he's he gets a lot of publicity for just being an astronaut he's like free of publicity um yeah he is he is the democratic party's guinea pig he has been invested in for the last 10 years doing speaking engagements lining his pockets up to set him up for this run to turn Arizona royal blue and that's why I had to get involved I couldn't stand to watch them run this playbook on Arizona like they did in Colorado like they did in California they did this same thing in other states I couldn't stand to watch it so I had to take matters into our own hands here alright so um what are you doing now I know you're running for office right now what's happening in your day to day besides campaigning obviously this is partly campaigning is when you're showing up at these rallies right you're going to these rallies you're letting people know that you're campaigning but you're you're doing a dual service you're out there letting people know you're running for office but you're also talking to people about opening Arizona is that right? yes so immediately let me let me I'll go back to the beginning of the campaign one of the major reasons why I got into this race was because Martha came out and said she supported the governor's stances on gun confiscation measures ok these are called red flag laws are you familiar with these red flag laws ok so when Martha did that what she basically did was is said look the only way that we can really beat this guy is by logically talking about the firearm back up real quick because we've got listeners who are international who aren't familiar with the um with the gun so red flag laws for somebody who doesn't ok so ok so Arizona is the home of tombstone ok if you're not familiar with ok so Arizona is the gun rights capital of the United States um we we like our gun rights here we do not want the government infringing on our gun rights ok we do not want the government telling us who can own a gun when they can own a gun it's just this is Arizona ok I mean a lot of us are here for that reason well Martha came out and said she supports these type of laws these red flag laws so I said ok well we have to fight this the reason I'm telling you this is because I don't know if you go back if you look I started going to board of supervisors meetings council meetings uh we just started to go to work because the way I looked at it was is the best way I can demonstrate to you guys how I'm going to be as a senator is showing you how I work day by day so we just went to work and started educating the public on what red flag laws were how dangerous red flag laws are and um all of a sudden we started to see the needle move and we started to see people become aware like oh my goodness Arizona Republican governor why are they pushing for these type of gun laws we would never expect that so in Arizona we basically killed any effort by the governor and by the way our Republican governor said he expects a red flag law on his desk this session nothing was done I mean we killed it ok well that was great well then this whole you know uh scandemic pan Chinese flu whatever you want to call it you know this this all came up so yet again I've got to kind of demonstrate to your audience in Arizona that hey the best thing I can do is show you guys how I'm going to work um so what we're doing is we're putting a unique amount of pressure on the legislator to open up um reopen arizona.com we started an online petition collected about 7,000 signatures so far um and we're just putting a unique amount of pressure on the governor and on the state legislator to reopen our economy this is crazy what's going on this is crazy so uh you've gotten some slack in the media even before this I love how you call it a scandemic because that's even better than a plandemic you know cause the the word on the street is it's a plandemic but it's even more than that it's a total scandemic and obviously a scam is well planned so um so but I I was looking you up a little bit and cause to be to be honest I'm not really into the politics thing because you know it just seems like um I you know you're a breath of fresh air you know to hear somebody who's got your outlook is not what you're expecting to find somebody making their way it seems like this is a special circumstance where you're you're able to get in is there so you're the only person on the ballot besides is it McSally is that what her name is or something yeah um Martha I call her Martha McSilent or Martha McComicazi she's actually designed to lose the race she needs to get out of my way so we can uh unify the Republican party the right thing for her to do is resign and step out of the way um but that's a whole different story so it's just it's just Martha and I in August on the ballot yes but you know the media has already painted you in a bad light I saw an article in Arizona uh Central yes you know and Laurie Roberts was the writer yeah I did I was skimming through but the headline was enough for me to see that they that they were trying to um turn voters away from you what what is it that you're saying even before is it the guns is it the um what what is the thing that makes you not popular with the the media um with the status quo sure so what I represent is everything that the communist Marxist can't stand okay individual rights individual freedoms American American exceptionalism um American self-sufficiency I know how to bring the manufacturing back into this country I know how to uh resurrect this uh revolution of manufacturing in the United States and self-sufficiency of the United States that's not what they want what they want is is their agenda which is just so as everyone understands their agenda is to crumb crumble the economy from within they want to make us so weak that we actually fail from within and their success they're being successful by the way um the propaganda that the media puts out specifically in Arizona Arizona Central um it's designed to take guys like me and make us look bad the nice thing is though is that no one cares they're irrelevant they mean nothing anymore you know as a matter of fact I wear it as a badge of honor Laurie Roberts is a devout communist as far as I'm concerned and um the woman frankly uh for her to use the soapbox the way she does it again it's a compliment it's a very much so so in other states okay I just want to jump because I've got some questions here and and um again everybody if you're just joining us we're talking with Daniel McCarthy he is running for United States Senate there's going to be an open seat in Arizona and we want him to get in there I want you to win I'm gonna go I'm gonna go vote I haven't voted in a long time but I like you and I want to see you there um so uh we're talking to him and we're also I wanted to ask you Daniel California right like California you mentioned this this has happened to California decades ago California was a pretty um conservative state and it's now become pretty much um the communist state of California you know it is so but you know what's happened in the news very much recently is that they're testing people and quarantining people um what do you think about that have you have you heard about that in the news yes um I think what's happening is very dangerous I think the society is on edge um this is what the government is doing right now is so dangerous and if we don't exhaust every legal option if we don't exhaust every political pressure that we can um I'm I'm concerned greatly for what's gonna happen to our society um so what's going on in California the big concern for me is this contract tracing that they're starting to do uh this is something that they just announced in Arizona they want to start hiring people to do as well it's a complete infringement by the way on our basic constitutional rights for anyone that passed you know an 8th grade history class you know our 4th and 5th amendment cannot be violated just because of uh of a sickness or of a virus so these guys are literally systematically breaking down our constitutional rights and it's imperative that we just bring our secret sauce back into our society our constitution is a beautiful thing if we follow it it works and it creates wealth like you've never seen before it creates freedom like you've never seen before so the um California is frankly on a very shaky ground right now I think um I feel very coincidentally I just left a meeting before this right here a guy bugged out from California moved here literally escaped California to Arizona because of what's going on over there like I'm not exaggerating he just left there so it's really bad and uh we need to fight back we need to fight back quick right I mean everybody's gotta wear masks there's clear uh statements even from the CDC that these masks are not helping and that they could be making matters worse and yet you've got corporations like Costco uh mandating that that uh customers wear these masks and it's not and then you can be exempt if you have a medical issue because it could uh make that issue worse which is it's absolute insanity so there's I like to talk about sheriffs like the sheriff power is as an elected official and that it's very important that we communicate with our sheriffs and because our sheriffs are the ones they're like the last line to enforce any any kind of mandate um but what do you think about these uh sheriffs uh that have uh publicly stated that they're not going to enforce these governors here in Arizona I think there's two currently Arizona sheriffs that refuse to enforce the stay at home orders what do you say to them? I love them I love them and we need to celebrate them we need to hold them in high regard and thank them um they are doing us such a great service by making that point and we have I have personally actually uh I've done a lot in terms of behind the scenes just just trying to tell them how grateful we are for them um we need our sheriffs to absolutely stand up against this because it is tyranny and by the way just so everyone understands when in Arizona specifically but pretty much everywhere when you take an oath as a law enforcement officer or as military personnel you say you're going to fight against all enemies foreign and domestic well what makes a domestic enemy if a domestic enemy is someone that systematically enters themselves into the government systems in order to systematically break it down that's an enemy so the way I look at it is that when a sheriff is stepping up now in this critical time they're actually um living up to their oath which we need all of them to do what about the Maricopa County Sheriff because I don't know like I said I don't pay attention what do you know about what do you want to go on the record and say about that okay well my plea to Penn Zone would be to get out of the race and let one of the fine gentlemen on the Republican ticket take over that seat Penn Zone has demonstrated frankly in my opinion I know Penn Zone and I can tell you that he is not the right guy for that job he needs to go away so that office is now going to the electorate in the fall that's right in the primary in August there's a very important primary going on for that sheriffs race here in Arizona and that primary whoever propels past that primary we need to make sure wins that wins that general election in November I can tell you that there's a couple guys I know all the sheriffs running on the Republican side I have my favorite and I will tell you I will leave that clip on I have my favorite I think everyone else would probably agree with me as well but that's okay if you get on the ticket would you endorse your favorite? no listen here's the thing I'll tell you I look forward to helping the sheriff on the Republican side win that office we need to make sure we have a better sheriff in Maricopa