(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright guys, so make sure you share today's episode on your social media accounts because it is going to be a powerful episode. We are talking about the coming cashless society and I scored an interview with Alex Newman. Now if you don't know who he is, he is a guy that's been repeatedly highlighted on the Drudge Report, Breitbart News, Fox News and many other outlets and his writings have been published in major newspapers across America. Alex Newman is an award winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. And I am super happy that we have got this interview today. We are going to be talking about the cashless society that is happening around us as we speak and it is a big issue that's facing not just our nation but the world because I firmly believe that this whole world will be cashless someday and you know everything is trending that way and so we're going to be talking to him about that right now. I mean and this coronavirus nonsense has pushed us towards a cashless society more than any other event in history and so news medias are saying that coronavirus is being spread through cash and that we're having corn shortages everywhere and so this all slowly gets us used to getting away from cash and moving towards a digital currency. And so we're going to be talking about that digital currency going cashless with Alex Newman in a little bit here. I want you all to quickly just look in the description of this video and click on a few of the links. Make sure you follow us on Bitchute, Brighteon, make sure you subscribe to our Patreon account and of course you know make sure you donate to the show guys. We want to do a show five days a week here at FramingTheWorld.com. We were doing six days a week for a while. I think we're going to cut it back to five days a week. We're going to be doing Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. So we're going to skip Wednesday and Sunday. It seems like Wednesday is a really down day. I think most people are either at church or yeah just out and so that gives me a nice break in the middle of the week as well to spend it with family and so on. So we're going to be doing this show five days a week. We're going to have important guests on the show but I need your help to do that. So if you want to donate, the link is in the description. Go to FramingTheWorld.com. Donate to the show. I just want to quickly thank Bass Lawson, Michael and Leslie Beardsley, Clive Hagen, Sarah Wallace, Chad Demian, Josh Ledgeford, Robert Kearney, Andrew Harms, Preston Taylor, Justin Schwartz, Ethan Schmidt, Walter Rodriguez, Kay Kuntz, Julio Villas, Julio Guerrero, Samuel Elliott, Christian Combee. And so I really appreciate them supporting us at Framing The World. These things we talk about are important and you know I don't agree with every guest that I have on the show 100% but I don't have to agree with every guest 100%. Like I said, this is show number 81. We've done 81 shows and so you can only imagine if we had the same five, six people that we agree with on always, the show is going to be pretty boring because we know, let's face it, we know a lot of what they believe anyways. And so we're talking about unique information on this show. This is not just, this show is going to be unique and so one of the ways we want to incentivize people to support us through Patreon is by doing giveaways every month. And so this month, at the last day of the month, we're going to be giving away all these three books, three DVDs and we're going to be giving away this 1861 20 cent confederate bill. So we're going to be giving away these things to anyone who supports us through Patreon. That's a dollar a month. That's all you have to do is give a dollar a month you'll be entered in for a chance to win these things. Also if you support us, you know, $50 or more on Patreon, you'll automatically be entered in for any drawings we do in the future through Patreon. So I really appreciate everyone's support on there. It's been a huge blessing. We've definitely seen an influx in supporters on our Patreon account and so man, I can't say thank you enough. It just really goes to show like how much people like this show. You know, there's a lot of loud people out there that hate me and that say all these things about me. But you know what, those are just hateful people. And you know, the message isn't getting across to most people. Most people realize I'm a genuine guy, that you know, I'm just talking about things that I like to talk about. And you know, cashless society is one of those things that I love to talk about here on the show. But if you like to hear these kind of subjects, you know, cashless society, Mark of the Beast, you like to hear, you know, COVID, New World Order, conspiracy related topics, vaccines, health, you know, that's what we talk about on the show. And you can't actually expect me to only invite people on that are 100% in agreement with me on things like, I don't even know what a lot of these people believe in, before I have them on the show. It's not until after I have them on the show, that I started looking into them a little bit. And you know what, I can't be held to that standard. The reason that I have them on the show is for the information they specialize in, in particular topics. And so, Alex, today, we're going to have him in on about cashless society. I don't know what he believes about everything else, he seems like a really great guy. We're going to talk to him about the cashless society, it's going to be awesome. But yeah, guys, make sure you head over to Patreon if you haven't. That's how we pay the bills around here is through Patreon, through donations through the website, and through people buying products on the store. So head over to our different sites, they're listed in the description of the video, and go to support us. But let's get to the show today. Let's get to Alex on the program. There's so many things I want to talk to him about, but we're going to keep it to cashless society. Alex, how are you doing today, sir? I'm doing great. Thank you very much for having me, Paul. This topic is so important, because it seems like every year that goes by, the world is just moving more and more towards a cashless society. And we know the Bible predicted a cashless society. And so I want to have you on the show to talk about why you believe that there will be a cashless society someday and why kind of, you know, why is why is everything headed that way? So let's, let's just start off with talking about how, you know, the Coronavirus has really played a big part in creating a cashless society. Because now they're saying that, you know, they're spreading fear that the cash will carry the virus. Can you talk about that and how they're, you know, they're doing the coin shortages and stuff like that? Yeah, well, they've had this agenda to create a cashless society going back many, many years, and they've been doing it openly. You know, it's not that they were hiding it, they have their websites up promoting this agenda of a cashless society. What's changed now, just in 2020, is the emergence of the Coronavirus panic, I call it, which of course, has been largely engineered through fear mongering by the media and so on. And so now they've taken to telling us that we're going to spread Coronavirus if we continue to use cash. And of course, they've manufactured this coin shortage, where they said we don't have enough coins to give you change anymore. And it's gotten to the point, Paul, I was just in the in the Atlanta airport