(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right guys well we are live and today's show is gonna be a touch bit controversial some people listening might get a tad bit squeamish it might be like what in the world are you guys talking about but it's a subject that I love to talk about I think it's very important to our health and well-being so we'll get to that subject in a little bit but we are gonna be talking with Amanda Vollmer today she is runs a website called Yum Naturals.com Yum Naturals.com she's been on the show a couple times she wrote the book healing with DMSO and so I guess she doesn't have a picture on here huh but you can check out her book if you go to framing the world calm just type in DMSO DMSO and her book will pop up it's a great book I read it's an easy book to read it's a quick read healing with DMSO the complete guide to safe and natural treatment for managing pain inflammation and other chronic ailments with dimethyl sulfoxide and so DMSO is not the subject we're gonna be focusing on however we are gonna be talking about DMSO later on in the program we're gonna be starting off by talking about something and I'm really kind of letting you guys think out there what is this show gonna be about well if you read the title you probably know this show is gonna be talking about the Gerson therapy if you guys haven't read this book the healing the Gerson way it's a great book but not just about the the therapy exactly we're gonna be talking about a part of the therapy and that part requires you to use this piece of equipment right here you're like what is that piece of equipment right there well I like to call them coffee breaks so when I'm at home I like to say all right honey I'm gonna go take my coffee break and that doesn't mean I'm gonna be sipping on this nice cup of coffee which that is a nice cup of coffee it's very nice and you know this warmer is probably not healthy cuz I don't know what kind of plastic stuff that that leeches out but definitely keeps the coffee warm anyways so we're gonna be talking about about we're gonna be talking about coffee enemas today you're like coffee enemas what in the world are you talking about well if you know what the Gerson therapy is you're gonna be no stranger to coffee enemas and so we are gonna have Amanda explain what coffee enemas are today she's gonna be on the program in a little bit but this book is called healing the Gerson ways defeating cancer and other chronic diseases and coffee enemas plays a huge role in in healing your body and so we're gonna be talking about that if you haven't if you have no idea what I'm talking about the Gerson therapy I really recommend that you watch this film the beautiful truth the world's simplest cure for cancer and it says right here a must-see a vital provocative and enlightening an unforgivable unforgettable wake-up call illuminating touching funny sad rage-inducing provocative entertaining and hopeful this film is fantastic I watched this many years ago and it literally changed my life and my whole outlook on cancer therapies and alternative cancer therapies you know I didn't realize how dangerous standard medicine is and you know this is a great great book DVD to watch if you know nothing about the topic it'll totally just it'll it'll help you and if especially if you're you're you know you wake up tired or you you know you just don't feel like you're as healthy as you used to be you know there's ways to make yourself more healthy we're gonna be talking about that with Amanda in a little bit again guys make sure you support framing the world check out the book healing with DMSO it's a fantastic book I also wanted to quickly just thank all of our donors to this live stream I want to thank Preston Taylor Justin Schwartz Ethan Schmidt Walter Rodriguez K Coontz Julio Feliz Julio Guerrero Samuel Elliott Christian come be a donation was also made in the memory of Timothy kaphone and effectious services I think that's how you pronounce it effectious it just doesn't seem right I don't think that's right it's e f f i c a c i o u s s e r v i c s dot-com you might have to rewind that a couple times to get that they should probably change their URL since that word is nearly impossible to pronounce yet alone spell just a little tip but I but I appreciate them supporting this show supporting this channel and and and again guys if you want to be a supporter of the show you can donate to the show directly which the link will be in the description of this video or you can support us on patreon now I I really appreciate people who support us on patreon it's just kind of something that I can count on every month and it really just helps take the stress off me so if you're watching this show and and you don't support us make sure to head over to framing the world calm five bucks a month is a great way to just show that you support us here and that you want this show to continue so we want to do a bunch of shows like this we are going to be giving away to five people five dollars off in the store and so sometime during this live stream probably towards the end we are going to be giving away we're going to be telling you a coupon code so when you go to check out and only five of these can be used so when five people use them it'll be done all you have to do is type in this code at checkout and you'll get five dollars off your order it doesn't matter what you order no you'll get five bucks off so again guys I appreciate everyone's support and yeah we're gonna get we're gonna get started here we're gonna be talking with Amanda Volmer she runs the the website yum naturals calm I hope you go check that out she also sells a bunch of DMSO products and other things there if you live in Canada this is a perfect store to order from as the shipping will be obviously a lot cheaper than what you can get from me and she has a lot of great products here too and she's a really nice lady she I think this is this gonna be a third time on the show so it's a first time though in the new studio so and talking to me I think I think it's the first time talking to me too so we're gonna be talking about coffee animas DMSO we're gonna be talking about castor oil and a few other things guys so yeah yeah yeah all right what else what else well it's before we get her on again guys all you have to do is go to the website and type in DMSO DMSO and Amanda's book will pop up and also we have some gel and we have some liquid we also have some cream I don't know why it's not showing up there but I will add it make sure it's on there by the end of the stream or while the streams going here I'll make sure it's on DMSO cream is just this stuff is just the best stuff ever if you haven't tried DMSO make sure to go try it out I'm telling you you will not be disappointed