(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Question. Have you seen these baby water bottles with fluoride added? No. It's criminal. Yeah, but nursery water. It's telling parents that you need to give this to your babies. You need to use this water to make up formula. Even the ADA, which is gung-ho promoter of fluoridation, has said to its own membership, they put out an e-gram November the 9th, 2006, which said if you're making up baby formula, use either no fluoride or low fluoridated water. Don't use fluoridated tap water. But they're not getting that warning to parents. Why is that, you think? Well, I think they're worried about threatening the water fluoridation program. Once you put out the notion that fluoridated water is not safe for babies, come on, how are you going to tell all the parents? How are you going to help the parents with low income to use an alternative water set? No, they realize that this is a threat to the water fluoridation program, and their solution is not to tell people. You