a couple days ago, and I could not buy a cup of coffee, because nobody would take cash. Actually, a young man had to buy me one, I was just begging the cashier, you know, please let me pay with cash. No, no, no, sorry. So a young man had to buy me a coffee. It really has served as the perfect excuse. Now why do I think it's coming? The main reason why I think it's coming is because the Bible tells us about a coming time where people will not be able to buy or sell without taking this mark. And you know, I'm not here to tell anybody what is the mark, I have my own ideas about it, your guess is as good as mine. But 2000 years ago, that really probably sounded quite silly that some global system would be able to prevent everybody on this planet from buying or selling without a mark. And yet now we see the infrastructure in place, we see voices openly calling for this, we see major foundations, governments all over the world, virtually every United Nations agency, the big banks, the credit card processors, all united in this goal of moving us away from cash. So I think it's very clear, if you have eyes to see, you don't even have to be a Bible scholar to recognize that this is coming, that they are moving us toward a cashless society. So yeah, and what better way to control the population, then through a cashless society, because if you think about it, even the, you know, all the banks are all the small mom and pop banks are all going away. It's only these big, huge conglomerates. And so if you are you, you know, if you don't present the right message for your business, they can shut down your way to do business, they can shut down your way to just do anything. And so, you know, you can totally see how this would play into the end times. Tell us a little bit about what the implications are for a cashless society, because some people when they hear this, they don't really think of, you know, the larger picture, what what are some of the implications of creating a cashless society? Well, there's several key ones that I focus on. The first and most obvious is you're going to lose your privacy and you're going to lose your freedom. It's that simple. Right now, if you want to buy something anonymously, you can use cash, you can go to a store, you can buy it from a neighbor, you can go on Craigslist, you can, you know, set up a deal, you can buy firearms, right through private sales, you can do all this right now, without being tracked, without being monitored and without being controlled. And right now, we still haven't gotten to an extreme point, but we're already facing this reality. Take, for example, the founder of Gab, an alternative social media network, and their pledge was we're going to respect free speech. We don't necessarily agree with everything people post on our site, but, you know, we are not the ones who are going to determine what people say. And really, that was the original premise. That's how Facebook and these others were marketed. They said, oh, it's just a space for communication. Well, what happened was the powers that be did not like what this young man was doing. And so not only did they prevent the credit card processing from working for his website, they even targeted him personally. We see now banks coming after firearm manufacturers and saying, we won't give you credit, we won't let you have a bank account with us. And we're just at the beginning of this cancel culture. So take this cancel culture, put it on steroids and recognize they're not just going to try to make you lose your job. They're not just going to try to, you know, destroy your business or ruin your reputation. They want to be able to prevent your participation in society if you don't comply with their worldview, if you don't comply with their outrageous demands. And right now, as long as we have cash, that's a very difficult thing to do because I can always earn in cash and I can always spend in cash and there's nothing that totalitarians can do about it short of, you know, just straight kidnapping me and putting me in a cage. But once they eliminate cash, that freedom to buy and sell without permission from the mega banks and from the government will be eliminated. So will your privacy. Right. One of the beautiful things about cash is that there is no record of your transactions and you can go and buy anything you want. And there is not a, you know, a central ledger where the government come back and say, well, you purchase this and you purchase that at this time and all the rest of it. There's no record. The government does not like that. The emerging global system doesn't like that. They want to have a detailed record of everything you bought, when you bought it, how you bought it. Oh, this guy bought 50 rounds of ammunition. That's five rounds more than we're allowed to have. Well, we better go see what he's up to. Right. Or, well, this guy criticized, I don't know, take your pick. Transgender ideology. Well, can't have people just criticizing transgender ideology. We better cut him off. We better see what he's been buying. And a lot of people, I hear this argument all the time from the naive conservatives who still haven't recognized the new reality that, well, I don't have anything to hide. I don't care if they know everything that I bought and sold and everything, every penny that I spent. Well, you should think really carefully about that argument. There's actually a very liberal attorney, Harvey Silvergate, wrote a book called Three Felonies a Day. And what he showed was the average American perpetrates about three felonies without knowing it each and every day. Everybody knows exactly how many regulations are on the books now with criminal penalties attached that could put you in jail. They estimated about half a million when a member of Congress asked them to figure out the exact number. The Congressional Research Service said, well, you know, sorry, we don't have the manpower or the resources to figure that out. So yes, you are a criminal and chances are right now they're not going to come after you. But if you're a Christian, if you are standing against evil, if you are rejecting the lies, if you are calling evil, evil, if you are calling good, good, you may find yourself in the crosshairs. And by being able to track every penny that you've spent, there's a very good chance they'll be able to put together a criminal case against you. And we've seen them do it. They did it to the president of the United States and his closest allies. We saw him take down the national security adviser of the president of the United States, General Michael Flynn. We saw him take down one of his closest advisers since the 1980s, Roger Stone. We saw him take down his campaign manager, Paul Manafort. These are people at the pinnacle of power that were taken out using these gazillions of regulations and criminal things that they have on the books. If you think you're immune from that, I'm sorry, but you're deceiving yourself. By moving toward a cashless system, you would lose all your privacy and your freedom. Now there's one more thing that I want to add on here, Paul, and that is negative interest rates. Right now, the central banks of the world are flooding the world with funny money. They're literally creating currency as debt out of thin air and loaning it into existence and then the government is giving it away. Ben Bernanke, the former head of the Fed, wanted to drop it on people from helicopters. These people are out of their minds. But right now, there's a very serious limit on their ability to go too far into negative territory. If