but yeah so let's let's get Amanda plugged in here and we'll get this show going all right Amanda well thank you so much for joining us are you ready to are you ready to talk about this subject I'm always ready to talk about this subject well it's something that I I personally love to talk about it's something that I I do in stages like I do it probably like every six months I do it for a while and I stop and then I'm a big supporter of the Gerson therapy so why don't you start off first off and just tell us a little bit about yourself tell us about your book and then we'll get into talking about you know the elephant in the room the thing well I'm my name is Amanda Bulmer and I was a blotted background in science I'm trained in agricultural biotechnology that's a Bachelor of Science and that was from the University of Lethbridge in Alberta then I traveled and I did a lot of awakening and I did have a Kundalini awakening in 2000 then I went to naturopathic College which is a four-year medical degree it's technically a doctorate and I walked away from my licensure because I realized on a political side there was a lot going on that I didn't want to get involved with which was you know being controlled by entities that didn't have the best goals in mind and in true freedom because that's really ultimately what I'm about is autonomy freedom anarchy and anarchy is really just not needing government not needing control being sovereign being solvent taking self-responsibility for your actions becoming grounded spiritually so you're listening to your to God to your higher self and following that appropriate action and being a creative being you know I was an artist I still love to paint I love to make remedies I make over 150 natural remedies so you can find that on yum natural calm and obviously I wrote a book healing with DMSO which is fairly new it of course released during kovat which was a little bit of a myth because I didn't really have a release party or anything and it's it's just something that I always wanted to do is do some more writing I do have an active blog on yummy doctor with some really important information obviously I teach about health I teach about how to be your own doctor how to learn about your body and then how to apply natural remedies to heal yourself because the powers that be have taken away that right from us and given it into the hands of a chemical medicine cartel that profits off your illness and my one of my prime goals is to teach people how to heal themselves and how to go to nature what to do and how to apply it appropriately and it's very empowering to know that and to use those things so yeah I like to continue to learn and grow and I'm obviously very political and I speak my mind and I'm not afraid to face things that maybe a lot of people are afraid to like have a difference of opinion or challenge conventional belief systems just because they were taught in government-run schools like the germ theory for example or viruses all of those things I've been working on for a long time I do have a YouTube channel yum naturals emporium I'm on Twitter I'm on all the the platforms but I'm slowly moving away to bit shoot and to I'm actually on telegram now I'm really liking the telegram platform quite a bit I've never heard of that yeah it's it's an app I mean it's so it's more on the phone than the computer even though you can use it on the computer and it's interesting because you have groups and you have pages so I do have one of each so the page is just here are my postings for musings or thoughts or things I'm coming across to share with you on a one directional you know platform and then there's the group and the group is interactive which is nice and it feels cozy it feels like you're in a room with your friends and I like it I like it better than Facebook and I'm using I'm noticing I'm using it more than Facebook and anyway I'm banned again on Facebook for another 21 days so touching go with that one well I really enjoyed your book healing with DMS so I really encourage if you're listening you haven't ordered that book I really encourage you to go order that book do you have any other books in the works anything else that you want to do next or what yeah I have written a few that are in sort of a rough edit because my business has been exploding really I've and I've been seeing a lot of clients more than ever before I'm actually booked seven eight weeks in advance now I'm just very occupied and the stores gotten busier and I have more walk-ins and people travel all over the from hours and hours away to come see me so it's been fun definitely but the books are not getting attention because of time I'm hoping to change that soon I need to expand the business into a new facility and then if I do that I can hire more people and then I can free up some more time and then I can get back to the writing I've written a book called cracking the cult code it's about how the medical cartel is run like a cult and then I've written a book called 30 days to better health which is a workbook on how to go from day one to day 30 not in that particular order and not in that particular pace if you don't need to to regain your health and really practical things that their lessons and their life lessons that you will keep using again and again so that those are two and I definitely want to write a book about the false germ theory I want to put together all of the understanding of the science of how we got into this false virus causation for disease that model I want to crack that open further and I've done so much research on it it's just a matter of putting it together and what I've been doing instead now is writing them as blog articles and trying to just get it out a little more that way because I don't want to sit on the information too long because it's so timely obviously yeah and as well I've started to create affidavits and serve affidavits to local police health departments hospitals and so forth the schools school boards to educate them about the dangers of mask wearing to again challenge the germ theory in the myth of the virus and how this COVID scam began from you know people like dr. Stefan Lanka if you go to my blog yummy doctor you'll see the last two articles one is on one is from dr. Lanka who just blows it apart and explains it so perfectly as to how this whole illusion happened from start to finish and then the next article after that is the affidavit of service regarding masks and I do recommend people read that and share it because and print it off and help people understand because the only way we're gonna do this is if each of us take that responsibility and start to share it locally face-to-face with people because of censorship we're not going to get the word out the same way through