County which by the way is I think in land mass it's one of the largest land mass counties in the country so we need we need someone good in that seat so today in the Arizona state capitol in Phoenix they had a rally because the state senate was going to a vote and that is for the what is it Cinedia I think it's called yep Cindy I guess I'm pronouncing it my Latin is off Cindy so what happened there what's that about people don't know what that is most people don't even know what's even happened I don't even know if it's on the radio or in the news okay I'll make it really simple the governor is right now exercising authority that he does not have okay these executive orders are actually unconstitutional so the state senate and the state house they were about to vote today on basically a Cindi which means they're ending session they're not going to see any more bills they're not going to do anything else for the rest of the year so we started putting pressure on them saying and I was down there by the way I was down there today and I said the long and short of it is we need a bill put together by the way a republican held majority in the house and the senate so there's no excuses right we should have a bill that states no longer in a state of emergency can the governor have these type of executive authorities right there should be safeguards in place that the governor has to come back to the state house and the state senate before he can issue these type of executive orders so and right now the way it works is the governor says executive order you're going to jail for six months and you're getting fined $2500 if you break my executive order well he can't do that so the state house last night at about 11 o'clock at night said look we don't have the votes we're not going to vote for Cindi so that was a big success last night however the senate full of the elitist republicans the fake republicans and all the democrats which you see this footage i'm going to upload on facebook by the way it's crazy but these guys they voted today for the cindi which basically means the senate is saying they vote to end session today well if they don't have the house's approval then what happens is they have to come back and vote for that again pretty much every three days in order to continue to try to shut down the government so what kind of vote do they need to have to get past the house the house needs just a simple majority so if a simple majority says that they want to end session for the year they can end session well our big problem with that is they're basically copping out of their responsibility which is they should be down there producing a bill that stops the governor from these tyrannical efforts i mean my god how could anyone disagree with the idea that the governor should not be able to shut down our society for two months i mean that's just crazy so the thing is we put enough pressure on the house i believe and they did a good job we had some good heroes step up and say they're not going to vote to end session so now we got to keep pressure on the arizona house keep pressure on the arizona senate and make sure they don't end session they quit passing the buck and hold the governor responsible for what he's doing so what was the vote today in the senate the vote today was they voted believe it or not to end the session so they voted in favor of the what was that majority was it overwhelming it was i believe it was six republicans that crossed over let me tell you the exact no i would love to tell you the name yeah because they they seem to have a motivation to to do that which makes no sense it's like these people who want to stay home and collect unemployment instead of go to work it's kind of the same it's kind of the same situation because they're basically guaranteed a paycheck even if they don't work so that's exactly right they're they're copping out now think about this all those bills that are sitting there on their desk that need to pass right these are important bills like we actually have one that we're working on with one of the i mean this is crazy they voted 24 to 6 to close the session down so obviously a lot of republicans voted in favor of closing down the government which you know i've never seen anything like this i mean i've watched politics my entire life i have never seen anything enough for me to tell you that this is historic in nature they are sparking a revolution and everyone needs to calm down and we need to pressure these people put them back to work um it's a shame what do you say to people who who their sentiment is that hey just you know keep social distance put a mask on because you see them driving down the road they're in a car by themselves it's absurd you know and i look at people and i'm wondering where their uh rational thinking capabilities lie in other situations like if they're it seems like it just feels good i just write it all off for the most part as people who just want to look like they're doing their part to keep everybody healthy look at me i'm keeping everybody healthy i understand there's older people and people whose immune systems may be more compromised who you know they're experiencing a little more fear but then you get like these college students down at asu and they're just cranking their bicycles like uphill wearing a mask and you're like what do you think of these people like there's it seems to there's a high number of the population who are in that crowd what's up with that well here's what i can tell you this morning i was fishing this morning early in the morning and a guy by himself was walking with his dog with a mask on okay now he doesn't know who i am at least i hope he doesn't know who i am because i immediately put down my fishing pole and i said sir take off the mask please please take off the mask this is crazy and he goes what are you talking about i said sir do you understand the death rate the mortality this is a it's a virus this is every year we get viruses are you what is that i can't it's like we're living in the twilight zone okay uh so i'm getting to the point now where i talk to people about it i tell them take the mask off you're free of the mask it drives me insane i think it's moronic i think it's complete um it's it's uh idiotic yeah that should be your campaign slogan take off the mask take off the mask that's a good idea just take off the mask a big old billboard right there off the 10 by the airport i like it yeah that's a good idea take off the mask we're ready to take off the mask so um all right so you mentioned that this is a and that you know americans have never been able let's get down to it right nobody's been able to wage war upon america on american soil because because we all have guns right i've got i've got enough for people who don't have guns we all have enough for everybody right so um and so they i feel like they planned a long time ago the communist the globalist the um internationalist there's people who want to push this agenda so they can um centralize their power globally and they can do they can't we can invade iraq we can invade afghanistan you know there's certain areas that can be invaded by military force but america you're not going to bring chinese or soviet troops because it's on all right so they decided a long time ago they didn't want to even pretend like they were going to do that so that these interests i believe have been doing what you said and that is inserting themselves into our society whether it's the whether it's just in the state house the capitol building the white house there say that this has been something that's been going on a long time and it's and it seems to be now rearing its head and manifesting itself in a way that we kind of expected i always expected to be different but it seems like it's this this socialism or this this um where due process is set aside for for dictatorial mandates it's this seems to be the card they're playing and i believe they're going to keep it's like draw four and then you draw four and the next thing you know it's like reverse skip a turn you know um do you believe they're going to uh what do you think their plan is do you think they're moving hard into this or what's your take on that i just kind of spurted some ideas out there no no no no i listen i i'm glad you said the things that you said because it you covered the groundwork and the foundation that's what's going on and now it's a matter of saying okay is this a live drill or is this a is this something where it's going to just continue to evolve i think in my estimation that there will be some situations that happen in some states i think some states are going to have to have um very uncomfortable conversations and i think there's going to be things that happen in certain states that are going to be very uncomfortable for a lot of people um because we're not used to seeing these things in the united states i also believe in conjunction with that that our best days are ahead um i think that in america when we understand the war that we're in you have the best human beings in the world's history working hard on making sure we win that war and i think the sophistication of this war is so complex and it's so deep and the more and more people that come into this war voluntarily uh the faster we're going to win but my estimation is that we're going to see some situations in certain states uh that are going to cause some concerns we're probably going to see some things happen um that lead to some there's probably going to be some violence uh god willing there's not and and i'm not and by the way i am the founders were beautiful in this country because what they did was they exhausted all legal mechanisms possible they did everything they possibly could they exhausted every option before they came to the terms that this was not and without bloodshed and i god willing we do not have bloodshed anywhere in america uh but i know just like you know i would rather fight this fight than give it to my kids and i will do whatever it takes uh to protect our individual rights and by the way benjamin franklin said that this is one of my favorite quotes it was almost on the seal of our country rebellion to tyrants is obedience to god and it doesn't matter if those tyrants are inside of our government it doesn't matter we we have an obligation to eradicate them from our society i hate authoritarians i hate people that need authority it just you know it's a pet peeve of mine so um i look forward to hopefully winning the right way by getting them all out of office and cleaning house but yeah they're all a bunch of weaklings and cowards anyway that type of person um those people who put themselves in those types of position it's like they've got some kind of complex they're trying to overcompensate for but if you call them out on it they just they can't do anything about it if you just stand up and say no right so so i think that's important i really appreciate the spirit that you have that's something that we need to hear more of because personally i feel like i've been disheartened a lot because those people who have the right attitude and they want to move up into positions of leadership like you are but they don't seem to get the time of day and nobody takes them seriously and i'm not saying that's what's happening here but like for example we had um was it 2012 we had Ron Paul who was focusing hard on the constitution and it seemed like he just got pushed aside and Americans lost a lot of opportunity to defend a lot of the principles and to bring light to those issues and so it's so many of those people who are walking around with these masks on you know that just i want to blame them but we we have to do our part before we can we have to exhaust our options before we start like blaming somebody