I've got $10,000 in the bank and the bank tells me, hey, we're going to impose negative interest rates in keeping with the Federal Reserve's policies, I'll say, oh, OK, thank you very much for holding my money. I'll be in at three to pick it up and I'll put it in my safe or I'll put it in my, in my, you know, under my mattress. I'll put it in a sock drawer, for crying out loud. And so they can't charge me negative interest rates. I'll just take it out. But what happens when you can't take it out? What happens when they have to hold it because it's digital? There's no physical currency. Well, at that point, they could say, well, we're going to charge you negative 8% interest. And that means for every year that you leave your money in the bank, you're going to lose maybe 10% of it and 10 years comes and goes and you won't have any money left. OK. Well, what are your options? You're going to have to start spending money. And that is their objective. They're very upset. They really want to create massive amounts of inflation. And in the truest sense of the term, they already did create massive amounts of inflation by inflating the currency supply. I mean, that ultimately is inflation in the truest sense. And that was the dictionary definition. Unfortunately, they've kind of changed the definition. It was a bit of a bait and switch. Now they refer to inflation as an increase in prices. Well, they desperately want to accelerate inflation. They've told us that. If you go to the grocery store, you know, we're already seeing huge inflation. They want more. They want it faster. And as long as the velocity of money is not very high, you know, people are taking the money and they're putting it in their bank account, they're putting it in their safe, they're putting it under their mattress, nobody's spending it. Everybody's worried about what's going to happen. People want to save. They're not able to create as much inflation as they'd like. They're not able to inflate prices as quickly as they would like. So they have as a stated objective increasing inflation and negative interest rates. Once they move us cashless, they'll be able to do that. Yeah. And you can, you can see exactly where this is going, because how do you fight back? So let's imagine a future where there's no cash. And you know, you're been labeled, you know, a hate, a hateful person, or, you know, someone who is just not, you can't participate in society, you can't buy things. And if you do buy things, then they will be shut down, you know, their credit card processing power will be shut down. So no one will sell to you, you can totally see how this is going. What are some of the things that have happened recently that that really show us that we're moving towards a cashless society? Yeah, at this point, they're telling us about it on television. I think that's what's most remarkable. I gave a couple speeches about this at a Christian conference over the weekend, and a couple weekends before that at a kind of a Liberty Truth conference. And what I did was I just showed videos from what's on the news. They're telling us we're moving to a cashless society. It's not like, hey, guys, what do you think? Is it a good idea? They're saying no, we are moving toward a cashless society. Coronavirus is accelerating that. So we've got, you know, all over Europe, I've spent most of the last decade living in Europe all over you and actually in Sweden, which is furthest along than any other country. They're bragging about this now. I mean, you give beggars on the street, you give them with a contactless payment, you touch your mobile phone against theirs. You've got people now paying for their train tickets, you know, they get on the train and they pay with their microchip. They open up their office door and they pay with their microchip. They get snacks at work. They pay with their microchip embedded in their hand. That's the direction we're moving. They're telling us about it openly. And again, I mentioned that they've been pursuing this for years, Paul. One of the big outfits that's been peddling this is called the Better Than Cash Alliance. Now, this was officially launched in 2012 by the Ford Foundation, which if anybody knows anything about the Ford Foundation, they've been very closely working with the CIA for decades. And actually, Congress got really suspicious about these foundations back in the early 1950s. They set up a select committee to investigate. And what they found, actually the chief investigator for this committee, his name was Norman Dodd. He was invited into the office of the head of the Ford Foundation, Mr. Geithner. And you can watch this video on YouTube. He did an interview with G. Edward Griffin where he explains, you know, the head of the Ford Foundation told me point blank, what we're doing is we're using our grant making ability to so alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union. Again, you can verify that for yourself. That's what the chief congressional investigator of these tax exempt foundations was told by the head of the Ford Foundation. So in 2012, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the UN Capital Development Fund, which is where the secretariat of this alliance was based, the US Agency for International Development, multiple governments and dictatorships. Now you've got the communist regime enslaving Vietnam as one of the partners. You've got all kinds of African and Latin American and Asian governments, European governments, virtually every UN agency. You can find this all at betterthancash.org. They're proud of it. And they're making it very clear that that's the direction we're moving in. And the next step after that will be, you know, you have to get a microchip in your hand or you have to, you know, it's already you got to have the microchip in your card. And, you know, now it's at the point where the head of Tesla, Elon Musk, is telling us soon we're going to be getting brain chip implants in our skulls. And they're saying this on television like it's no big deal. That's the direction they're moving, Paul. And I think as Christians, we ought to be paying very close attention to this, if for nothing else, the eschatological implications. Yeah. And we know the Bank of America, the CEO for Bank of America said that he wants a cashless society. I mean, it seems like everyone is pushing towards that way. And you know what? I think one of the biggest things is that people want a cashless society. People are demanding it. People love paying with their cards, the convenience of it. Can you explain how it's just because I mean, I hardly ever carry cash anymore. It's you know, to a fault, like we just kind of all heading that direction. Can you explain your point of view on that? Yeah, it's unfortunate that they've been able to convince us all that it's in our own best interest to start using their car. And I know the gimmicks. You know, I've got frequent flyer miles. I know every time I pay, you know, I get a frequent flyer mile every time I use a dollar on my credit card. But you know, is it worth our freedom? And you're right. Everybody involved in this better than cash alliance, for example, is not necessarily, you know, a Satan worshiping conspirator who wants to enslave mankind. A lot of these people have much more innocuous explanations. You have, for example, Visa and MasterCard have both been deeply involved with this better than cash alliance. I don't trust Visa and MasterCard. But the explanation for their involvement is quite simple. Hey, we're going to make two and a half percent on every single