(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll see you in the next video. Thank you for watching. So, Pastor Thompson, I know you're anti-vaccines, my family's anti-vaccines as well. So, tell me a little bit about your story. How did you come to take a position anti-vaccinations? Well, before I was even saved, I actually looked into it and I wanted to make sure that my children were being, you know, that their medical needs were correct. And I wanted to look into the vaccinations and so I did and I found that the science didn't really hold up to scrutiny. And so I was anti-vaccine before I was even saved. But after I got saved, I had moved into a place and the neighbors had a child that died from the hepatitis vaccine. Wow. And so that definitely made me not want to give vaccines to my children even more. Right, right. Obviously, as Bible-believing Christians, one of the reasons we're against vaccines is because they're unclean. And the Bible teaches against us approaching things that are unclean. Yeah, the Bible says that who can bring clean out of unclean, not one. So, the principle is vaccines are supposed to trigger an immune response, but the fact is that they have things that are unclean in them. So, health and life are not going to come out of things that are begotten of death and destruction. Because obviously, when they trigger an immune response, they're doing that as a result of a negative thing being injected into your body. It's interesting because when you study the Old Testament, you see that God told the children of Israel that in order to be healthy and be well, they were supposed to avoid certain things. They were supposed to avoid disease. They were supposed to avoid death. And the interesting thing is that that's what these vaccines are made up of these things. Vaccines are made up of weakened live viruses, partial viruses, inactive viruses, partial bacteria. And they're also made up of just dead animal cells. They're made up of chick embryo cells. They're made up of the African green monkey kidney cells. And these are things that God literally tells us, avoid these for your health. But the science today is telling us, no, let's inject these into your body to be healthy. And I absolutely agree that you can't bring a clean thing out of an unclean. That's absolutely a valid reason why we should avoid them. Not only that, though, inside the vaccinations are also heavy metals that are injected into the person that's getting vaccinated. And mercury and also aluminum are two of those heavy metals. And they put those in there to supposedly preserve those vaccinations to preserve the immune response in your body through adulthood so that they don't wear away. But what happens is they do wear away anyway. And then the heavy metals stay in your body for the rest of your life. There's nothing you could do to get it out because your body naturally just wants to get rid of stuff like that. But that's why it's so important not to put heavy metals in your body for that reason. Right. And those metals like the mercury, the aluminum, these are poisonous to our bodies. And these are not producing health within the bodies of especially the children because it is the children that are getting the most vaccines. If you're following the guidelines set forth by the medical world and the way that God designed it was for children to be getting sick. As they're young and to develop a strong natural immune system when they're young, when they're the healthiest, the strongest, the most able to be able to deal with that sickness. And as they develop a strong natural immune system, then obviously as they get older, they can deal with those sicknesses. But what we're doing is we're really robbing children from the ability to develop that strong immune system by giving them these vaccines. So it's not promoting health. And then not only that, but now they're going to have these metals in their bodies. And these metals are not healthy. They're not things that you should be putting into your body. Of course, these vaccines are, of course, unclean. You're putting metals and things like that into your body. But they're also unethical. I mean, there is a ethical reason why we as Christians want to avoid vaccines as well. Right. Absolutely. And, you know, the Bible says thou shalt not kill. And what they've done, though, is two aborted children from the 1960s are what they use to make up the vaccinations that they use for everybody. And they clone these embryonic cells. They say, well, yeah, the dead bodies are still not in the vaccines, but they're clone cells that they put into these vaccines. And so it's based upon death. And the Bible says everything brings forth after its own kind. Right. And so if what brought forth these vaccinations was dead murdered children, then what is it going to bring forth in the end? Dead children, more dead children. Yeah, that's a great point, because the Bible also says this, that you reap what you sow. So when we decided that it was OK as a society to take these two babies that were aborted, that were murdered, and then use that to try to keep all the other children healthy, you know, but what we've actually done is brought sickness and disease upon children. So there's an ethical reason, not just a medical reason, but an ethical reason. If we as Bible-believing Christians are anti abortions, we believe that life begins at conception, then we should also be against any product that is being produced as a result of abortions as well. So not only are these vaccines unethical, but they're also just uncertain. I mean, the truth is that we