social media I mean obviously we still are but I mean it's the everyday people that you come across that I have printouts I mean these are 10 12 pages I have printouts on my desk when people come in I'm handing it to them and asking it if they would read it for me you know if they would read it and take the time so that'll open their mind and help them get out of fear because this cartel is basically running us on fear they're using fear to motivate us and to change policies and to take away more more of our freedoms and if you don't notice that then there's a problem that you're not seeing that's very obvious to the majority of us we see that this is not about a disease and it's certainly not about our protection or our health this is about population control this is about financial reset this is about moving large populations of people out of land that they want to buy up and own and use for their agenda for their UN 2030 smart city agenda which is happening in Australia very strong they want that piece first and they also want California Oregon done as well so they're using DEW do weapons to start fires there they've been really setting that up for a long time and they're attacking the houses so the houses will be burnt down but not the trees which you can find evidence of that as well and a lot of people don't realize that there's lots of layers going on hidden in plain sight of this destruction around us and there's going to be food shortages because of that there's economic crashes left and right and we're they're trying to get us into a cashless society that's also convenient for the fake virus to say oh cash is dirty or we have a coin shortage or whatever because they don't want you with cash because cash can be hidden they want every everything tracked every movement tracked and they're going to lie they're gonna say that it's for your safety and your protection because we love you you know and people fall for that the people must be so unloved or something that there's like oh you love you care oh okay do whatever you want to me you know well I just don't understand how people are still deceived by all of this I mean it's it's been proven that it's not as deadly as they made it out to be and yeah I'm with you on that well I appreciate you coming on the show we are gonna be talking about DMSO a little bit later I do want to promote the book a little bit but I wanted to get to one of my favorite topics and a topic I don't think I've really talked about much on the show is about coffee enemas and I I am a firm believer in them and I I just wanted to talk to you and just can you break down what is a coffee enema and why is it so effective well there's an important history just like with anything that we seem to have lost a lot of our history but what had happened is in the war and in the last world war they were the enemy lines were blocked so they could not get their painkillers their heroin and so forth they couldn't get it into you know crossed the lines basically so what happened was the nurses were desperate to help these suffering soldiers with their pain and they only had coffee available to them so they had the idea that maybe we could try the coffee in an enema and see what happens knowing that if the body is backed up with toxins and they you can be in an inflamed state and inflammation leads to pain and lo and behold it worked they were able to manage the soldiers pain using coffee enemas so that was sort of the beginning it was one of those use what you've got scenarios dr. Gerson he was the one to find that piece of history and go well if they're using it and there's noticing pain reducing then why why is that happening like what's going on there and so he investigated and he did science on that and he found that these enemas were helping cure some pretty chronic disease he was helping people with all kinds of things from cancer to TB you name it he was he was brilliant man Max Gerson and he was able to understand it and study it and there's quite a bit of science that he did on that topic and his daughter Charlotte she which I had the pleasure of meeting many years ago she's recently deceased and she basically promoted his work she was like his mini me and he she learned all about it and she went and lectured around the world teaching about the importance of coffee enemas and how to heal cancer and other chronic ailments using the Gerson therapy protocols which is more than just the coffee enema it includes certain injections of liver injections castor oil processes and detoxes of specific diet and this is a doctor ahead of his time that was understanding that biochemistry and nutrition were what helped the body recover and removing toxins from the body assisted recovery and this is what he was mastering so that's a huge component of the history of how it came to be it was really through dr. Gerson that we really found out about it and and modernized it through the Gerson therapy and through other doctors like dr. Wilson he promotes it wholeheartedly as well and anyone who's ever done one or ever helped patients heal using one have amazing stories to share and and I have you know many many hundreds of these experiences of feedback from people who just are so glad that they've had this experience and that they have this tool and they're in their toolkit to use when they're not feeling well for any situation or change of seasons as we're seeing now to prevent illness like colds and flu which are a detox response to the body it's not you don't catch it you make it and the body wants to get rid of toxins so it will try to get them out through the liver and if you support the liver ahead of time then you don't need to get mucus processing like that and removing debris through the other orifices right and so this is not necessarily an enema it can be considered a colon cleanse there's many many kinds of enemas hundreds and hundreds of enemas that you can do for different disease states for example I have a lot of clients with colitis or Crohn's and we use different kinds of enemas for example I have plantain behind me in the screen you can actually use plantain plantago to as an infusion in an enema to heal the tissue of the colon you can use chamomile calendula red raspberry leaf these sorts of things but the coffee is different the coffee yes you will get a colon cleanse from it but that's a nice side effect the real cleanse is the liver and the blood in the gallbladder so it's a different approach chemically than just you know cleaning out debris in the colon yeah so I see you have your enema kit behind you there yeah well you know it's sad because I know a lot of people the people in my family friends you know I used to know that unfortunately got cancer and they they went about it you know the standard