transaction. Of course, we want to cash this society. When you pay with cash, we can't take a fee. When you pay with a credit card, we get a little bit, then we give you some crumbs back with your cash back or your frequent flyer miles or whatever it is. So there's kind of different interests at work here. And I think some of the organizations involved here are very nefarious. I think the people running them very much consciously are working toward the extinguishing of human freedom, the birth of a global system of totalitarianism controlled by themselves. I think some of the people involved in this know full well what they're doing. But others, they just say, hey, you know, my company is going to make more money. Hey, my stock portfolio is going to improve. I own a lot of American Express, and they're going to get a cut of every transaction. And for the individual out there, you know, I recognize how convenient it is to do that. I don't have a smartphone, but, you know, I use a dumb phone. But I know a lot of people, you know, they have their iPhones or their Androids or whatever, and they can just, you know, touch it against somebody else's and money changes hands. So it's very convenient. And that's one of the arguments that's being used. Oh, well, you don't have to worry about getting robbed anymore. Well, yeah, you do. It's just a slightly different form of robbery than it used to be. And the governments are saying, oh, we're going to crack down on tax evasion and drug dealing and all this other kind of stuff. And they've started demonizing high value notes in Europe, for example, the 500 euro note. Now they're calling it the bin Laden. Right. Because only terrorists want to use cash. But, you know, there's a whole convergence of different interests that meet in this cash to society agenda. And it's one of the things that makes it so dangerous. You know, it's so easy to stampede people in this direction, especially when you come up with this phony narrative that you're all going to get COVID if you use cash. It's so easy to stampede people in that direction. And we're at the point now where in some countries like Sweden, you know, it's something like one percent of all transactions are now carried out in cash. You know, the last little bit, they haven't eliminated it yet. But that day is coming. Yeah. And can you talk about how censorship is is playing a key role in creating a cashless society? Censorship is playing a key role in all of this. Yeah. You have a situation now where voices that disagree with globalism, voices that disagree with cashless society, voices that disagree with the official narrative on COVID. I mean, you had the CEO of YouTube went on the fakest of all the fake news networks, CNN, and said boldly and publicly, anything that contradicts World Health Organization recommendations we're going to remove. The World Health Organization is basically an appendage of the mass murdering dictatorship in China that has murdered more people than any government in human history. They ruthlessly persecute Christians. They've got millions of people in reeducation camps merely because they worship God or a god instead of the Communist Party of China. And yet here you have a World Health Organization that's functionally run by the Communist Party of China with a puppet leader, Dr. Tedros Gabrasos, who's not even a medical doctor. He's actually a former Politburo member of the mass murdering ethno-Marxist terror group, the Tigray People's Liberation Front in Ethiopia, deciding what we can and can't say on the internet. And so when you can't complain about these things, your average American doesn't even hear another perspective. You know, Facebook is silencing all voices that disagree with the narrative. Twitter, YouTube, Google is steering you away from voices that are critical of these developments and toward establishment propaganda like CNN. Unfortunately, they've even brought a lot of the pastors in, and that includes Catholics and Orthodox and the Evangelifish leaders. I mean, all kinds. They're just steering them in this direction. You've got George Soros pouring out money into various phony Christian groups trying to hijack Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant pastors and Christian leaders. It's become a very Orwellian censorship machine that I would say rivals almost what they have in Communist China. Yeah, in Communist China, it's officially run by the government. In the United States, it's officially run by deep state CEOs of mega corporations started with government money, but functionally, it does the same thing. It prevents us from learning alternate perspectives. It prevents us from reading people who've sounded the alarm about these developments, and that really facilitates all of this happening, and even to the extent that people recognize something is wrong with this. We see this, for example, in the politics sphere. Your average person, even if they know they're being lied to on television, they don't know that everybody else knows they're also being lied to on television. They live in this naive reality where they think other people believe what they're being told on TV, and so they don't want to sound like the odd man out. They don't want to sound disagreeable by saying at work, hey, this is really stupid. Hey, we're being lied to. They just assume everybody else believes it. That's I think one of the most powerful weapons at their disposal is the ability to deceive people and silence voices that speak the truth. Yeah, totally. One thing that I always thought was that the RFID chip would become popular and then people would use that more. It seems like, though, that's not becoming a popular thing. Do you think that that is going to be the future, the RFID for payment processing? Very clearly. I think that's the way we're headed. I've got videos. I've showed them in my presentations where they focus on Sweden. I tell people, having lived in Sweden most of the last decade, my wife is from there, and the totalitarians always try out their crazy ideas in Sweden. Then they come to California, and then they spread out like a cancer across the rest of the United States. So if you want to know where they're moving, look at Sweden. And Sweden, as I mentioned, is the most cashless society on the planet, and this whole idea of the microchips has taken off there like it hasn't any other place on the planet. You can literally ride on the train and pay for your train fare with your microchip. They've made it into something trendy. We're seeing this now in Spain and in the Netherlands, where only the cool people get the microchips, because then you can go into the VIP section of the club and you can pay for your alcoholic beverages. So it's already come to America a little bit, but look how quickly they were able to steal so much freedom during the coronavirus scandal. All it would take is, oh my goodness, terrorists don't want microchips, and terrorists killed a lot of people, whether it's a real or a false flag attack, therefore everyone who doesn't want microchips is a terrorist who wants everybody to die from coronavirus. Americans will line up for their microchips, unfortunately. And you add to that all these new technologies coming down the pipeline, Paul. Let me mention as a couple of examples what we've seen recently with the World Economic Forum. They're pushing this thing called the Great Reset. And Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, gave us a lot of insight into where this was going. He talked about how this is going to bring about the fourth industrial