or pointing something i think what you just brought up is a very important part though that Ron Paul was cheated uh Ron Paul uh tried to work inside of a game system that i'm currently working in the difference is is timing like in business uh if you have really good timing a lot of times you know in a lot of things obviously they're outside of our control so we're working on god's time and we're working on a timeline that we don't understand and i i love how you brought up Ron Paul because Ron Paul was cheated he was robbed uh specifically here in Arizona i mean his delegates were robbed he he did a wonderful job and um i think that the difference now is just the timing i think i feel a vacuum that wouldn't have existed eight years ago um but now it does so it's uh we're gonna win we're not we're not we're not letting go of another senate seat i want a seat at the table because i want to represent Arizona i want to sit down with these people and explain to them that what they're doing is they've gone too far right so if you're just joining us if you're looking at this later we're talking with Daniel McCarthy he is running for United States Senate representing Arizona here and you know he's got he's got his ducks in a row and he's standing for liberty he's standing for the people he's standing for the constitution what about everybody individually what do you think people need to start doing there's churches around the country and even churches in Arizona that aren't um you know they're they're acquiescing for for reasons but then there's also businesses right so um i know there's been our state is really good compared to other states right New Jersey, Maryland, New York those states um you know the the people have had to stand up to be able to go to church um but there's like in Dallas there was that salon owner who stood up and opened up what do you think about people just taking it back themselves and individually do you think there needs to be like a domino effect or some kind of like a spark in the dry in the dry grass to to get where people basically where they don't have enough police officers to go and cite everybody and there's no courthouses open because they can't even cite anybody or give them court dates because um because they're overwhelmed the hospitals aren't overwhelmed but I think the police officers should be overwhelmed with people opening up businesses and getting back getting back to it going back to church that's that's yes you nailed it we have to open everyone just open open your business the government the government is completely outside of their constitutional bounds you have absolute right to open your establishment stand up in the face of it and if you face resistance like you may understand that the the laws on your side truth is on your side it'll it'll pay off uh I have a restaurant owner here in a small town in Arizona Wickenburg Arizona she just sent me today the notice that she got from the city uh attorney they hand delivered her the note saying that she violated the executive order okay this this woman is a saint okay I mean literally a saint this restaurant's all she has is that the place with the bikers out in front there's a place in Wickenburg and I saw the photo how they she basically sold out of everything right away is that the as I would I remember here yeah so she sold out of everything she lines out the front door it was crazy it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing and then the city man the city attorney comes in hand delivers on noticing she violated an executive order now that's not America and to your point the police officers and the law enforcement agencies how long is it before they say you know what this job isn't worth that to me I'm not doing that I don't think it's too far behind now you know how how long is it going to be before beef shortage shortages in stores we have meat shortage supply chains are breaking down at some point the law enforcement community is going to have to stand up and say no this is not something I'm willing to do this is this is illegal what the government is doing so I think the best thing we can all do is stand up man go back to work right away right now not tomorrow let's get going now take off the mask take off the mask demand Daniel take off the mask right all right so we're going to have to let you go but is there anything that you want to say to our audience you're you're a politician what's your what's your elevator pitch what do you got what do you got for us Mr. McCarthy I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit when you said politician well I I don't mean it that way I get it I apologize I can't that's what I was no you're I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm getting used to it the thing I'll tell you is is that what I bring to you is an opportunity in Arizona that we haven't had in a long time Barry Goldwater set a seal in terms of a bar of how a senator could be I'm going to make that look like child's play if you hire me as your senator you are going to have the hardest working most determined senator you've ever seen the the reality of politics is this I always tell people this when I get a chance if you have a good marriage 95% of the time but you cheat on your spouse 5% of the time you don't have a good marriage right if you're a good driver 95% of the time but you get into an accident 5% of the time you're not really a good driver okay a politician that's good 95% of the time it's not a good politician you need someone every single day all day consistently conservative on the Constitution and no bending from that and that's what you have with me 100% of the time you will never have to wonder and I look forward to like I said setting a new bar in Arizona if you go to my website demandaniel.com all my information is on there of course by the way you're a fantastic interviewer you do a great job I hope you know I mean I'm telling you this because I do a lot of interviews and you're you're doing a great job so keep on doing what you're doing because you ask good questions and you're a good listener so thank you but your audience thank you guys very much I look forward to serving and making Americans great again not America let's make Americans great again take off the mask yeah very good hey so I saw you know that movie Mr. Smith goes to Washington oh yeah are you going to pass out on that Senate floor filibuster ring if you have to and then I'm going to wake up the next day and do it again alright very good because that's what we need alright god bless you thank you very much for your time thank you so much I appreciate it no worries see you guys later goodnight alright I guess I'll he got it alright man you're a great interviewer look at that man you are just getting all the praise here wow well I'm getting practice man so he has my vote I'm serious like I'll have to you know what I wouldn't mind I always throw the jury duty thing away yeah but so like I'll do jury duty yeah but how do we it's been so long since I voted I don't even know the process like what do I have to do is it too late to even vote dude you can be an immigrant illegal and vote you can just walk right in and just say I want to vote I don't know my thing is not that the vote isn't it's just that the fact is I think they're they're they're crooked with their counting of the votes that they rob even if everybody if they win the ballots I don't believe that they're getting counted you know I think they're checking out votes and they're twisting the results that's why I personally have not involved in 2000 when George Bush and Al Gore I think it was and they had that whole Florida hanging chat and I was I don't think I voted in that one I think 96 or 94 I forget it was in the 90s the last time I voted so well you're getting old you're getting up there Dustin yeah but the point I'm making is like when I saw because I can smell a scam I'm pretty good at that I can tell when the guy's wearing the mustaches with the when he's wearing a mask you know like that that's that's a man you know like when I see a woman that looks like a man I can call it out you know so I saw that hanging chat thing and I was like these guys are crooked this computerized election the fact that they're not counting them the old fashioned way I really that kind of made me feel like my vote didn't matter but all in all let's just go vote let's get out there and if you're going to vote for two people vote for he didn't tell us the name of the other he didn't tell us the name of the guy who's going to be the sheriff alright so keep an eye on these Republican sheriffs here in Maricopa County and Daniel McCarthy demand Daniel McCarthy I think he's the real deal he seems great he seems sincere you know it's hard because it's hard to put your trust in but you got to choose somebody and I think man if he was running for president he would definitely get my vote because he just I mean because so yeah and he he says he's a Christian I'm not sure what stripe of Christian he is so but so I was looking at that Arizona Central article if I can find it again so he was going back and forth with Resnick whoever that is and they're giving him a hard time because he doesn't have all kinds of the money you know because they're supposed to have all kinds of money to get into these offices and he says oh he doesn't are you wealthy enough to self finance your campaign you've already put in $121,000 are you wealthy enough to self finance your campaign and he said the Lord will provide the resources needed in order for me to win this campaign that's all he needs is votes so the Lord will provide and then the person repeats the Lord will provide sure okay so that's one of the things I saw in his interview and I don't want to bring that up because you know I like talking to brass tax and everything I'm glad that he was able to get into the spam-demic scam-demic scam-demic that's your new video that is better I like that better than the plan-demic that's totally better there's your hashtag man hashtag scam-demic so tomorrow you know get up bright and earlier 10 minutes earlier than normal and stay 20 minutes later and get that done yeah thanks for reminding me so alright let's check out the chat it looks like yeah so my great system my the comments aren't working I don't know what's going on with it they just stopped working right before the stream sorry guys I can't put comments on the screen orange blood is a chatter yeah orange blood man he's all over it I talked to our friend pillar earlier today on the phone and he said he's gonna call oh he is well yeah guys call in 480-519-4999 that's 480-519-4999 so Christopher Bove I'd love to hear your guys' opinion about that guy Christopher Bove says don't do it Dustin don't get suckered into voting again why Christopher? why? because you know I believe we're voting anyway I believe I believe every moment of the day you're making decisions that are affecting your life and other peoples lives and I believe in that type of that your actions and every single thought and deed has value but you know if there's someone to vote for if there's no one to vote for then yeah don't vote I mean obviously who cares yeah and I've been a Republican I've been registered as a Republican since I first you know registered to vote a long time ago when I was 18 years old I don't know if I you know yeah back during the Clinton years so I actually got talked into voting by G. Gordon Liddy have you ever heard of G. Gordon Liddy? no can you pull up that video Dustin hold on a second G. Gordon Liddy is 89 years old that guy's still kicking his wife died looks like okay so what video are you talking about? the funny one that that we played the other time remember you just got to cut out the beginning and ending no I don't