way you know cut out things out of their body you know just destroy their health get the chemo and it's just sad seeing someone that was really healthy you know they go in to the doctor they don't even know they're sick sometimes and then the doctor tells them like these horrible news you got like you know you only have like three months left to live and then they pressure you so much into doing all of these chemo therapies and stuff like that that it scares a lot of people into doing it and you know that's why I want to do some shows like this so people can be educated in these things before they become diagnosed with these type of things because we know cancer is you know a lot of people are getting cancer and everybody knows people that have died of cancer and so I think this this topic that we're talking about is very important and I really want to just help people get different information and I know a lot of people listening to my stuff they they probably don't know a lot of this information it's something that I really haven't talked about much but it's important and so can you just talk about why it's important to not go the standard chemo route and why it's important to look into alternate alternative medicines and healing yeah great question I'm not gonna judge anyone who goes through any process if they feel deep inside that that's what they're supposed to do as long as they're doing it in a true educated fashion meaning they've really looked at all the options available and they're truly deciding to do a suppression therapy like human radiation for something specific like for example maybe they don't have enough money maybe they're old and they don't feel like they're going to live much longer anyway or maybe there's some other spiritual reason they think they need to do this or maybe there's a part of them that need that believes in it so much that they'll have a placebo effect and that will get them by for maybe five years or something and that's good enough for them and I you know everyone has their journey so there are people like that and there are people who think they've healed from that and I would never take that away from them but what really is going on is with these chemicals is just a suppression of a mechanism for example if you have a fever and you take an antipyretic say a Tylenol you change the metabolism so that the the pyrethrins that are causing the fever are now sequestered and no longer present so the fever appears to be gone however the sacrifice in that is that the fever was part of a healing mechanism in the body and it was doing a specific job and now it isn't doing that job so there will be a secondary repercussion from the suppression or the stopping of that normal healing method okay it's in our ignorance that we do these actions and in our impatience that we do these actions we are in fear a lot of the times we're put into a lot of states of fear we're told by doctors you only have so much time to live as if there's some sort of magicians with a crystal ball that they can peer into the future and see how long they're going to live for they appeal to authority they come across as an authority and they are very good at getting you to give up your power to them and rather than doing the work on yourself for yourself which takes effort and time and focus and energy and all of these things it takes a specific type of desire inside that person to do that and that's not for everybody because of the way that they were maybe raised to believe a certain way or to not have the power within them to do it to do that so the chemo and radiation process is a suppression it doesn't allow the body to do what it's doing which is to try to move the toxins away into a pouch and to protect the blood from going into a degeneration state once the blood is degenerated there's really not too much that you can come back from with that unless you're really present and you can do some incredible in the moment types of things like applying the right homeopathy in the right moment or the right procedure in the right moment which a lot of people are not equipped to do I had a case of a dog that was just too far gone because the vets had poisoned the blood so significantly with all kinds of chemical medicines and antibiotics there was nothing left to save really that dog was going to go septic one way or another the blood was disfigured so it couldn't carry oxygen anymore and once that happens there's not a lot really you can do again except for really severe stuff that would need hands-on and the it's not a good idea as a rule to suppress anything because there will be secondary consequences when you do that and like I said there is a time and a place for suppression like in an emergency you may need to suppress something to get into a more safe surrounding before you can heal properly that's acceptable but they're short term they're short term they're cutes in the long term what you have to address are the factors that got you into that situation in the first place which definitely took years and years in the making and something that takes that long is not going to magically go away overnight or if it does a lot of the times it resurges again because the lessons aren't learned and the process by which you are meant to expand or learn or flourish or heal on another level like emotional takes time and if you just took out the tumor and suppressed it you never ever met yourself where you needed to for your soul growth there's other reasons for why we get sick and if you don't accept that you will just keep making the same mistakes over and over again and continue your suffering but if you face the reality that maybe you've been eating poorly maybe you haven't been taking care of your terrain maybe you haven't been sleeping properly maybe you've been partying and doing all kinds of drugs maybe you're drinking a lot of alcohol maybe you're drinking a lot of coffee maybe you're having behaviors that are unhealthy emotionally you're not facing things inside yourself that you need to and all those toxins accumulate and then you have toxins that accumulate from all other places for example pesticides herbicides of foods genetically modified organisms which have all kinds of strange genetic particles that we have to deal with we have a soil problem where we don't have enough nutrition in the soil and the food is maybe looks nice on the outside but it's nutritionally devoid on the inside so we're becoming less and less enriched with nutrition while we're increasing in our toxic burden and that will naturally lead to things like chronic disease including cancer so you want to express it you want to detox it you want to get your nutrition up and you want to deal with the reason why it developed how it developed in the first