(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 🎵Music🎵 When you read the book of Revelation, chapter 17, it's introduced to this woman who the Bible describes as being arrayed with purple and scarlet color. It says that she's decked with gold and precious stones and pearls. It says that she has a golden cup and a handful of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And it's a pretty explicit description of this woman. And throughout the ages, Christians have always wondered who this is. But this should come as no surprise because of the fact that the Bible says that on her forehead is written the name Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. So it specifically tells us that she's a mystery. And although this was a mystery in times past, the closer we get to the end times, this becomes a lot clearer because we have a bird's eye view of history. Right, and because we have that panoramic view of history, we can see Babylon from its inception. Even up until today, although the literal nation of Babylon no longer exists, we can see different characteristics that nations can carry today or nations have had in times past that parallel the Babylon of the Bible. Right, and you think about the first time that we hear about Babylon, we hear about Genesis 11 when the people are trying to build the Tower of Babel and have a tower that reaches up into heaven. And the Bible says that the people at that time were of one language and of one mind. This is something that God was against, which is why he confounded them and scattered them across the earth. And of course, the Tower of Babel ended up becoming Babylon, which is the empire that King Nebuchadnezzar ruled over. And in Daniel, we see that King Nebuchadnezzar ends up having this vision of this great image. And of course, we understand that that great image represents all these world empires that have existed and the one great empire that will exist one day, right? You have the head of gold, you have the chest and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, and then the legs and feet of iron. Each of these actually represent different world empires. So you have the head of gold representing Babylon, the chest and arms of silver representing the Medo-Persian Empire, you have the belly and thighs of brass representing the Grecian Empire, Alexander the Great, and of course, the empire that succeeded them was the Roman Empire. Yeah, what all these empires had also in common was that they were the superpower at their time, and they were ruling over what was known as the known world. And where one empire left off, the other empire took its place. But like you were saying, they carried out the same agenda of world conquest. Right. And you know, when you think of Rome, which was that last world empire represented in the Bible by the legs and feet, you know, they basically conquered a lot of land, right? They dominated a lot of the known world at that time. And of course, the Roman Empire ended up amalgamating with Christianity, creating what's known as the Roman Catholic Church. And the Roman Catholic Church continued that conquest of being a world empire and converting people to Catholicism through the inquisitions. They even put Christians to death. I mean, they were basically the power of that world, the authority of the known world at that time. So you can see why, when people read Revelation chapter 17 and 18, why they would think that Babylon, Mystery Babylon, is actually referring to the Roman Catholic Church, right? Because you can see a lot of the same parallels between what's being described in Revelation 17 and the Roman Catholic Church. Yeah, and John said that he saw the woman drunkening with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when he saw her, he wondered with great admiration. So just hearing that, you know, it's not hard to understand why people would think it's the Roman Catholic Church, but also the Bible says that the seven heads are seven mountains. Right. And when you think about the city of Rome, you know, it sits on seven hills. Although there's other cities that sit on seven hills as well, this is just something that made sense at their time. Yeah, it adds more credence to the fact that, you know, it could potentially be the Roman Catholic Church. And of course, when the whore is being described, she's being described as being decked with gold and pearls and costly array. She has purple and scarlet. She's just kind of living in luxury and wealth. And this is something that definitely describes the Roman Catholic Church. I mean, when you go into a Roman Catholic Church, when you go to the Vatican, I mean, their buildings are just completely luxurious. They're filled with wealth. It has a bunch of gold and purple and scarlet. They're filled with all kinds of luxuries. So you can definitely see the parallels that people can draw with that, regarding the wealth, regarding the abundance, regarding the seven hills, regarding the fact that the Roman Catholic Church martyred many Christians throughout history. Right. But here's the problem with that. The problem is that today, the Roman Catholic Church does not have the power that it used to have back during the Dark Ages. You know, back during the Dark Ages, they were the power of that day. They basically, through the Inquisition, murdered a lot of people. They would crown different kings during that time. But that's not the case anymore. You know, the Roman Catholic Church does not have that authority that it used to once have. So when you were going through that Inquisition as a Christian, when you're going through those Dark Ages and you would read Revelation 17, yeah, you know, I can see why people would say, yeah, definitely the Roman Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon. But today it can't be Mystery Babylon. It doesn't have that same authority as it used to have. So the question is this. If the Vatican isn't the center of power, if it isn't Mystery