revolution. And as he defined, I actually went back and looked at his previous speech on the fourth industrial revolution, which was given a few years ago, and he talked about what at its core it is the blurring of the distinctions of the line between biological systems and digital systems, between human beings and technology. So at the World Government Summit a couple of years ago, one of their keynote speakers was a guy with an antenna sticking out of his head. He called himself a cyborg. He was the head of the Transhumanist Society. Now one of the people they brought in, they had nine speakers in addition to the four main ones when they announced the Great Reset. The four main ones, we had Klaus Schwab, who's like Dr. Evil, I mean, he's like a caricature of like a villain, right? You had the head of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, who used to run the Socialist International, true story. You had the head of the IMF, a Bulgarian communist, Kristalina Georgieva, and then you had Prince Charles. Well, they had nine other secondary speakers, and you can learn a great deal about where this is going just by looking at the list of the speakers, not even necessarily watching their speeches, although I encourage you to do that if you have time. One of them was the CEO of MasterCard. MasterCard is one of the big proponents of the cashless society. Another was the CEO of an Uruguayan company called ChipSafe, and what ChipSafe does is they manufacture technological implants. Right now they're used primarily for livestock, and what they do is they monitor the geolocation of your animals, they monitor the health and wellbeing of your animals, they feed all this to the satellites, it goes through your algorithms, and so you can keep track of your livestock from the comfort of your own home. Well, did they really unveil this and have this speaker at the great reset announcement because we're going to chip our chickens and our sheep and our cows? I submit to you that that's ludicrous. The real reason that this person was featured so prominently is because eventually these technologies are going to be used for people. Now, look at Microsoft. Just this year, they filed an application. When I first heard this, I thought, no, that's crazy. That couldn't even be true. Well, it was true. I monitored the World Intellectual Property Organization very closely in my journalism, and I've been following them for years, and Bill Gates and Microsoft filed a patent application with WIPO. You can read it right on their website. This is a UN agency for patents where they unveiled a cryptocurrency technological system based on your body data and body activity that will monitor and track your cryptocurrency systems. That is the direction that they're moving. I don't think everybody's going to go get microchipped tomorrow, but I think over the long term, it's so clear that this is where they want to go. We had Aaron Russo, a very, very famous Hollywood producer who unfortunately passed away a couple years ago. He became very good friends with some of the Rockefeller family members. He gave a very well-known interview at this point where he talked about one of their overall objectives was to chip every person on this planet. Now, he said that years ago before this was kind of a mainstream phenomenon, but we can see that system now coming very clearly into view, and I suspect that it will be coming. I urge all Christians, start praying about this now. Decide where your line in the sand is going to be. I'm not even going to have a smartphone. I refuse. I don't need a tracking device and a mini supercomputer in my pocket. My dumb phone works perfectly well, thank you very much. I don't judge you if you have a smartphone. Maybe you need one, but you've got to think, where am I going to draw the line? Is it going to be when they want to put a brain implant in my head? Is it going to be when they want to put a microchip in my hand so that I can pay? Is it going to be the Google Glasses where they're going to have enhanced computer-simulated vision? So I think everybody needs to be thinking about this and determine for yourself now so you don't have to make a decision on the fly. What is going to be your line in the sand? Where is it that you're going to say, no, you're not going to cross that line? When we look at China, we really get a glimpse of what the world is going to be like. A lot of things happen in China first, and then they come to the different parts of the world. China really is a test city for what is going on. Can you explain how China is the testing grounds on what the future of the world will look like? The best way to understand China is it is the model for the new world order. A lot of people hear that, they're like, whoa. I think it's very clear at this point. So let's start at the beginning. Communist China was handed over to the communists by very powerful forces in the United States. People at the Council on Foreign Relations, people like George Marshall, who was our Secretary of Defense and our Secretary of State, I would argue a subversive. They put an arms embargo on our close ally Chiang Kai-Shek, who fought with us in World War II and helped us to defeat the Japanese. They deliberately handed over China to the communists. There's a whole book about this. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. It's called, Again, May God Forgive Us. It's about how very powerful interests in the United States handed China over to that mass murdering butcher, Chairman Mao, who then went on to slaughter tens of millions of people. Incidentally, the same thing happened with the Soviet Union. I've got a book behind me called Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution using State Department documents. They proved that the Bolshevik anti-Russian revolution that enslaved that nation was financed out of Wall Street by some of the biggest capitalists in the world. So why did they do that? And what happened next? Well, at every step of the way, these globalist subversives in the United States, in London, in Paris, were instrumental in building up Communist China to the massive threat that it is today. And they were doing this fairly openly. Everybody knows Henry Kissinger went over there during the Nixon administration and then opened up China. Well, the establishment paved the way for that to happen. In fact, David Rockefeller went over there in the early 1970s and wrote an incredible piece when he got back. It's still published at the New York Times website. It was published in 1973 in August called From a China Traveler. And what David Rockefeller said in this piece, he concluded with, the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao is one of the most important and successful in human history. Well, they had exterminated about 50 million innocent human beings up until that point. They had the Cultural Revolution where they were burning libraries, murdering people who knew about history, turning children against their parents, knocking down statues, all the rest of it. And, you know, fast forward now to today. Communist China is a superpower. Actually, it just came out in the news a couple of days ago that it now officially has the largest economy in the world, using one of the most widely used metrics to track the size of an economy. If you look at the way it's operated, it really is not in a true sense anymore communism, right? The government doesn't own all of the means of production. There are some businesses there. Now, granted, the overwhelming majority of the significant, the large