want to do that that's very funny though you know why? because I want people to watch this and I don't want to lose the potential audience everybody knows about the grabblers and what the grabblers are doing but it's been a while since we've played that our audience is very different now because all the haters have left yeah well I'd rather not I think it's funny though but hey it's your show hey you know what this is what I'm going to do I'm going to download that and then edit out the beginning and ending and then we'll play it yeah just do the grabbler part the babbler part no the babbler that's good just don't put in the beginning and ending everything else is perfect and if people don't know what we're talking about you'll have to listen into the next show because I'm going to have it ready for the next show Paul come in early and get that ready okay so Ray Hester says maybe you have to be a Republican to vote in a Republican primary we can pray him into office that's true, pray for him make sure that he's saved that would be awesome if we do actually get a real Christian I always thought that maybe one day in 1994 I thought that maybe one day I could be in politics you know that I would grow up into somebody who could do something in politics but then I feel like soul winning was more important, becoming a soul winner and knowing the will of the Lord but I think that's part of the problem is I think the righteous people aren't willing to get out there but he mentioned that there's a vacuum so it should just piss you off that these greedy little grabblers are the ones these little weak punks they were scrawny little punks back in junior high school and everybody knew they were scrawny little punks so you called them out for and then they became haters and they're like I'll show you I'll become a police officer or run for office so there's so many people out there yes Dan Stockton that is from The Onion so go ahead and just put in the grabbler onion not now but on the YouTube search in fact I'll just go ahead and drop it in the chat for people so they know um what we're talking about if you can get to it I don't know I'm surprised it hasn't been uh overcoming stress by visualizing it as a greedy hook nose race of creatures so alright well I didn't want to call out the grabbler oops is that you Paul? or is that me? I got it ready let's do it Republican Party is the party but help is on the way author Christine Eckert is here to show us some exercises to reduce stress Hi Christine Hi Jim and Tracy Christine I'm so glad you're here I'm about ready to snap the first thing we're going to learn about is problem visualization it's a simple method for reducing stress by assigning an image to represent your anxiety well that sounds simple enough the first thing I like to do is imagine my money related stress as the most disgusting terrifying creature I can think of I like to imagine an ugly greasy little creature with a hooked nose and oily black hair oh he is scary I call him the grabbler because he's a greedy little monster who wants to grabble up all my money now close your eyes and picture the grabbler ok there he is now think of all the problems your grabbler is causing he invented interest rates like the ones on your credit card he's taking the jobs because grabblers only hire their own kind I just want to get rid of it now imagine the grabbler slowly disintegrating like a pile of ashes blown away by a purifying wind and now you're in a peaceful meadow full of lilies swaying in a gentle breeze they're not scheming or trying to rob me oh well that really works what a relief I feel so relaxed now this image visualization works for other kinds of stresses besides money exactly say you had an argument with someone at work take that social stress and visualize it being due to a blabber blabbers represent all that negative energy we experience when dealing with difficult personalities the kinds of people who love to argue and complain in nasal voices and stresses are everywhere too they're always lurking like rats that's why sometimes meditative exercises aren't enough so take your mind off your stress by doing something good for yourself exercise I know I feel better after my yoga class I will often go for a long walk in the middle of the night and throw flaming bottles at certain houses or even sneak in through the back doors and light their curtains on fire while they're asleep working up a sweat to rid yourself of that stress alright there you go Paul there you go so you know my former landlady was a babbler is a babbler she is a babbler man but I know how to babble with the babblers and grabble with the grabblers so I you know so I just moved out like a couple weeks ago but man we've been going back and forth over that deposit oh you haven't got it yeah I got part of it but she's making everything but you know how I do things I just take it and set it all the way over here and then she's like why are you all the way over there and I'm like just so I can get back over here but I start out all the way over here so before yeah for those of you who don't know Dustin is the ultimate grabbler I'm not a grabbler I just know the grabblers game I've been trained I was initiated by some grabblers so I've been given secret grabbler knowledge I've been brought under the wing of grabblers and so I've learned some grabbler skills but I only use it for good yeah so yeah so I really enjoy talking with Daniel McCarthy did you notice he liked my interviewing what was that about man I think everybody noticed it they liked it he loved your slogan I think that was the main thing he just really liked your slogan I think if we're going to see a billboard we're going to be driving down the road one of these days and we're just going to see his billboard on the side of the road that would be awesome that's good I hope he does it powder keg says wits I don't know what that means grabbler by faith who hurt you Dustin? that's what they're saying shuffleboarders who hurt me? nobody's hurt me maybe I don't know a lot of people have hurt me so well I did I have another video oh no I don't no I take that back what was it tell us I thought I had a video roleplay I got nothing man what was it no alright cool oh no we played the sheriff one yeah no you had the two minute I was talking to him about it yeah I played the sheriff one 39 minute phone call I really wanted my head to be somewhere else but he had set up with his I didn't want to mess up his he had his campaign banner behind him I wish you would have just muted your face that works for you no it doesn't work that's all he's looking at we're making just like everybody's looking at him talk I do like the fact that you're on the screen but for this specific situation when your face is covering up his face it makes it tough well yeah well it is good it would have been better I spent a good 45 seconds trying to tell him to move but what happened was there was a mirror behind him over there so if he just moved everything over we would have been looking at this mirror and it had this weird situation and you probably wanted a sign in there too yeah we had to have a sign we needed a sign yeah we needed a sign so hashtag hashtag take off the mask that's right so alright guys well if you want to call in we're going to be going here for probably five more minutes if no one calls in but 480-519-4999 if you want to call in give us your opinion about anything that's happening right now in the news any kind of updates you feel like or if you just want to talk about anything call in 480-519-4999 and we did end up getting the Leutscher reports in the store so we are going to be sending out all those orders so if you did order that that will go out tomorrow also we have the book Hellstorm in the store which is a fantastic book as well so you can support us over there at FramingTheWorld.com and get those books right you know the guy got it man when we were talking about all the drones out there these NPCs that are just like their agent smiths man they're just running around with these masks on I can't take them seriously you know you know and I'm sorry you know actually I'll tell you a story a small story is that so I I interact with people I'm not going to tell you guys about my personal life as far as what I do professionally but I encounter many different types of people throughout the day and some people I see on a regular basis and it's just like hey how's it going we chit chat and then I'm on to my next thing but there's this one guy and we had this little run in a little bit because he was talking about Kobe Bryant you know and I if you listen to Pastor Anderson preach he was talking about people like when they talk about sports and they bring up sports and he's just like I just don't really follow sports and then he starts he's like well I'm like one of those guys that says like I don't watch a bunch of grown men play kids games and tights you know getting paid millions of dollars and he's like I don't say I just say well he's actually referring to like a conversation I had with him because when this guy came up to me he's like what do you think about Kobe Bryant because Kobe Bryant bit the dust and the helicopter and everything and he's like what do you think about this Kobe Bryant thing and I say I don't care about a bunch of grown men getting paid millions of dollars running around in tights playing a kids game and so that was my response and he was kind of like he's like okay well what are you interested in I'm like well I just care about like you know I care about the Bible and God and my family and working and you know that's kind of where it like fills up my day that kind of stuff you know just working I don't I don't have time you know I do some things with the family and stuff but I don't have a lot of time to play games or watch sports because I don't want to make time for it I gave that up right a little after I gave up voting because it seems like the same type of thing whether you're paying attention to this game over here or you're paying attention to this game over here I found my life was much more fulfilling when I just got away from all of that busy stuff where my mind would be just wrapped up so he was like okay so and then I feel like I partially offended the guy so I'm like yeah I don't care about it because I don't pay attention to any of that stuff that's going on I care less and I didn't I went on I laid it on thick and so um and I was telling him I was like I don't care like who cares about this guy Kobe Bryant he's just a guy he plays a game you know there's plenty of guys playing games all over the place but this guy is put on TV and he's put up in front of you and now that you know he died hey people are dying all the time and nobody cares about them uh you know so I kind of went into them like so the guy dies people die um you know and we were talking about God and stuff so then a couple weeks later the guy was like still I could tell he was a little bit annoyed but uh with me and he said something really crass and um so Joe's last I thought I was calling him Joel so Joe maybe oh Joe Olin so um so I could tell he said something really crass and really short with me and um and I just blew it off I was like okay cool you know and I went on and kept doing my thing and then I passed by him again and he's like hey did you get my text and I'm like no he goes I just want to apologize for what I said I'm sorry and this is after the now now we're in COVID land and so now this guy's wearing a mask and this is what I said I said how's your breath smell in that thing I was like so we got somebody calling in I said how how's your breath smell in that thing man what's it like smelling your breath all day long and then he said something really so maybe I started it so