Babylon, then who is it? Well, in order to identify who this is, we would have to look at some of the empires that time passed and compare it to whatever empire of today that would fit that bill. And I think it's easy to conclude that it's the United States. Yeah, absolutely. And the United States, at the end of the day, is the one world superpower that exists. I mean, there's plenty of other empires that have existed that were a superpower, but none that can hold a candle to the United States of America. I mean, the United States of America has military might, it has riches and abundance, it has garrisons in all parts of the world, it has military bases, it has the agenda to dominate the known world. Yeah, as you mentioned about the riches, you look at chapter 17 and you see the description of the whore and how it's decked with costly array and gold and pearls. And this is luxury and abundance. And we as Americans today, that's exactly what we have here. We have a lot of riches, we have a lot of luxuries, and we also have it in abundance as well. Yeah, and another thing that you see is the fact that in Revelation chapter 18, when Babylon is destroyed, we see her being described as having gold and pearls and costly array, fine linen. I mean, these are luxurious items, right? But it even says that it has the slaves, which are the souls of men. And it goes without saying that the United States of America, there's a lot of human sex trafficking that takes place. Pedophilia in Hollywood and people being kidnapped for sexual exploits of human beings. I mean, this is happening in the United States of America. And so we could obviously see that that fits the description of Babylon in Revelation chapter 18. Right, and it says that the inhabitants of the earth are drunken with the wine of her fornication. Anything about the entertainment that we put out in the United States, you think about the rap music, you think about the pornography that we put out. All these things, you know, have an influence on a global scale. Yeah, and another thing that really parallels America to Babylon in Revelation chapter 18 is the fact that the horse states that she sits as a queen and is no widow and shall see no sorrow. And when you read something like that, the first thing that comes to mind is pride, Arrogancy, the fact that she thinks that she could commit fornication and do all these abominable acts and live deliciously and partake in so much abominable acts and have blood on her hands and think that nothing's going to happen to her. Well, that's called pride. That's called arrogance. And when we look at the United States of America today, that fits the bill perfectly when it when it describes our nation, because Americans are some of the most prideful people on the face of the planet. We think we're just the greatest thing that could ever happen to this world. We think that we're bringing the truth to these foreign lands where they have all these heathens and all these people who don't know anything about a civilized world. We're bringing the light to them. They should be like us, you know, American pride and all this patriotism. That's all pride. That's all arrogance. And the Bible says that pride goeth before destruction. And that is literally fulfilled in Revelation 18 when dealing with Babylon, because she's so prideful. She's so arrogant, thinking that nothing's going to happen to her, that she could partake in all this wickedness and she will never be punished for it. Well, you know, she has another thing coming. God is going to destroy Babylon. And that's actually what we see. Yeah, you're right. And the Bible says, though hand join in hand, the wicked should not be unpunished. Yeah, and that's exactly what's going to happen to the United States because of how prideful she is. Right. So now we know who Babylon is. Now the question is this, what role does she play in end times of Bible prophecy? Because one thing that we see in Revelation chapter 17, when she's being introduced, is that she's not alone. We see her sitting upon a beast, the Bible says, right? Right. Yeah, and the Bible says that I will show thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carrieth her, and the seven heads and the ten horns. And the beast that thou sawest was and is not, and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life and the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was and is not. Yeah, so when we see that type of description being given, that's obviously referring to the Antichrist. Because the beast is actually synonymous, not with just a system, but it's actually also representing a person, which is the son of perdition. The reason we know that is because in Revelation chapter 13, when John is having the vision, he says that he sees a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And it talks about how one of those heads is wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed. Well, this is referring to the Antichrist. So that same beast that we see in Revelation chapter 13 is being reiterated in Revelation chapter 17, and the woman is sitting upon this beast. So the beast, or the Antichrist, and these seven kings are working in tandem with Babylon in order to dominate the world. So what we see here is the fact that the Antichrist, being represented by the beast, and these seven kings are actually using Babylon. And that's one of the reasons why it calls Babylon a what? A whore. Because a whore is not someone that you marry, is not someone that you love and cherish. A whore, according to the Bible, is someone that you just use and abuse and you just discard once you're done with her, right? And the Bible doesn't refer to Babylon as being a virtuous nation. It doesn't refer to being a virtuous woman or a virtuous nation. It calls her a whore for a specific reason because of the fact that the Antichrist and the seven kings are simply using Babylon. It's military might, it's military power, it's luxuries, it's riches