businesses, for example, I think it's like 24 out of the 25 top companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange are majority owned by the mass murdering communist dictatorship. But I think China really is the model. And it's not only me saying this. In fact, George Soros, who got to start with Rothschild money from Geneva back in the late 1960s and well-documented as well, when he was getting his Globalist of the Year Award some years ago in Canada, he made some pretty important claims. One of the ones he made was that communist China should own the new world order. Those are his terms in the same way that the United States owns the current world order. He also said that communist China has a better functioning government than the United States does. Okay, that's a really interesting way of looking at things. And you look at the way communist China is run. They've got the social credit score system. I think that is the direction our leaders want to move us in. It's not the overt totalitarianism of the past where you stand on the corner with a sign that says, I don't agree with what's happening. And they put a black bag over your head and they send you off to a labor camp to torture you until you recant. Instead, it's a more quiet, more soft, more subtle totalitarianism where you wouldn't even dare to disagree in the first place. So the way the social credit system works in China, and this has been in operation for a few years now, every citizen of China or slave in China, as the case may be, has got a social credit score. And this comes from a variety of factors. Have you ever expressed opposition to the Communist Party? Have you ever disagreed with the official policy? Well, that deducts your points. Do you know anybody? Are you friends with anybody on social media who has criticized communism? Well, that's going to take points off your score. Do you pay your bills on time? Do you jaywalk? Are you a member of the Communist Party? That's a bonus. And on and on and on. So they take all this. They come up with a score. And then this score determines all kinds of things. Can you go get a college education? Can you travel outside of the country? Can you fly on an airplane? Can your children go to a decent school? And on and on. And so through this mechanism, they really can put the barbarism and the torture and the heavy-handed iron fist kind of behind their back and just the slaves control themselves because they don't want to get a bad social credit score and have their lives ruined. We see this type of system being implemented at the global scale. It is a fact now that Communist China basically runs the United Nations. I've written very extensively on this. I've been writing about it for years. The dishonest totalitarians are now pretending like, oh, it's Trump's fault that China controls the United Nations. Baloney. If you look at the 15 specialized agencies for the United Nations, five of them are now in the direct hands of members of the Communist Chinese Party. One third. For perspective, an American runs one of those agencies, even though we pay drastically more to finance the UN than China does. Even among the ones that aren't actually run by a member of the Communist Chinese Party, many of them are agents of the Communist Chinese Party, very close allies of the Communist Chinese Party. And Communist China is very, very open about the fact that they love the coming New World Order. They met a few years ago with the G-77 plus China in Bolivia, and they signed a declaration called Toward a New World Order to Live Well. Now this is an alliance of 133, 134 governments, including Communist China, by far the largest voting bloc in the UN General Assembly. And if you read this declaration, they say the UN and the General Assembly needs to be made into an emblem of global sovereignty. We need to have a New World Order with global governance, where the UN's peacekeeping forces are going to basically progressively get stronger and stronger until nation states can no longer challenge the power of this global authority. That's the direction that they're moving in, and the Communist Chinese today are at the forefront of pushing that. So that's why I say, if you want to know what the New World Order is going to look like, it's going to look a lot like Communist China does today. Ruthless persecution of Christians, total censorship, total surveillance, government control over the economy, no free speech, no religious freedom, absolutely no right to keep and bear arms, and you know, essentially the notion of God-given rights is just going to become a thing of the past. There are no God-given rights under a tyrannical system like China, at least none that are recognized by the ruling authorities. Yeah, so that basically is the future, then, of America, is when you look at China. That's what the globalists hope, yep, and you know, whether they'll succeed this time around, I can't say, I don't know, I don't have a crystal ball, I think it's theoretically possible that we could have a mass awakening in America, and people could return to God and repent, and you know, God could give us another 200 years as a free nation, we can raise our children in peace and security, and you know what happens when they say peace and security. But you know, who knows what's going to happen, but I could also foresee scenarios where five years from now, communist China is the undisputed global superpower, it uses the UN as a tool to spread this out all over the world, the US economy is left in shambles, the dollar is destroyed, the global currency comes about, I mean, that could very reasonably happen even in the next few years here, and I know a lot of people who are kind of in the bubble struggle to see that, but if you put all the pieces of the puzzle together, it's very clear that we are this close to losing our freedom, to losing our country, and moving toward this crazy vision that the globalists have of a Chinese-style new world order over all of humanity. Well, one thing the coronavirus has taught us is that, you know, a lot of things can change in a short amount of time. You know, did you ever foresee the changes that have happened in this short amount of time? Did you foresee that it would happen so quickly, what's transpired over the last year? I did not. Honestly, I was shocked by how quickly people were willing to surrender their freedoms, because if you look at the polling data, I mean, it's just a tiny, tiny fringe minority of Americans who still say they believe the media. I mean, I don't know any of them personally. I guess they must be living under a rock or something, but I mean, when they're asked by pollsters, I think the last one I saw was six percent of people have a lot of trust in the media, and even that is a bit surprising to me, and yet, when all the media starts whining about, oh, this crazy coronavirus is going to kill us all unless we hide in our basements and give up all our freedom and take vaccines and put a face diaper on our face and all the rest of it, you know, I would say the majority of Americans complied, and I did not expect that they would be able to get away with it that quickly. So I had severely underestimated the ability of the globalists to advance in a very quick fashion, and I severely overestimated the ability and the willingness of Americans to resist this encroaching totalitarianism. And, you know, God tells us not to be fearful and not to worry, and so I know it's sinful to be fearful and worry, but I would say, you know, that is a little bit frightening to me, that, you know, this