place emotionally mentally and physically so so what would you recommend for someone that is feeling you know they can tell that their own body is not how it used to be that they're they're waking up tired they're they're just they're not healthy what what's the first step for that person what should they do to start their journey into better health usually I suggest that people do a self-assessment of what they do on a day-to-day basis just notice their day-to-day habits because the first step in change is actually awareness and if they just become aware of their day and what they're doing or not doing it will give them some insight into some of the changes that they can make which don't have to be severe for example I have a patient right now who's had two heart attacks and in asking him questions I find out that he barely drinks any water and so that would be a change that he could make immediately is find a way to train himself to drink more water in the day and I said well do you like cold water or warm water or what type of water well I really like cold water I said well you could put ice in and he said oh I don't have time for that I said well okay if you don't have time for that how about just before bed you pour the water for the day and put it in the fridge so it's cold okay I can do that sometimes people are stuck emotionally stuck or in a routine or in a belief system that they're just running in a bit of a rat wheel you know and they don't know how to get off to make those changes and they're so overwhelmed that even something like adding ice to water can be overwhelming for them and so that's why working with someone can be helpful because it can get you unstuck out of these patterns and sort of skewed belief systems that you can hear yourself saying and in him saying and he kind of realized how sort of silly it was you know and I said we had a heart attack I mean if you don't have enough water your blood's gonna be really thick and that can lead to a blockage right so it's a very simple thing it's just to get rehydrated so start simple right water how about your other lifestyle do you wash your clothes in toxic laundry detergent that has a really strong fragrance to it then switch it out to something that's unscented and that's as natural as you can find that's an important change that people don't realize they're continually challenging their immune system which is through their skin by poisoning themselves low level all day long with the clothes on their body how about your toothpaste are you putting fluoride into your brain and dulling yourself where you have brain fog because you keep challenging your glandular system with the with a neurochemical right so switch that out for something natural so make these changes find the things in your life that make sense that you have power over to make a different decision just food alone I usually suggest just start eating fruit in the morning it have a big salad for lunch with nuts and seeds and some avocado and some good fats and then for dinner have a vegetable medley with some beans and rice or lentils or something like that and just become more vegetarian for a while just stop things that are harder for your body to digest leave let your organs that are always working your core gut give it leave it off give it a break even maybe do a fast for a day just a water fast let your body recover from something for a while right you're not feeling right then your gut has to be addressed and that's usually where disease begins is in the gut and what we put into our mouths continually as a habit as a rule so you want to reassess your food situation what could you change what could you add instead of that glass of wine that night why don't you make some kombucha and have sparkling kombucha that night what can you find that's a healthier version of that and it might seem so impossible at first but after a while you don't miss the poisons because you change your tastes change your taste buds I said to a woman today in the store she is like well I just like the taste of meat I said well it's just an addiction like anything the second you clear that from your body you like other things your taste buds change and you have different preferences you will like the way that you cook with miso you know you will you will like the the different sweetnesses in a vegetable you know roast that you made in the oven with tamari or something on it you know these sorts of things like get creative with it and what's it gonna hurt if you experiment if you want to go back to the lifestyle you have that choice too but what people find is once you go toward that you don't want to go back because you feel better and people who do slip back they go wait what happened I was feeling good and then I just reverted to my old pattern and I don't feel good again but it's a lesson and then they realize oh I see the difference now I'm gonna go toward health and it's gonna stay with me because I do deserve to feel good and honestly I think a lot of this is an underlying self-hatred or lack of self-worth because it's almost as if so many people enjoy their suffering I think part of this plandemic thing is noticing that about people that they almost feel like maybe they deserve to suffer or maybe they're not worthy to ascend or maybe they're not feeling like they deserve good things you know and that takes time especially if you've been in an abusive situation where you were told you were less than or you were indoctrinated into a certain cult like thinking then I really think the thought process the the mind is just the biggest obstacle because the changes themselves are not hard the the the procedure you know to get well it's not difficult it's always the way that the mind perceives it and makes blocks you know that all practitioners like myself find themselves up against and have to do workarounds and get creative is why I also love to use homeopathy because homeopathics really do help clear those stuck mental and emotional states and give them new ideas and options for getting around where they think they're trapped right because that's an illusion if you're just tuning in right now we're talking with Amanda Vollmer she is runs a website called Yum Naturals.com I really hope you go check that out especially if you live in Canada and I know we have a lot of listeners that live in Canada so you can go to her website and check out all these different soaps and and just wild crafted herbs so she has a lot of different things on her website and you can go of course she has all types of DMSO so I really encourage you to go check that out there what we're talking about today is DMSO and we're talking about coffee enemas and so why why is coffee enemas so important and who would you recommend to start maybe looking