and abundance in order to dominate the world and set up what's known as the New World Order. And the Bible says, referring to those seven kings, that there are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come. And when he cometh, he shall continue for a short space. And we know that this is referring to the Antichrist because the Bible says that the beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth and is of the seventh and goeth into perdition. Yeah, because when it talks about the five, it's referring to the Egyptian Empire, the Assyrian Empire, you have the Babylonia, you have the Medo-Persian, and then you have the Grecian Empire. And one is, is referring to, from John's perspective, the Roman Empire of that day. And that which is to come is referring to the United States of America, known as Mystery Babylon. And then the Antichrist is the eighth and is of the seventh. So what we see is that the Antichrist uses the seventh empire, which we know to be Babylon, as a platform in order to establish the structure of what's known as the New World Order, which is his empire. So we know who Babylon is. We know the role that she plays in end times Bible prophecy. We know that the Antichrist, the son of perdition, is using Babylon as a stepping stone to establish his one world government, one world financial system, one world religion. And we know that as soon as he's done using her, he's going to discard her, right? Well, him discarding her is actually translated in the Bible as destroying her. And the Bible goes into great detail regarding the destruction of Babylon in Revelation chapter 18. Babylon actually comes back into the remembrance of God. He remembers all of her wickedness and her deeds and her fornication and all of her filth that she's committed. And now he's going to punish Babylon for all of that. And he uses the Antichrist and the seven kings to do so. Yeah, we know this is true because the Bible says, So we see that this is something that God, you know, plans out by using these kings and the Antichrist as well. Right. The means of destroying the whore. Yeah. Now the question is, when is she destroyed? Because when you look at end times Bible prophecy in the timeline, you see Daniel 70th week being represented by seven years. Three and a half of those years is tribulation. The midst of the week is referring to the abomination of desolation. Seventy five days thereafter is the rapture. Then you have 40 and two months of the wrath of God being poured out upon this world. And at the end, the latter end of those 40 and two months is where we see the prophesying of Babylon being destroyed. So after God has just completely decimated this world with the vials and the trumpets of God's wrath, we see that Babylon comes back into remembrance of God and he punishes Babylon for all of its wickedness. Right. So this happens at the latter end of Daniel 70th week. And we know why she's being destroyed. You know, she is martyred Christians. She has spread her filth and fornication throughout the whole world. She's responsible for the slaves, which are the souls of men, the human sex trafficking of this world. She's been a whore to all nations and all nations have used her and abused her to fulfill and accommodate their wickedness. And this is why she's being destroyed. This is why God wants to destroy this nation. And one of the commonalities that we see with world empires is this is that the destruction comes suddenly. And what we see in Revelation Chapter 18 is that she's actually destroyed in one day in one hour. The Bible tells us that she is burned with fire. The Bible talking about the ship masters and the sailors. They see that her smoke ascends up. The Bible says that she is burned with fire. It says in Revelation Chapter 18, verse nine, And the kings of the earth, who hath committed fornication, lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city, for in one hour thy destruction is come. And when you read Jeremiah Chapter 51, which is a prophetic statement passage dealing with end times Babylon, it says that she is basically destroyed with a destroying wind. So when you take those elements, the destroying wind, the fire, the smoke arising, when we look at those elements and compare it to our modern day technology, we would say, hey, that's referring to some sort of atomic bomb that's being released on this nation to destroy it. Because, you know, an atomic bomb can basically destroy a city or a nation in one hour. You know, it is a destroying wind. It is filled with fire. There is smoke that ascends. And so it could very well mean that it's referring to some sort of atomic blast that it suffers and is used for its destruction. And I'm sure like many other nations, the United States was no exception. It was given a lot of chances by God. And the Bible says that he that is often reproved shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy. And because the United States refused to repent in times past, the time has come when it's time to destroy it. Yeah, the United States can never say that God did not give this nation space to repent. She didn't repent of her wickedness. She continued in that. And the Bible tells us that pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. And that's exactly what we see with Babylon in Revelation, chapter 18, is the destruction of a nation that has been given over to wickedness to propagate and promote, filled throughout the entire world. So we know who Babylon is. We know what she's going to be used for. We know the end of that nation known as Babylon. And it really goes to show us that, you know, God will recompense every nation that lives wickedly and does maliciously and seeks to foment the agenda of Satan. And it's definitely true when the Bible says that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God. And that can definitely be applied to Babylon, which we believe to be the United States of America. And that's exactly what we see with Babylon.