then he said something really crass and so I was like okay so then I came back he's like hey I just want to apologize and you know I I'm just under a lot of stress and this whole thing has gotten me a little bit worked up so then we started talking I got the guy saved I gave the guy the gospel because we started talking about you know he mentioned Jesus and I said hey if you die today are you 100% sure you can go to heaven and I led him to the Lord and um why am I telling this story how did we get on this story I don't know yeah you went rogue I totally went off I felt like so I gave the guy the gospel and the guy got saved but he's wearing a mask even to this day that's that's where so today I run into the guy oh you ran into him again still wearing the mask but you know last week I saw him and he was wearing a mask because his wife has has medical issues so he's worried about her he doesn't want to bring anything back to her so he's worried about his wife so he's wearing a mask and everything so I say to him uh hey if you die today are you sure you can go to heaven and he's like yeah I don't deserve to go but yeah I'm going so that was good the guy's saved you know he believes he knows he doesn't deserve to go to heaven but he knows where his faith is so he got saved but he wears a mask every day whenever he's at work and so I just kind of felt like you know so all these people aren't just required at work no it's not like that okay yeah he doesn't have to because he's worried about his wife so I get it so he explained to me and I and I don't I don't hold it against them but there are people out there who are sincerely like they maybe they they don't want to take any chances their faith is not to the degree of like if somebody if my wife dies then that's God's will right because that's can that you can take it all the way there and say hey well if we die then that's God's will but I'm trusting God is going to use me throughout my life and if I die and you know because that's kind of where I go like when something bad happens I'm like well Lord takes one of my children that would be sad but it's kind of up to him so I'm going to try to do everything but I'm not going to live in fear because I I trust him and he's been good to me so all right so we got a caller Hey what's up Dustin? Not much who am I talking to? Can you hear me? Yeah I can hear you who's this? It's Joe from Philadelphia Joe from Philadelphia What's up man? Yeah I was just calling because before you went on that tangent rant these were asking you know for any updates around their country I just wanted to say you know just yesterday in Philly they they put our stay at home order all the way you know got extended to June 4th like so you know it's another month out we basically just got and also you know something that makes it even worse is our secretary of health is a is a tranny male to female tranny you know so I get at least I get to use that to people you know on social media I'm like look when there's a dude telling you that he's a girl and then also telling you to be scared of this COVID like you can't believe that he's coming out of this person's mouth they won't even tell you they're real sick Right Yeah but that's the insanity of the whole thing so but I want you know what I meant to say to you know cause this is a live stream of consciousness here you know the things pop into my mind we're going this way and then somebody calls now we're thinking about this and we're going this way sometimes we're just floundering and we don't even know what to do but you guys don't even notice when that's happening right so when the guy was on there I wanted to ask him like do you think they're trying to provoke people to cause he kind of mentioned like hey you know there's going to be some stuff that could likely happen where people are going to just get pissed and they're just going to snap and there's going to be that shot fired that's heard around the world as it was in 1776 or whenever that was 1787 I think or whenever that well I forget I forget I have to look it up but when that shot was first fired that sparked the American Revolution I would say it was in Concord but you know my daughter would probably correct me so I think what they really want to do is they want to provoke people they want to say hey here's the line cross that line and the people are like I'm not going to cross that line and they're like okay and then they move it up and they're like now cross that line and then they move it up again and they cross you know so I think they just keep taking a step forward saying cross this line people are like I don't want to cross the line and they say now back up now cross this line that's what I think is happening and I think they're trying to get people to push back and so what are you looking at schoolhouse 1775 that's what I thought 1775 where was it? Concord okay alright did I say 1775? yeah I don't know I said I don't know what you said oh I said 1775 it doesn't matter it does it's history it does matter it's all that matters right now so Joe yeah what's work like man are you wearing a mask? as least as possible you know in the nursing home I do flooring insulation so commercial carpet and tile and stuff so a lot of the places when we're going in they're shut down like I have a gym I'm going to do on Tuesday they're obviously shut down so I won't be wearing a mask there but if we have you know work at nursing homes they're pretty much they're enforcing it they're taking our temperature before we go into nursing homes man things like that but I also you know one thing I was going to agree with you you know where they're trying to get a rise out of the society I think you know it's also causing you know there's already enough division in this country and now they're putting one more thing you know but in the mainstream media the people that are watching that versus the people that you know they call the tinfoil hat crew you know because I see it on social media where there's good friends but they have different perspectives ones hey we got we don't worry about yourself you're so selfish like how about all the other people you can get sick so it's causing that greater division that you know that's like civil war between amongst friends and and stuff you know and just and adding in the isolation where you can't even get together and actually just have a you know a thought process where you can agree on you know set set some kind of starting point where you agree on something and kind of work with your ideas it's all on this social media and stuff where you're just getting you know people are talking with their with memes and and they're you know they're just forwarding and sharing comments that are you know they see a video and then they share it and so therefore it's like that's how they make their statement it's just like I really appreciate people because I'm not on Facebook but my but I have an agent in my wife who is so I kind of she leaves it logged in so I can just look and just scroll through your feed and see what people are saying but I don't you know I don't have anything to say and so I really appreciate people who just tell you what they think I I like the memes also I think those are I think there's a place for that there's a place for them yeah yeah I think it's good I love me some good humor we need to have that I've put things on my thing you know I went two years after I got saved I you know first went real strong on Facebook you know posting verses and stuff but of course at first I was in NIZ like oh this is easier to understand but you know God took me on my journey of finding you know the truth so now it's all King James but when I first came you know everybody I know is Catholic so when I first came to God I was like hold up like the reason the Bible proved true to me so much was because it was exposing all the lies I'm like no wonder I didn't believe in any religion you know but uh so I started you know exposing the Catholic Church and that's all my friends and family so that nobody was liking anything I had to say you know and it was that people would stop following me and stuff so I was like you know let me get off of here for a while and get the Bible even better so I spent a lot of time you know kind of isolated by myself because there was no friends and family around anymore so I got so much time to get in the Bible I um I I used to be on MySpace you remember MySpace yeah yeah how old are you Joe um 38 okay yeah so you you know about the MySpace yeah I love me some MySpace back in the day you could put your own song on there but okay Paul I can tell Paul's got something to say no I know okay so the MySpace is I like posted something on MySpace I'm like yeah man people got to hear about this and it's just like I had like a lot of friends too you know I forget I was friends not with just that guy Tom I had a lot of friends on MySpace it wasn't just Tom but and whatever happened to Tom that guy's on a yacht somewhere but anyway so yeah he sold it at the right time man yeah but um I got annoyed with that MySpace thing because I was like man this is something people got to know about this is a and it's just like I didn't really get the response of people like they were yeah yeah sometimes when I you know I'll be like oh this is the one this is where everybody's gonna realize I'm telling them the truth about God and all like I think I got some golden nugget but then I realized I'm like I'm casting my you know casting the pearls of this wine yeah and it just falls flat like people don't want you know they they look for what they look for that confirmation bias they're looking for the bias on their side things that are only gonna continue to prove their points and they don't you know there's no they don't want diversity of thought right do you have one of these t-shirts here uh Joe so this is MySpace I just pulled up I guess it's just like a music channel now it's just uh what in the world is that like just the newest movies and music weird there you go I still haven't been on that in 10 years yeah you have do you have one of these uh Book of Thessalonians t-shirt Joe no I don't now do you know where you can get one uh framing the world.com framingtheworld.com yeah Joe alright man well thanks for calling in thanks man nice talking with you Joe have a good night guys thank you very much take it easy yeah man so that's cool I you know I could talk to these people forever man I'm kinda talker yeah he was tight on time he only wanted to do half oh sorry wrong camera oh then my camera went off like I wanted to get back with Joel from uh from that earlier yeah cause he was talking about the rapture and uh the tribulation and everything it's not MySpace that's what two Dunn says be excellent to each other and that's uh yeah MySpace is just totally different now it doesn't even you can't even recognize it alright you're live with framing the world hey what's up guys it's orange blood orange blood oh orange blood the infamous he said he would call in orange blood tell us about tell us I'm asking the questions here now fine Dustin how did you get that name man uh it's a marketing thing that the University of Texas did oh wait a second you've called before yeah you asked me about it but I feel like I didn't kinda answer it all the way no you didn't I remember now it wasn't important like the school color for the University of Texas is I remember you've already said yeah I'll forget it I'll forget it again it's so important to you we know who you are what's up man Paul knows who I am he had to cut me off from the Bible leads but I appreciate everyone oh yeah yeah I love them all and also just to mention that Paul with the cards the last pack I bought I got a printing plate of your wife oh you did he'll buy that back