supposedly free people, who supposedly has still some reverence for our founding documents and the principles outlined in the Bible, was able to so quickly just hand over all their freedom, and not only that, but get mad at people who objected. You know, you see these videos, somebody goes into a store without a face diaper on their face, and other customers are like, hey, what are you doing? You need your face diaper. What have we become as a nation? And that, honestly, is frightening to me. I would not have believed you if you had told me in February that Americans would surrender so much freedom so quickly. And still, people, it seems like, are not catching on to what's happening. Why is that? It's a good question. I think part of it is, people have been blinded, people have been deceived. I think the biggest reason, though, Paul, and you know, the fake media is huge, but I think the biggest reason, and I have been sounding the alarm now for at least five or six years, this has been like one of the central focuses of my work, is we have been dumbed down and we have been indoctrinated in the public school system in a way that I don't think your average person can even begin to comprehend, because we don't have a frame of reference. We've been dumbed down several generations into the dumbing down, you know, and public school has become like as American as apple pie. What people don't realize is the people who created the public school system as it exists today had a few goals in mind, destroy Christianity, destroy individual liberty, and overthrow our system of free market capitalism and individual freedom as enshrined in our Constitution and our founding documents. Those were the objectives, the stated objectives of the people who created this system. And they knew that the way to accomplish that was to dumb down the American people. So, you know, even our earliest forefathers, if you go back to the pilgrims who arrived in what is today Massachusetts, they understood something fundamental. One of the first education acts ever passed in this part of the world was called the Old Deluder Satan Act. And what they said was one of the chief projects of Satan is to keep men from knowledge of the scripture. Now, they had something very different in mind. They had just come from Europe where, you know, religious persecution in the institutional church, didn't want people reading their Bibles, was burning people at the stake for translating Bible. I mean, you know, they had come out of a different context. But the principle is still the same. Satan doesn't want people to know God's Word. It's that simple, because God's Word is true, because the truth sets you free, because God's Word gives us the principles by which we can govern properly ourselves, our families, our churches, and our nation through government, and our states, and our counties, and our cities. God created all these forms of government. He outlined how they should all work. And as long as we have the Bible as our guide, things will work really well. I mean, we live in a fallen world. We're sinful people. It's never going to be perfect on this side of Jesus Christ coming back. But we do have some really, really good guides. And when those instructions are followed, it works really well. As we saw, I mean, America is the premier example of that, right? A Christian nation founded on Christian principles became the freest, most prosperous, most mighty nation on the planet pretty quickly in historical terms, you know, just a few hundred years. And what we have now is a system where most Americans are either illiterate or very close to illiterate. And this was by design. So I can walk you through the history real quick. Now, the people who developed the way that is used to teach reading, this look-say-the-whole-word method where you memorize entire words, they actually did it with really good intentions. They were Christian ministers. They were ministering to deaf and dumb children, as they were called back then, children who couldn't speak and who couldn't hear. They figured out, hey, we can't teach these kids how to read with phonics because telling them that this symbol P stands for puh, that doesn't make sense to them because they can't hear that. And so we have to figure out a different way to make the written word accessible to them. So they said, let's teach them how to memorize entire words, like cat, C-A-T, just teach them that when you see those squiggly lines in that order, that means cat, right, rather than teaching them that the C makes a cuh sound, an A makes a uh sound, and a T makes a tuh sound. Well, one of the pioneers of government indoctrination, masterating his education in America, Horace Mann, the first-ever secretary of education for any one of our states. He served in Massachusetts, was appointed in the mid-1800s to that post. He brought the Prussian system to the state of Massachusetts. And one of the quack innovations that he brought into this newly formed government school system that he was creating in Massachusetts was this new method of teaching and reading, called the whole word method. He thought, or he claimed to think, that hey, if it works for deaf children, why don't we just try it on non-deaf children, maybe it'll be superior. Well, long story short, the schoolmasters in Boston, in the schools where this was being tried, they rose up and they said, look, sorry, you know, it doesn't work. Kids don't learn how to read this way, we're not going to do it. So they wrote this beautiful essay about why this quackery was inappropriate, why it's not how children learn. And so we didn't hear about it again for another 50 years. And then John Dewey came along. This was a guy who was an open communist, this is a guy who was one of the co-authors of the first Humanist Manifesto. To give you some sense of their perspective, the first plank of the first Humanist Manifesto was we believe the universe is self-existing and not created, whereas God's word reveals to us very clearly in the first words that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. So John Dewey was right off the bat telling us he rejects even the existence of God. And we know from Romans 1, you know, God has made himself plain. People have to deliberately suppress the truth in their unrighteousness to believe something so idiotic, and then God hands them over to a reprobate mind. So why are we surprised that Dewey was a reprobate? Well, he went over to the Soviet Union. He loved what Lenin and his mass murdering comrades were doing over there. He was so proud that they were instilling a collectivistic mentality in the children. And he resurrected this quack method of teaching reading, the whole word method. He started out first in an experimental school he set up in Chicago with Rockefeller money. And surprised, they turned out a bunch of kids who couldn't read and couldn't write. And Dewey and his cohorts thought, hey, that'll be perfect. Let's do that all over America. So he started developing reading primers while he was at Columbia University and at the University of Chicago, the Macmillan readers, the Dick and Jane series. These gradually spread out all over America. And to this day, under common core, children are still learning how to read. Well, I should say learning how to read in air quotes, using this whole word method. They're teaching kids to memorize sight words. So what happens? Kids can't read anything. Can't read their Bible. They can't read history books. They can't go to the library and educate themselves on things. They can't read the Constitution. They