into doing coffee enemas I really recommend them for just about everybody because it's a long-lost folk remedy to use an enema at home you don't need anything really much other than the enema kit it's not a very difficult thing once you've sorted it out once you've done your first one you realize how easy it is you realize how nothing you it was in your I'll have people who buy the enema and buy the coffee or whatever they're using and not use it for a long time it takes them a long time to either get up the nerve to do it or overcome some sort of mental idea about it that it's gonna hurt or it's gonna be difficult or it's embarrassing or whatever it is but I just say you know what just fill it with a little bit of distilled water and do a run and and see how it goes you know and there instead of being so overwhelming oh I have to prepare the coffee correctly and filter correctly and cool it down in all of these steps because again people who are sick can be easily overwhelmed and that's why I suggest we'll just do your morning distilled water enema even if you don't have the energy to warm it up just do it room temperature and feel that through and that'll just be one big step where you feel like you've accomplished that you will feel better because you'll clean the bowel right away you will have any impacted stool released any parasites that are in there released any any calcium buildup that prevents reabsorption during you know for the from the colon wall will be released people are surprised with what they see coming out of them especially the first few times and they feel better they they'll feel at least marginally some sense of increased energy and that can be a good addiction to feel that way yeah you know for sure and you know it's funny you said and said that that you can feel overwhelmed I that I did the exact same thing I bought the kit I bought the light roast coffee I had it just sitting I put the coffee inside the bucket and it just sat there for I don't know how long a long time and then I I said to myself I wasn't feeling very good I was like you know I'm gonna try this and because I already been juicing for a couple months and I was just I was just saying to myself I need to just try it and so once you do it the first time you're right you just realize that it's no big deal and in fact it's awesome and you can just sit there you know read your book hang out because you do it and you wait 15 minutes and you just let it kind of you know you try to hold it in at first it's it's it's harder and then it gets easier and easier every time you do it to hold it in and even if you don't hold it in for a long time you're still getting a lot of benefits from it and so I really do encourage people to look more into it I know Amanda has done a couple interviews about this issue I really hope you check out her other interviews where she talks more about it but and there's also tutorials online where you can get specifics on exactly how to do it there's people that walk you through it and it it's it's not don't be overwhelmed just try it out it's not some weird thing it's it really does make you feel better and it actually got to a point where you know I I don't want to say I was addicted to it because I wasn't I was just maybe addicted to the feeling it gave me I just loved how it just made me feel like just ready for my day I could just go do whatever I wanted and so yeah so I think this is a very important topic what what is some what are some things that you would recommend some places where people can get the more information on how to do these kind of things well I did make a step-by-step video on yes I did walk through the coffee enema procedure so that's a really good hand-holding guide to the setup you know step by step here you get the coffee grind the coffee so I video walk through that oh awesome well I definitely have to check that out and can you just say your YouTube channel again one more time so people know it's yum why you m naturals emporium great yum naturals is is spelled as one word yeah and I do want to just quickly talk about some of the benefits of the coffee enema because I think it's important that people understand what's happening to them when they do it and obviously we know we're removing waste and that this is a detox process but but why and why coffee and people ask things like can it be decaf coffee or you know and I'll make a joke like should I put cream and sugar into that so no you don't but what the what's happening is you your liver is a master gland and is the filter of blood for your body the primary filter so all of your blood volume goes through your liver within three minutes so when you hold that enema coffee in for a 15 12 to 15 minutes or so you're washing that blood multiple times and as you're washing it something called glutathione which is a master antioxidant and sort of like a detergent scrubber you can think of it like that it's in every cell in the human body and it's synthesized in the liver and it's present in the liver and the colon and when you do an enema you increase your percentage of glutathione in the liver by seven hundred percent and in the colon by you know another I think it's sorry I think it's six hundred percent the liver seven hundred percent in the colon that's right and it creates this scrubbing effect where it cleans up wastes like pesticides and herbicides and you know drug residues and bad hormones negative like hormones you don't want xeno estrogens and things from the environment and when the blood is working optimally then it can flow properly and then it can deliver nutrients and oxygen appropriately to the tissues that need repairing and you feel good obviously you're going to have more energy when that process can happen glutathione also creates this what helps white blood cell mobilization which is something called leukotrienes so leukotrienes synthesis so it makes them helps to make them and it will also sequester excess free radicals and we know that free radicals or these broken cells that float around cause havoc in the body because they're unstable and they want a partner so they are looking for free attachments and when they attach to something they create a free radical in that and on and on and on causing damage as they go along and that is one of the proposed causes of cancer from the common sort of medical understanding of it even though there's lots of other ways we can talk about what causes cancer and but it does happen one way or another where you get free radicals and this is the way to sequester them and it will detoxify carcinogens lots of different carcinogens and it will also bind bilirubin and these things called glucuronides or glucuronides so they can be also taken out of the liver cells themselves and these like to hold