from you yeah there's only four of them it's one of one bro my camera's still black I did not get one of yours didn't I get your rookie I don't know I can't find anything what's up I had I had three questions about the ported but I think I kinda answered one of them alright well ask me cause you said I could call in and ask about well the first thing is what ever happened to Garrett cause uh you guys mentioned go to his YouTube channel I was just curious what happened with him well Garrett has gone on to be a big YouTube star no he's a co-star Garrett has gone on to be he's the Ed McMahon to his Johnny Carson go to his YouTube are you pulling it up yeah I'm trying to remember what it is hold on a second hurry up man ok so anyways Nail and Garrett have turned into like the biggest YouTube stars ever and when I say that I'm not joking they get like 20,000 views for every video they upload you wanna know how I googled Nao No Legs you found it? Nao no legs Nao Kirsch baby that's it so check this out guys check this channel out now just go to just our last, get out of here get out of there look at the last 16,000 views 21,000 views, 23,000 views 52,000 views 17,000 views, 107,000 views 39,000 views 430,000 views dude I mean it's like good night they have just blown up they got another baby so they're making some pretty good money right now they're living good are they like preaching like preaching what you guys believe in with the Baptist preaching or was there like some kind of drama they would not have that many views if they were no it's all about the mom with no legs so you know people are watching it too dude like crazy there's like a card that I don't have yet from your set that I'm trying to get of his what is it? which one is it that you don't have? Garrett's card it has like a wolf, it's like under wolf or something like that I might have an extra one yeah so just go ahead and send us an email live at framingtheworld.com and just remind us we'll check it I'll send Paul a picture of his wife's rookie printing plate yeah I do okay so question number one orange blood, do you understand that do you understand the trinity as the bible talks about how you have the father not as much as you two I'm new to it but it's like Jesus, it's God look this is the basic thing is he just believes different than Pastor Anderson no I want to separate we're going to take this opportunity we're going to talk about it, is that okay Paul? because this is the subject, this is organic this is the flow here so the reason I'm bringing this up is because he doesn't believe in the trinity right? now if you look in the Bible, the Bible says many different things that make it very clear that Jesus is not the father, that God okay so say for example you have like the government, this is like an example I like to use you know, so you have like the government and the government's like this amorphic thing that nobody can see, but you see the representatives or you see what the government does right? you with me orange? right? and then so you have like the head of the government and the president right? and then the president can make orders and send people to do his bidding and then that person who comes they're the government also right? but they're not like the whole government but they have the full authority and power of the government I'm using it as an example because it's kind of like a picture of power and authority structure so you have God which exists as the father in heaven, the creator of all things that it's an unseen person that God who's throne is in heaven and that he sent the son into the world for God to love the world that he gave his only begotten son right? so you have God the father and then you have his son which is Jesus Christ which is the word of God which is a manifestation of God in the form of the word of God and that word became flesh and dwelt among us in the person Jesus Christ now the holy spirit now God is a spirit and Jesus Christ was full of the spirit of God so that spirit there are three that bear a record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one right? so you have the spirit of God which is in the father because God is a spirit and those that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth and then you have Jesus Christ who is manifest in the flesh he's the representation of God he is the Godhead manifested bodily right? he's God in the flesh but he's fully God but he manifested as a man so we have a picture of God and we can look at God in his human form as Jesus Christ now that is not the same God that sits on the throne in heaven right? they're both God and they both have the same power and authority they're completely God just like you have the president the government right? and then you have the guy who comes and says hey I'm from the government right? and so when we knock people's doors right? when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior when you trust in the word of God you receive the holy spirit now that's the same eternal spirit that exists in God in heaven that exists eternally as Jesus Christ where he was manifested in the flesh he was full of the spirit beyond measure and then anybody who is born again is sealed with the holy spirit of God which means that you have the eternal spirit and the holy spirit in you so everybody who's a believer has a part of God in them and that will never leave you or forsake you that's how you know that you're going to heaven is that you have the witness that the holy spirit bears record with your spirit you have a knowing that you have the eternal spirit of God in you so people will say that Jesus is the father these three are one and I'm not pulling out my Bible I don't have a Bible right here but there's plenty of Bible that says that these three are equally God they're fully eternal and they are God God is sinless and God does not die and the holy spirit is sinless Jesus Christ is sinless and God the father are all sinless and they never die right? Jesus died physically but he eternally lives right? so there are people who say that no there's just one God and Jesus is the father and he's also the holy spirit and so these three that they're one and so they say that they don't understand that there's authority structure that Jesus submitted himself to the authority of God and that the holy spirit comes and bears record and witnesses in the heart of the believer of the word of God so there's a relationship that happens these three have different functions they serve them they serve different purposes but they're all equally God and they completely are God so to say that Jesus that there is no trinity right? this is where this is where the Pentecostals or where the oneness of the holiness people go in another direction is they say that basically that that Jesus is the father and that that there's no separation which basically means that when Jesus was praying that this cup would be taken from him he was praying to himself which is madness you know? you know the Bible is very clear that that Jesus was sent into the world that he came not to do his own will but the will of him that sent me and this is the will of father that whosoever seeth the son and believeth on him shall have everlasting life right? so I probably botched that up a little bit I think it's John 6 something but the Bible makes it very clear that Jesus has a will and his will is in alignment with the will of the father that they're in agreement but that's because they're both in truth and they're both in the spirit you know what I mean? so to say that they're one person like playing two different roles is to deny clear scripture that says that they are two different persons that are fully in agreement and that the one yeah so that's when he said that he lost his position as missionary at the church and he was kicked out and you know he got that him and his wife are coming up his wife is perpetuating that doctrine so I don't know if I hit it hard and clear but well that's the first time I've had someone really explain it to me so I'm going to have to look into it a little bit more because I mean you know it's a little bit confusing for me because I'm a new baby Christian is the way I call it you know and Pastor Anderson when this happened he just got back because this is some basic stuff right? this is like things that people take for granted so it's I've been trying to watch as many of Pastor Anderson's sermons as possible lately because I'm just trying to take in as much information as possible so well I'll tell you what I will I would just go over there and check it out this is really not the show for that but if you have another question I'll I do I got two more I think one I kind of answered myself but I was curious what happened with Garrett because when I watched your live stream where it was like the director's commentary Garrett's doing great man and he was like a big part of that because he was supposed to be like the preacher at that church that you guys were opening and then I was just curious about that my one other question that I think I answered myself was why did it take you three years to complete the movie and I'm sure it was probably because you guys got kicked out of the country no it took three years to make the movie because I I hired a couple of people to help edit the film and they worked on it for I don't know almost a year six months to a year and I hated it and so I scrapped that whole thing and then I got a little frustrated and discouraged because of all that and so I was going to start over and then the Garrett thing all happened so at that point when the Garrett situation happened he got kicked out of the church and he lost his position and everything then it's like well what movie do we make here because you know all my footage was shot trying to make him look good you know and so so basically we we put the film on hold and and then you know we figured out a way to make the film work well I like the film I love it I just bought it from you a few days ago I think it's awesome I appreciate that man yeah so there's a trinity moments I'll put this in the chat also I think I might have my here we go trinity moments playlist this is awesome this is gold right here so I'll copy and paste that after I get off the phone yeah I'll just go ahead and drop it here in the chat the Bible is it's an exhaustive list of where it's very clear that there's a power and authority structure at the end of time Jesus delivers the kingdom over to the father you know so there's clearly it's not one person that there's more than one person and that's important you know that God manifests that way and that's you know in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God so there is in the beginning there's a plurality of God from the very beginning because you know one of the attributes of God is that God is love and so there's a perfect love between the father and the son and the Holy Spirit that that that is in the nature of what God if God is just one person by himself existing solitary without any relation to God right it's kind of it's beyond what we see but God couldn't be love because what I would just love himself but you know that's God so loved the world and God loves the son and so it's it's important enough that it's it's something that you have to stand for and fight for and watching Pastor Anderson when that went down was very clear that that that this is not something that you compromise on you can't have fellowship with that because that makes Jesus of the Bible a liar and it makes God I mean it's a basic it is a basic doctrine like you said it's something that you know I was taught as a kid and pretty much everyone believes yeah but the other thing is too is I went to like a Methodist church and my parents believed just