can't read the Declaration of Independence. They've come to depend on the fake news outlets for their information. And that answers your question. How did we get to this point? Well, we got to this point through the systematic and deliberate dumbing down and indoctrination of the American people to the point where the overwhelming majority of Americans today don't read their Bibles. The overwhelming majority of Americans today don't understand the gospel, basic Christian principles of government, of family, of education. God tells us a lot about education. Proverbs 9, 10, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 1, 7, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. And yet you can't even mention the Lord in a public school today. Is it any surprise then that the bulk of our people have no knowledge and no wisdom? And we know what happens when you have no knowledge, right? Hosea 4, 6, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. In Isaiah, I think it's chapter 3, verse 5, God's people went into captivity because they didn't have any knowledge. So we don't have knowledge. We don't have even the rudimentary skills to be able to acquire knowledge through reading, through reading God's Word. And so we find ourselves now in this incredible situation where your average American is more ignorant than any previous generation of Americans has ever been before, and where the totalitarians can con us out of our freedom without really that much effort. Wow. Well, I really appreciate you coming on the program today, because these things are very important. And the Bible says, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. And you can see there's really spiritual wickedness in high places happening all around us. What's the takeaway, Alex? What's the positive ending of this talk here today? Yeah, I think you just hit the nail on the head, Paul. I recite Ephesians 6, 12 all the time. And unless you understand that this is a spiritual battle, you're fighting the wrong battle, right? I mean, just getting more Republicans elected is not going to save you, and it's not going to save your country. It might temporarily postpone some of the loss of your liberties, but the focus of our battle should not be in the political sphere. It should not be in the economic sphere. It should not be in the educational sphere. The heart of this battle is spiritual. And to be a good spiritual warrior, to be able to be an effective soldier in God's kingdom in this fight, God tells us, right? Our shield of faith is what's going to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. The sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, that is our offensive weapon. That's what Jesus used when Satan confronted him. So the takeaway here is that if we want to be useful in God's kingdom—and there's only two kingdoms, right? There's God's kingdom, there's Christ's people, the people who are in Christ, and then there is Satan's kingdom. Satan is the commander-in-chief, and not everybody in Satan's kingdom knows that they are in the kingdom of darkness. But if you don't know which kingdom you're in, you ought to start thinking about it very seriously. But folks, this is a spiritual war, and for those of us who are in Christ, there couldn't be better news. We are saved from our sins, right? God has forgiven us our sins, and He is going to absolutely crush the enemy. In fact, He's already victorious. The battle is already over. All that's left now is the mop-up operation, and you want to make sure you're on the right side of that, and you want to make sure that if God wants to use you for some purpose, you are ready, you are willing, you are able, and you are prepared. So folks, pray, read your Bible, and get involved—you know, I'm not telling people not to be involved in politics. I think we should be involved in politics. Here in America, we the people are supposed to be in charge. God gave us instructions for government. If God's people aren't going to help implement good government, who's going to do it, right? You think people from Satan's kingdom? Of course not. So we do need to be active in all these spheres, but at the most basic level, we must understand this is a spiritual war, and even more importantly, we must understand we are already victorious, no matter what Satan thinks he's going to get away with in the years to come. If you are in Christ, that's the absolute safest place to be, and you know, I'll just leave it at that. Thank you very much for having me, Paul. I appreciate it, and God bless you, and God bless all the viewers out there. Awesome. Well, what way can the viewers get more of your information and support you? Hey, well, thank you very much. I do a lot of different things. Behind me, you see my personal website. It's LibertySentinel.org. It's kind of my personal ministry. I just post stuff up there—sermons, speeches that I do, articles that I find interesting that people send me, their documents people send me. That's at LibertySentinel.org. You can get my books there. You can get whatever you want there. I'm also the senior editor of The New American Magazine. If you're not a subscriber, it's a great publication. I write for The Epoch Times, another great publication that's a newspaper that's become pretty significant. I think they're at like 1.6 million subscribers now, another good source of information for you. I'm the executive director of Public School Exit. It's a new ministry we launched this year. Their objective is to get as many children as possible out of the government's indoctrination system as quickly as possible into government-free Christian education programs. That's kind of a small snapshot of the things that I do, Paul. I write an education blog at Freedom Project Media. I just released a book this week about the deep state. I don't have any copies within grabbing distance, but that'll be available on Amazon soon. I've written a good number of books. If you put me in a search engine, you'll find a whole lot more. Thanks once again for having me, Paul. I really appreciate it. I love the work you've done over the years, man. You guys have just been doing amazing stuff. It's an honor to be here. Thank you very much. All right. I appreciate it, Alex. Thank you so much. I hope you have a good day. God bless. Thank you. God bless you too. All right. Well, that was Alex Newman. Man, it's a powerful interview. I really hope you guys go over to his website, check that out. He's a great guy, a lot of really interesting stuff he talked about in the stream. I'd like to get him back on. Hopefully we can get him back on soon. I want to talk to him about education and there's just so many things that he is just so knowledgeable about. And you know, I'm not I'm not the best interviewer in the world, guys. I wish I had more of a I don't know, I just I say a lot. I feel like I didn't do good on this interview, but he nailed it. And I really appreciate Alex coming on the program. Thank you guys so much for supporting us at FramingTheWorld.com. And make sure you guys check out the different medicines that we have on the store. We have the flu shot now. So if you have the cold, you can do the flu shot. We got elderberries tonic. We have migraine relief. And we have the oregano. So this is all new to the store now shipping. So I hope you guys go over to FramingTheWorld.com. Check out these new products and make sure you support us guys through the donation link in the description of this video. That's it for tonight. We'll see you tomorrow night at 9 p.m. Thanks so much for tuning in and God bless.