really don't know if these things even work. Right. And there's research that's been done that indicates that children are being harmed from these vaccinations and autism, autoimmune disorders and even death are tied to these vaccinations. And there's even a program set up by the government called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is basically a program that pays out billions of dollars to kids that have been injured by these vaccines. And along with that program, laws have been passed where the government says you're not allowed to sue these companies that are creating these vaccines, but yet they're still paying out money to people that are being injured. So obviously there are a lot of injuries happening to these kids. You're really taking a risk when you decide to vaccinate your children, because if most of the kids can be vaccinated and just be fine, but there's just a small percentage that are going to be harmed by it, you're kind of gambling with your children, hoping that your kids aren't the ones that are going to be harmed by these vaccines. And these diseases for these children are terrible. We don't even know that it's helping their health. In many cases it's injuring children. And we don't even know if these vaccines even work. I remember back in 2014 there was a measles outbreak here in California. It actually happened in Disneyland. And there was 159 people that got the measles as a result of this outbreak. I remember the news making a big deal about the fact that of these 159 people that got the measles, 57 of them were not vaccinated, and they kept making a big deal about the fact that these 57 weren't vaccinated. But the funny thing is that if 159 got it, 57 weren't vaccinated, that means that 102 of them were vaccinated. I mean, two-thirds were vaccinated for the measles and still got it. So that kind of shows you that these vaccines are not reliable. We don't even know if they really work. And the truth of the matter is that the reason for these vaccines is not scientific and it's not health. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. And that's really the purpose behind these vaccines. That's why these companies are producing these vaccines. That's why the government's protecting them is because everybody's making money off of these vaccines and they really don't care about the health of the people as long as they're making money. I mean, even now we're dealing with the coronavirus and there's all sorts of issues with coronavirus vaccines. Yeah. And even just today, Johnson & Johnson's vaccination was put on pause. There was a vaccination in Europe that was totally done away with and they're not using it at all anymore. And why are they putting it on pause? Well, they're saying that these vaccinations are healthy, but now they're dialing it back and they're talking about going back to other precautions. They're still saying we need to have masks once we have them on. So it just makes you wonder, do they really work? You know, there's six, I think, females that were injured from this vaccination and causing severe blood clotting. And that's just the ones that they know about. That's just the ones they're telling us about. And people would say, well, you know, it's out of seven million people. But yeah, do you want to put your child at risk and be one of those six out of the seven million people? If that's even a true number. For these vaccines being so uncertain, it's funny how there's so much pressure for families to get vaccines. I mean, have you found that to be true? Absolutely. And even people in my own church, several people, actually. I've had people be told that if their children didn't get the vitamin K shot after they were born, that they were going to die of blood clots. And it's funny, they try to pressure people to, if they're going to get their child circumcised, to get them circumcised before the eighth day, which is when the Bible says to do it. But then they're willing to do that and then do the heel prick, even if you refuse the vitamin K shot. So really, they just are hypocrites about it. But also, they really push the hepatitis shot. I had one church member had told me that they said, if the hepatitis germs or the disease is on the counter and you set your child up on the counter, they're going to get hepatitis and die. And so, there's crazy pressure against Christians to take these vaccinations. And they really try to play this game where they're trying to say, well, if your child's going to die, it's going to be your fault. And we need to not fall for those things. The Bible says that our whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. So why would you give a perfectly healthy child something that we've already said is unclean, unethical, and then pump that into your child's body? We need to not fall to that type of pressure from people. And obviously, a lot of people have their children at home in churches like ours. But if you're having your child at a hospital, what I would tell a young couple is that when they try to put the pressure on, just say no. That's your child. It's not their right to force those types of things on your children. Absolutely. And I think it's important for us to realize that as Christians, the Bible really does tell us everything that we need to know about life. And we should always go to the Bible first before we start taking advice from the world. Because like you mentioned, the world's given you the opposite advice of God. But I think it's clear that if you go to the Bible and you ask yourself, is this something that God wants us to do? The answer is no. Amen.