like if you're a good person and do good things you get into heaven so yeah that's true but you know but he's good but I mean I watched some serpents by Anderson that says you don't get in by your works you get in by by believing in Jesus' existence and dying on the cross for your sins so this is what you got to believe once I start to get into it a little bit more I'm going to try to talk to my parents about it but I don't feel like I'm prepared right now yeah and you know what there's another thing where you can just watch tons of these soul winning demonstrations too but I watch all of your live streams at least for like the last two to three weeks I love what you guys do I appreciate that man this is what you have to believe you have to believe that you're a sinner you're not God you're going to die you're at God's mercy God's judgment will determine that you are guilty and you don't deserve eternal life and that's why God sent his son into the world to save you to save everybody from this this perilous situation there's no hope without this remedy and that God sent his son into the world because he loves you he doesn't want you to perish so you have to believe that you're a sinner and that without this free gift of God that was provided by Jesus Christ coming into the world and paying for your sins and dying on the cross that he had to be God he wasn't just a good guy because for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Jesus Christ is God because he has to be sinless and only God is sinless so Jesus you have to believe that Jesus came from heaven he lived a sinless life he was born of the virgin just like the Bible says I believe you got to believe these things because that's what the Bible says some people are like oh you know you don't have to believe he was born of a virgin but you know it all comes together that's what the Bible says um you have to believe the testimony that God has given of his son so he lived and he died and he paid the penalty for your sins now I can't pay for your sins because orange I would die and pay for my own sins and that would be it I'd be spent and I'd be dying and going to hell so what you have to believe is that you're that you're hopeless and that there's only one remedy and that remedy has been provided by Jesus Christ now God can see your heart and he knows whether you believe this or not he can it's not based on whether I see what you believe it's whether God sees what you believe and he knows in your heart so that your faith is that God is in your heart and knows that your faith is in Jesus Christ you know you have to believe that you're a sinner you deserve to go to hell Christ paid for your sins when he died he was buried and rose again to to show that he had power over death that he was justified and that that he has the power and the authority to to save whosoever will come I believe more and more every day when I watch your show when I watch Pastor Steven Anderson I was asking questions about it last night in the chat and people were giving me some good input and different preachers to check out so every day that I wake up and I try to watch at least one or two videos on my free time I believe more and more so are you 100% sure if you died today that you would go to heaven? I mean I don't know like I'm I try to I say the prayer that like Steve Anderson has put in one of his videos and that other guy I always forget his name he's he's in California Pastor Roger yeah he has a prayer at the end of his so what do you think somebody has to do? What do we have to do to be saved? You have to believe in Jesus and that he died from a cross and shed his blood and you have to believe that you're a sinner and that you're not like you're not worthy because I mean that's kind of like my my belief yeah at least from what I've seen and that's what I've been praying that for like the last week to God or to Jesus but I still like I just I don't know if it's like enough okay so if Jesus said hey I'm the way to go to heaven all you have to do is I want you to stand in this one spot right here just go stand in that spot and I'm gonna come and take you to heaven all you have to do is go stand in that spot right now there's doesn't take any work all you have to do is move yourself into that spot you can say it's work but you're you're changing your position from this spot to that spot right now if you don't believe that he's gonna come for you would you have to go stay in that spot no it would be pointless to go stand in that spot because it's no different than where you are right now right but if you believe that he says that if you go stand in that spot I'll come for you I'll take you to heaven when you die so part of it is that you're believing his promise that if you go stand in that spot he'll come for you right so part of believing on Jesus Christ is to clearly believe the narrative and understand but to also believe his promise that by putting your faith in him that he's gonna come for you right well I believe I just feel like I don't know enough yet I don't know sure no I get it and so the reason I bring it up that way is because all you have to do is make a decision that you're not gonna trust in anything else right I don't yeah I'm not I trust in in Jesus so if and what you're believing on is like if I said hey Orange you know go stand in that spot this is Dustin talking go stay in that spot and when you die I'll take you to heaven like you don't have to believe me in what I say because I'm just a sinner like anybody else I I don't have the power and the authority to follow through I'm a liar even if I don't mean to lie to you I don't have the capability of fulfilling every promise that I make right but Jesus is different so the way you know for sure that you're on your way to heaven is not the degree of how great your faith is it's the fact that you just take your faith and you put it in the one place and you just know that your faith isn't here it's not over there it's only in one single place and so that's how you know you're on your way to heaven because your faith is in this one place and if your faith is in this one place well what do you know about that one place well you know that if you put your faith in that one place the one person who has the power to take you to heaven when you die promises that he's gonna bring you to heaven when you die so if he knows that your faith is in that one place and you know that your faith is in that one place you know for sure you're on your way to heaven because he who cannot break his promise has promised that if you put your faith right here I'll bring you to heaven and the thing is once you set yourself in that place and you put your faith in that one place it's just like you're you're sealed right imagine if like all of a sudden you put your like it's an X on the ground like a social distancing marker right you stand on this thing right here nobody can get to you no germs can get to you right but the thing is you put yourself in that and imagine you step in this spot and you just like all of a sudden you're just like in a tube and you're just like the caps just put on you spiritually speaking you have decided to put your faith in one place and you know that if you step on that one place why because the promise has been made because he's good for his promise you believe the word of God you know that you're a sinner because the word of God says you're a sinner and you agree with that fact because you see it with your own eyes and you know that you can't get to heaven because you know your limitations and you know that you've never been anybody that can take you to heaven and you've heard the word of God and you believe well I believe and I've been praying every night telling God that I'm unworthy and that I'm a sinner and that I believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood and I'm just trying to do I'm trying to pray and believe and have faith the best I can with so what I've been watching with you guys so you believe these things right yes I do I didn't I just recently bought a house right before but not in the way that I have recently after watching um you guys call you have like a three letter acronym and the word Baptist um like just the the the Baptist that you are the the Christians that you are like your belief it's really opened my eyes up and I we're just independent fundamental Baptist IFB right independent meaning that you know what we believe is based on the Bible we independently with the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of every believer we open up the Bible and we believe that we could just determine what God's will for us is by reading the Bible and then we come together as a local community and have church together independent of any outside leadership it's just a group of the the believers fundamental that means we don't we don't have to change our doctrines we have the fundamentals that are just found in the Scriptures and we keep it really simple we don't have to go all the way out into end times prophecy that's not what makes us Christians what makes us Christians is the fundamentals that God's word is preserved in the in the Bible and for us it's the King James version of the Bible not all independent fundamental Baptist will go that far but we are that much more fundamental and also that salvation is by faith alone that foundation and also that God is three and one the Trinity those are foundational fundamentals that set us apart from other believers now when I went and bought a house they printed out all the terms man I went to the title company and they printed out all the terms and I made the offer and the person took it right because they're the ones that they had their asking price they said I want this much for the house and then long story short I said I'll give you this much for the house right now they weren't God so I you know they could take it or leave it but God said hey whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ gets eternal life and then you say hey I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and he goes well you get eternal life I just want to sit down here and you just need to sign this piece of paper right because a lot of people all day long say hey you know so I went to the title company and they said hey you're going to buy this house and you're going to pay this much and this is what we need from you and these are all the terms and this is all it is and if you then will register the house in your name and as far as everybody's concerned as long as you keep the terms of the contract the house will be yours otherwise it goes to the bank and I'm like I agree to those terms and I signed it now the seller had already signed their part of the contract and you know so I signed my name to that contract that's when I took the deal I we were I could have just gotten up right there and just walked away and it all would have fallen apart now that happens a lot of times I believe with people when they believe on Christ is that they get the terms they're like I like that I like that house I like I want to live forever I want to be free of this body of sin I want to be I don't want to be alone forever I want to have the company of the Holy Spirit with me I want to do what pleases God and they say all these things but when it comes down to signing the contract they just they just walk off and they never take the deal so the prayer is not you know you have to understand the terms of the contract and the prayer is just kind of like sealing it it's just basically setting your seal confirming hey I believe this right I'm trusting that the Lord will save me if I but ask right so the salvation the prayer I always liken to is just asking for the gift that's already just just saying yes I'll take that thank you very much and