on to toxins these particular things same with the bile it's recycled in the body and what happens is toxins will adhere to these things even though they're still being recycled so you'll encourage the body to remove them and remake these processes fresh without having to keep carrying the toxin toxic burden and therefore they're also going to work better they're gonna be more optimized a lot of the blood that will leave the body that's why our stool is the color that it is a lot of the dead blood or the old blood cells will go and they're like a brown color so that's why our poofs are that color comes through the liver and through the portal vein you the specific acids that are in the coffee will actually help the portal vein release all that dead and damaged cells and release them into the colon it also will increase the peristalsis of the intestine which is the natural snake-like movement of the intestines and when it does that anything that's stuck to the sides of the colon will be sloughed off and will come off even though they're not primarily obviously I said as a colon cleanse you will get this increased peristalsis which is nice nice to have there's something called in the caffeine specifically not in decaf in the caffeine of coffee it's called palmitic acid and that's the stuff you're really after why we use coffee there's other acids and other reasons but it's that particular acid that is responsible for the glutathione production that we're really after here and that's why you use coffee and it has to be caffeinated coffee for it to work remaking the bile cleaning out the blood dumping the portal vein blood away remaking some of the hepatocyte carriers you can see that this is a multi-layered detox that if you get on top of that of course you're gonna feel good like you like you were saying but you will heal some serious disease if you continue to approach your body in that way because blood is life and if your blood is deformed it will not do the job that you want it to do which is to dissolve a tumor which is to make new cells which is to repair DNA and all of the functions that is required by the blood to mobilize all your nutrients that you're taking usually orally even though sometimes you can be using it topically as we're learning about DMSO being transdermal so I just want to explain that in general there's a lot more details I can send you if you want to put in that for the show notes some of the you know descriptions and protocols and things okay and you know it's also you know one of the questions I had when I first heard about this and I felt a little overwhelmed was like what kind of coffee should I use like is there a special kind and and what I learned and correct me if I'm wrong is that it just matters as light roast or inorganic is that is that the that's true or light or medium roast is considered acceptable because it has palmitic enough palmitic acids there is specific coffee enema coffee that you can buy that is supposedly going to have the most of that but it's expensive and you don't really need to do that to have benefit you can you can't use freeze-dried coffee because the acids will be damaged and yes ideally in bean form so not already ground down when you buy it you should grind it yourself fresh ideally yeah and obviously you know bird friendly shade friendly properly you know ecologically harvested non sprayed coffee is going to be important although it's interesting Folgers regular coffee was tested as one of the cleanest which is very strange yeah I know I I don't know if I trust the info to be honest but I did I have read that in a few places so people have tested the coffee for pesticide residues and things and apparently that's a decent clean coffee so if you're in pinch you could probably like say we're at a hotel or something you really were in pain or you know you could you know get your Folgers regular out well it tastes horrible but you know it's clean as hell well I wonder I wonder who did the test I know Mike Adams has that test center I wonder if he's tested different types of coffee I should probably look at that I am wondering yeah I think it would be you know it's important that you do it properly and I think the main caveats to be aware of is just don't make make sure the temperature is correct you can really burn yourself yeah if you have that too hot and and that's very very vital to get the body temp to body temperature even a little less it's not very pleasurable to do it cool and it's not as effective so really I think the skill set with the coffee enema is getting the timing right and the temperature right on that yeah I found it that I can't hold it if it's if it's too hot or too cold I can't hold it as long as well too so you're right you got to find and everyone's just a little different too so I you got to kind of find what temperature works for you and just remember that number like if you hold it for the whole 12-15 minutes you look at that temperature and like okay I remember that right and and if you do have irritation in the area you can use them some natural aloe vera gel it's really soothing or calendula like a calendula sav or cream is soothing to the tissues if you feel irritated afterward sometimes people retain the coffee so it doesn't come out right away and they can get a little nervous about that so you do have to plan it so that you're just not running out to a party afterward or something or to work you really need to be around the toilet just for a little bit at least an hour because you may have had impacted stool which is very common and the coffee comes up and around it and softens from the behind the mass and it takes some time for that to evacuate and so so I said to somebody today said you might think it's a toot mm-hmm but don't trust that man just go to the toilet just in case because obviously we're dealing with you know a lot of old stool I see people with big bellies and a huge amount of that is impacted stool they're carrying around so just releasing that from the body is such a lift of such a burden right and then also another contraindication or that some people will say it's a contraindication but it's really not would be hemorrhoids and it actually can alleviate the pressure that comes from a large intestine to do a coffee enema even with hemorrhoids I generally suggest to treat the hemorrhoids with some witch hazel on some calendula and really lubricate the nozzle properly before using it and again afterward you know lubricate and ensue the area but it will take the pressure off the hemorrhoids in the long run so it is worth to do it also not having a gallbladder it is it's not contraindicated it's just a different experience because you're not gonna release the bile for in that way cuz bile is constantly dripping when