it's just is verbally signing it's setting your seal to it it's it's it's it's sealing the deal right now you have to believe and have faith that's what that's the prerequisite that you you can't just sign the contract and just you can't just throw out the prayer and be like yeah I got I got the term you know you're not pre-qualified you know what I mean the qualifications are I can't just walk up and sign a contract telling people I just bought their house when it's not on the market you know so the terms are clearly laid out that it's about your faith if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved right for the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with mouth confession is made unto salvation so when you believe on your heart that's where your righteousness comes from your sins were placed on Jesus Christ when he died on the cross all your sins that's what keeps you out of heaven is sin you know that's what drags you to hell is your sins but they've been put on Jesus Christ he's taken them away and so what what what I believe on my heart more and more every day when I watch you guys and a few of the preachers that that you guys are associated with in terms of Paul's movies so one of the things I know for sure that I appreciate you taking this much time to explain it no I you know what and there's other people watching and I think that's an important thing that people witness kind of a little bit of this dialogue so that's why I like callers calling in is because they can they can take the conversation somewhere that we didn't think it would go so what I you know I just want to help you and encourage you to understand how simple it is it's just a matter of putting your faith on Jesus Christ and I'm gonna give you one last illustration it's not just for you it's for people watching well I'm gonna keep calling in you know every once in a while to ask you guys some questions sure man now you can hang up I always want to share this one illustration I'm not gonna hang up because I got one more question after that and I want to brag that I bought two of the t-shirts tonight oh nice so here's the illustration now if you're on a plane and the plane's going down if there's a parachute and you put the parachute on you know you have a chance of surviving right now we're all on a plane this plane's all going down everybody's plane is going down it's not gonna land pretty the engines are out you know you need something to save you from certain death now this parachute if you know anything about parachutes there's something called a backup parachute do you know why they pack a backup parachute orange yeah just in case the first one fails just in case right so a lot of people they believe in Jesus Christ they understand that he's the son of God he died on the cross and he paid for their sins but they are not entirely sure that that's just enough and that's where a lot of people get hung up is they say that's true but there's something else that if I don't have it right then that's just not enough and then I'm doomed right which means essentially is that they can't put their trust in Jesus Christ because they have to do something else and that's the backup parachute that's their works that's their baptism that's their church attendance that's them being a good person that's them you know having sort of some fuzzy feeling in their you know in their tummy that makes them feel right about it you know as opposed to just when like Pastor Stephen talks about works you know works are not enough well the people that when you're trusting in works what you're doing is you're saying I have to do this Jesus is not enough so the parachute is a picture of Jesus Christ if you're if you know you're gonna die and go to hell if you put on Jesus Christ you know you're not gonna die and go to hell because that thing's gonna open 100% of the time you know you know that it's totally gonna because of that it's foolproof you can you're gonna you're gonna live forever but if you've got a backup parachute in that what you're saying is well it's not gonna work that's why I've got a backup plan you know so what I'm telling you Orange is that you don't need a backup plan if you have a backup plan what you're telling God if it's just between you and God is you're telling God that that you can't put your trust in Jesus Christ so that's why it's important to take yourself away from everything else and put it all your faith on what Christ has already done on his promise stand on that X tell the Lord this is where you'll find him in faith and just stand there and the Bible says that you're sealed unto the day of redemption that the moment you make this agreement you take the deal it's yours your name is registered and it can't be taken away it's yours you have it you know and the Bible says that and you know you don't have to understand the whole Bible you don't have to understand the Trinity you don't have to understand who's Babylon in end times and you don't have to understand if Adam had a belly button or were there dinosaurs on the you don't have to understand any of that stuff you know what I'm saying like those are just things that people like to entertain with and and well I have the faith I have it so put it all in one place and tell the Lord you're taking the deal you only have to take it one time you were born one time in this world it only took one conception and it only had you only had one birth so once you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ there's a conception that happens you're born again it never has to happen again you have eternal life and your spirit will let you know because your witness is in yourself that I believe this he knows I believe it he knows my thoughts he knows I'm trusting in him if I wasn't trusting in him I'm doomed thank God my faith is in the right place he'll never leave me he'll never forsake me I'm on my way to heaven no matter what the worst thing that can happen is I'll die and go to heaven right so I just wanted to share that with you I want to share that with the people watching I appreciate it yeah just keep tuning in man and I appreciate it what's your final question man? well before I ask it I do want to let you know after Dustin he said to buy the shirt last night and then he said to buy it today I was like alright I got a little bit of money so I bought that shirt I don't know if it's the same color and then I bought the Babylon shirt so I did throw y'all some support thank you so much yeah I love what you do Paul you're awesome I love these livestreams my last question I watched the Deported Director's commentary and I watched the whole thing and I wrote down three questions there was one he said there was a guy named Tyler Baker and you were trying to get him out of a shot and then I think Pastor Steve Anderson said like it was it was like a foreshadow of things that come or something I was just curious is he someone else that like yeah so he was another deacon that uh that guy that didn't last either so yeah he didn't uh he didn't work out as well he believed in the same heresy that that you just went over yeah they totally were of the same they believed the same thing and that you know go find go play somewhere else get actually I got another question that just came to mind because uh didn't you say you went back to that to that embassy building where they interrogated Steve Anderson and then you like took you took video or pictures or something and like his interrogation room that he was in was gone or something they like changed it no no no so when we got interrogated it was in the the DIS building which is totally off limits and in fact we uh tried to fly a drone at the DIS building and it has one of those it had one of those special like um things where when we turned on the drone the drone was like you are in restricted airspace and it won't even let us uh uh turn the drone on next to that building like there was something preventing it from being turned on? wow that's crazy because it was like the CIA of Botswana well you got a lot of guts to go back there after what happened to you like being in that prison well it wasn't really guts it was just yeah I just I wouldn't have done that I didn't really think about it and then once I got over there I was like what am I doing? uh it was awesome awesome man thank you for the for the director commentary on that I really enjoyed watching it on Patreon and I'm gonna keep supporting you and thank you for taking the time especially Dustin to take the time to explain things like he just did for as long as an in depth that he did I'm gonna have to watch this video a few times once you post it on YouTube and really think about it yeah yeah I would just watch more videos and just uh you know if you need some more alone time Dustin can call you livestream is not really the place but appreciate you calling in man well I love you guys I love what you do keep up the good work and God bless y'all yeah God bless you bye see you in the chat thank you all right Orange Blood from Texas all right Orange Blood now I can put a face to the name there or a voice a voice yeah he called in before and I asked him the same question yeah but now I now I remember him because he's the one that likes the hockey card or the not the hockey cards the trading cards he's the one huh he's the one man yeah I knew there was somebody I knew he was out there we have a couple collectors of the trading cards yeah I got the full set do you have the full set of the second series no no I didn't give up all right guys well I think that's a show man you want to sign us off Dustin yes okay so hey forget the mask what is it again um take off the mask yeah please get the stinking mask take off the mask everybody take off the mask just I am here to incite rebellion take off the mask shake hands just live your life as normal you know I mean I'm doing it as I do it you know I'm not like here to tell everybody else to do it but I just did so if you have a business open it back up take a stand for this yeah there needs to be some sort of uh some kind of concerted effort where people just say you know what we're just traffic is picking up people are doing stuff it's just it's all the media hype turn off your tv don't take any vaccinations and you know do some healthy stuff for your body and for your mind and don't feel it full of garbage neither not your mind turn off the tv get out of it get in the bible and eat well and um I think zinc and vitamin C are really good for you um so uh yeah that's what I want to say and if you vote if you live in Arizona in Maricopa County you know get out there because even though I believe they're all crooked not this guy but the ones that are counting the ballots I think they're totally crooked but get out there and just for the record let let that just for the record just support that guy his name is I uh that's the wrong card here I got so many pieces of paper here Daniel McCarthy it's been a while but we talked to Daniel McCarthy earlier today so get out there check him out follow him on Facebook YouTube um it is Arizonans for Liberty no that's the wrong one that's the guy yesterday what was that yesterday Arizonans for Liberty that was the other guy yesterday what was this um I wrote it down do you remember Paul hold on a second it's over here oh Reopen Arizona dot com no it's demand it's demand uh no he's reopened Daniel are you tired Paul yeah alright alright guys so that's the show thanks so much for tuning in I really appreciate you guys calling in I appreciate Dustin giving that uh examples and and it was great um make sure to support us on framing the world dot com get Hellstorm it's a great book pretty thick read uh but it's very good so uh thanks again for tuning in guys have a good night bye you you you you