you don't have gallbladder which you need it's not a vestigial organ you need your gallbladder I've saved many a gallbladder by helping people understand that they need to drink a lot of water they need to take a probiotic and they need to do a castor oil pack over the gallbladder to stop the colic which is causing the pain which is taking them to the hospital which is taking them into the surgery room and they can they can avoid it if they do proper procedure and clean it up the colic or the colic is like of a stone getting stuck in the neck of the of the gallbladder and causing considerable pain and it can obviously cause strangulation of the gland which can lead to narcotic tissue it's it can be obviously dangerous it's just you can do other things to mobilize and move that along drink lots of water of course and and then you can take something called chance at Piedra or break stone as a herbal to assist the normal natural breakdown and you take a lot of specific enzymes to break down the stones as well and you can save your gallbladder it's not that difficult to do as long as you can get past the initial emergency colic situation which you can usually using DMSO as well as castor oil and then the next stage you continue to treat it rather than just leave it for the next time you have a blockage so because if you do have constantly leaking bile that will damage the area around the gallbladder and can lead to cancer or ulcers in that area so you really do want to have it and obviously you can't digest a lot of fats and things properly when you don't have a gallbladder and there's some emotional rationale around that as well which has to do with a lot of the energy of strength you know gall like gall is like whoa the gall that she said that you know this fortitude of standing up for yourself or expressing a need in a clear way you know having the gall to do that so there's a lot emotional energy tied to our organ systems and and homeopathics also can be a great aid in preventing the gallbladder to be removed so is that your daughter yeah hi Isabella well so I I use just coconut oil to lubricate is that is that okay I've never really yeah okay anything I use olive oil because it's easy for me to to have available any any of those oils is completely acceptable yeah great all right well um again guys if you're just tuning in make sure to support Amanda check out our website yum naturals.com you can hold on baby sorry my kids are got wild loose check check her website out it's a great website I really appreciate her coming on the show today also make sure you check out her book healing with DMSO it's a really easy read and it's a fast read and I'm sure you guys will love it and learn a lot from it and so if you haven't done any research on the Gerson's therapy I really encourage you to watch the film the beautiful truth it is a beautiful film it's a film I saw a long time ago and it really did change my life and so if you're wanting to order from framing the world the next five people who order from the store if you type in five off as a coupon code at checkout you'll get five dollars off your order that's five off the next five people can get it right now it's available so yeah you can go get Amanda's book at a discount there so Amanda thank you so much I really could I could talk to you just for hours and hours and I really appreciate your time you're very knowledgeable and if any how far away from Toronto are you you're not very far are you no it's between two and three hours depending on where you are in the city okay yeah so great so if you're if you live in the Toronto area check out her store do you mind saying the location of it I'm in Minden Ontario and so you can look on the website there's a map and information as to where the store is and you know it's best if you can book an appointment ahead of time because then I can spend a bit more time with the people that come a lot of people will drive up on a Saturday which is works nice because a lot of the local people don't really pay attention like the people who come up from the city in general they don't they aren't holistically minded so it tends to be a slower day anyway which is perfect for those who really know where I'm at and and want to spend some time but I you know I have been getting more and more requests and more booked up so I am looking to change my business model a little bit I'm when I move locations I'm probably not going to be open to the public it's probably going to be more about in the private and booking appointments even to shop in the store more like a boutique because well the thing is a lot of people they this is about healing something in their life and they'll walk in and it's like a consult in the moment right yeah sometimes I'm spending up to an hour with them or these kinds of things so it's tough just to have walk-in traffic and then that sort of thing go on so I'm trying to figure out another way to have it work a bit better and then I was going to have maybe open houses for the public maybe once a month and have a party you know something fun something community oriented maybe a potluck involved and so I want to change the way in which we're you know interacting because I don't really like the old style business model much anymore yeah I think a lot of this what's going on is challenging us to get creative and find different ways to to do business you know and to get the jobs done that we need and I'm excited for it actually I know it's a lot of change but I'm a change maker anyway so I'm used to it awesome it was it was great to be with you Paul and I really enjoyed it and you know you have a great show and I'm glad you you know you these things yourself because it's really potent when you you do it and then you feel confident and then you share it with others and then it shares it like hand is the tort hands the torch over to them and then they tell another and another and that's really how we're getting a lot of these things done that these days so it's great so thank you very much for for having me again I appreciate Amanda and again guys make sure to head over to the store and get her book and support her in any way if you want to make a consultation make sure to call the number thank you so much Amanda I really hope you have a good day and I can't wait to have you back on sounds great Paul have a great one thanks so much all right guys well I don't even know what to say I just I love people that know what they're talking about and Amanda is just so knowledgeable about all these different subjects again if you want to get the $5 off you can do that just type in five off at checkout and you can get five dollars off your order thank you so much for supporting us at framing the world I hope you have a good night and god bless guys bye